Influence Of E-Learning Facilities On Academic Performance Of Accounting Students

In Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Coe Minna Campus

By: Abdullahi Idris

56 Pages 1 – 5 Chapters13,986 WordsDownload Complete Material

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This research explored the influence of e-learning facilities on academic performance of accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus. The study adopted survey research design. The population of this study was 59 accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus. Census sampling techniques was utilized as the entire population was used.  The instrument used in collecting data was a structured questionnaire tilted: Influence of E-learning on Academic Performance Questionnaire” (IEAPQ). The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage and frequency table in order provide answers to the research questions. Regression analysis was used in testing research hypotheses at 0.05 significance level. Based the findings, the study concluded that there e-learning system has a significant influence on academic performance of accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus. E-learning tools enhance their engagement and participation in accounting classes, access to e-learning platforms has made it easier for students to complete their accounting assignments on time, e-learning facilities have contributed to my overall academic success in the accounting program. The study recommended that Niger State Government in collaboration with Ministry for tertiary institutions should provide adequate e-learning facilities to facilitate effective teaching and learning of Business Administration using e-learning platforms.

Aims and Objectives

The main objective of this research is to examine the influence of e-learning facilities on academic performance of accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus. The specific objectives of the study were:

  1. Examine the effect of e-learning facilities on academic performance of Accounting Students in in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus;
  2. Determine the extent to which e-learning facilities is use in teaching and learning of Accounting in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus;
  3. Examine the problems associated with the use of e-learning facilities in learning of Accounting in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus.
Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the research:

  1. What is the effect of e-learning facilities on academic performance of Accounting Students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus?
  2. What is the extent to which e-learning facilities is use in teaching and learning of Accounting in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus?
  3. What is the problems associated with the use of e-learning facilities in learning of Accounting in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus?
Chapter Five


5.1       Summary

This study examined the influence of e-learning facilities on academic performance of accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus. Specifically, three research objectives were raise and translated to three research questions, and three research hypothesis. Literatures related to the subject matter of the study were reviewed in chapter two under conceptual framework, theoretical framework and review of related previous empirical studies. The research adopted survey research design. The population of this study was 59 accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus. Census sampling techniques was utilized as the entire population was used.  The instrument used in collecting data was a structured questionnaire tilted: Influence of E-learning on Academic Performance Questionnaire” (IEAPQ).  The data collected was analyzed using simple percentage and frequency table in order provide answers to the research questions. Regression analysis was used in testing research hypotheses at 0.05 significance level. The result of the study was discussed and compared with the related empirical studies.

5.2       Conclusion

Based on the findings, this study concluded that there e-learning system has a significant influence on academic performance of accounting students in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus. E-learning tools enhance their engagement and participation in accounting classes, access to e-learning platforms has made it easier for students to complete their accounting assignments on time, e-learning facilities have contributed to my overall academic success in the accounting program. There are significant problems associated with the use of e-learning system in teaching and learning of accounting in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, COE Minna Campus.

5.3       Recommendations

The following recommendations were made based on the findings:

  1. Niger State Government in collaboration with Ministry for tertiary institutions should provide adequate e-learning facilities to facilitate effective teaching and learning of Business Administration using e-learning platforms.
  2. NGOs, private organization and philanthropist should also compliment the effort of Government by providing tertiary institutions with funds for the purchase of e-learning facilities for teaching and learning.
  3. Effective technical support should be provided by management of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna to enhance teaching learning using e-learning platforms.
  4. Training and capacity building should be given to Lecturers on how to use e-learning platforms for instruction delivery in Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto COE Minna.
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Abdullahi, I. (2025, February 23). Influence Of E-Learning Facilities On Academic Performance Of Accounting Students. UniProjects.

Abdullahi, Idris. “Influence Of E-Learning Facilities On Academic Performance Of Accounting Students”. UniProjects, 23 February 2025,

Abdullahi, Idris. “Influence Of E-Learning Facilities On Academic Performance Of Accounting Students.” UniProjects. February 23, 2025.


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