Impact Of Television Advertisement On The Mental Development Of Children

(Case Study of NTA Enugu Television)

5 Chapters
58 Pages
6,865 Words

Television advertisement exerts a profound influence on the cognitive and socio-emotional development of children, significantly shaping their perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. Exposure to commercials can stimulate cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and decision-making, as children process the persuasive messages embedded within them. However, the impact is not unidimensional; it encompasses both positive and negative dimensions. On the positive side, well-crafted advertisements can enhance cognitive skills by promoting critical thinking and fostering creativity through exposure to diverse ideas and perspectives. Conversely, excessive exposure to advertisements, particularly those promoting unhealthy food choices or unrealistic body images, can contribute to the development of unhealthy habits, low self-esteem, and body dissatisfaction among children. Moreover, the relentless targeting of children by advertisers can exacerbate materialistic tendencies and perpetuate consumerist values, potentially leading to long-term socio-economic implications. Thus, while television advertisements play a significant role in shaping the mental development of children, their influence underscores the importance of critical media literacy education and regulatory measures to mitigate potential adverse effects and promote positive outcomes in children’s well-being and development.


1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement Of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypotheses
1.6 Significance Of The Study
1.7 Scope Of the Study

2.2. Review of Concepts
2.2.1 Concept of Children
2.2.2. Concept of Advertising
2. 2.2.3. Concept of Mental development
2.3. Review of related studies
2.4. Theoretical framework
2.5. Summary

3.0 Research Method
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population of study
3.4 Sampling Technique/Sample Size
3.5 Description of Research Instrument
3.6 Validity and reliability of Data Gathering Instrument
3.7 Method of Data Collection
3.8 Method of Data Analysis

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data presentation and Analysis
4.3 Presentation of findings and analysis
4.4 Discussion of Findings

5.1 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation
5.2 Summary Of Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestions For Further Studies


1.1 Background of the Study

Television is incorporated within the child‟s experience as it becomes part of the child‟s inner world.
In discussing about television and evolutional development of T.V, some one may wonder how television affects a child of ten to eighteen year. But it is apparent that the young child is dominated by this TV. Children learn to read pictures they understand. In the watching of television, all the children see in “reality” and events do not follow the social order of the story. It is by observation of social relationship and by minor reflections of self that the child is socialized. Dumped mostly prematurely into the twentieth century, it is hardly surprising that the child still relies on what he see as the deception of reality.
As we accept that television and advertising affects the children‟s linearity in thought starting with the onset prints, since the young child is exclusively concerned with here and now of the present which is sufficient by demanding of his intelligence.
Advertising through television presents awesome advantages, they always make sure that through television advertising, each person‟s idea, viewpoints and services are given equitable space to express veritable information about their products for the wellbeing of the society in general.
There are some advertisements of some products which are not good for the seeing of children. In this study we will be looking at one of the products:
Gold Circle:
Gold Circle “Condom” is manufactured in Nigeria for population services and packed in Nigeria by the society for family health. Thrown into the mix is the crackdown on condom advertisers by the Advertisement body charge with vetting and approving advertisement.
They are worried that advertising condoms could promote promiscuity. APCON had tightened the screw with new requirements that condom advertisement may not be aired on children‟s programme before 8pm on television or displayed on billboard.
HIV/AIDS activists argued that the measure is counterproductive to the success achieved in promoting the use of condoms insisting that a large number of young people are finding it difficult to abstain from sex. Advertisement of condom (Gold Circle) should not be aired on children‟s programmes as this would affect the mental development of children, the advertisement should be aired at about 10pm in the late light.

1.2 Statement Of the Problem.
The general purpose of advertising is to create awareness and educate consumers on the existing product‟s promotion in television and also new products.This pre-supposes that advertisement is effect because people see how the product is advertised on television. Most kids play into the world of television long before they enter school.NTA-Enugu is an existing and prominent television station in the East and applied the use of advertisement to sell out product and services.The question this study tends to resolve is how has advertising and advertisement impacted the mental development of children?

1.3 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study were:
1. To ascertain the influence of television advertisement on children.
2. To find out if children are guided when watching television.
3. To find out some anti-social behaviors children copy when exposed to television advertisements.

1.4 Research Questions
The study had the following research questions.
1. To what extent are children influenced by television advertisements?
2. To what extent are children guided when watching television?
3. What anti social behaviours do children copy when exposed to advertisements?

1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following research questions were relevant to this study.
H1: Television Advertisements influences the mental development of children negatively.
H2: The television rights of children are not protected on TV watching.

The study looked at the effect of television Advertisement on the mental development of children in many ways; countries present how children learn from television advertisement. In a nation like Nigeria, efforts have to be put in place for effective growth and development. Therefore, this study is necessary in other to have a better understanding of this media of communication as television on how it influences, impacts and affects out behaviors mostly on children and also to eradicate the ignorance that is common with administrators.

1.7 Scope Of the Study.
The study of television advertisement on children is a topic that concern the moral development of children. The research is de-limited to a product which is not very suitable for the seeing of the children.

1.8 Definition of Terms
Operational definitions of the terms were used
Influence is defined as an element believed to determine someone‟s character or individual tendencies or the ability to change the development of fluctuating things such as behaviours.
Advertising can be defined as a form of paid public announcement intended to promote the sale of a product or service to bring out some other effect desired by the advertising agency or is a form of communication through such diverse media as posters, billboards, newspapers, magazines, radio etc.
Mental Development: It is basically the construction of mind activity such as thought process, memory, problem solving and decision making as well as over all intelligence.
Television is a system of transmitting and reviewing of images over a great distance which means seeing at a distance, it contains both sound and visuals.
A child can be described as a young human being boy or girl, newborn who has not reached the age of discretion.
We talk about a child‟s upbringing for his home of today does not go together with counseling from parents that could lead the child to end up in a hard way. However, the child is a gift from God and parents are but caretakers.
Cultural factor:
The cultural background of the child also determines their intellectual growth.
Genetic Inheritance
Children can inherit quite a number of behaviours from parents, for example intelligence can be inherited so also gentleness, meekness etc.

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Impact Of Television Advertisement On The Mental Development Of Children:

The impact of television advertisements on the mental development of children is a complex and widely studied topic. While television can provide educational content and entertainment for children, advertisements, in particular, can have both positive and negative effects on their mental development. Here are some key points to consider:

Positive Impacts:

  1. Educational Content: Some television advertisements promote educational products or services, such as books, educational toys, and learning apps. Exposure to these ads can stimulate children’s interest in learning and cognitive development.
  2. Cultural Awareness: Advertisements often reflect cultural diversity and can introduce children to different cultures, languages, and perspectives, promoting tolerance and diversity appreciation.
  3. Creative Thinking: Well-designed ads can be creatively inspiring for children. They may encourage kids to think critically and creatively about marketing strategies and storytelling techniques.

Negative Impacts:

  1. Consumerism: Excessive exposure to advertising can lead to materialistic attitudes and encourage children to desire products and brands they see on TV, potentially contributing to excessive consumerism.
  2. Unhealthy Habits: Many advertisements promote unhealthy foods and beverages, contributing to poor dietary choices and potentially leading to obesity and related health problems.
  3. Psychological Impact: Some ads use persuasive techniques that can affect children’s self-esteem or body image. They may create unrealistic expectations about appearance, leading to issues like low self-esteem or body dissatisfaction.
  4. Attention and Cognitive Development: The constant bombardment of advertisements may reduce a child’s attention span and interfere with their ability to concentrate on educational content or other activities that promote cognitive development.
  5. Social Norms: Ads often reinforce gender stereotypes and societal norms, which can influence children’s perceptions of gender roles and behaviors.
  6. Anxiety and Stress: Fear-based advertising or ads promoting violent content can cause anxiety and stress in children.

Mitigation Strategies:

  1. Parental Guidance: Parents can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of television advertisements. They should watch and discuss programs and ads with their children, helping them understand the persuasive nature of advertising.
  2. Media Literacy Education: Schools and parents can provide media literacy education to children, teaching them to critically analyze and evaluate advertisements, including their intent and potential biases.
  3. Limit Screen Time: Setting limits on screen time can reduce exposure to advertisements and encourage children to engage in more balanced activities.
  4. Ad-Free Programming: Choose ad-free or commercial-free programming options for children whenever possible.
  5. Advocate for Regulations: Support policies and regulations that restrict or regulate advertising targeted at children, especially for products that may have a detrimental impact on their health.

In conclusion, television advertisements can influence the mental development of children in various ways, both positive and negative. Careful management of exposure and proactive parental involvement can help maximize the positive effects and minimize the negative ones, ensuring that children’s mental development is nurtured in a healthy and balanced manner.