Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Personnel Appraisal System

(A Case Study Of Imt Enugu)

7 Chapters
45 Pages
4,952 Words

A Computerized Personnel Appraisal System (CPAS) is a sophisticated digital platform designed to streamline and enhance the evaluation process of employees within an organization. By leveraging technology, Computerized Personnel Appraisal System enables efficient data collection, analysis, and feedback delivery, thereby facilitating more accurate and timely performance assessments. This system integrates various modules for assessing key performance indicators, setting goals, tracking progress, and providing constructive feedback. Moreover, Computerized Personnel Appraisal System offers customizable features tailored to the specific needs of different departments or job roles, ensuring relevance and effectiveness across diverse organizational contexts. Its implementation not only automates administrative tasks but also fosters transparency, fairness, and accountability in the appraisal process, ultimately contributing to employee development and organizational success.


This research work on Design and Implementation of a computerized personnel Appraisal system (A case study of I.M.T. Enugu. Personnel appraisal has continued to grow from local appraisal system to highly technologically form. In this new age computer is also being used for other activities manually conducted before. Thus we will see how computer can be used to achieve efficiency in personnel appraisal.
The researcher is carried out to computerize the personnel appraisal information system. The expected computerized system arrived at in this work aims at the problem needs requirements and specification or the firm’s personnel appraisal system.
The basic purpose of this research project is to achieve the above mentioned objectives, the research or collected both primary and secondary data form face to face questions from business establishment and staff of the case study. This work is done as to study in whole what are the causes of all the problems and imparticular to develop a personnel appraisal system in the case study.
Finally, the recommendations shows that if computers used in carrying out the job of personnel appraisal it would be faster and easier to compile


Title Page
Approval Page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Aims and Objective
1.5 Delimitation of the Study
1.6 Limitation
1.7 Definition o Terms

Literature Review

Overview of the Existing System
3.1 Description and Analysis of Existing System
3.2 Fact Finding Methods Used
3.3 Organizational Structure
3.4 Objectives of the Existing System
3.5 Input, Process, Output Analyisi
3.6 Information Flow Diagram
3.7 Problems of Existing System
3.8 Justification

Design of the New System
4.1 Output Specification and Design
4.2 Input Specification and Design
4.3 File Design
4.4 Procedure Chart
4.5 System Flowchart
4.6 System Requirement

5.1 Program Design
5.2 Program Flowchart
5.3 Pseudo Codes
5.4 Source program
5.5 Test Run


Conclusion and Recommendation
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Recommendation


in ecent years more especially personnel appraisal system has continued to find a means by which the manual method of recording or processing personnel system can be converted to computer processing method. Concept of computerized system had been instruments for the achieve of individual and groups goal or objective.
However, computerization is beset with many problems which affect its level of operation, it is based on the fact that authors in system analysis information media labour themselves to write about computerization personnel system and taking in consideration in order to bringing a successful input or output of the information system into existence, how to increase efficiency and effectiveness of result and how to eliminate many problems associated with the manual method of data processing.
Therefore, without doubt it can be prored boldly that computerized information system relif the personnel managers of all those time consuming routine task which otherwise weigh the department down while at the same time realizing the true productive role of personnel in modern day business industries etc.
The research work is carried out to computerize the personnel appraisal information system. The expected computerized system arrived at in this work aim at the problem, needs requirements and specification. Therefore there work is done as to study in whole what are the causes of all these problems and in particular to develop a personnel appraisal system in the case study.
Finally, the recommendation shows that if computers used in carrying out the job of personnel appraisal system it would be successful and easier to compile.

This research work is carried out to design or rather computerized the personnel, information system the expected computerized system arrived at in the ending of this work after critical study are Made of what are the problems needs requirements and specification of I.M.T.

It is not uncommon for system so developed to one serious problem after they have been installed, thus they require expensive modifications. In short the method used for developing most system is often both inefficient and ineffective.
Traditionally management succession planning depend either on the grapevine on personnel executives coming through substantial numbers of manually held records hold in office flat files. All the data about employee are kept and recorded by hand. It is t be noted here that much more time will be consumed using these methods where large members of staff are involved, in most cases employee are found to have different issue with the personnel department, a worker may want to discuss with the department based on salary advance loan, and annual leave so on, thus, it will be seen that going through the cabinet and checking for the records of staff in their respective file will be very tedious and consume a lot of time.
Without doubt it can be proved boldly that computerized information system relif the personnel managers of all those time consuming routine tasks case study which otherwise weigh the department down whil at the same time realize the true productivi role of personnel appraisal system in modern day business industries and public service.
Therefore, there is need to establish a research to study. In whole what are the causes of all these problems. Develop a personnel information system for the case study.
Not only that will enable results to be obtained from the system as soon as possible, the lapse and reasons for this will be addressed.

This study to a large extent will influence the existing system of operation. A critical analysis of the present mode will be made and factors affecting it determined.
The aims and objectives of this study cannot be over emphasized as its usefulness will cut a cross the entire department in institution of management and Technology Enugu.
All activities carried out by the entire department and tailored towards the proper functioning of the personnel system.
In other words, the proposed system to be arrival at as the output of the study will among other aid in the following.
i Storage of large volume data with ease retrieval
ii Generation of variable number of reports.
Iii Major assistance in decision making in I.M.T.

The project scope is based on institute of management and Technology (I.M.T.) aids its research is to the personnel management as practical in the case study. Further more some of the principle adopted in this study would be useful to any establishment encountered with the same kind of problems in handling their respective personnel management information system.

Actually, the scope of this study were limited to most parts of the work due to short time and also lack of some vital information from my case study.
However, with some resources available, which was gotten from groups and individuals that in one way or the other have been affected by the same study. This individual include mainly staffs and workers of IMT made the research quites complex and enormous a lot of set backs were encountered mostly the limited time that I had.

For the avoidance of ambiguity and in order to guide against misconception of ideas, it is necessary to define some concept in the research.
PERSONNEL SYSTEM: This checking recording and keeping the data fo employees in an organization. It also deals with the salary advance, loans and annual leave of a employee and management of the organization.
COPUTER: This is an electronic machine which is capable of accepting information as input and process it then gives output data.
SOFTWARE: This is the inner components of computer capable of doing all the spiritual work in a system Example storing, retrieval processing.






Computerized Personnel Appraisal System:

A Computerized Personnel Appraisal System (CPAS) is a software-based tool designed to facilitate the evaluation and assessment of employees’ performance within an organization. It streamlines and automates the process of performance appraisal, making it more efficient, consistent, and data-driven. Here are some key components and benefits of a Computerized Personnel Appraisal System:

  1. Employee Data Management: CPAS typically includes a database or repository for storing employee information, such as job descriptions, roles, skills, and historical performance data.
  2. Performance Criteria: The system allows organizations to define and customize the performance criteria and standards for different job positions or departments. This ensures that evaluations are aligned with specific job roles and responsibilities.
  3. Automated Evaluation Forms: CPAS provides electronic forms and templates for managers and supervisors to conduct performance evaluations. These forms can be tailored to meet the organization’s specific needs.
  4. Self-Assessment: Many CPAS systems include a self-assessment component where employees can provide their own insights and feedback on their performance. This self-assessment is often used as a starting point for discussions during the appraisal process.
  5. Managerial Assessment: Managers and supervisors can use the system to evaluate their employees’ performance based on established criteria. This often includes rating scales, comments, and the ability to set performance goals for the upcoming period.
  6. Feedback and Communication: CPAS facilitates communication between employees and their managers. It allows for the exchange of feedback, comments, and notes throughout the appraisal process.
  7. Goal Setting: The system often includes features for setting performance goals and objectives for the upcoming evaluation period. This helps align employees’ efforts with organizational goals.
  8. Performance History: CPAS maintains a historical record of each employee’s performance evaluations. This historical data can be useful for tracking progress over time and making informed decisions about promotions, raises, or training and development needs.
  9. Performance Reports and Analytics: The system generates performance reports and analytics to help HR departments and managers make data-driven decisions. These reports can highlight trends, identify areas for improvement, and recognize high-performing employees.
  10. Integration: Many CPAS systems can integrate with other HR software and systems, such as payroll, time and attendance, and learning management systems, to create a unified HR ecosystem.

Benefits of a Computerized Personnel Appraisal System:

  1. Efficiency: CPAS automates many tasks associated with the performance appraisal process, reducing the administrative burden on HR and managers.
  2. Consistency: It ensures that evaluations are conducted using standardized criteria, reducing bias and subjectivity in the appraisal process.
  3. Transparency: Employees have access to their performance data and can see how they are being evaluated, which can improve transparency and trust within the organization.
  4. Data-Driven Decisions: The system provides valuable data and insights for HR and management to make informed decisions about performance-related matters.
  5. Goal Alignment: CPAS helps align employee performance with organizational goals by setting clear objectives and tracking progress.
  6. Feedback and Development: It promotes ongoing feedback and development discussions between managers and employees, leading to improved performance and career growth.
  7. Compliance: CPAS can help ensure that performance evaluations are conducted in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Implementing a Computerized Personnel Appraisal System can be a valuable investment for organizations looking to streamline their performance management processes and drive employee development and engagement. However, it’s essential to select a system that aligns with the organization’s specific needs and goals and to provide training and support to ensure its effective use.