Design And Construction Of An Invisible Broken Wire Detector

The design and construction of an invisible broken wire detector involve creating a sophisticated system capable of identifying faults in wiring that are not readily visible to the naked eye. This intricate device integrates various sensors and technologies to detect discontinuities or breaks in electrical wires without direct visual inspection. By employing advanced electromagnetic sensing mechanisms or acoustic signal analysis, coupled with signal processing algorithms, the detector can pinpoint the exact location of the fault along the wire, even when concealed within walls or underground. The construction process entails assembling durable yet sensitive components that can withstand environmental factors while maintaining high accuracy in fault detection. Through meticulous calibration and testing, this innovative detector ensures reliable operation, enhancing safety and efficiency in electrical systems across diverse applications.


A circuit to detect the exact location of breakage inside the pvc cover we employ our circuit with a hex inverter CMOS which uses its actions to control an oscillator which in return detects the presence of an ac current and shows the location till which the current is passing.



Portable loads such as video cameras, halogen flood lights, electrical irons, hand drillers, grinders, and cutters are powered by connecting long 2- or 3-core cables to the mains plug. Due to prolonged usage, the power cord wires are subjected to mechanical strain and stress, which can lead to internal snapping of wires at any point. In such a case most people go for replacing the core/cable, as finding the exact location of a broken wire is difficult. In 3-core cables, it appears almost impossible to detect a broken wire and the point of break without physically disturbing all the three wires that are concealed in a PVC

It is very difficult to locate the accurate location of the broken wire, because now days electric wires are installed inside the walls by using the PVC pipes. And because of this, people generally prefer to replace the broken instead of repairing it. So, to find the accurate position of the broken wire, this Broken Wire Detector comes very handy which detects the broken wire by detecting the EMF generated by Alternating Current in the wire. It stops to beep where it finds the broken wire and the LED on the circuit will also go down.

1.2                                                   AIM OF THE PROJECT

basic aim is to build a circuit to locate the broken point without removing the pvc cover To detect the exact location of breakage inside the pvc cover we employ our circuit with a hex inverter CMOS which uses its actions to control an oscillator which in return detects the presence of an ac current and shows the location till which the current is passing.

1.3                                                 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT

It is built using hex inverter CMOS CD4069.Gates N3 and N4 are used as a pulse generator that oscillates at around 1000 Hz in audio range. The frequency is determined by timing components comprising resistors R3 and R4 an capacitor C1 Gates N1 and N2 are used to sense the presence of 230 V AC field around the live wire and buffer weak ac voltage picked up by test probe.

1.4                                          SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT

Today we use many gadgets and electrical appliances which need a power connection from cell phone, refrigerators, cookers etc. For all these we supply power using wires insulated inside a pvc covering, for protection of both wire and user, but sometimes this becomes a problem. Over a period of time due to stress and other factors the wire inside the insulation gets broken and stops functioning It is difficult to detect the exact location of this fracture and many a time the component needs to be replaced This is Why we need the “INVISIBLE BROKEN WIRE DETECTOR” It locates the breakage point very accurately and the insulation can be removed at that point and the wire can be repaired saving us a lot of time ,money and material resources.

1.6                                           APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT

This device can be used in the following place:


Electronics hobbyist

Hospital theatres

Conference halls

Computer centers

Monitoring centers

Data and research centers, etc

1.5                                        PROJECT WORK ORGANIZATION

The various stages involved in the development of this project have been properly put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In this project thesis, the project is organized sequentially as follows:

Chapter one of this work is on the introduction to the study. In this chapter, the background, significance, objective, application and scope of the study were discussed.

Chapter two is on literature review of this study. In this chapter, all the literature pertaining to this work was reviewed.

Chapter three is on design methodology. In this chapter all the method involved during the design and construction were discussed.

Chapter four is on testing analysis. All testing that result accurate functionality was analyzed.

Chapter five is on conclusion, recommendation and references.



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