Role Of Effective Communication In Improving Employees Performance In Manufacturing Industry

(A Case Study Of Best Alluminium Company Asaba)

5 Chapters
78 Pages
7,638 Words

Effective communication plays a fundamental role in enhancing employee performance within the manufacturing industry. In this dynamic sector, clear and transparent communication is essential for fostering collaboration, ensuring task comprehension, and promoting a cohesive work environment. A seamless flow of information from management to employees and vice versa helps in aligning objectives, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency. Precision in conveying instructions, expectations, and feedback is crucial in preventing misunderstandings and errors on the shop floor. Moreover, communication serves as a catalyst for innovation and problem-solving, as it encourages employees to share ideas and insights, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Regular updates on industry trends, safety protocols, and procedural changes contribute to a well-informed workforce, creating a sense of empowerment and engagement among employees. Therefore, in the realm of manufacturing, effective communication is undeniably a linchpin for optimizing employee performance, fostering teamwork, and driving organizational success.


The role of effective communication in improving employee’s performance in manufacturing industry. Management and communication are inseparable, it is the pivot in which activities of the various department, release to enhance industrial, growth, productivity and harmony in best Aluminum Company (BAC), Asaba. This research work is computerized into five (5) chapters.
Chapter one is the introduction to the research work it reveals the background of the study. The purpose of the study is to find out the role played by best aluminum company in achieving their organizational targets through effective’s communication.
Chapter three is the research which comprises of best aluminum company in Asaba. The population of the study is limited to the staff from different departments. A formula propounded by Yaro Yamen was used to determine the sample size of the study and stratified random sampling techniques as adopted.
Chapter four is data presentation and analysis. The researcher presents the data using simple tables and percentages.
Chapter five is the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations. The researcher summarized his findings bases on the role played by each group.
Finally, recommendation were made in order to improve managerial and employee’s performance through the use of effective communication


Title page
Approval page

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research Question
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
1.8 Definitions of terms

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Meaning and Nature of communication
2.2 Types of communication in organization
2.3 Communication channels in the organization
2.4 Communication Barriers
2.5 Importance of effective communication
2.6 When communication is said to be effective

3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research design
3.3 Sources/method of data collection
3.4 Method of data analysis
3.5 Population of the study
3.6 Sample techniques
3.7 Reliability of measuring instrument

4.0 Data presentation and analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentations of data
4.3 Analysis of data
4.4 Interpretation of analysis

5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion, and recommendation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations


The objective to the researcher is to know the role played by effective communication in improving employee’s performance in the manufacturing industry. (A case study of Best Aluminum Company), Asaba.
Effective communication is and always has been an important factor in enhancing excellent managerial performance, communication is the life blood of every part of an organizations life. The basic theory of effective communication dictates that everyone in an organization should have all the information needed to perform his duties properly, a good managerial communication skills create good climate for a good human relation and also provides effective motivation for the employees. What is communication? According to Little (1965) communication is a process by which information are passed between individuals and organization by means of previously agreed symbols. In other words it is the exchange of ideas, facts, and opinions, e.t.c. by two or more people.
O.Shangnessy (1976) sees communication as the means by which information is passed from one person to the decision makers and resulting decision passed to those involved in executing them without supervisors or subordinate communication.
There could be no organization since it would be impossible to get people to perform duties in a coordinated manner, people would be linked together on an abstract chain of understanding. Management in some organizations seems incapable of communication effectively and successfully with on work done without a well organized and structured communication system. Subordinates will not understand what they have been instructed to do by their superiors and administrators will also not hear clearly through what the subordinates are trying to inform them. When such situation arises, productivity will fall drastically therefore, managers should be greatly concerned with information system and they are working to effect high productivity.
According to Onuoha (1991), daily contract between subordinates and superiors is the most important and suddenly used method of communication. The need together free-form of information through open channels of communication on organization machinery. The success of an organization depends solely on the calber of it’s administrative manager, where a manager’s communication skill is poor, the organization’s productivity coordinate on will be poor, since such information needed in performing those works are not well coordinated and passed either upwards or horizontally not his subordinates peers, respectively. In this way they reduce improvements. But when the information is well coordinated and passed through the right channels from the superior to the subordinate such actions improve managerial performance hence, the information must be understandable between the receiver/decoder and must be acted upon before one can say that the communication process has been completed.
Communication is the key factor in the success of any organization. When it comes to effective communication there are certain problems that every organizations faces people often feel that communication is as easy and simple as it sounds. No doubt but what makes it complex, difficult and frustrating are the problems that comes in it way.
Here are a few of the most commonly found problems of communication in an organization.
1. Perceptual Problems: The most common problem faced these days is that of the difference in opinion between two people the varied perceptions of every individual give rise to a need for effective communication.
2. Emotional Problems: Another main problem is the fear and mistrust that form the roots of our emotional barrier which stop us from communicating effectively with our co-workers.
3. Language Problem: Language that describes what we would want to express and communicate to others, may at times serve as a problem to them in today’s global scenario the greatest compliment we can pay to another person is by speaking and effectively communicating to them in their local language we need to understand that the nature language of employees can be different from anyone else.
4. Cultural Problems: The word is made up of diverse cultures. A cultural problem arises when two individuals in an organization belong to different religions state or countries.
5. Physical Problems: Research shows that one of the key factors in building strong and integrated teams is proximity most office have closed doors and cabins for those at higher level of the organizational ladder while the large working area are physically placed far apart . This kind of problem forbids team members from effective interaction with each other. The only way one can improve effective organizational communication is by changing one’s thoughts and feelings with ones colleague. In this way we don’t just break down communication problems but also build relationship that work successfully for long.

The broad objective of this study is to determine the role of effective communication in improving employee performance as well as creating possible ways of maintaining effective communication in an organization.
a. To determine how effective communication contributes to improving managerial performance as well as the employee performance.
b. To identify the communication problems faced by organizations.
c. To suggest means by which methods of communication can be improved.
d. To ascertain which managerial performance is poor and whether effective communications was the cause.

i What are the roles of effective communication in an organization ii How does effective communication contribute to improving managerial performance as well as employee performance
ii what are the communication problem faced by organizations
iii What are the effect in effective communication leads to the organizational problems

Every organization believes in the value of a good staff, in their quest to fulfill the organizational goals and objectives. Therefore it is pertinent to give considerable attention to the benefits of the study.
It is expected at this study will
a. Be of great use to anybody who intends to work in an organization not to ignore effective communication in achieving excellent managerial performance
b. Expose managers and employees on the need for effective communication
c. To improve communication system and skills in an organization relationships are established, maintained, extended and sustained between managers and their workers and between managers and the public entirely
d. This study will serve as reference materials to researchers.

This study “the role of effective communication in improving employee’s performance in manufacturing industry” is centered solely is best aluminum company (BAC) Asaba the researcher has no intention in other business organization because every necessary information and facts needed will be provided by the organization.

Time: In research of this type a lot of time is needed but the time allowed for it is short.
Resources: sequel to the fact that I have no source of my own incomes, it will hinder me from obtaining and collecting enough date needed for this research work.
Location: the researcher will base on the information collected from the staff of best aluminum company [BAC] Asaba.

Communication: Sending, giving or exchange of information and ideas.
Channel: The course or agency through which communication passes.
Organization: An association or society where people are working together to achieve an aim or objective.
System: Orderly an interconnected method of an organization.
Destination: The place to which a person or thing is given.
Process: Series of acts or changes proceeding from one to another.


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Effective communication plays a crucial role in improving employees’ performance in the manufacturing industry. In a sector that relies heavily on processes, precision, and teamwork, clear and efficient communication can lead to several benefits:

  1. Clarity of Instructions: Effective communication ensures that employees understand their tasks and responsibilities clearly. Unclear instructions can lead to errors, wastage, and delays in production. When employees know what is expected of them, they are more likely to perform their tasks accurately and efficiently.
  2. Safety: Manufacturing environments can be hazardous, and safety is a top priority. Effective communication of safety protocols, procedures, and potential hazards is essential to protect employees from accidents and injuries. Clear communication helps in preventing accidents and ensuring that employees follow safety guidelines.
  3. Efficient Problem Solving: Manufacturing processes often encounter issues and bottlenecks. Effective communication channels allow employees to report problems promptly. When issues are communicated efficiently, they can be addressed more quickly, minimizing downtime and production disruptions.
  4. Team Collaboration: Manufacturing often involves teamwork among various departments, such as production, maintenance, quality control, and logistics. Effective communication fosters collaboration among these departments, leading to smoother production flows and improved overall performance.
  5. Employee Engagement and Morale: When employees feel that their voices are heard and their ideas are valued, they are more engaged in their work. Effective communication channels, including regular feedback sessions and open-door policies, can boost employee morale and job satisfaction, which can, in turn, improve performance.
  6. Training and Development: Manufacturing processes are continuously evolving, and employees need to stay updated with new technologies and techniques. Effective communication ensures that employees receive proper training and development opportunities, enabling them to perform their tasks more effectively.
  7. Feedback and Recognition: Regular feedback on performance, both positive and constructive, is essential for employee growth. Effective communication allows managers to provide feedback and recognition, helping employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This feedback loop contributes to continuous improvement.
  8. Alignment with Organizational Goals: Clear communication of organizational goals and objectives helps employees understand their roles in achieving these goals. When employees see the bigger picture and how their work contributes to the company’s success, they are more motivated to perform at their best.
  9. Reduced Misunderstandings and Conflicts: Miscommunications can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts among employees. Effective communication helps in resolving conflicts and preventing them from escalating, which can otherwise negatively impact performance.
  10. Adaptation to Change: The manufacturing industry often faces changes in technology, regulations, and market demands. Effective communication channels help employees adapt to these changes more smoothly by providing them with the necessary information and support.

In summary, effective communication is a cornerstone of improved employee performance in the manufacturing industry. It enhances clarity, safety, collaboration, engagement, and problem-solving, ultimately contributing to increased efficiency, quality, and overall success in the industry.