This ‘Role Of Cooperative In Community Development As A Strategy For Rural Development’ complete project material is available in PDF & DOC format. The Role Of Cooperative In Community Development As A Strategy For Rural Development material is intended solely for academic research purposes and should be used as a research guideline or a source of ideas. Copying the entire ‘Role Of Cooperative In Community Development As A Strategy For Rural Development’ project work verbatim or submitting it as your own to your school constitutes unethical academic behavior. This research material on the Role Of Cooperative In Community Development As A Strategy For Rural Development is relevant to students in the Cooperative Economics and Management
Development Studies
Public Administration and related fields.
This research work was one in order to test the ability of the researcher and to impose knowledge to the readers. This work consist of five chapters. The first chapter explains the topic and the statement of problem and objective of study together with the theoretical frame work. These parts are the place that the emphasize mostly on the topic for appropriate understanding. Chapter two is all about literature review, which talks about the opinion of many authors and the problem and efforts of the people of Ekwulobia North in terms of the role of cooperative in community development. Chapter three is about research methodology, while in chapter four the table is used to explain some certain things. The final chapter five summarizes everything concerning the role of cooperative in community development as a strategy for rural development in Nigeria. (a case study of Ekwuluobia north).
The concept, the role of cooperative in community development of rural people in such a continuous manner as to enable them to most efficiently utilize local resources for development of their local communities. Those philosophy emphasized the need for the community itself to decide its own targets in terms of development and determine its own priorities, Nwankwo, (1988:31-34).
A lot of controversy has gone on at professional levels with regards to the difference between the role of cooperative in community development and community organization. Some individuals have attempted to link community origination with efforts in the more highly industrialized and urbanized western societies to deal with problems resulting from rapid social and technological changes while the role of the cooperative in community development is associated with such efforts in the more rural and pre-industrial developing nations, SANDERS I.T (March, 1958:2). Arthur Durham similarly holds that community organization is concerned with the economic aspects of rural community life and lays more emphasis on integrated technical assistance from the government. However, the 1962 Rio de Jameiro international conference on social work attempted to distinguish between these two terms kin a slightly different manner. This conference conscious and deliberate efforts aimed at helping communities recognize their needs and thereby increasing their capacities to participate fully in the life o f the nation.
Thus community organization is often the responsibility of boards of the more educated, wealthily and professionally oriented citizen in the community under the guidance of professional social workers. The role of cooperative in community development on the other hand, is more formational and process-oriented and covers a wide field of activities. It emphasizes self help by citizens and also initiates a people directed process that is based upon their needs.
The participation of the Ekwuluobia North community thereby constitutes their effort in the role of cooperative in community development in Ekwulobia North Local Government Area. Younger ones in Ekwulobia’s community have been learning in hundreds (100) to urban centers in search of greener pasture learning the old men and women to do the form work in the most primitive way without the knowledge that their skill, strength and effort together with that of the old people contributes a lot to development in Ekwuluobia community.
The role of cooperative in community development in Ekwuluobia north there by creates great inspiration among the people in all Ekwuluobia communities to have a change, and in the ability of men to learn and contribute to the development through the participation of groups and individuals and also voluntary methods in development process, Ile (2001:212). At times, it is based on the level of local people comment to development initiatives that attracts government and to
In rural areas, such as Ekwuluobia community in Ekwuluobia North Local government area, it is very difficult for development to reach there. Inspite of the ability, and efforts of the people,the problems militating against development are:
i How to initiate development in Ekwuluobia North.
ii. Lack of infrastructure in the community.
iii. How do local government officers contribute to rural development?
iv. Does the efforts of the people in Ekwuluobia North in agriculture brings development to both rural and urban areas?
The objectives of this study are:
i. To prove that community self help has the capacity to provide job opportunities for the youths in Ekwuluobia community to avoid relocation of the youth to urban area.
ii. To show that local efforts have naturalized into the provision of hospitals and health centers for the people of Ekwuluobia North community.
iii. To examine the extent in which the role of cooperative in community development effort in Ekwuluobia has led to the construction of market and to minimize rural/urban drift, thereby stimulating rural development in the community.
iv. To show that the role of cooperative in community development effort has led to improvement of materials and fertilizers used in farming, thereby improving agricultural production both in rural and urban areas.
Ho: There is no significance between community development and rural development.
Hi: There is significance between community development and rural development.
The importance of the role of cooperative in community development as a strategy for rural development in Nigeria especially Ekwuluobia North Community is to effectively monitor operations and discover problems and solution to the problem discovered.
Making use of the local government officers as instrument effective in planning program and projects help in making the Federal government to know the needs of the rural people and put into budget. The role of cooperative in community development facilitates co-ordination and communication between various units or departments pattering its projects. It also enable the youths to use their experience and efforts to develop their community. Bringing development to the rural people limits the high rate of illiteracy and increases the people technology and methods of doing things.
The scope of cooperative in community development programmed which succeeds in one local government are might not succeed in Ekwuluobia North. Methods to achieve their concept differs. In bringing development to Ekwuluobia North, some approaches are to be followed as:
LAUNCHING: People in the community both home and abroad are being invited by developmental committee of Ekwuluobia North mostly on December period for launching. This is also an indirect way of collecting money to start up a project for the community.
The limitation of the study of the community development programmed which succeeds in one local government area might not succeed in Ekwuluobia North. Some approaches are to be followed such as:
(1) Community Organization: This is the development of the community through the organization in our community. Example the Umuezeoke Ekwuluobia women association.
(2) Contribution or raising of funds: At times, individual are asked to pay some amount that is levy or imposed on them to help in development of their community. In some cases, married women and married daughters living outside and within the community are levied to enable the development committee setup by the elders and Eze to raise money to embark on important projects.
(3) Fifty-Fifty Matching Grant: According to Dr. Chadwick, it is the concept of sharing the total cost of a community project by the people themselves and government of the day. This is done through the representatives of Ekwuluobia North community will provide half percent of the money evolved to embark on their project while the government of the day provides them with the remaining half percent of the money.
(4) Communal Approach: In this kind of method, a land own by the community can be set aside for community plantation, and only proceed realized from the land is being use for social welfare in the community.
DEVELOPMENT: This simply mean the effort of man to bring continuous change within him both physical, social, cultural and other environment but positive change Nwankwo (1988:19-20) cited in Ile (2001:411).
LOCAL GOVERNMENT: According to Miss Nwaorji Lucy, it is an organ of the state put in place to peddle the developmental activities of a particular place or distant with a view to making the impact of government be it political or military being felt at the grass root level. It is also a cooperative personalities which can fire and be sued with perpetual succession.
COMMITTEE: This is the coming together of people to form a group for development purpose.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS: This is a person appointed by the people at the grassroots to represent them. They also perform some functions such as organizing whatever contribution the community can make from local resources. They help in determining the type of assistance the community can get from the government.
PARTICIPATION: This ability to exercise efforts, contribution in developmental projects of your community.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of contents
1.1 Back ground of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 The objectives of the study
1.4 Statement of Hypothesis
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
1.8 Definition of terms
2.1 Human problems in the role of cooperative in community development
2.2 Environmental problems in the role of cooperative in community development
2.3 Definitions, Approaches and history of Community development
2.4 Brief history of the role of cooperative inCommunity development in Ekwuluobia North Local Government Area
2.5 Project embarked upon by the people of Ekwuluobia
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research design
3.3 Sources/method of data collection
3.4 population and sample size
3.5 sampling techniques
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instruments
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentation of data
4.3 Analysis of data
4.4 Test of hypothesis
4.5 Interpretation of result(s)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
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