Assessment Of Methods Of Teaching Computer Courses To Computer Science Students

(In Selected Nigerian Polytechnics)

5 Chapters
72 Pages
7,861 Words

In evaluating various approaches to instructing computer courses for computer science students, it is essential to consider the diverse instructional methods that cater to the unique needs of this dynamic field. Incorporating hands-on, practical exercises is crucial in enhancing students’ comprehension and application of theoretical concepts. Engaging students in collaborative projects fosters teamwork and problem-solving skills, contributing to a more holistic learning experience. Additionally, leveraging interactive platforms and virtual environments can augment traditional classroom settings, ensuring a contemporary and technology-driven pedagogy. Continuous assessment through formative evaluations and feedback loops further refines teaching strategies, allowing for timely adjustments and improvements. It is imperative to strike a balance between theoretical foundations and practical implementations, acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of computer science education. Integrating real-world scenarios and industry-relevant case studies enhances the relevance of the curriculum, preparing students for the ever-evolving landscape of the technology sector.


The study focuses on the methods of teaching computer courses to computer science major in selected Nigeria polytechnics.
It examines the background, methods of teaching, tools and equipments use in teaching computer courses to computer science major. The primary data for the study were generated from well structured question broadcasted to random samples of 70 out of 200 NDII students from federal polytechnic Nekede and Abia State Polytechnic and supported with interviews. Frequency labels, simple proportion percentage ratios, average, ranking, and chi-square (test for goodness of fit) for validation of the some of the some of the findings as distributed.
From the data presented and analyzed textbook is the mostly used tool for teaching computer courses to computer science major.
Followed by the computer but 20% students said that textbooks, chalkboard and computer are the tools used.
It was also established from the study that lecture method, lecture with discussion practical assignment, and class discussions are the methods of teaching computer courses to computer science major.
Therefore the researcher summarized and recommend that the NBTE (National Biand for Technical Education) should improve on the teaching tools by providing enough computers for teaching and learning and the methods of teaching computer courses to computer science major should be maintained and if possible across other departments.


Title Page ii
Dedication iii
Statement of approval iv
Declaration v
Acknowledgement vi
Table of content viii
Abstract xi

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Aims and Objectives 4
1.3 Statement of problems 5
1.4 Purpose of the study 6
1.5 Research Question 6
1.6 Significance of the study 7
1.7 Scope of the study 8
1.8 Limitations of the study 8
1.9 Definitions of terms 9

2.0 Literature Review 12
2.1 Historical background 12
2.2 Literature Review of teaching methods 24
2.3 Methods of teaching computer
courses to computer science major 38

3.0 Methodology 44
3.1 Research design 44
3.2 Size of sample and ample selection 44
3.3 Data collection instrument and procedures 45

4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis 47
4.1 Introduction 47

5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 58
5.1 Summary of Findings 58
5.2 Conclusion and Recommendation 60
References 62
Appendix 1


Education is an important sector which cannot be fun with any serious country, state, organization or individual and that is why an individual, organization or government uses every means to make sure a good education is provided for her citizens (Adibe, 2001).
One of the means of this provision is the introduction of computer science in polytechnics, as a course of study.
Computer science is the study of the design and use of computer systems. One goal of the computer science department is to provide the student with the tools to identify those problem that are best solved by means of a computer and to design and implement effective, economical, and creative solutions.
Computer science as an academic discipline systematically includes three domains: Theory, and abstraction, and design.
The curriculum’s required courses give the students a strong foundation in both the software and hardware aspects of computing, as well as the mathematics and science that underline the discipline. The electives in the later years allow the student to study more deeply some particular area of computer science. The department courses and programmes continue to respond to changing g requirements for professional employment in computer science.
It is the responsibility of the student to understand and fulfill polytechnic, and Department requirements. These requirements are described is the polytechnic has gone a ling way to keep those individuals (computer operators) in various way:
i. To acquire formal education in computer science
ii To register fully as members in Nigeria computer society.
Iii to reduce non-professionals in the field.
Computer is an electronic device, which is capable of receiving, sorting and retrieving information with tremendous speed, if computer is effectively used, it can help teachers teach computer science students visually in all the computer courses.
This study based on the assessment of the methods of teaching computer courses to computer science major in selected Nigerian Polytechnics is trying to find out those teaching methods use in teaching computers courses.
According to McCathy (1989) common teaching methods are lecture method, lecture with Discussion, panel of experts, Brainstorming, video tapes, class Discussion, case studies, Role playing, Report-Back sessions, worksheets/surveys, index card exercise, Guest speaker, values clarification exercise.
IPSJ Journal (2001), state that the method of teaching computer science in a department of liberal Art is from technique (concretion) to theory (abstraction), of from practices to lecture.
In a physical classroom these is a standard, set of equipment and tools, this usually includes audio-visual equipment such as textbook, a chalkboard, video-visual video player and tape recorder.

The aims and objectives of the study are to assess the methods of teaching computer courses to computer science major in selected Nigeria polytechnics.
1. It investigated whether textbooks and chalkboard the only teaching and learning tools in teaching computer courses.
2. It investigated whether multimedia instructional aids are used for both teaching and learning in computer science courses.
3. It investigated whether E-learning is used in teaching introduction to computers.
4. To investigate the most common teaching methods for computer courses to computer science majors.

The objective of teaching computer courses in Nigeria Polytechnics include to equip students with the necessary knowledge that will aid them to identify those problems that can be solved by means of computer system, and to design and implement effectively.
Another objective of the study is to provide the intellectual foundation for future professional development. A cornerstone in this study is ability fro student to reason logical. It is essential that student should be familiar with basic concepts in many computer courses.
Although, there are some other problems such as:
– Lack of lecturers to teach computer courses.
– Lack of teaching tools
– Lack of application of computer to real world situation in their programme of study.
– Extreme abnormal dislike or fear and dread of mathematics (one of the credit required for one to study computer science).

The purpose of the study is to the methods of teaching computer courses to computer science major.
Also to educate student to succeed in his/her professional career, which takes place in the context of rapidly changing technology. In order to succeed in this area, the student must have certain knowledge, skills and attitudes.

The objective of the research is to determine those tools/ methods that are used in teaching computer science major in Federal Polytechnic Nekede and Abia State Polytechnic.
In order to conduct an effective study on the central theme of this work, the following critical questions have been addressed namely:
(a) What are the tools used in teaching computer courses?
(b) Is your polytechnic connected via Internet?
(c) How effective is the use of computer on the teaching and
(d) What are the most common teaching methods of computer courses e.g. Introduction to computer, computer packages, Computer Programming, and, Computer Hardware maintenance.

Information technology (IT) is providing for the use of computer aided (CAL) systems to assist in the Education and training of students.
This study will assist computer science students to know teaching methods both old and new. It will help them to understand that developments in computer science will make new applications profitable and new method viable.

The study is targeted at Federal polytechnic Nekede Owerri, Imo State and Abia State Polytechnic it covers all phases used in teaching computer courses. The wing topics will be addressed:
– Introduction to computer
– Computer packages
– Computer Programming
– Computer Hardware Maintenance

The researcher encountered a lot of problems such as limited time provided for this study.
Furthermore, the researcher encountered the problem of limited number of respondents since some of the respondents have not filled questionnaire of this type before.

COMPUTER An electronic device that can accept data, process it and give result/ information under automatically stores program.
Computer science The study of the design and use of computer system. It is a chameleonic discipline.
Teaching Is a sublime communion of ideas whereby an inquisitive soul gets to open up to the light of knowledge
Multimedia A way of presenting to the user a combination of different forms of information such as text, data, images, video, audio, and graphics.
Algorithms a clearly – defined mathematics final used to solve a problem or run an operation
Animation A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frames, cartoons on television is one example of animation
Program A set of instructions given to computer to carry out particular task
Virtual Not real. Something that is mere simulation or illusion of a real environment.
Videoconferencing A person-to- person discussion, involving either individuals or groups in which participants are at different sites, using computer networks to transmit audio and video data.
Online Turned on and connected. Users are considered online when they are connected to a computer service through modem.



Assessment Of Methods Of Teaching Computer Courses To Computer Science Students

Assessing methods of teaching computer courses to computer science students is essential to ensure effective learning outcomes. Computer science is a rapidly evolving field, and the methods of instruction should align with the subject matter and the needs of the students. Here are some key aspects to consider when assessing methods of teaching computer courses to computer science students:

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes:
Begin by defining clear course objectives and desired learning outcomes. What should students be able to do or understand by the end of the course? This will guide your choice of teaching methods.

Active Learning:
Encourage active learning approaches that engage students in problem-solving, critical thinking, and hands-on practice. This can include group projects, coding exercises, and real-world applications.

Lectures and Tutorials:
Lectures can be used to deliver foundational knowledge, while tutorials can provide opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned. Assess the balance between these two methods.

Blended Learning:
Consider a blended learning approach that combines traditional classroom instruction with online resources, allowing students to access materials and collaborate outside of class.

Peer Teaching and Collaboration:
Encourage peer teaching and collaboration among students. This can be in the form of group projects, peer code reviews, or study groups.

Incorporate Technology:
Utilize technology effectively in teaching, including the use of multimedia presentations, online coding platforms, virtual labs, and educational software.

Assessment Methods:
Choose appropriate assessment methods that align with the course objectives. This may include coding assignments, quizzes, exams, and practical demonstrations of skills.

Feedback and Assessment:
Provide timely and constructive feedback on students’ work. Regular assessments can help students track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

Real-World Relevance:
Emphasize the real-world relevance of the course material. Show how the concepts and skills learned in the classroom are applicable in industry or research.

Be prepared to adapt your teaching methods based on student feedback and evolving industry trends. Computer science is a dynamic field, and teaching methods should evolve accordingly.

Inclusivity and Accessibility:
Ensure that teaching methods are inclusive and accessible to all students, considering diverse learning styles, backgrounds, and abilities.

Continuous Improvement:
Regularly assess the effectiveness of your teaching methods through student evaluations, peer reviews, and personal reflection. Seek professional development opportunities to enhance your teaching skills.

Stay Informed:
Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations in computer science education. Attend conferences, workshops, and engage with the academic community.

Student Feedback:
Listen to student feedback and make adjustments as needed. Students often provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in the classroom.

Resources and Support:
Provide students with access to resources, such as textbooks, online tutorials, and office hours, to support their learning outside of class.

In summary, assessing methods of teaching computer courses to computer science students requires a holistic approach that considers course objectives, student engagement, technology integration, assessment strategies, and adaptability. By continually evaluating and refining your teaching methods, you can create a more effective and engaging learning experience for your students in the dynamic field of computer science.