Causes And Effects Of Commercial Sex Work Among Akwa Ibom Girls

(A Study Of Youths In Uyo Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
26 Pages
8,641 Words

Commercial sex work among Akwa Ibom girls, a phenomenon influenced by socioeconomic factors, cultural norms, and limited educational opportunities, has profound effects on individuals and society. Poverty, lack of job opportunities, and familial pressures often drive young women into the sex trade as a means of survival, exacerbating issues of exploitation, trafficking, and health risks such as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. Furthermore, the commodification of women’s bodies perpetuates gender inequality and reinforces harmful stereotypes. Beyond individual consequences like emotional trauma and substance abuse, the proliferation of commercial sex work contributes to social stigmatization, undermines community cohesion, and hinders efforts towards sustainable development and gender equity. Addressing this complex issue requires holistic interventions that tackle root causes, provide alternative livelihood options, promote education and empowerment, and combat societal attitudes that perpetuate the exploitation of vulnerable populations.


The rising wave of incidence of commercial sex work has given serious concern to the government, parents, health workers and the society. The causes and effects of commercial sex work among AkwaIbom girls in Uyo Local Government is the main concern of this study. The study seeks to find out the possible ways in which the problem of commercial sex work can be eradicated in the society. The study was empirically conducted where data was obtained through the primary and secondary sources. Instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Data was collected and analysed with simple percentage while the hypothesis stated were tested with percentage(%). The result in hypothesis one showed that, commercial sex work has implication on our general sexual health or wellbeing, that is the act of sex work has a negative effect on our sexual being. This hypothesis was accepted. In hypothesis two, which states that sex work is more likely to be caused by poverty. Based on the result, hypothesis two was therefore not accepted. Based on the result of this study a number of recommendations were made.


Title Page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi


1.1 Background to the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Research Questions 4
1.4 Objectives of the Study 4
1.5 Significant of the Study 4
1.6 Scope of the Study 5
1.7 Definition of Terms 6
1.8 Limitation of The Study 7


2.1 Conceptualizing Prostitution and Sex Work 8
2.2 Review of Related Theories 20
2.3 Theoretical Framework 22
2.4 Study Hypotheses 23


3.1 Research Design 24
3.2 Study Area 24
3.3 Population of the Study 27
3.4 Sample Size 27
3.5 Sampling Method/Technique 28
3.6 Instruments for Data Collection 28
3.7 Methods of Date Analysis 29


4.1 Analysis of Research Questions 30
4.3 Test of Hypotheses 44


5.1 Summary of the findings 47
5.2 Recommendations 48
5.3 Conclusion 49
Appendixes 53


1.1 Background Of The Study
Commercial sex is basically sex for money. It is not restricted to any culture,
its global and it transcends all age barriers as some cases girls as young as eight
years are involved. Commercial sex has evolved over the last two decades,
(National Behaviour Survey 2004). According to the National Behaviour Survey
(2004), commercial sex work has indeed become complex in different ways as
there are male sex workers in Nigeria who have sex with men for commercial
reasons and there is an organization0 that support them which based in Ibadan,
Oyo state.
Commercial sex has particularly taken a worrisome and indeed despicable
turn on the continent through trafficking in person and violation of people’s
human right and these have become major issues in West Africa (Human Right
Action, 1997). In recent time, commercial sex has become a lucrative business in
Nigeria especially among the youths (Ikpe, 2008). Research has it that, 31% of sex
workers are students particularly in Nigeria institutions (Onah, 2000). Onah
(2000), is of the view that, there are different forms of sex workers, those that
stay in the brothels, those that stand on the road side, those that operate from
home etc.
Furthermore, sex work has now become an occupation especially for the
girls in countries like Netherland, Brazil, Norway etc, sex work serves as one of the
sources of revenue for government, hence, taxes are paid to the government
(Aday, 1990). Aday further says that, sex workers face systematic discrimination
throughout the world and are therefore, at risk of variety of abuses, these include
police extortion, arbitrary detention and other. Violations of their human and
labour rights which in some cases even amount to slavery.
In Nigeria, sex work is an illegal business because, the law prohibits its, but
no active action has really been taken against it by the government (Onah, 2000).
In AkwaIbom State particularly, Uyo local government, commercial sex workers
can be found in hotels, bars, brothels and on the street, (Onah, 2000). Despite the
efforts made by the government and other private organization to eradicate sex
work in Uyo, it has rather grown to become one of the outstanding social
problems that have really apprehended the people of Uyo (Onah, 2000). It is on
this background that, this research work attempts to find a possible way of coping
with this problem.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem
The people involved in commercial sex experience negative effect even
though they still make out from it. Lex (1992), argued that, sex work has been
identified as the core group for transmission of HIV/AIDS and STD; Thus, they face
discrimination throughout the world.
Due to the diseases that befall these people on daily basis, sex work has
been considered a menace in the society and also violence against humanity, (Lex,
1992). These negative effects includes untimely death, frustration, unwanted
pregnancy etc. one of the major challenges is that, some of these sex workers are
illiterates, they neither attain seminars nor listen to news on television where
they could be enlightened on the risk of their work. These work has then, become
their life style, therefore, making it difficult for the government to cope with.
In country like Nigeria, prostitution is termed as deviance and unhealthy in
the society. It is also a big embarrassment to the government and the families
who their youths are involved in such acts, such families will lack their respect
from people in the society no matter their position in the society, (Onah, 2000).
This research work then, seeks to investigate the effects and causes of
commercial sex work among AkwaIbom girls.

1.3 Research Question
The following research questions will guide the study.
1. What are the causes of sex work?
2. What are the implications of commercial sex work on our general health?
3. What are the age difference of sex workers?
4. What are the general attitude towards commercial sex workers?

1.4 Objectives Of The Study
1. To ascertain the likely causes of sex work
2. To find out the implications of commercial sex work on our general health.
3. To find out the age difference of sex workers
4. To identify the general attitude towards commercial sex workers.

1.5 Significant Of The Study
This significance of the study tends to treat both the theoretical and
practical importance. Theoretically, this study will add to the already, existing
knowledge of the causes and effects of commercial sex work among AkwaIbom
girls in Uyo L.G.A. the study was written in order to know the causes and effects
of commercial sex work and at the same time proffer solution to them. Moreso,
the study will be a guide to future researchers in their research in knowing the
causes and effects of commercial sex work and look for means of tackling those
Practically, this research work will enable the commercial sex workers to
know the dangers surrounding their work, so as to stop the rising wave of sex
work. This can be done by the government to make sure of creating employed
youths. This study will also help in exposing and tracking down the people behind
sex work.

1.6 Scope Of The Study
This research covers the causes and effects of commercial sex work in Uyo
local government area.
It will examine the challenges that are associated with sex work and how
government can control the increasing number of sex workers in Uyo.

1.7 Definition Of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the following terms are defined as used in
this research work;
AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Brothel: This is a house where men pay to have sex with sex workers or where sex
workers live.
Commercial sex: This is defined basically as sex for money.
HIV: Human Immune Virus.
Sex: Is an erotic attraction between two people or sexual intercourse that can
lead to orgasm in female and the secretion of semen from the penis in male.
Sex Work: This is defined as any sexual performance carried out by a person for
payment of certain amount of money or in exchange of any material thing. Their
aim id mainly on money making.
Sex Worker: This is a person who works in the sex industry. They are paid to
engage in sexually explicit behaviour which involves varying degrees of physical
contacts etc.
STD: Is a sexually transmitted diseases it is transmitted during sexual intercourse.
Transactional Sex: This is sex in exchange for gifts, small favours or money.

1.8 Limitation Of The Study
In this research work, the researcher was limited by the unwilling attitude
of the general public to provide correct answers to the questions that were given
to them.
In financial aspect, the researcher was unable to visit all brothels in Uyo
Local Government due to the high demand of money by the commercial sex



Causes And Effects Of Commercial Sex Work :

Commercial sex work among girls is a complex issue influenced by a range of factors. It’s important to recognize the underlying causes and the potential effects in order to develop effective strategies for prevention and support. Keep in mind that these causes and effects can vary depending on cultural, social, and economic contexts.

Causes of Commercial Sex Work Among Girls:

  1. Poverty and Economic Inequality: Economic hardship and lack of viable employment options can lead girls to turn to sex work as a way to earn money to support themselves and their families.
  2. Lack of Education: Limited access to education can result in reduced job prospects and financial opportunities, leading some girls to see sex work as a way to make a living.
  3. Family Dynamics and Dysfunction: Dysfunctional family situations, including neglect, abuse, or lack of support, can push girls away from their homes and into situations where they resort to sex work for survival.
  4. Human Trafficking: Girls can be coerced, deceived, or forced into sex work through human trafficking networks, exploiting their vulnerabilities and lack of options.
  5. Peer Pressure and Influence: Girls might be influenced by friends or acquaintances who are already engaged in sex work, making it seem like a norm or an easy way to make money.
  6. Substance Abuse: Substance abuse can increase vulnerability to engaging in sex work, as individuals might need to fund their addiction.
  7. Migration and Urbanization: Girls who migrate from rural to urban areas often face challenges in finding employment and accommodation, making them more susceptible to exploitation through sex work.

Effects of Commercial Sex Work Among Girls:

  1. Health Risks: Commercial sex workers are at higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV due to unprotected sexual activity with multiple partners.
  2. Violence and Abuse: Sex workers are often exposed to violence, including physical and sexual abuse from clients, pimps, or even law enforcement.
  3. Psychological Trauma: Engaging in sex work can lead to psychological distress, trauma, and emotional challenges due to the nature of the work and the stigma attached to it.
  4. Stigma and Discrimination: Sex workers often face social stigma, discrimination, and marginalization, which can impact their self-esteem and mental well-being.
  5. Legal Consequences: In many places, sex work is illegal, putting girls at risk of arrest, fines, or imprisonment.
  6. Limited Future Opportunities: Involvement in sex work can hinder educational and vocational prospects, making it difficult for girls to transition to other forms of employment.
  7. Exploitation and Trafficking: Some girls can become trapped in exploitative situations, unable to leave sex work due to debt, threats, or coercion.
  8. Family and Social Estrangement: Engaging in sex work can strain relationships with family and friends, leading to isolation and lack of social support.

Addressing the causes and effects of commercial sex work among girls requires comprehensive and compassionate approaches. Efforts should focus on providing education, economic opportunities, mental health support, legal protections, and rehabilitation services. Additionally, initiatives to address gender inequality, promote empowerment, and reduce poverty can contribute to reducing the prevalence of commercial sex work.