Effects Of Communication Barriers In Achieving Organizational Goals

(A Case Study Of Niger Gas Ememe Enugu)

5 Chapters
114 Pages
7,841 Words

Communication barriers, which encompass various obstacles hindering the flow of information within an organization, pose significant challenges in achieving organizational goals. These barriers can manifest in diverse forms, such as language barriers, hierarchical structures impeding open communication, technological limitations, cultural differences, and even perceptual barriers arising from individual interpretations. Language barriers, for instance, hinder effective communication among diverse teams or with international partners, affecting collaboration and comprehension. Hierarchical structures often stifle transparent communication channels, inhibiting the exchange of innovative ideas or feedback crucial for goal attainment. Additionally, technological limitations, like outdated communication systems, can impede the swift dissemination of information essential for timely decision-making. Cultural differences also play a pivotal role, as divergent communication norms may lead to misunderstandings or conflicts, hampering productivity and cohesion. Moreover, perceptual barriers stemming from varying interpretations of messages can distort intended meanings, leading to miscommunication and errors in task execution. Addressing these communication barriers necessitates proactive measures such as fostering a culture of openness, investing in effective communication technologies, providing cross-cultural training, and promoting active listening skills among employees. By mitigating these barriers, organizations can enhance communication efficacy, foster collaboration, and ultimately, propel towards the achievement of their strategic objectives.


If communication is adequate in organizations, there will be proper coordination between the staff and the management and hence achieving the organizational goals on the other hand, if communication is on adequate, it hampers the smooth running of the affairs of the business and general a lot of problems.
The researcher is aware of the problems posed by inadequate communication and it is in a bid to make detailed study of the effect of these problems and offer solutions for them that this research work is being designed.
At the sometime, the researcher reduced from the study that management in organizations should be ought that communication is as important as the objectives of setting the organization.
In addition it was found out there are very wide gap between the executives and their subordinates in the areas of communication.
If this chasm created is properly handed, there will be proper coordination of activities in business organization. It was also discoraged from the study that good communication as a primary objective was the result of the successful existence of most successful business organizations today.
In making this discovers the use of questionnaires, oral interviews and observations were applied in collecting data.
The use of sample tables and percentages were made in the analysis.
The survey and findings was drawn, interpretation and conclusions made
The implications and recommendations include that
a. Due to poor communication, poor result is got
b. At the same time, lack of staff welfare added to the nonchalant attitude of communicators and this affects organizations
c. Poor communication reduces the image of the organization to the outside world.
d. As a result, for progress, information should be allowed to penetrate into the main stream of the organization at the formation of better result
e. Clear instruction should come from one executive to single staff at a time rather than jam packed orders
The limitation of the study include finance, inadequate periods for the research work and distance or area to cover.
Finally, suggestions were made for further studies.
This is to say that communication is very important in any organization because it help on achieving organizational goals. There is no life wire linking the levels of management in getting information within and outside the organizations.
The importance of communication in every organization is as old as the formation of the organization. Because communication barriers have hampered progress to a large extent in many organization, adequate communication should be made because if communication is adequate it will be the best way of improving good relationship between the management and staff in any organization.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study

2.1 What is communication
2.2 The process of communication
2.3 Communication purposes
2.4 Essentials of communication
2.5 Factors that may impede effective communication.
2.6 General problem of communication
2.7 Interfering variables in communication
2.8 Types of communication
2.9 Communication in business organization 4

3.1 Area of the study
3.2 Population
3.3 Sample and sampling techniques
3.4 Instruments used for data collection
3.5 Validation of instrument used
3.6 Method of data analysis

4.1 Data presentation and Research

5.1 Discussion of the result
5.2 Implication
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestions for further study
5.6 Limitation of the study.


God’s creation encompasses all means of getting together, like speaking, laughing, sign going, listening, twinkling of eyes, body movement seasons, weather, cock-crows, sunrise and sun set which are indicators of the time and many others. As a result of this, God’s creation, communication is as old as God’s creation. When God made every living creature on earth, He created then with the possible means of understanding themselves according to their various classes.
In the first instance, the natural ability of understanding and using signs to communicate among human beings was as old as man’s creation. A good example of this is the dumb and deaf means of communication (signs/symbols) this on its entirety does not involve any formal education in developing the charisma or potential of different ways of sending message and as well decoding the encoded message which feedback is the proof of message well communicated.
It is not only the above, smoke was and is still a means of communication, the early man invention of fire and its used dies not and there rather extended and is still a means of communication. When fore is made, a smoke comes out, signifying to a person standing at a distance that a fire has been made of that some where is burning. The burning instrument might either be building, bush, cut-out grasses that was sent on fire, a cooking place where fire was made for cooking. This system of relating among people was in vague in the age. That was a period in the ancient times when the meaning of making fire through stone. This conveys to the early men that food is under preparation of the hunting is going on and so on.
In addition to the above means getting messages to people, cock-crow was very noticeable and utilized means of communication. Though the hipper increases in technological invention is reducing the effectiveness of this means of communication but, it is still in use in some third-world countries especially in the remoter districts to mark time of the day most in the early morning hours.
It worth nothing that the early means of communication does not do away with dressing, talking, body language like twinkling of the eye, facial expression, nodding of the head, beckoning of the hand and so on. The way people convey message to another other people. An 1gbo lady for instance, when dressed will be easily dictated the same applies to Yourba, Hauses and other tribes in Nigeria.
Dressing conveys a lot of message in the case of some people that are bereaved. In the eastern part of the country, black cloth is most used active for a person mourning of deceased relations. Talk also conveys information. A person who stammers for instance is easily dictated by his/her way of doing/handling talk. A deaf and dumb is not noticed by organ representation rather, he resorts to signs and forceful endeavors to get his/her messages encoded. This means of communication portrays lot of importance in the field of communication and it started from the advent of man on earth.
The beginning of twentieth (20th) century marked the up spring of technology in mostly the third world countries. This saw the birth of new and advancement of communication. The first among trhese modern communication method was “telegram”. This is a means where electrical method and engineering process come in to play. Nigerian telecommunication is for Nigeria alone while other countries have their own communication media or houses. Developed countries of the world have gone far beyond the stage Nigeria is, in the carder of communication, letter writing, fax, report writing telephone are among the current used means of communication.
The introduction of telephone as a means of communication has ceased man the fatigue of bending down to write volumes of letters and the cost risk of traveling to their business partners to discuss their businesses.
Tele fax has good in getting in carbon copies of business letter or conversation of executive in organizations. The benefits of modern means of communication cannot the over-emphasized
Though there exist a lot of communication benefits there exist also a lot of hindrance to effective communication.
Some of the barriers are technical barrier poor language in attentiveness, Semitic technological barriers and soon.
Effort have bee geared towards ascending measures for curb these canker – worm eating deep in our communication system,. A number of firm/organizations have wound-up as a result of the communication barriers. It has lead to poor performance at all levels of business, poor coordination among employers and employees, job termination, lack of progress and vice versa.
In conclusion the following above analysis, it is noticeable that owners of business organization need to really work hard to overcome most of the communication problems. A corporate and integrated approach is called for here.

In Niger ga, Emene Enugu, several queries have been issued to the junior staff members from management to staff management have been accused wrongly and the rank and file threaten down tools or go on strike. Some staff have been denied promotions due to incomplete documents or lack of them partening to their appraisal, production level has slacked and sales and profits effected adversely too due to improper communication or lack of them.
The writer therefore tried to reason into the effects of communication barriers in achieving organizational goals in Niger gas Emene.

This is to
1. Find out the causes of communication barriers in the organization
2. Recommend possible solution to the problem
3. Find out the effects of these communication barriers in achieving organizational goals
4. To know the levels in the organization these communication barriers generate most and the extent
5. And also to ascertain if the management of such organization are aware in the first place of these barriers.

This study is restricted to firms and business organization in Emene with particular reference to Niger Gas locating in Emene Enugu state.

To get at the root of the barriers to effective communication, the following research questions are essential
1. Does communication barrier effect organizational functions
2. Does good communication system make for the existence of organization
3. What are the remote as well as immediate causes of communication barriers in Niger Gas Emene Enugu
4. Does poor communication system make for ineffective and inefficient management in Niger Gas company
5. re there any solutions communication barriers.

The findings of this research will be useful to employers and employees in any business organization like Niger Gas Emene Enugu executives who are the policy makers will also benefits from it in the sense that they will know where their failures on the organization emanated. It will also be useful to the public which most of these organizations serve because where every thing moves well in an organization the workers will serve netter.
And lastly, it will help the management of such organizations like Niger Gas. This is because where her money is achieved.



Effects Of Communication Barriers In Achieving Organizational Goals:

Communication is a fundamental aspect of any organization, and the presence of communication barriers can significantly hinder an organization’s ability to achieve its goals. These barriers can manifest in various forms and have numerous detrimental effects on the organization’s overall efficiency, productivity, and success. Here are some of the key effects of communication barriers in achieving organizational goals:

  1. Misunderstandings: Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings among employees, teams, and departments. When individuals don’t understand each other’s messages, it can result in confusion, errors, and wasted time and resources.
  2. Reduced Productivity: Communication barriers can slow down the workflow, as employees spend more time trying to clarify information or resolve issues caused by miscommunication. This, in turn, can lead to decreased productivity and missed deadlines.
  3. Conflict: Miscommunication or lack of effective communication can give rise to conflicts within the organization. When people misinterpret messages or feel that their voices aren’t heard, it can lead to disputes and disrupt the workplace environment.
  4. Poor Decision-Making: Effective decision-making depends on the availability of accurate and timely information. Communication barriers can impede the flow of information, leading to suboptimal decision-making processes and outcomes.
  5. Employee Morale: Employees who consistently face communication barriers may become frustrated and demotivated. A lack of clear communication can make employees feel undervalued and disengaged, which can negatively impact their morale and job satisfaction.
  6. Customer Dissatisfaction: Communication barriers within an organization can extend to interactions with customers. When employees are unable to communicate effectively with customers, it can result in dissatisfaction and damage the organization’s reputation.
  7. Innovation and Creativity: Effective communication is essential for brainstorming, idea generation, and innovation. When communication barriers exist, it can stifle creativity and prevent the organization from adapting to changing market conditions.
  8. Inefficient Processes: Poor communication can lead to redundant processes and duplicated efforts. When different departments or teams fail to communicate effectively, it can result in the same tasks being performed multiple times or resources being wasted.
  9. Missed Opportunities: Organizations may miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and improvement if they cannot communicate effectively with partners, suppliers, or other external stakeholders. These missed opportunities can hinder the achievement of strategic goals.
  10. Compliance and Regulatory Issues: In some industries, compliance with regulations and reporting requirements is crucial. Communication barriers can result in inaccurate reporting, leading to legal and regulatory issues.
  11. High Employee Turnover: A lack of effective communication can contribute to high employee turnover rates. Employees may seek other opportunities if they feel that their concerns are not heard or if they become frustrated with the organization’s communication practices.

To overcome these negative effects of communication barriers, organizations should invest in improving their communication strategies and creating a culture of open, transparent, and effective communication. This may involve providing training, implementing communication tools and technologies, and fostering an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and concerns. Ultimately, addressing communication barriers can have a positive impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its goals and thrive in a competitive business environment.