Analysis Of Factors Responsible For Low Productivity Of Workers

(A Case Study Of Power Holding Company Enugu Zonal Office)

5 Chapters
59 Pages
9,895 Words

The productivity of workers can be influenced by a multitude of factors spanning various dimensions of the work environment and individual circumstances. Among these are inadequate training and skill development, which hinder employees from effectively executing tasks, leading to inefficiencies and reduced output. Insufficient motivation and engagement, stemming from factors such as low morale, lack of recognition, or unclear expectations, can also contribute to diminished productivity levels. Additionally, poor working conditions, including inadequate equipment, uncomfortable workspaces, or excessive noise, can impede concentration and hinder performance. Furthermore, ineffective communication channels and unclear organizational goals may lead to confusion and a lack of direction, ultimately impacting productivity. Addressing these diverse challenges through targeted interventions, such as providing comprehensive training programs, fostering a positive work culture, improving infrastructure, enhancing communication channels, and setting clear objectives, can help optimize worker productivity and drive overall organizational success.


Branch (1975;12) was of the view that productivity means the continuing
improvement of the firm management performance in the use of resources and
though the operations it is conducted.
However the purpose of this work highlights those factors responsible for low
productivity among Nigerian workers. The research tends to focus on those
means that will be applied to get workers committed to tier work using effective
national tool to enhance and increase productivity level of the public
organization “power holding company of Nigeria” as the study. Data were
collected from both primary and secondary sources, the analysis of the research
brought out a population size used to determine the basis for the information
gathered and analyzed.
The use of percentage help to further the test of the data analyzed. The findings
of the research observed by the help of questionnaires and interviews embarked
upon as the factors responsible for the low productivity of Nigerian workers.



1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research question
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Limitation of the study

2.1 Theoretical frame work for the study
2.2 Historical background
2.3 Current literature on theories postulation above

3.0 Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sources of data
3.2.1 Primary data
3.2.2 Secondary data
3.3 The population of the study and area
3.4 design and determination of sample size
3.5 method of data collection
3.6 method of data analysis

4.0 Presentation of data
4.1 Presentation of Data and analysis of data
4.2 Interpretation of Data

5.0 Summary of finding, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendation


The issue of low productivity of Nigeria workers has in recent years been
a matter of great concern to the nation. The rate at which productivity grows is
influenced by two things: –
(i) The rate of society’s demand and the rate of inflation.
Increased productivity is very vital for the health of the country because it
will help to improve the conditions of the environment, enhance security and
improve the standard and quality of life of the citizens. This is why David
Ricardo in his study of population said that food needs to grow at a geometrical
rate in order to meet the demand of the growing population. This emphasizes
the need for increased productivity.
YusufT.M. (1962:50) was of the view that productivity can be defined as
the ratio between output and all the resources used in production i.e. capital,
labour, raw materials etc. the most efficient use of all available resources. With
these definitions; One may ask why is the Nigeria worker inherently
characterized by low-productivity in spite of all government’s efforts to
improve the economy and the ever increasing need for improved productivity?
The answer to this disturbing question is vital and will be answered and
discussed in this study.
Increasing productivity is a way of increasing the ability of people to do
what they want, to do as well as achieving a higher standard of living for all
suffering from low income and in boosting the prosperity of the overall Nigeria

Research has been carried out in Nigeria; regrettably not much has
been done in the way of solving the problem facing the Nigeria
This has been detrimental to the increase of productivity which will
contribute to the development of nation like Nigeria. In order to
increase productivity among the workers in Nigeria with the help of
PHCN as a guide the following bottle neck were observed.
The fear of Job security among workers.
The workers should be assumed of their jobs.
The motivational tool and incentives were not properly provided to
the workers that will make them to put in their best.
The job evaluation system has been carried out in an unfair manner
Lack of programmes provision for developing staff made many junior
staff undertake personal training at the detriment of the employers.

The objective or purpose of the stud is to discover the
1. To closely look at those factors responsible for low productivity.
2. To review the current operating standard that will be of great help
in the task of increasing productivity.
3. To verify what should be done to increase the overall interest of the
workers to enhance productivity.
4. To find out the ways to ensure commitment to work in order to
increase productivity.
To investigate how effective the motivational method already applied
has promoted productivity.

To carry out the research effectively, a number of related
Questions covering the productivity of workers in PHCN have been
The following questions were used to acquire the necessary
information on the study.
What factors were responsible for the low productivity of the
What will encourage a worker to work diligently and put in his best at
What types of work environment will help to facilitates a worker in
carrying his duties.
Does management style of leadership affects workers productivity
What additional incentives will the management apply to increase

The research gave much consideration to the problems
associated with low productivity among workers in the public and
private organization where productivity level can be measured.
The study intends to cover a public sector which is National
Electricity power Authority.

The result of research will help to address those problems that militate
against low productivity of workers in the public and private sector of
the economy.
The research also will provide managementthe needed background in
theory and practice for the implementation of the policies as well as
coordinating, organising and controlling of the affairs of the public
He will also help the PHCN management in dealing with the
productivity problems.

The research work is limited by the amount of the materials such as
text. Therefore, going into detail will involve getting data from all of
them and this will not be an easy job considering the limitation
resource (i.e money, effort and time) available. Other limitation apart
from the general problem include financial aspects.



Analysis Of Factors Responsible For Low Productivity Of Workers:

Low productivity among workers can result from a combination of factors, and it’s important to identify and address these issues to improve overall productivity. Here’s an analysis of some common factors responsible for low productivity among workers:

  1. Lack of Motivation:
    • Inadequate Compensation: When workers feel that their compensation doesn’t match their efforts or industry standards, they may lack motivation to perform at their best.
    • Limited Career Growth: A lack of opportunities for career advancement can also demotivate employees.
    • Job Dissatisfaction: If employees are dissatisfied with their job roles, work environment, or colleagues, their motivation to excel can diminish.
  2. Inadequate Training and Skills:
    • Insufficient Training: If employees don’t receive proper training for their roles, they may struggle to perform tasks efficiently.
    • Obsolete Skills: In fast-evolving industries, workers with outdated skills can become less productive.
  3. Poor Working Conditions:
    • Physical Environment: Uncomfortable or unsafe working conditions can negatively impact productivity.
    • Equipment and Technology: Outdated or malfunctioning equipment can slow down work processes.
  4. Ineffective Management:
    • Lack of Leadership: Poor management practices, including a lack of clear goals and communication, can demotivate employees.
    • Micromanagement: Excessive monitoring and control can stifle creativity and productivity.
    • Inadequate Feedback: Without regular feedback and performance evaluations, employees may not know how to improve.
  5. Health and Well-being Issues:
    • Burnout: Overworked and stressed employees are likely to be less productive.
    • Physical and Mental Health: Health issues, whether physical or mental, can significantly reduce productivity.
  6. Inefficient Processes:
    • Bureaucracy: Excessive red tape and bureaucracy can slow down decision-making and hinder productivity.
    • Inefficient Workflows: Poorly designed processes can lead to unnecessary delays and errors.
  7. Work-Life Balance:
    • Long Hours: Employees working excessively long hours without adequate breaks may experience fatigue and decreased productivity.
    • Lack of Flexibility: Inflexible work schedules can make it challenging for employees to balance work and personal life.
  8. Lack of Engagement:
    • Disconnected from Goals: When workers don’t understand how their efforts contribute to the organization’s success, they may feel disengaged.
    • Monotonous Tasks: Repetitive and monotonous tasks can lead to boredom and reduced productivity.
  9. Conflict and Poor Communication:
    • Interpersonal Conflict: Workplace conflicts can create a toxic environment and distract employees from their tasks.
    • Communication Barriers: Inadequate communication channels and poor communication skills can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.
  10. External Factors:
    • Economic Conditions: Economic downturns or industry-specific challenges can impact job security and motivation.
    • Market Competition: Pressure from competitors can increase stress and workload.

To address low productivity, employers should conduct thorough assessments to identify which specific factors are affecting their workforce and implement targeted strategies to address these issues. It’s also essential to involve employees in the process to gain their input and commitment to productivity improvement initiatives.