Design And Construction Of A 3 Way Inter Communication System

6 Chapters
43 Pages
5,491 Words

A 3-way intercommunication system refers to a sophisticated communication setup involving three distinct nodes or entities that exchange information seamlessly. This intricate network enables simultaneous and efficient communication among the three components, fostering real-time connectivity and collaboration. Such systems often find applications in various sectors, from telecommunications to advanced industrial processes. The synergy achieved in a 3-way intercommunication system enhances operational efficiency, facilitates swift decision-making, and promotes effective coordination. This interconnected configuration ensures a dynamic exchange of information, enabling each component to contribute meaningfully to the ongoing communication process. The seamless integration of these elements results in a robust and responsive communication infrastructure, elevating the overall effectiveness of the interconnected entities in various contexts.


An intercommunication system is nothing but the communication between two or more persons not close to one another. This does not mean we should categorize telephones, fax, teleprinters, telegraphs etc. an example of intercom system sine they are used in communication between people. Infact, intercom involves short distance places. It is limited in electronics, offices, and hospitals.
The intercom system under is a three way station type. This means that a person can communicate to the other at another station at his own convenient time. They call once another attention by the use of the tone generated by the use of tone generator.
Depress a button and the tone sounds, and the same switch is thrown to the intercom circuit thus they communicate.
This system to be used in solving the problem of poor communication in our department. Besides, it can be extended to some other offices by the addition this one may use a rotary switch


Title Page
Table Of Contents


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

Chapter Two
2.0 Complete Circuit Description

2.1 Simplified Block Diagram Of Thee 3-Way Intercom System
2.2 Operation Principles

Chapter Three
3.0 Icc1212c

3.1 Resistor
3.2 Capacitor
3.3 Condenser Microphone
3.4 Loudspeakers
3.5 Switches
3.6 Communication Cables

Chapter Four
4.0 Circuitry Design And Description

4.1 Description Of Power Supply Unit Circuit
4.2 Description Of The Tone Generator Circuit
4.3 Circuit Diagram Of The Three Units And Explanation
4.4 Explanation Of The Switching Circuit

Chapter Five
5.0 Construction And Packaging

5.01 Component Sourcing
5.1 Construction And Testing
5.2 Audio Amplifying Stage
5.3 Prototype
5.4 Trouble Shooting
5.5 Packaging

Chapter Six
6.0 Conclusion

6.1 Further Study And Design


Electronic inter communication is the process of exchanging information between individuals over relatively long distance by the use of electronic system connected together by communication cables or the instrument cable or satellite links. A telephone system and an intercom system can be used to achieve intercommunication.
In the department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu, there exists the need for intercommunication between all the offices in the department so as to enable the smooth running of activities. Where by information and ideas are exchanged between the individuals concerned just at the press of a button. To achieve this kind of situation and economical means of electronic communication was considered.
Thus the intercom system was chosen so as interconnect the three offices earlier specified. Other offices can also be attached/ connected to the system as time goes on since thee is room for modification. One may ask why the telephone system not considered since it is also another system of intercommunication. The telephone system is equally better but less appropriate since it requires a dedicated line form NITEL who charges bills accordingly. The intercom system only makes use of the physical communication cables interlinking the handsets concerned. Also, the telephone system requires PABX system (Private Automatic Box Exchange) for effective communication between the concerned telephone sets. The PABX is a high capacity telephone switching equipment that automatically connects a call to the desired route or extension number. It equally handles both external call and internal call. The telephone set or system is more appropriate for a whole educational complex or
company. It is not appropriate to use the telephone for the connectivity of few offices as this under-utilizes the capacity of the PABX since they are designed to handle high capacity of lines. Bearing cost in mind, the 3-way intercom units is cheaper to construct when compared to the cost of procuring PABX system talkless of design and construction.
By embarking on the 3-way intercom, this believed that an efficient communication gadget or communication link between the offices shall be achieved.



3 Way Inter Communication System:

A three-way intercommunication system, often referred to as a “three-way intercom,” allows three parties to communicate with each other simultaneously or sequentially. This system can be used in various contexts, including residential, commercial, industrial, or emergency situations. Here’s an overview of how a three-way intercommunication system typically works:

  1. Components: A typical three-way intercom system consists of the following components:
    • Intercom Stations: These are the devices used by individuals to communicate with each other. Intercom stations can be wall-mounted or portable, and they may include microphones, speakers, and controls for initiating and ending conversations.
    • Wiring or Wireless Connectivity: Intercom stations are connected either through wired connections (e.g., using twisted pair cables) or wirelessly, depending on the system’s design.
    • Central Control Unit: In some systems, a central control unit manages the communication process. This unit may be responsible for routing calls, controlling volume, and managing other system functions.
  2. Operation:
    • Call Initiation: A user at one intercom station initiates a call by pressing a button or activating a control on their station. This action sends a signal to the other stations.
    • Establishing Connection: The central control unit (if present) or the system itself establishes a connection between the calling station and the stations that were signaled.
    • Conversation: Once the connection is established, all three parties can communicate with each other. They can speak and listen simultaneously or take turns speaking, depending on the system’s capabilities.
    • End of Communication: Users can end the conversation by pressing a button or using a control on their intercom station.
  3. Features and Customization:
    • Some three-way intercom systems offer additional features, such as call privacy (preventing others from joining the conversation), call forwarding, or integration with other systems like door entry systems or security cameras.
    • Systems may also allow users to adjust volume levels, select specific stations to communicate with, or even integrate with smartphones or other communication devices.
  4. Applications:
    • Residential: Three-way intercom systems can be used in homes to communicate between different rooms or areas.
    • Commercial: In a business setting, these systems can facilitate communication between different offices, departments, or production areas.
    • Industrial: Industrial settings often use intercom systems for communication between workers in different parts of a factory or plant.
    • Emergency and Security: Three-way intercoms can be crucial for emergency communication systems in public buildings or security situations.
  5. Advantages:
    • Quick and efficient communication among multiple parties.
    • Enhances security and safety in various settings.
    • Can be integrated into larger communication or automation systems.
  6. Considerations:
    • Cost: The complexity and features of a three-way intercom system can vary, affecting the overall cost.
    • Installation: Wired systems may require professional installation, while wireless systems can be easier to set up.
    • Maintenance: Regular maintenance may be needed to ensure the system’s reliability.
    • Compatibility: Ensure that the intercom system chosen is compatible with the specific needs and infrastructure of the location.

Overall, a three-way intercommunication system can be a valuable tool for efficient communication in various environments, offering convenience and security to users. The specific features and capabilities will vary based on the chosen system and its intended application.