Effect Of Violent Film On Nigerian Children

(A Case Study Of Children In Enugu Urban)

5 Chapters
48 Pages
5,831 Words

The impact of violent films on Nigerian children is a complex and nuanced issue that encompasses various aspects of their psychological and behavioral development. Exposure to graphic content in movies depicting violence can potentially influence children’s perceptions of aggression, desensitize them to real-world violence, and contribute to the cultivation of aggressive behavior. Additionally, these films may shape their attitudes towards conflict resolution, potentially fostering a more confrontational approach. The prevalence of such content in the media landscape, coupled with the vulnerability of young minds, underscores the need for vigilant parental guidance and effective media literacy programs to mitigate the potential adverse effects on the emotional and social well-being of Nigerian children. Addressing this challenge requires a holistic approach that involves both caregivers and educational institutions, promoting a healthier media consumption environment for the nation’s youth.


This project aims at the effect of violent film on Nigeria children, especially children in Enugu urban.
Chapter one is the introductory part of this project and it also dwell on the background of the study.
Chapter two reviews the literatures of other writers and elaborates more on the in.
Chapter three dwells on the methodologies used in this research work.
Chapter four is based on the data analyses and the results of the data collection and also the discussion of the result gotten.
Chapter five is the summary of the entire work and also the findings and recommendations for further study is stated there.


Coved Page
Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of Study
1.2 Statement Of Research Problem
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Research Question
1.6 Hypothesis Formulation
1.7 Conception And Operational Definitions Of Terms
1.8 Assumption
1.9 Limitation

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Review Of Literature
2.2 Summary Of Literature

Chapter Three
3.0 Reseach Methodology

3.1 Research Method
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Research Sample
3.4 Measuring Instrument
3.5 Data Collection
3.6 Data Analyses
3.7 Expected Result

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Analyses & Result

4.1 Data Analyses
4.2 Discussion Of Results

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary & Recommendation

5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation
Request For Completion Of Questionnaire



Film is a series of moving picture recorded with sound that tells a story, shown on the television or at the Cinema. As part of Mass Communication, it involves the use of vision and sound (audio-visual) in transmitting and disseminating its messages.
The messages can be used in educating, informing, entertaining and socializing its target audience.
One of the most debated aspects of film is extent to which violence of the film influences social behavior. Also there has been scant scientific evidence to prove causal relationships such as one between violence of film and increase in crime rate. However, from the earliest days of medium, adults have expressed concern about the influence of film on the children. Parent have shown anxiety about the influence of violence of film on children, since at that age, a child’s social adjustment or mental health is affected.
A cursory look shows that so many films are full of vices like shooting, killing and harassment. It was therefore, the aim of this study to show a nexus between the rising rate of crime amongst children and that of film violence viewer sly in Enugu urban.

The range of observation in this study has been systematized in such a way that every aspect of information and material concerning the effect of violent films on Enugu children is consulted.
However, one thing seems to be setting this work apart from others already down by researchers. The research data and materials for the work are very ultimate.

This study is aimed at the following
The objective is examining the content of film by picking a film like Sharon stone.
The study an aimed at identifying the film-type and content that have mega true impact on the children.
To find out the rate of those children influence by violence of film more especially when they get to their youthful period.
Another objective of this study is to know the efforts of the film censorship. Commission to find a lasting solution to the problem of film violence on the children.

This study is very important in many aspects because the future of Nigeria has in the hands of their children who are being destroyed by the violence they are exposed to on films.
Also if there groups is protected by regulating what they view or produce, it focus the mind of children towards things that will bring peace and progress to the nation.

1. Are the children that watch violent films on television affected by the message.
2. Is there any measure taken to avoid the effect of violent films on our children.
3. Does parent play, any role to avoid the influence of violent films on there children.

In this study, the following hypothesis was tested.
HI: Children who watch violent films are television are affected by the messages.
HO: Children who watch violent films on television are not affected by the message .
H2: The film censorship commission of Nigeria is taken some effective measure to reduce the effect of violent films on the youth.
HO: the film censorship commission of Nigeria is not taken any effective measure to reduce the effect of violent films on the youth.
H3: Research have found out that parent play a role to avoid the influence of violent films on there children.
HO: Research have found out that parent do not play a role to avoid the influence of violent film on there children.

The terms to be defined are violence, film, effect and children.
Conceptual definition.
Violence – The use of dangerous weapon to attack, hurt or kills somebody.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION – The viewing of film that has elements of murder, shooting, assassinating, harassment and assault.
EFFECT:- Change in attitude and behavior in individual, as a result of expert to persuasive message carried by the mass media.
EFFECT :- The total change of persons behavior and attitude towards something.
FILM:- Moving picture of real event shown for example on television
FILM :- The method of broadcasting still or moving picture by means of electrical waves moves through the air.
CONCEPTUAL DEFINITION: -Children in the study would mean an individual, what is between the ages of 5 – 15.
CHILDREN:- A young human being from the time of birth to the completion of body development.

It is assumed that the film censorship of Nigeria is playing an effective role towards reducing the effect of violent film on the youth.
It is also assumed that by the year 2008, the effect of violent film or the rate will be minimized.

In writing this project, the researcher encountered some difficulties. One of which is time factor. The time was limited and choked with other things to be executed.
The problem of insufficient materials on this study and this could be attributed to lack of sufficient material. The financial aspect of this work is not left out and also being that things are hard in the country.

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Effect Of Violent Film On Children:

The effect of violent films on Nigerian children, like children in many other parts of the world, can be both complex and multifaceted. It’s essential to recognize that children’s reactions and susceptibility to media content, including violent films, can vary based on individual factors such as age, personality, upbringing, and social support systems. Here are some potential effects of violent films on Nigerian children:

  1. Desensitization to Violence: Exposure to repeated violent content can lead to desensitization, where children become less sensitive to violence and its consequences. This may result in a diminished emotional response to real-life violence and an increased tolerance for aggressive behavior.
  2. Increased Aggressive Behavior: Some studies suggest a correlation between exposure to violent media, including films, and an increase in aggressive behavior in children. This can manifest as physical aggression, verbal aggression, or even bullying.
  3. Fear and Anxiety: Violent films can induce fear and anxiety in children, particularly younger ones. They may have nightmares or experience anxiety related to the violent content they’ve seen.
  4. Imitation of Behavior: Children, especially younger ones, are impressionable and may imitate behaviors they see in media. If they witness violent acts in films, they might be more likely to engage in aggressive play or mimic violent actions.
  5. Emotional Desensitization: Violent films can contribute to emotional desensitization, making it harder for children to empathize with victims of violence or to understand the consequences of violent actions.
  6. Reduced Empathy: Exposure to violence in media can lead to a decrease in empathy, as children may struggle to relate to the suffering of others when they become desensitized to violence.
  7. Distorted Perceptions of Reality: Children might develop distorted perceptions of reality when exposed to extreme violence in films. They may start to believe that violence is a common and acceptable way to resolve conflicts.
  8. Sleep Disturbances: Violent content in films can cause sleep disturbances in children, such as nightmares and night terrors, which can impact their overall well-being and cognitive development.
  9. Academic and Social Issues: Children who consume a significant amount of violent media may struggle academically and socially. They may have difficulty concentrating in school and forming healthy relationships with peers.
  10. Parental Concerns: Parents may become concerned about the influence of violent films on their children and may restrict their media consumption. This can lead to conflicts between parents and children.

It’s important to note that the impact of violent films on children can be mitigated by various factors, including parental guidance and involvement, media literacy education, and the enforcement of age-appropriate content ratings. Parents and caregivers play a critical role in monitoring and guiding children’s media consumption and helping them process the content they encounter. Additionally, educational institutions can promote media literacy programs to teach children critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze media content.

Ultimately, the effect of violent films on Nigerian children, as with children anywhere else, depends on a combination of individual, family, societal, and cultural factors.