Causes And Effects Of Truancy Among Junior Secondary Students

(A Case Study Of Enugu South Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
63 Pages
8,493 Words

Truancy among junior secondary students stems from various factors, including family dynamics, peer influence, socio-economic status, and school-related issues. Familial factors such as parental neglect or dysfunction can contribute to a lack of parental oversight, leading to students skipping classes. Additionally, peer pressure and the desire to fit in with certain groups can prompt students to skip school. Socio-economic challenges, such as poverty or unstable living conditions, may also hinder regular attendance due to difficulties in accessing resources or transportation. School-related factors like academic struggles, bullying, or disengagement from learning can further exacerbate truancy. These causes collectively result in detrimental effects such as academic underachievement, decreased socialization skills, increased likelihood of substance abuse or delinquency, and long-term implications on future educational and career opportunities. Efforts to address truancy require a comprehensive approach involving collaboration between schools, families, and communities to provide support systems, interventions, and resources tailored to the specific needs of students at risk.


The utmost aim of this study is to identify the causes and effects of truancy among junior secondary school students in Enugu South Local Government Area of Enugu State. In order to address this issue eight research questions were drafted from the purpose of the study. Subsequently thirty two (32) questionnaire items were constructed and administered to a randomly chosen sample size population of one thousand (1000) students and fifty (50) teachers. The result of the analysis of data received from the respondents showed that. Lack of parental care causes truancy among student, too weak or too rigid administration in school encourages truancy among students, lack of academic facilities like library, classroom, sport equipments causes truancy, truancy among students brings about economic waste to the family and government, poor teaching methods of some teachers bring about boredom in the students which results to truanting behaviours of some students, truancy brings about indiscipline and criminality among students, poor academic performance of some students was as a result of truancy, deviants in the society are product of truancy in most school in Enugu South Local Government Area. As a result of the findings, the researchers recommended that parents of students should support their wards financially, morally and academically so as to enable them fit into the school environment appropriately. The management and the teacher should draft a curriculum with rich contents that are students centered.
The society and government should as much as possible provide the necessary materials that facilitate teaching and learning in school so as to eradicate boredom. The parents and teachers association (PTA) should be actively instituted in schools to assist government in proper management of the school.


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

Chapter one
Background of Study
Statement of problems
Purpose of study
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Research questions

Chapter two
Review of Literature
Causes of truancy
Effect of truancy

Research methodology
Research design
Area of study
Population Description
Sample and sampling technique
Instrument for data collection
Validation of instrument
Method of data collect
Method of data analysis
Decision rule

Data presentation and analysis
Research question 1
Research question 2
Research question 3
Research question 4
Research question 5
Research question 6
Research question 7
Research question 8

Discussion of Results, summary of findings, recommendation and suggestions for further studies
Discussion of findings
Summary of findings
Suggestion for further studies


Background of the Study
Truancy is an educational social and law enforcement problem.
It is the result of one or more factors in a child’s life which prevents regular school attendance.
Traditionally, truancy is defined as an absence from school that is not excused by parents/guardians or the school. National literacy trust (20090. according to LIOYD and STEAD (1972) of Edinburgh University, truancy is a team used to described any international unauthorized absence form compulsory schooling.
Truancy is also an indiscipline problem. A truant is a child who pretends to set for school and then roams the street. He shows dislike for school. The possible cause and the contributing factors of truancy are numerous and diverse and may be seen from different perspectives.
Truancy can affect other students in the class. They can distract teacher’s attention and this cause resentment especially when they go unpunished.
Many teachers feel that truancy is a problem to them when they try to help them catch up with other students.
Truancy causes physical harm in the sense that a truancy is always violent in action.
Truancy leads to other tangible forms of delinquency such as thief, criminal, damage of school property, armed robbers, rape, human trafficking and drug trafficking.
The teacher should pay greater focus on individual children.
Emphasis should be placed on individual intervention such as:
Pupil support
Monitoring schemes

Statement of Problems
The family, the school and the community at large are faced with many problems resulting from truancy in Nigeria today, the problem is reaching serious. Some of these problems are as follows:
i. Tantalization of personal properties: Truancy can lead to this as there is every tendency that a truancy who roams about the street, joins street boys who indulge in criminal activities (Bad company corrupts good manners 1st Corinthian chapter 15 vs 33).
ii. Truancy is costly: Despite the fact that only a small proportion of students are regular truants, teacher and other professionals spend extra time trying to inculcated behaviors when they are discovered.
iii. Poor academic performance: truants tend to have very poor academic catch up with lesson that had been taught when they are not in class.
iv. Drop-out of school: when a truant is having very poor academic performance and finds himself indulging in criminal activities he feels uncomfortable and will be left with no other option than to withdraw from school.

Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is
i. To find out if lack of parental care cause truancy among junior secondary school students in the Enugu South Local Government Area.
ii. To find out how too weak or too rigid administrators in junior secondary school encourage truancy among students in Enugu South L.G.A.
iii. To investigate how the unavailability of academic facilities such as library, sports equipment, class room etc. in junior secondary schools causes truancy.
iv. To investigated how truancy brings about indiscipline or criminality in junior secondary school in Enugu south LGA.
v. To find out how truancy among junior secondary school students lead to poor academic performance of students.

Significance of the Study
This study is very essential to the extent that;
It will help in creating awareness of the problems of truancy among junior secondary school.
It will expose the danger associated with truancy to the teachers and parents/guardian.
It will enable the education administrators in devising appropriate curriculum to check mate the act of truancy.
It will help researchers that are into similar research activities to make provision for the incidence of truancy in school.
Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is narrowed to the case study of junior secondary schools sector in Enugu South L.G.A.

Research Question
1. To what extent does lack of parental care causes truancy among students in junior secondary schools students in Enugu South L.G.A?
2. How does too weak or rigid administrators in junior secondary schools encourage truancy among students in Enugu south L.G.A?
3. Does lack of academic facilities such as library, sport, equipment and classroom etc in junior secondary school causes truancy among students in Enugu South L.G.A?
4. How far does truancy among students bring about economic waste to the family and government in Enugu South L.G.A?
5. To what extent does teaching method causes truancy among junior secondary school students in Enugu South L.G.A?



Truancy among junior secondary students, which refers to the intentional and unexcused absence from school, can stem from various causes and lead to a range of effects on the students themselves, their education, and their overall well-being. Here are some common causes and effects of truancy:

Causes of Truancy:

  1. Personal Factors: Students may face personal challenges such as health issues, family problems, or personal conflicts that make them reluctant to attend school regularly.
  2. Bullying: Being subjected to bullying or harassment by peers can create a hostile environment, prompting students to avoid school to escape these negative experiences.
  3. Lack of Interest: Boredom with the curriculum, teaching methods, or subjects can result in disengagement and a lack of motivation to attend school.
  4. Academic Struggles: Students who find their coursework challenging might skip school to avoid facing the academic difficulties they’re experiencing.
  5. Peer Influence: Friends who are also truant can influence others to skip school for recreational or social activities.
  6. Family Factors: Dysfunctional family dynamics, including neglect, abuse, or parents not valuing education, can contribute to students avoiding school.
  7. Low Socioeconomic Status: Students from disadvantaged backgrounds might face barriers such as lack of resources, transportation, or proper clothing, leading to truancy.
  8. Mental Health Issues: Students dealing with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues might struggle to attend school consistently.

Effects of Truancy:

  1. Academic Consequences: Regularly missing school results in missed lessons, leading to gaps in knowledge and poor academic performance.
  2. Decreased Educational Attainment: Truant students are at higher risk of dropping out of school prematurely, which limits their future educational and career opportunities.
  3. Social Isolation: Continual truancy can lead to social isolation from peers and a lack of engagement in school-related activities.
  4. Delinquent Behavior: Truant students may be more susceptible to engaging in delinquent behaviors, as they have increased free time and limited adult supervision during school hours.
  5. Long-Term Life Outcomes: Persistent truancy can have lasting negative effects on a student’s earning potential, overall health, and quality of life in adulthood.
  6. Parental and Legal Consequences: Parents of truant students can face legal consequences for their child’s consistent absences, and students themselves might encounter legal actions.
  7. Emotional and Mental Health Impact: Truancy can exacerbate existing mental health issues or contribute to the development of new ones due to feelings of guilt, anxiety, or low self-esteem.
  8. Breakdown of Trust: Continuous truancy strains relationships between students, teachers, and school administrators, eroding trust and hindering a supportive learning environment.

Addressing truancy requires a multifaceted approach involving schools, families, communities, and policymakers. Interventions might include implementing engaging teaching methods, providing counseling services, promoting positive school climates, offering mentorship programs, and addressing underlying socio-economic issues that can contribute to truancy.