Design And Implementation Of A Computerized Personnel Database For A Tertiary Institution

(A Case Study Of Imt, Enugu)

7 Chapters
56 Pages
6,444 Words

A computerized personnel database for a tertiary institution serves as a comprehensive and efficient system for managing personnel information, including faculty, staff, and administrative personnel. This digital platform integrates various functionalities such as personnel records management, payroll processing, leave management, and performance evaluations. By leveraging technology, the institution can streamline HR processes, enhance data accuracy, and improve decision-making. Additionally, the database facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among different departments, ensuring smooth operations across the institution. This centralized system not only enhances organizational efficiency but also supports strategic workforce planning and development initiatives, ultimately contributing to the institution’s competitiveness and sustainability in the higher education landscape.


This study was carried at to verify all the manual processes involved in personnel database management for a tertiary institution and to seek for away of automating the system for effective operations.
Since there is continuous advancement, high productivity of labour and operations is best using machines in this revolution. An indispensable tools; computer and its application; resolving the area where the attraction is needed.
In this project, the software engineering principles were applied in the analysis, design, coding, and testing of the software.
In the development of the software, visual basic programming language was used due to it’s enhanced graphic features and a manual is also provided. At the and what was tended to resolve was achieved and at the same time it is user friend (i.e. object oriented).




Cover page
Title page
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of study/short history
1.2 Objectives/ aims of study
1.3 Statement of problem
1.4 Purpose of study
1.5 Justification of study
1.6 Scope of the problem/limitation
1.7 Methodology
1.8 Thesis/project organization/definition of terms

2.0 Literature review

3.0 Analysis of the existing system
3.1 Fact finding methods
3.2 Objectives of existing system
3.3 Input process and output analysis
3.3.1 Input analysis
3.3.2 Process
3.3.3 Output
3.4 Problem of the existing system
3.5 Organizational structure
3.6 Information flow diagram
3.7 Justification for new system

4.0 Design of a new system
4.1 Input specification and design
4.2 Output specification
4.3 File design
4.4 Procedure chart
4.5 System flow chart
4.6 System requirement
4.6.1 Software requirement
4.6.2 Hardware requirement
5.0 Implementation
5.1 Program design
5.2 Pseudocode
5.3 Source listing
5.4 Test run

6.0 Documentation

7.0 Recommendation


Database is a standard term covering computer based services, which provide information in response in specific requests from users. The data may stored in documents, microforms or computer code text and graphics (user interface) for references.
Database management as regards to personnel information system evaluate the process of managing and monitoring employee or members of an organization as a means of gaining maximum efficiency. As the organization benefit or offer to the public on subscription basis; the output services is either a physical document or computer data presented, say on a video display unit.
Further more, the information is data/stored to a disk; perhaps is when the user supplies then is to locate a copy of the document and deliver it to the user. More after than not, however information need are expressed or outputted in terms of request for data, such as how many employee are being eroded in the organization? Or what is the salary level of an employee? – To answer such question reference must be made to records such questions, reference must be made to records stored as the computer coded data. This involve searching and retrieval of records stored on disk.
The institute of management and technology has her inception on October 1971 and later after promulgated on July 1, 1973; nevertheless, the institute had being in existence as a two separate collages that is the collage of technology and institute of administration but joined together are now the institute of management and technology; also their separate two workers are joined together and managed in consonance with their assets.

Due to the inefficiency surrounding the manual database management in the personnel department, it was felt that a study of this nature will clarify the causes of the problems being faced by the concerned departments and to map out the necessary solutions/or measures and techniques to the problem.
As to regarding this solution, the manual processing of personnel information was found to be cumbersome, tedious and ineffective which lead to inaccurate and unreliable results. It is the ail of this work therefore, to remedy this ugly situation by making the task involved to be easy and effective thereby making provision for accuracy and reliability of this result.
More also, this work has the objective of correcting all the mistakes being while operating a manual made; that storage and retrieval encounter delay of storing and retrieving information to work with.
Lastly, loss of file are encounter and this work is has the objective of retrieving or stopping invasion by intruders to the database system.

There has been this problem of too much work for the personnel officers in the institute. Owing to the growing population of staff in the institution, the personnel department is faced with hips of file. At times, sorting out a particular staff file takes almost a month.
Also there has been cases of missing files due to lack of security in the office and the poor filling system in use, the personnel files at times get lost and it then becomes difficult to access the concerned staff information.
More also, the two much files could tend to unreliable results as to sorting a particular level of record as to its range or conforming to a particular request of arrangement.

The purpose of the study is to design and implementation of a computerized personnel database management.

The importance of this study to the organization are as follows:
i. It will help to give employees the elementary knowledge as how computer can be used to store and retrieve information.
ii. The software developed will help to create and store information about the IMT staff. This information can be retrieved at any time by the users for decision making.
iii. Adequate security is offered to the information stored to avoid alteration by wrong users. This is done through the use of pass word to protect the information.
iv. It is easy to obtain information or locate a particular employee in that organization by retrieving information concerning him from the system.

Owing to the study of this nature, I would like to accumulate data from many areas (that is, territory institutions). But, in-view of the length of time allowed for this is a research, such as a wide range of sample study will be external difficult, so I therefore concentrated this field work with in Enugu; precisely, limitating it to IMT Enugu as a case study.
Besides, there were many other problems that hindered when executing this research work.
Financial constraint: As a student, there was not enough capital to spend in transport and fact finding and borrowing of necessary literature that would have helped in the working of this research work.
Management constraint: The respondent, especially the branch officers, did not co-operate as was expected. Also, the worker in the different departments visited were as well relevant in answering some of the questions asked.
All this problems not withstanding did not prevent the continuation of the research work.

This is the method or design, I employed in caring out this research work. It includes:
The population for the study
The population of the entire employee of IMT Enugu is about seven hundred (700) employees – who works randomly in other various departments.

Since the entire number of employees is about seven hundred employees, but instead of studying the entire population, there is about 50 departments of employee having in each about 7 – 15 minimum workers; so I, the researcher decide to take 2 employee at random for each department.
The instrument I, employed for the research fact finding or collection is oral interview.
Instrument for data analysis
The instrument / used for data analysis include
• Percentage
• Range
• Choosing
• Stratification
There is a 70% response rate because both of the head staff of the department of personnel responded to the interview with about eight out-of twelve workers in the department. The technique employed were the percentage for interview responds and hypothesis.

This study has been organized in seven chapters:
Chapter one trashed out the background of study, statements of the problem, purpose of study, scope of study, methodology, justification for the new system.
Chapter two reviewed the related literature while chapter three dealt with description analysis of the existing system, reference of writing text, input analysis, problem of the existing system.
Chapter four presented the design of new system as output specification and design, procedure chart, system flowchart and system requirement.
Chapter five dealt with the implementation of the problem design, program flow chart, pseudocodes, sources listing and test run.
Chapter six was documentation while chapter seven being the last chapter and conclusion of the work, after which followed by the reference.




Computerized Personnel Database For A Tertiary Institution:

Creating a computerized personnel database for a tertiary institution involves several steps and considerations. Such a system can help manage staff information efficiently, improve administrative processes, and enhance decision-making. Here’s a general outline of how to go about it:

1. Define the Scope and Objectives:

  • Determine the specific needs and objectives of the personnel database. What information do you want to store and manage? What are your primary goals for implementing this system?

2. Select a Database Management System (DBMS):

  • Choose a DBMS that suits your institution’s needs. Common choices include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle. Consider factors like scalability, licensing costs, and ease of use.

3. Data Modeling:

  • Design the database schema to represent the personnel data. Identify the entities (e.g., employees, departments) and their attributes (e.g., name, contact details, employment history). Create tables and establish relationships between them.

4. Data Entry and Validation:

  • Develop user-friendly interfaces for data entry. Implement data validation rules to ensure accuracy and consistency in the database.

5. User Access Control:

  • Implement role-based access control to restrict access to sensitive personnel information. Define who can view, edit, or delete data.

6. Data Import and Export:

  • Create tools to import existing personnel data into the new system and export data when needed.

7. Reporting and Analytics:

  • Build reporting and analytics features to generate various reports, such as staff lists, payroll reports, and performance evaluations.

8. Security Measures:

  • Implement security measures to protect sensitive data. This includes encryption, regular backups, and security audits.

9. Integration:

  • Integrate the personnel database with other systems in use at the institution, such as HR software, payroll systems, and student information systems.

10. Training and Documentation: – Provide training to staff members on how to use the database effectively. Create user documentation for reference.

11. Testing and Quality Assurance: – Thoroughly test the database system to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Conduct user acceptance testing (UAT) to ensure it meets the institution’s requirements.

12. Deployment: – Roll out the system to the entire institution, ensuring a smooth transition from existing manual processes.

13. Maintenance and Updates: – Regularly maintain and update the database to address issues, add new features, and ensure data accuracy.

14. Data Privacy Compliance: – Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) by implementing appropriate measures for data protection and user consent.

15. User Support: – Provide ongoing user support to address questions, issues, and training needs.

16. Monitoring and Optimization: – Monitor the database’s performance and optimize it as needed to ensure it continues to meet the institution’s requirements.

17. Disaster Recovery and Backup: – Develop a disaster recovery plan and regularly back up the database to prevent data loss in case of system failures or disasters.

Remember that creating a computerized personnel database is a significant project that requires careful planning and resources. Involving IT professionals and database administrators with experience in similar projects can be valuable to its success.