AC Power Supply Using Solar System

An AC power supply utilizing a solar system harnesses sunlight to generate electricity, converting it into alternating current (AC) suitable for powering various devices and systems. This sustainable energy solution integrates photovoltaic (PV) panels, which capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC), which is then transformed into AC power through inverters. Solar power systems typically consist of solar panels, inverters, batteries for energy storage, and often include monitoring systems for efficiency tracking. The utilization of solar energy for AC power supply not only offers renewable energy generation but also contributes to reducing reliance on conventional fossil fuels, thereby mitigating environmental impacts and fostering energy independence.




The perspective of this non conventional method of power generation known as solar power must become the primary source of commercial power for everyone in the world to achieve the same high standard of living. A power system is needed that is independent of Earth’s biosphere and provides abundant energy at low cost. To do this mankind must collect dependable solar power in space and reliably send it to receivers on Earth. Solar power system is new unique of power generation.

PV systems are non-polluting, low maintenance and provide a very reliable source of power. They are relatively easy to install and have a long span of approximately 20 years.  The work of the PV module was basically on the harnessing and utilization of energy from the sun otherwise known as the renewable source of energy. The purpose of this project is to invent a portable AC power supply using solar panel to harness solar energy since it is considered a form of renewable energy which is readily available for consumption of energy at home appliances.


Disadvantage is that the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day. When the sun goes down or is heavily shaded, solar PV panels stop producing electricity. If we need electricity at that time, we have to get it from some other source. In other words, we couldn’t be 100% powered by solar panels.With the improvement in technology over the years; consumption of power to support the standard of living has also increased tremendously. This led to the fact that we need to find a way to harvest energy from alternative methods since traditional methods like burning will deplete natural resources in time and also causes pollution. Solar power is a source of ‘clean energy’ or ‘green energy’ and together with its abundance, there is sufficient reason for us to continue to explore solar energy not just as an alternative energy source but as a potential foundation of energy creation.


The purpose of this project is to invent an AC power supply using solar system. Perhaps the Objectives of the project includes:

  • The Size of Photovoltaic Panel
  • The rating  of the  Charge Controller
  • The battery Size
  • The size of the DC-AC Inverter
  • Load Power Consumption


  • The installation and purchasing of solar system components are highly expensive.
  • Solar system depends on size of component to be invented.
  • Perhaps increase and decrease of temperature do affect solar panel due to sunlight.


  • Probably the best part about solar energy is that it is a renewable source of energy, which is basically consumed for all practical human usages.
  • Solar power reduces the quantity of contamination and toxic waste, not to forget pollution that the engendering plants have to produce.
  • Solar power is used in a widespread of the ever so progressing technologies of the world and contributes to a factor of global warming.
  • A solar power system provides energy reliable and creates job opportunities.
  • It reduces the financial cost of electricity


Chapter one discuss on the introduction of the project, Chapter two focuses on literature reviews of this project based on journals and other references. Chapter three mainly discuss on the system methodology of the project. Details on the progress of the project are explained in this chapter. Chapter four presents the project construction and results of the project. Chapter five concludes overall about the project.


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