Construction of Office Table and Chairs

5 Chapters
62 Pages
9,453 Words

The construction of office tables and chairs involves a meticulous process that integrates ergonomic design principles, durable materials, and functional aesthetics. Office tables are typically crafted using sturdy materials such as wood, metal, or composite materials, with attention to details like height adjustability, ample surface area, and cable management provisions to enhance productivity and comfort. Similarly, office chairs are engineered with ergonomic features like lumbar support, adjustable armrests, and seat height to promote proper posture and reduce strain during prolonged use. Both tables and chairs undergo rigorous quality control measures to ensure durability and longevity in the workplace environment, meeting standards for safety and performance. Collaboration between designers, engineers, and manufacturers is essential to produce office furniture that meets the evolving needs of modern workplaces while reflecting contemporary design trends and preferences, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and well-being of users.


The aim of this project was to construct one office table and four chairs.
In the course of this project the length of plank used was 12” and we used about 4 number (mahogany) of 1” thickness, ¾ plywood of 1 sheet of 1” thickness, as well as ¼” plywood of ½ and glue 1 tin wenner 1 rod, foam ½ sheet. Fabrics 4 years, spraying materials and 21b of nail were utilized to effect the construction of office table and chairs.
The materials were marked out to the required sizes, cut, folded, fited, assembled, nail, mort iced and then spraying it finally to prevent corrosion attack
There are the necessary constructional procedure steps adopted in the project. The accuracy and precision with which the construction steps and consequently, the assemblage of the component parts greatly enhanced our aim of constructing a suitable equipment for use of one table and four chairs.
The aim of constructing the table and the chair is to enable chemical Engineering department as future Engineer to know and also learn how to construct an office table or chairs and the essence of it. The cost of production of the office table and chairs as at 7th August, 2005 is N21,000.00



1.1 Introduction

2.0 Literature Survey
2.1 Definition and types of table and chairs
2.2 Chemistry and structure of timber and wood
2.3 Chemical components of wood
2.4 Categories of wood
2.5 Categories of wood
2.6 Uses of wood
2.7 Structure of timber
2.8 Wood pattern making
2.9 Pattern makers tools
Dowel pins
Types of patterns
Core points and core boxes
Timber and wood carving
Toothed cutting tools
Foaming or steel square.

3.0 Constructional procedure
3.1 Cutting list
3.2 Sketching and Drawing
3.3 Cutting
3.4 Assembling
3.5 Sand papering
3.6 Paderded

4.0 Discussion
4.1 Conclusion
4.2 Recommendation
4.3 Appendices
4.4 References


A table is a piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one or more legs. There are difference kinds of tables such as laboratory table, office table, dinning table, kitchen table etc. Office tables are mainly used when recording documenting certain events in the office. For instance a lecturer who is taken records of student examination, queeze must make use of office table/chair.

It could be made with different type of material such as wood, steel and some metals. In the construction of this project a mahogany wood as a material were used to construct the office table/chair. Wood as a material of construction has advantage over some metals. It is not attacked by termites or simple chemicals, which last longer than other metals. Since wood cannot be affected, the material kept on it will be saved. Metal are known to be corrode by the effect of a moisture and some chemicals but can be prevented by preventive measure like painting and coating of the table/chair during construction
Wood used for the construction was hard and resistant to termites and simple like chemicals as dil(HCL) and some base solution. A modern office table of standard sixe could contrain materials like books and some office documents.
A research was done so as to obtain the best design with the desired type of the structural material for the table to maintain its quality for a longer period of time without having any fault or change. Hence it is important to produce materials that will last longer and the quality to be of great importance in the construction of the office table chair. The various parts is arranged and form is such a way that it provides an efficient and economical procedure to the construction problem.




Construction of office Table and chairs:

Constructing office tables and chairs requires a combination of woodworking and upholstery skills. Below, I’ll provide a general overview of the steps involved in constructing these pieces of furniture. Keep in mind that this is a simplified guide, and the complexity of the project can vary depending on your design and materials.

Tools and Materials:

For office table:

Plywood or solid wood for the tabletop
Four table legs or a table base
Wood glue
Measuring tape
Varnish or paint (optional)

For office chairs:

Wood for the chair frame
Foam padding
Fabric for upholstery
Wood glue
Measuring tape
Upholstery staples
Staple gun
Sewing machine (if making cushions)

Steps for Constructing an Office Table:

Design and Planning: Determine the size and design of your office table. Sketch out a blueprint or create a digital design to guide you.

Prepare the Tabletop: Cut the plywood or solid wood to your desired tabletop size. Sand the edges and surface to ensure it’s smooth and even.

Assemble the Table Base: If you’re using a table base, attach it to the tabletop using screws. Make sure it’s centered and level. If you’re using table legs, screw them into the tabletop’s corners.

Strengthen Joints: Apply wood glue to the joints between the base and tabletop to reinforce the connection. Use clamps to hold the pieces together while the glue dries.

Finish the Table: Sand the entire table to remove any rough spots. Apply a finish like varnish or paint if desired for protection and aesthetics. Allow it to dry completely.

Steps for Constructing Office Chairs:

Design and Planning: Decide on the style and dimensions of your office chairs. Create a blueprint or digital design to serve as a reference.

Cut the Chair Frame: Using the appropriate wood, cut the pieces for the chair’s backrest, seat, legs, and armrests based on your design. Sand the edges for a smooth finish.

Assemble the Chair Frame: Using wood glue and screws, assemble the chair frame according to your design. Ensure that all joints are secure and the chair is stable.

Add Foam Padding: Cut foam padding to fit the chair’s seat and backrest. Attach the foam using adhesive or by sewing a cover for it. This provides comfort.

Upholster the Chair: Cut and sew fabric to cover the foam padding, leaving enough excess to staple it to the chair frame. Use a staple gun to secure the fabric in place.

Attach Armrests: If your design includes armrests, attach them securely to the chair frame.

Finish the Chair: Sand any rough edges and surfaces. Apply a finish like paint or varnish to protect the wood and enhance the appearance.

Assemble Additional Chairs: Repeat the above steps for each chair you plan to build.

Remember to wear appropriate safety gear, such as safety glasses and ear protection, when using power tools. Additionally, take your time and follow all safety precautions to ensure a safe and successful construction process. The complexity of the project will depend on your woodworking skills and the design you choose, so it’s a good idea to start with simpler designs if you’re a beginner.