The Factors Affecting Utilization Of Primary Health Care Facilities Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study was carried out on the factors affecting utilization of health care services using Moro LGA, kwara state as case study. To achieve this 4 research questions were formulated. The survey design was adopted and the simple random sampling techniques were employed in this study. The population size comprise of selected residents in Guma Local Government Area of Benue State. In determining the sample size, the researcher conveniently selected 123 residents while 100 were returned and validated. Self-constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were analyzed using frequency tables and percentage. The result of the findings reveals that the extent to which health care services available in Moro LGA, kwara state is low, more so, the factors affecting the utilization of health care services in Moro LGA, kwara state include; poverty, ability and propensity to use services, geographic area of residence race and ethnicity, disability status, poor availability of health care facilities, and long waiting in the health care centres. And inefficient organization of services or work processes; insufficient equipment, supplies, or infrastructure; inadequate staffing; and low health worker motivation/know-do gap are among many others the causes for health facility inefficiencies in Moro LGA, kwara state. In regard to the findings, the study recommends that there is a need to ensure that patients have easy access to health care by ensuring that health personnel are available when needed. Long waiting times should be discouraged by identifying areas in the health care delivery system that is prone to causing long waiting times with a view to developing alternate health systems that will eliminate long hours of stay in public facilities. This can be achieved by involving consumers of health care in government facilities in decision making process to make the facility more customers oriented. Also, periodic evaluation of the quality of care provided by the health facilities should be conducted where clients of the facility are asked to rate the quality of care. And efforts to further upgrade medical equipment and associated workforce skills are needed to sustainably increase access to and utilization. In the same manner, the cost of health care services should be reduced in other for the residents to have access to it as at when needed.
- To determine the extent of utilization of primary health care facilities in Nigeria
- To examine the factors affecting the utilization of healthcare services in Moro LGA, kwara state.
- Identify the underlying causes for health facility inefficiencies in Moro LGA, kwara state.
- To proffer strategies for enhancing the use of PHC services in Moro LGA, kwara state.
- To what extent is the utilization of primary health care facilities in Nigeria?
- What are the factors affecting the utilization of health care services in Moro LGA, kwara state?
- What are the causes for health facility inadequacy in Moro LGA, kwara state?
- What are the strategies for enhancing the utilization of Primary Health Care services in Moro LGA, kwara state?
Our focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immensely to similar research. The chapter intends to deepen the understanding of the study and close the perceived gaps.
Precisely, the chapter will be considered in three sub-headings:
- Conceptual Framework
- Theoretical Framework and
- Empirical Review of Related Literature
Concept of Health Care System
Good health is one of the fundamental human rights everybody is entitled to enjoy. And the onus rests on the healthcare system to provide health services at the three tiers of the government (federal, state and local government).
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