Effect Of Communication Gap In The Achievement Of Organisational Goal

(A Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Onitsha)

5 Chapters
87 Pages
10,105 Words

Communication gaps within an organization can profoundly impede the attainment of organizational goals by disrupting alignment, collaboration, and clarity. When communication channels are ineffective or lacking, vital information may not be conveyed promptly or accurately, leading to misunderstandings, errors, and decreased productivity. Such gaps can arise due to various factors including hierarchical barriers, cultural differences, technological limitations, and inadequate feedback mechanisms. Misinterpretation of directives, conflicting priorities, and incomplete information exchange further exacerbate the challenge. Consequently, teams may operate in silos, duplicating efforts, missing deadlines, and failing to adapt to evolving circumstances. Moreover, morale and engagement may suffer as employees feel disconnected or undervalued, impacting motivation and retention rates. To address these issues, organizations must foster transparent communication practices, encourage open dialogue across all levels, invest in suitable technologies for efficient information dissemination, and prioritize active listening and feedback mechanisms. By bridging communication gaps, organizations can enhance synergy, promote innovation, and ultimately achieve their strategic objectives more effectively.


In writing an abstract, the researcher needs to write on how he or she intends carrying out a study. The topic of this project is The Effect of Communication Gap in the Achievement of organizational Goal using Nigerian Bottling Company Plc Onitsha as a case study. Having gone to the Nigerian Bottling Company Plc for a research on how I intend carrying out this work.

The objective of the work is find out the extent to which the Effect of Communication Gap contributes to organizational peace / war.
The purpose of this study are as follows:
– Find out how effective communication is as one of management functions (its effects on smooth performance of an organization)
– To examine the most appropriate way for the smooth performance of an organization.
– The lack of proper communication facilities can hinder or promote passing information effectively in a given concept.
This method of data collection is mostly from primary sources i.e questionnaires will be administered to both executive and non executive staff of the organization.
This project is divided into five chapters with specific topic: chapter deals with background of study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, scope and limitations of the study, statement of problems. It can be seen that the reader is immediately brought into the main body at the research work in this chapter.

– Chapter two deals with the frame work, which consist of literature review, meaning of communication. Also the reader will learn about purposes of communication, importance, process etc.
– Chapter Three will be based on the design of study which specifically deals with sources of data.
– Chapter Four will enable the reader to know how to present, analyse the data.
– Chapter Five then consists of summary of findings, recommendations and conclusions.
My recommendation will be made in order to know whether it can help to overcome some of the problems of communication gap in achieving organizational goals.


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Research hypothesis
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Definition of terms

2.1 Meaning of communication
2.2 Communication process
2.3 Importance of communication
2.4 Purpose of communication
2.5 Barrier to effective communication in Nigerian bottling company Onitsha
2.6 Types and method of communication
2.7 Ways of improving communication
2.8 Conclusion and summary of review

3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure / technique
3.5 Instrument of data collection
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Method of data collection
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.1 Presentation and analysis of data
4.2 Test of hypothesis
4.3 Summary of results

5.1 Discussion of result (findings)
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implication(s) of the research finding
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestion for further research





Communication is a very vital tools in carrying out our day today activities which makes the saying that if you don’t say here I am nobody will say there you are unique and outstanding from every business firms world wide today. Everyone needs communication with people around to share experience jobs, frustration, hopes and fears. From childhood we all learn how to communicate, as children, we are able to recognize and identify happiness and annoyance in our parent’s faces or words. And at school, we learn how to write and interpret numbers and diagram; we also came to understand the silent language of communication expressed in faces, gestures and body movement that is the body language of non verbal communication. This array of skills has helped us to be active members of the family, school and work group.
It is only when people have come to know others through work, play or study that they prepared to open up and to trust others with a share of them, their inner thought reactions and feelings.

According to Chester Bernard the first executive function is to maintain a system of communication which is fundamental to the existence of any organizational communication function. Which is the means by which social inputs are fed into social system or organization the means by which behaviour is modified, changed is affected, information is made productive and goals are achieved be it in business, military etc.

Every organization is established to achieve a set objectives for example certain business organization are set up for profit making by the provision of goods and service. While others are set up mainly for the provision of service by training high level of manpower for both in the public and private sector of the economy.
However the defined objective of any organization has to be achieved through the instrumentality of individual person who form the basic unit of the organization. The people’s readiness to perform for the attainment of goals and objectives of an organization.

As defined by Drucker, management is concern with the direction and control of an enterprise and involves planning and the direction of the work of others. These managerial functions cannot be successfully carried out in the absence of communication. Brown defined communication as the process of transmitting ideas and thought one person to another for the purpose of creating understanding in the thinking of the person receiving the communication, Drucker made the following statement. The manager has a specific tool, information. He does not “handle” people; he motivates guides and organizes peoples to do their own work. His toll to do this is the spoken or written work. no matter whether the manager’s job is engineer, accounting or marketing effectiveness to a large extent depends on his ability to listen and to read or his ability to speak and write. It needs skill in getting his thinking across to other people as well as skill in finding out what other people are after.

The above contribution by Drucker implies that communication is needed to convey information necessary for an on going operation and secondly that communication can have an impact on the attitude of people in the organization and consequently on the general performance of the organization. Managers spend a lot of their time in order to co-ordinate human and physical resources of an organization into effective and efficient working units. It is only when the human and material element of and organization is harnessed into a working whole that the objective goals of the organization can be achieved.

Before any organization decision can be made relevant information, facts feeling and ideas must be communicated within all organization.

In recent years, communication has been tipped as a management function because of its growing importance in large organization and also because it has been realized that communication is not forced but has to be learnt.

Language, which is deemed the most important tool of communication in organization, have many features which limit their- assuredly in communication. Available statistics show that there are more than three language in Lagos State alone while the entire nation is said to have about 3000 different language. It was observed that in the organization where this research was carried out, workers were selected from almost all the ethnic groups in Nigeria with different social and cultural backgrounds. This shows that the rate of communicating effectively in organization cannot be predicted correctly. As S.I. Hayakawg had it, the meaning of words is in the words, they are in use and no word has exactly the same meaning.

The problem of communication between persons, organization and the society as a whole can be classified into four.

i. People do not know how to communicate. There are proper channels of communication they are channels by which communication should be forwarded to the subordinate. An important need of a worker is to be informed about what is happening around him in his work place. Communication and information therefore are important factors in cultivating and maintaining a mutually satisfactory relationship between an employer and the employee.
ii. No availability of proper communication facilities. There are no proper facilities for communicating due to the fact that the infrastructural facilities are not efficient for instance, the telephone facilities are not functional all the time, the radio messages, fax etc. are not working.
iii. People are ignorant of what to communicate. Instead of communicating what is expected to be communicated, people do not know the organizational goals are, so they tend to direct their attention on what would not maximize the organization’s goals.
iv. People are ignorant of the need to communicate. People normally imply that the lower hierarchy knows what to do but sometimes the subordinate needs to be advised on what to do before they can do it the way the upper hierarchy wants it done.

From all that has written above, it is the aim of this study to take a segment of the seaports (Nigerian Port Authority) and study the impact of communication and the achievement of its goal.

 To find out how effective communication is one of the management functions, that is the impact on the smooth running of the organization.
 To examine the communication methods and find out the most appropriate way for the smooth performance of the organization.

 How lack of proper communication facilities can hinder and or promote passing information effectively between and among people on organization.

The scope of this study is very wide if it has to be carried out in all the seaports in the country. This study covers the activities of the Lagos Ports Complex (LPC) Apapa Quays (APO).

In this study, attempt was made to examine the impact of communication gap the achievement of organizational goal.

The research questions are as given below:
i. Which way does communication flows in your organization?
ii. Does management keep union abreast with the state of affairs / event in the organization?
iii. Is their adequate consultation between management and union?
iv. Are duties delegated in your organization?
v. How the industry is rated in achieving goal in relation to good communication?

Research hypothesis comprises of Ho and Hi
Where Ho = Null
Hi = Alternative
I made the research hypothesis:

i. Ho = There is no significant relationship between communication and organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
Hi = There is a significant relationship between communication and organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

ii. Ho = There is no significant relationship between poor communication and delegation of duty.
Hi = There is a significant relationship between poor communication and delegation of duty.

iii. Ho = The level of communication does not determines the extent of industrial peace and harmony.
Hi = The level of communication determines the extent of industrial peace and harmony.

Having stated the problems, the significance of this research is the extent to which it tries to identify and provide solution to surmount some of the problems. It is hoped that the organization used as a case study and other organizations, individual, and association will benefit from the research result and findings as well as the recommended situation.

The study is limited based on the fact that there is not time and material resources to cover the whole nation. This study is limited to Lagos Ports Complex (LPC) Apapa Quays (APQ) and the findings may not reflect the situation in the whole country. These findings may not be valid for the whole ports in Nigeria, but by and large what happens in the ports in Apapa Quays can be said to apply to other seaports in the country.

The following terms used in this study should be taken to mean the following:

Communication can be defined as a means of transfer of ideas, information, facts, thought, and understanding from one person to another.
This is the understanding that exists between a group of individual which makes them get unified in pursuance of a common goal.

This is something, which give knowledge on forms of facts.

Thus can be defined as the ability or power to have a noticeable or desired impact effect.

This is the state or quality of being able to produce a desired or satisfactory result well at a reduced time and cost.

This is the force exerted by one object when stricking another.

This term can be defined as the act or state of being motivated need and purpose.

This is the position of manner of standing of body a manner of feeling and behaving.

Is an empty space between two objects or between two parts of an object.

This is the measured ability to grow things or the calculated rate of making goods.

Productivity ratio
The ratio between the goods and services produced in relation to resources employed.

A picture in the mind or an opinion

Turn a message into codes an agreed arrangement by which certain signs are given a special secret meaning.



Effect Of Communication Gap In The Achievement Of Organisational Goal:

A communication gap within an organization can have a significant impact on the achievement of organizational goals. Effective communication is crucial for the smooth functioning of any organization, and when there is a gap or breakdown in communication, it can lead to various negative consequences:

Misalignment of Objectives: When communication is unclear or inconsistent, employees may not fully understand the organization’s goals and objectives. This can result in different teams or individuals working towards different goals, leading to a lack of alignment and synergy in the organization.

Reduced Productivity: Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and wasted effort. Employees may spend time on tasks that are not aligned with the organization’s goals, which can hinder productivity and efficiency.

Missed Deadlines: If key information or updates are not communicated effectively, employees may miss deadlines or fail to meet project milestones. This can delay the achievement of organizational goals and impact the overall success of the organization.

Decreased Morale and Motivation: When employees feel that their input is not valued or that they are not kept informed about important matters, their morale and motivation can suffer. This can lead to decreased engagement and commitment to achieving organizational goals.

Increased Conflict: Communication gaps can also lead to conflicts within the organization. When employees are not on the same page and misunderstandings arise, it can result in disputes and disagreements that divert energy away from achieving goals.

Ineffective Decision-Making: Good communication is essential for informed decision-making. When information is not communicated effectively, leaders may make decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information, which can lead to poor choices that hinder goal attainment.

Customer Dissatisfaction: External communication gaps, such as poor communication with customers or clients, can also affect the organization’s reputation and customer satisfaction. Unresolved customer issues can damage the organization’s brand and revenue streams.

Missed Opportunities: Effective communication is essential for identifying and capitalizing on opportunities in the market. A communication gap can result in missed chances for growth and innovation.

To mitigate the negative effects of a communication gap and improve the achievement of organizational goals, organizations should:

Foster a Culture of Open Communication: Encourage employees at all levels to communicate openly, share ideas, and provide feedback. Make it safe for employees to voice concerns or ask questions.

Use Multiple Communication Channels: Utilize a variety of communication tools and channels, such as meetings, emails, intranets, and collaboration software, to ensure that information is accessible to all employees.

Provide Clear Goals and Objectives: Clearly define and communicate organizational goals and objectives so that everyone understands what needs to be achieved.

Training and Development: Invest in communication training and development programs for employees and leaders to improve their communication skills.

Regularly Evaluate and Adjust: Continuously assess the effectiveness of communication within the organization and make adjustments as needed to address any gaps or issues.

In conclusion, a communication gap can hinder an organization’s ability to achieve its goals by causing confusion, reducing productivity, and creating other negative consequences. To overcome these challenges, organizations must prioritize and invest in effective communication strategies and practices.