Advent Of Modern Communication Gadgets Implication For Nigerian Journalism

5 Chapters
72 Pages
10,050 Words

The advent of modern communication gadgets has significantly reshaped the landscape of Nigerian journalism, ushering in an era characterized by unprecedented immediacy and interconnectedness. These technological tools, including smartphones, social media platforms, and online news portals, have revolutionized the dissemination of information. Journalists in Nigeria now harness the power of real-time reporting, engaging with audiences instantaneously. This transformation, however, brings forth both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, the accessibility and speed of modern communication gadgets empower journalists to swiftly cover breaking news and connect with a broader audience. Conversely, the reliance on digital platforms raises concerns about the accuracy and credibility of information, as misinformation can easily proliferate. The implications for Nigerian journalism are profound, requiring a delicate balance between leveraging the advantages of modern communication tools and ensuring the integrity of journalistic practices in this dynamic media landscape.


The advent of modern communication gadget –implication for Nigerian Journalism. The title of this study took a vivid look at the coming of communication gadget, more powerful than the ancient ones to take care of adequate communication outreach to the whole world.
It treats in succession the introduction of communication among the early men, the need for and the introduction of ancient communication gadgets, gradual immovations of the old and the invention of better communication gadgets and the proliferation of the gadgets into what is today know as the global village of communication.
Five chapters were used to achieve our win on this topic.
Chapter one: introduce the topic in forms of background to the study, significance of the study, objectives, definitions of terms and references.
Chapter two- deals with review of related literatures and comments.
Chapter three – in accomplishing this task, we adopted the historical methodology in our research using investigative approach.
Chapter four- analysis of the data collected in chapter three.
Chapter five- we made conclusions and recommendations based on the topic we have studied.
It is our belief that this research is an additional material or knowledge in this area of human endeavour.


Title Page
Table Of Content


Chapter One
1.0 Background Of The Study

1.1 Significance Of The Study
1.2 Objectives Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Summary Of Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Scope And Limitation
3.2 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Four
4.0 Prelude To Invention Of Modern Communication Gadgets

4.1 The Print Media –Penman To Printer
4.2 Teleeraph And Telephone
4.3 The Phonograph Modern Tape Recorders
4.4 The Radio
4.5 Television
4.6 Human Communication Gadgets
4.7 Interviews

Chapter Five
5.0 Conclusion

5.1 Recommendation



communication is so central to human existence and all human activities that it would be fool hardy for any group or nation to put it in the background in its economic, political, social and other activities infact, we are bold to say that communication is the most ustal factor in building an orgnised, unsted and progressive nation; the without it, there will be no national entity and no effective solution to national problems and national development. All these can be confidently said because of the obvious fact that all human activities take place in cross-five of information flow and communication, whether in inter-personal, group, local, state national or international level.
Man was created to be gregarious and because of these qualities, they have always had to fall back on one another in interaction recognized as human communication.
This refers to the process of transmitting message, idea and attitudes and creating meanings between two and more people usually through the natural facilities of the human voices, sensory organ,s facial expressions, body manipulations and lately machine-assisted channels or devices. Even now, the import and importance of communication in our modern and sophisticated society cannot be over emphasized.
The awareness for these necessities introduced mass communication into the world. It is a process by which a complex organization with the aid of one or more machine produce and transmit message directed at large, nitrogenous, diversified and scattered audience. It is also the act of communicating to mass audience through the use of mass media such as books, newspapers, margarines, films, radio, television and computers to mention but fees, that the field of journalism in Nigeria have used as a medium to get information across the audience. Communication had been in existence all the while but it was never a kind of mass involvement because the world them lacked advanced equipments or gadgets that could carry these messages and information to many people at the same time (mass effect). The great discaceroes and inmouations of communication gadgets from early 30’s to date has changed communication from primitive kind to modern (mass) kind.
Mass communication gadgets is as old as mass communication itself because the nation of getting people involved in communication in mass would have remained in the background if the gadgets were not modern minced or advanced technological. Mass communication started with Johannes Gutenberg invention of the printing press.
This invention led to prolofication of the print materials such as books, newspapers and magazines, through these media more people were reached as it concerns communication. The electronics media communication came on the scene with the invention of such gadgets as radio and television.

Due to the valuable and irretrievable use of the mass media and communication devices in all departments of life, one cannot over emphasis the significance of this study. Being a kind of historical study, it would lead to the integrated narration or description of past ovents or facts concerning all technological devices fashioned to aid communication.
This study is a contribution to already existing work on the course (advent of modern communication gadgets, and its implications for Nigerian Journalism. Every researcher who is likely to embark on any kind of research on this course would find this study very useful. This study would also be useful to communication students – it would explain adequately the advent growth and modernization of communication gadgets.
Generally the study can be assimilated by all lovers of history with scientific mind of discovery and understanding situations, cases and implications. At the end of this study; the background growth and modifications of the modern communication gadgets would be carefully treated.

The past findings on this issue by various groups have given us greater misprisions and has called to challenge our curious minds. We have therefore taken up the challenge to share in the glory contributing towards thronging more light on the advent of modern communication gadgets with the following objectives.
1. To gain a clear understanding and accurate accounts of the past as it concern communication gadgets.
2. To gain clearer perspective of the present as it concern communication gadgets.
3. To be able to give adequate companism between the abetment mean of communication (gadgets) and the modern ones.
4. The implication of modern communication gadgets for Nigerian journalism.

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Advent Of Modern Communication Gadgets Implication For Nigerian Journalism:

The advent of modern communication gadgets has had significant implications for journalism in several ways:

  1. Instantaneous Reporting: Modern gadgets such as smartphones enable journalists to report news in real-time. They can capture photos and videos and share them instantly through social media platforms. This has revolutionized the speed at which news is disseminated and consumed. However, it also raises concerns about accuracy and the rush to report without proper verification.
  2. Citizen Journalism: With the ubiquity of smartphones, ordinary citizens can become citizen journalists. They can document events, share news, and even livestream important incidents. While this democratizes the news-gathering process, it also challenges the traditional role of journalists as gatekeepers of information. It requires news organizations to navigate the authenticity of user-generated content.
  3. Diverse Content Formats: Modern gadgets support various content formats, including text, audio, video, and interactive multimedia. Journalists can create multimedia-rich stories that engage audiences in new ways. However, this also demands versatile skills from journalists who need to adapt to these different formats.
  4. Audience Engagement: Social media platforms and mobile apps have made it easier for journalists to engage with their audience directly. They can receive feedback, answer questions, and build a loyal following. This engagement can enhance the credibility of journalism by fostering transparency and trust.
  5. Challenges in Information Verification: While gadgets facilitate quick reporting, they also pose challenges in verifying the authenticity of information. Misinformation and fake news can spread rapidly through social media. Journalists need to be more vigilant in fact-checking and verifying sources.
  6. Privacy and Ethical Concerns: Modern gadgets can intrude on individuals’ privacy when journalists use them for surveillance or invasive reporting. Journalists must navigate ethical boundaries and respect privacy while pursuing stories.
  7. Economic Challenges: The shift to digital platforms and the proliferation of free online content have disrupted traditional revenue models for journalism. News organizations must adapt to new business models, such as subscriptions and online advertising, to remain financially sustainable.
  8. Global Reach: Modern communication gadgets have made it easier for journalists to report on international events and reach a global audience. This has increased the interconnectedness of news stories and the need for journalists to have a global perspective.
  9. Data Journalism: Gadgets also facilitate data collection and analysis, enabling the rise of data journalism. Journalists can use data to uncover trends, patterns, and stories that may not be immediately apparent through traditional reporting methods.

In summary, modern communication gadgets have transformed journalism in both positive and challenging ways. While they have enabled faster reporting, increased audience engagement, and diversified content formats, they have also raised concerns about accuracy, privacy, and economic sustainability. Journalists and news organizations must adapt to these changes while upholding ethical standards and maintaining the trust of their audience.