Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Measuring Index For A Nation GNP

7 Chapters
39 Pages
3,977 Words

A Computerized Measuring Index for a nation’s Gross National Product (GNP) represents a comprehensive framework leveraging computational methodologies to assess and analyze economic indicators within a country’s economy. This innovative tool integrates diverse data sets, including GDP, personal income, consumption, investment, and net exports, employing algorithms to compute and interpret economic trends efficiently. By automating data collection, analysis, and interpretation processes, this index enhances accuracy, timeliness, and scalability, facilitating real-time monitoring and forecasting of economic performance. Through the utilization of advanced analytics and machine learning techniques, such as regression analysis and time series modeling, this index offers valuable insights into economic growth, productivity, and competitiveness, aiding policymakers, businesses, and researchers in making informed decisions and crafting effective strategies for sustainable development and prosperity.


Gross National product the most widely used measure of the cyclical ups and down of the economy and to monitor economic growth. In conjunction with measure of Labour and capital input, it provide indicators of nations productivity. This GNP is a primary focus in the analysis of the current economy situation outside, of macro economic forecasting and in policy formulation but the question remain first, what is the accurate output of economy outside its composition and it use second, what is this economic processor mechanism by which output is produced and distributed and how can these non-mortised activity be accurately estimated. How should a National income account be adjusted to I m corporate the delectation of National I resources and deterioration of the environment?
This project work is a key store to set of a measures, which provide answers to the question looking at a computerized measuring index for a National GND, this proposal is a valued solution its capability to combat and reduce the problems.


Title Page:
Approval page :
Table of Contents:

1.1 Introductions
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Objective of the study
1.5 scope of the project
1.5 Definition of terms

2.0 Literature Review

3.1 Description and Analysis of the existing system
3.2 Method of the data collection
3.2.1 Interview method
3.2.2 Reference to written text
3.3 input analysis
3.4 process analysis
3.5 Output analysis
3.6 problem of the existing system
3.7 Justification for the new system

4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Input specification and design
4.3 File design
4.4 Procedure chart
4.5 System flowchart
4.6 System requirements

Program design
Program flow chart
Pseudo code
Source listing
Test run





Gross National product (GND) in economic is a quantitative measure of a nations total economic activity generally assessed or quarterly most at times GND is said to be the total dollar values of final goods and service produced for consumption in society during a particular economic activity based on Lebour and production output within a country. The figures sued to assemble data include the manufacture of tangible goods such as cars furniture etc provision of service used in direly living such as education health care and auto repair.
The GND is equals to the gross domestic product (GND) plus the income earned by domestic resident through foreign. Investment minus income earned by foreign investor in product is often confused with GNP, is calculated is from the total value of good and service produced in an economy over a specified period. The Gross domestic product measure output generated through production by lebour and property which is physically located in the confines of a country.
Mecr while, GNP being the value of all final good and services, produced within a nation in a given year plus income earned by its citizen aboard minus income earned by foreigners from domestic production which is regarded as the most important indicator of status of an problem since the second world war ranging from drastic increase of errors in calculation accuracy and variation of data collected for the GNP calculation.
However, all these problem arise as a result of traditional technology that is, result of traditional technology that is pen and paper technology. This project work critically analyzed the constraints, the very Large volume of data complexity and the logical task performed which contribute to the challengly and designed a technological solution which when deployed and implemented will explore a cognitive approach to the situation

GNP/capital is a measure of average national output. There are at least two major kind of problem with this as a major of problem with this as a major of individual income. The problem are

Non magnetized activity may be poorly estimated (eg product of percent agriculture excluded.
2. Problem of conceptual legation GNP/Capital is a simple average of output divided by numbers of people so it does not say anything about the distribution of National income between rich and poor other are
3. the GNP measuring connection is seriously fawned. The Civility can not be rewarded until a more accurate and technological measurement is adopted the flaws here include (what is count and what it does not count.)
4. Reduced revenue based on mistaken measure

The purpose of this study is to investigable in the inherent problem of measuring index for a Nation GNP, the develop series of design concept aimed at combating the data over ward which this will the achieved by an affective computer food that enable imitative reconstruction of the traditional method of measuring GNP which will be very powerful in both gathering of data and processing result.

To measure the nature aggregate economic output
To know the value of all the goods and service produced in an economy plus the value of good and server imported bass the goods and services exported
To know the delete may between physical goods and. Intangible service
To know the measure of National income and output
Finally to be concise about the national GNP (measures not value of output in a two more different year.

GNP (Gross National product) is the value of all final goods and service produced within a nation in a given year plus income earned by its citizen abroad minus income earned by foreigners form domestic production
GDP (Gross domestic product)
Is the measure of output generated through production of Labour and properly which is physically located within the continues of a country National GND-This measures the value of output during the year Real GND measure the value of output during a given year using the price prevailing during the year
Real GND measures the value of output in two or more differed year by valuing the goods and service adjusted for inflation
Computer is an electronic device which accept data as an input store process and retrieve it with given set of instruction and display result as an output in a desired format
Output: The resultant value or outcome of an event. In computer science output is the result produced by computer for external use.
STORAGE ABILITY of computer to hold date during before or after processing input data entered or key into the computer.


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Computerized Measuring Index For A Nation GNP:

Measuring the economic performance of a nation, including its Gross National Product (GNP), has traditionally been an essential aspect of economics and policy analysis. However, the term “GNP” is somewhat outdated in modern economic discussions, as it has largely been replaced by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in recent years. GDP measures the total economic output within a country’s borders, whereas GNP includes the income earned by a nation’s residents and businesses both domestically and abroad. GDP is considered a more comprehensive and commonly used metric for assessing a nation’s economic health.

To compute and track a nation’s GDP or GNP, a computerized system can be developed using various economic indicators and data sources. Here are the key steps and factors involved in creating such a system:

  1. Data Collection:
    • Gather data from various sources, including government agencies, financial institutions, businesses, and international organizations.
    • Data sources may include income statements, expenditure reports, trade statistics, employment data, and more.
  2. Defining the Components:
    • Identify and categorize the various components of GDP or GNP, including consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports (exports minus imports).
    • Consider income-based approaches for GNP calculations, which account for income earned by residents and businesses from abroad.
  3. National Accounting:
    • Implement the national accounting identity, which states that GDP (or GNP) equals the sum of consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports.
    • Use mathematical formulas to calculate each component based on available data.
  4. Seasonal Adjustment:
    • Account for seasonal fluctuations in economic activity to obtain more accurate and comparable data.
  5. Data Aggregation:
    • Aggregate data at the national level and break it down by sectors or industries to analyze specific aspects of the economy.
  6. Quality Adjustment:
    • Adjust for changes in the quality of goods and services over time to ensure accurate comparisons.
  7. Nominal vs. Real Values:
    • Convert nominal values (current prices) to real values (constant prices) by using appropriate deflators to account for inflation.
  8. International Comparisons:
    • Use exchange rates or purchasing power parity (PPP) adjustments to make international comparisons.
  9. Reporting and Visualization:
    • Develop user-friendly interfaces and visualization tools to present the data to policymakers, economists, and the public.
  10. Continuous Updating:
    • Regularly update the database and calculations to provide current and historical economic information.

Many countries have government agencies responsible for collecting and publishing GDP (or GNP) data, such as the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) or the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for international comparisons. These agencies often provide access to economic data and statistical tools that can be useful for creating computerized systems to measure a nation’s economic performance.

It’s worth noting that while GDP or GNP is a crucial economic indicator, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics and indicators to provide a comprehensive view of a nation’s economic well-being, including factors like income distribution, unemployment rates, inflation, and environmental sustainability.