Construction Of An Fm Transmitter

5 Chapters
47 Pages
5,666 Words

An FM transmitter is a sophisticated electronic device designed to facilitate the wireless transmission of frequency modulated signals. It serves as a crucial component in telecommunications, enabling the conversion of audio signals into radio frequency waves for efficient transmission over the airwaves. The construction of an FM transmitter involves the intricate assembly of various components, including oscillators, modulators, and amplifiers, each playing a distinct role in ensuring the seamless conversion and broadcast of audio content. The process begins with the integration of a stable oscillator, responsible for generating a precise carrier frequency. This frequency is then modulated by the audio signal using a modulator, imparting the desired information onto the carrier wave. Subsequently, the modulated signal undergoes amplification through carefully configured amplifiers to enhance its strength for effective transmission. The final output is a meticulously crafted FM signal that encompasses the nuances of the original audio content, making the FM transmitter an indispensable tool in modern communication systems.


This project work is on the construction of an F.M transmitter this system consists of four discrete modules namely the audio frequency (AF) amplifier (class A) the modulator the master oscillator and the radio frequency (RF) amplifier (ClassC) these formed the conventional events for building FM transmitter here the signal (from the microphone) is fed into the (AF) for amplification then to the modulator which combines the modulating signal with the carrier wave transports the modulated signal through (RF) for final amplification to the antenna via the resonance circuit for propagation the transmitter was tested using radio receiver it transmitted clearly at the frequency of 108 MH3 and the coverage was to metres.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Concept Of Modulation And Demodulation
1.2 Objective Of The Project
1.3 Significance Of The Project.

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Historical Background Of The Project
2.2 Theories And Models Relevant To The Construction
2.3 System Component Description

Chapter Three
3.0 Hardware Construction And Implementation

3.1 Block Diagram And System Specification
3.2 Construction Of Audio Frequency (Af) Amplifier Stage
3.3 Construction Of Radio Frequency (Rf) Amplifier Stage
3.4 Circuit Diagram Of Fm Transmitter
3.5 Circuit Component Analysis
3.6 Component List

Chapter Four
4.0 Methodology Packaging Testing And Results

4.1 Methodology
4.2 Packaging Of The System
4.3 Testing And Results

Chapter Five
5.0 Cost Analysis Problems Encountered

5.1 Recommendation And Conclusion
5.2 Cost Analysis
5.3 Problems Encountered
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Conclusion


Information transmission is very vital to human life just as the early men used sticks to produce sound which indicates the location of each other as they wander about also down to the middle era when town crises come into play for the same information propagation to be transmitted from one point to another with the aid of radio communication which necessities the application of radio transmitter and receive.
A radio transmitter is device whose major function is to send information (intelligence) from one point to another in most cases the information to be transmitted are voice music and code signals. However the transmission of radio signal is done with the aid of electrical resonance this is when the frequency of the receiver is equal to the incoming one from the transmitter resonance is observed which is the totality of radio communication I personally decided to work on frequency modulation (FM) transmitter because it transmitted radio signal which is less distorted than other wave bands like amplitude modulation and short wave band. The frequency on the tuning dial ranges from 88MHZ to 108MH3.
In transmitter configuration a sound is fed at the microphone which is the transducer that converts the physical sound into the electrical signal which is usually amplified by the fist electronic circuit (audio frequency amplifier class A) whose output is fed into a modulator which fields a frequency modulated output fed into the final stage (radio frequency amplifier class C) then to the antenna which radiates the radio signal into the atmosphere. All these process were because audio frequency signal cannot be radiated out from the antenna directly because transmission at audio frequency is not particle this is because of audio frequency signals.
1. They have reactively short range
2. It everybody started transmitting these low frequency signal directly mutual interference will render all of them ineffective
3. The size of antenna required for their would be large
Furthermore for proper understanding of this information transmission-using transmitter I here by introduce the concept of modulation and demodulation.

Modulation is technically the process of combining an audio frequency signal (low frequency signal) with a high frequency oscillator. However the audio frequency signal which is being transmitted super imposes on the carrier wave that transports it to the out put of the radio frequency amplifier into the antenna this audio frequency signal other wise known as modulating signal is being amplifier by the radio frequency amplifier in order to overcome air impendence as it travel from the transmitter to the receiver.
Demodulation in the other hand is the process of separating or recovering the signal (modulating signal) from the modulated earlier wave it is the opposite of modulation and it is performed at the receiving end (radio receiver.)

There are three types of modulation namely amplitude modulation (AM) frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM)
1. Amplitude modulation (AM) is the types of modulation in which the information signal (audio frequency signal) varies the amplitude of the earlier wave without changing it’s frequency. As the name implies it is only the amplitude of the earlier wave without changing it’s frequency. As the name implies it is only the amplitude that is being varied while the frequency is kept constant as the wave travels
2. Frequency modulation (FM) is the type of modulation is which the modulating signal varies the frequency of the carrier wave here it is only the frequency of the signal in frequency modulation carrier information (intelligence) is carried is variations in its frequency.
3. Phase modulation (PM) is the type of modulation that varies the phase of the radiated wave at the modulating frequency and by an angle, which is proportional to the amplitude of the modulating wave from.

The objective of this project is to construct an electronically operated system known as FM transmitter capable of transmitting a frequency modulated signal with a littler or no distortion into the atmosphere for dissemination secondly to aid the gradating student into a season research activities that will carry them along during the professional practice as a scientist

The project signifies a lot in the electronic communication system which telecommunication is the vital aspect which is usually demonstrated through and radio communication system the frequency modulation transmitter is applied in a lot of instance frequency modulation is unavoidable used in FM radio stations scattered all over the country whose advantage is paramount compared to its counter part AM modulation frequency modulation transmitted is equally used in a miniaturized from as wireless morpheme.



Construction Of An Fm Transmitter:

Constructing an FM transmitter from scratch requires a good understanding of electronics and radio frequency (RF) principles. FM (Frequency Modulation) transmitters work by varying the frequency of a carrier wave based on the audio signal to transmit information. Here’s a simplified outline of how you can build a basic FM transmitter:

Disclaimer: Building an FM transmitter may be subject to legal regulations in your region. It’s important to check and comply with local laws regarding the use of radio transmitters.

Components you’ll need:

  1. Oscillator Circuit: This generates the carrier frequency. You can use a Colpitts oscillator or a crystal oscillator for stability.
  2. Modulation Circuit: This is where you’ll modulate the carrier frequency with your audio signal. A simple transistor-based circuit can work for this purpose.
  3. Antenna: A simple wire or a small telescopic antenna can be used. The length should be roughly a quarter (1/4) of the wavelength of your carrier frequency for optimal performance.
  4. Power Supply: Provide a stable power source for your transmitter circuit.

Steps to build an FM transmitter:

  1. Choose a frequency: Determine the frequency at which you want to transmit. In most regions, you’ll need to stay within the FM broadcast band, which is typically 88 MHz to 108 MHz.
  2. Build the oscillator circuit:
    • For a Colpitts oscillator, you can find many circuit diagrams online that show how to connect the components, including resistors, capacitors, and transistors.
    • For a crystal oscillator, choose a crystal with the desired frequency, and connect it to the appropriate circuit.
  3. Modulate the carrier:
    • Use an audio source, such as a microphone or an audio input from a device like a smartphone or MP3 player.
    • Connect the audio signal to the modulation circuit. This circuit should vary the frequency of the carrier signal based on the audio input.
  4. Connect the antenna: Attach the antenna to the output of your oscillator or modulation circuit.
  5. Power supply: Connect a stable power supply to your circuit to ensure proper operation.
  6. Testing: Carefully test your FM transmitter. You should be able to tune a nearby FM radio receiver to the chosen frequency and hear the audio you’re transmitting.
  7. Adjustments: You may need to fine-tune components in your circuit, especially if you experience interference or if the transmitted signal is not clear.
  8. Compliance: Ensure that you comply with local regulations regarding radio frequency transmission, including power output limits and frequency allocation.

Building an FM transmitter can be a complex project, especially if you’re not experienced with electronics. Additionally, be aware that unauthorized broadcasting on regulated frequencies may be illegal in your area. Always check and adhere to local laws and regulations when working on such projects.