Design And Implementation Of Computer Based Police Investigation System

(A Case Study Of Fiib Headquarters Ogbor-Hill Aba)

7 Chapters
65 Pages
6,732 Words

A Computer-Based Police Investigation System (CBPIS) is a sophisticated technological framework designed to streamline and enhance law enforcement processes by integrating advanced computing capabilities with investigative procedures. This system leverages various digital tools, databases, and analytical algorithms to facilitate efficient data collection, analysis, and collaboration among law enforcement agencies. By harnessing the power of technology, Computer-Based Police Investigation System enables investigators to swiftly gather and analyze diverse sources of information, including digital evidence, surveillance footage, and criminal records, to uncover patterns, identify suspects, and solve crimes more effectively. Additionally, Computer-Based Police Investigation System facilitates seamless communication and information sharing among investigators, enabling real-time updates and collaboration across different jurisdictions. Through its comprehensive features and intuitive interface, Computer-Based Police Investigation System empowers law enforcement professionals to conduct thorough and timely investigations, ultimately contributing to enhanced public safety and crime prevention efforts.


The world over, it is indisputable that the introduction of computer technology in different facets of life, has virtually transformed and entranced information processing, which is very vital in any organization or parastatals of government. Not only as a means of information processing, the technology has also proved to be the fastest means of information retrieval, which forms the nucleus of this study.
This work tries to x- ray the rate role of the computer in crime investigation as it affects the Nigerian police. Force it looks at ways of improving the information management of the force. This research work will cover the following areas: record information retrieval relating to MIS (Management information system), retirement Cretan for officers and crime mapping through a data bank of crime related information.
A detailed design of a computerized approach that will bring the much needed innovation is given. Also included in this work is a praper documentation for the new system design.


Title page
Organization of work
Table of contents

Chapter one
Introduction 1
1.1 Statement of the problem 1
1.2 purpose of the study 3
1.3 Aims and objective 3
1.4 Scope of the study 4
1.5 Limitations of the study 5
1.6 Definition of terms 6

Chapter two
2.0 Literature review 10

Chapter three
3.0 Description and analysis of the existing system 16
3.1 fact finding methods used 16
3.2 Organizational structure 19
3.3 Objective of the existing system 21
3.4 Input, process, output analysis 21
3.5 Information flow diagram 23
3.6 Problems of the existing system 24
3.7 Justification of the new system 25

Chapter four
4.0 Description of the new system 27
4.1 output specification and design 27
4.2 Input specification and design 29
4.3 File design 32
4.4 Procedure chart 36
4.5 System requirement 38

Chapter five
5.0 Implementation 40
5.1 program design 40
5.2 Pseudo code 44

Chapter six
6.0 Documentation 51

Chapter seven
7.0 Recommendation and conclusion 53
7.1 Reference 56



Information Technology (IT) has set a new world order turning the world into a global village, where information plays an indispensable role.
The Federal Investigation and Intelligence (FIIB), is a special outfit of the Nigeria police force, as a role similar to that of the FBI (Federal Bureau of intelligence) of the united states (US) information they say is an indispensable force, and if we should go by this maxim, it buttresses the need at which classified information is to this outfit.
Over the years, this outfit had made tremendous impact in combating crime, but in recent times, there has been an avalanche of crime wave in the country leading to insecurity of life and properties close investigation concerning crime activities reveals that this special outfit of the police force is bedeviled with obsolete equipment.
Despite the glint strides taken by this outfit over the years changing their investigation and recording equipment to tape storage using cassette as recorder, there are still a lot of surmountable problems which has hitherto, reduced the efficiency Bureau, Ogbor-Hill, Aba and other division of the outfit through out Nigeria. The panacea to this may no doubt; lie in the introduction of a properly designed computer base system which will bring the much-desired automation hence, a prerequisite for being a member of the new world order vis-à-vis information technology.

The statutory duty of the federal investigation and intelligence Bureau (FIIB) is crime prevention and intelligence network which is solely based on information. This information received from conducted investigation, which should be supplied to the Bureau within minutes using electron communication. But this takes days or weeks and sometimes months if the investigation is carried in a distant area. The storage medium currently at disposal for information is susceptible to unauthorized access and damage. Most often, the recorded information is usually not within the reach when needed. Going by this high level of graft in the country, officers can easily remove: recorded information of a very serious crime activity by mere bribe offer. In view of the above problems w3hich have attracted the author’s attention, he has unequivocally, decided to design a computer base system which will correct this abnormalities.

Having been aware of the numerous anomalies which have reduced the efficiency of the Nigeria police force (NPF), the purpose of this research is focused on designing an developing a computerized based or approach to information storage and retrievals against the manual approach, as it affects the (FIIB) federal intelligence investigation Bureau), and the Nigeria police in general.

The aims and objectives of the research work centers on the following:-
– To show case the merits of a computerized system in police investigation and intelligence.
– To upgrade the information network system of the Nigeria police force
– To enhance speedy and reliable information retrieval in crime records.
– To identify areas where computers can be used in detective work.
– To investigate the possibilities of using the computer to analyse and compare substance taken from the scene of crime.
– To establish the possibilities of using the computer in crime mapping – A situation where data concerning crimes that have been committed in a certain area is fed into a computer and then, the computer produces a map that shows whether it is any pattern to the crime.

This research work is limited to the federal investigation and intelligence Bureau (FIIB) Ogbor-Hill Aba, Abia state although this outfit has just been moved to Calabar, Cross River State. The choice of investigation and intelligence was chosen due to the fact that there are certain information, which are not meant for public consumption.

Investigation for facts about this research work was fraught with the following constraints.
Issue of confidentiality:
This work is a dicey one that concentrates on issues considered confidential. The outfit chosen for investigation could not disclose or rather give access easily to the relevant information. Investigation and intelligence needs high level of secrecy. Sequel to the approval for data collection comes after services of consultation with important personnel of the command.
Time factor is another major constraint, which unequivocally did force me to limit the scope of the work. The time stipulated for actual completion of this work is rather too short to cover all relevant sections of the command. Also, the researcher had to spend some time before approval for investigation was given.
Intended to make comprehensive excerpts from some foreign journals on issues bothering on crime investigation and intelligence network but due to financial constraint, I could only limit myself to a few within my reach. Also, the cost of shuttling to the new area command of the outfit also constituted a big source of financial stress.

Information: This is a meaningful processed data, which provides an individual knowledge needful in decision making.
DATA: It is a collection of raw facts, figured charts or symbols that represent idea, object or situation which need to processed to given a real meaning program: a set of instruction logically sequenced that instructs the computer on what actions to take to arrive at a result.
INVESTIGATION: It is simply a fact finding and fact recording concerning a particular issue or event. It can be obtained through interview, question and observation.
CASE-FILE: This is a paper file used in keeping records on case matters.
FILE: A collection of records that are related, to which the user can attach a name.
INTELLIGENT REPORT: It is a report written and recorded about a witnessed event which can serve as evidence.
EVIDENCE: Material or information on which a conclusion or proof may be based.
SURVEILLANCE: An operation carried out by operatives in a remote area in the city or an area.
OPERATIVES: Officers of federal investigation and intelligence Bureau.
TIP-OFF: Useful hint conveyed to the special outfit by some one
SUSPECT: Someone presumed guilty of discredit with out conclusive proof.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: It is the technology which supports activities involving the creation, storage, manipulation and communication of information together with their related methods, management and application.
Management information system: the combination of human and computer based resources that result in the collection storage, retrieval, communication and use of data for the purpose of efficient management of operations and for business planning.
Data Bank (information Service): electronic shore-house of information accessed by using a microcomputer, modem and telephone.
Download: To transfer information electronically from a databank or a computer to another computer.
Expert system: computer system characterize by a very large database, the ability to ask question, and set of rules that allow it to use its data to arrive at conclusion.
COMPUTER: It is an electromechanical device capable of generating, storing and retrieving information at a fantastic speed and accuracy.



Computer Based Police Investigation System

A Computer-Based Police Investigation System (CBPIS) is a software or information system used by law enforcement agencies to streamline and enhance their investigative processes. Such systems leverage technology to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of police investigations. Here are some key components and features commonly found in a Computer-Based Police Investigation System:

  1. Case Management: Computer-Based Police Investigation System provides a centralized platform for managing and tracking cases. Investigators can input and update case information, assign cases to specific officers, and monitor the progress of each investigation.
  2. Evidence Management: It allows for the digital storage and management of physical and digital evidence. This includes photos, videos, documents, forensic reports, and more. Proper chain of custody documentation is often integrated.
  3. Witness and Suspect Information: Investigators can record and organize witness statements, suspect profiles, and other pertinent information related to the case.
  4. Incident Reporting: Computer-Based Police Investigation System facilitates the reporting of incidents, including crime scene details, date and time of the incident, involved parties, and other relevant data.
  5. Data Analysis: Advanced analytics tools can help law enforcement agencies identify patterns, trends, and connections in their data, aiding in the solving of complex cases and preventing future crimes.
  6. Access Control: Ensures that only authorized personnel can access sensitive case data, maintaining the security and integrity of investigations.
  7. Integration: Computer-Based Police Investigation System often integrates with other systems, such as criminal databases, fingerprint databases, and surveillance camera feeds, to gather additional information and evidence.
  8. Workflow Automation: Automation features can streamline routine tasks, such as generating reports, sending notifications, and scheduling interviews, allowing investigators to focus on more critical aspects of their work.
  9. Mobile Access: Some systems offer mobile applications that enable officers and investigators to access case information and updates while in the field.
  10. Communication and Collaboration: Computer-Based Police Investigation System supports communication and collaboration among officers and different law enforcement agencies. It may include chat, messaging, and file-sharing capabilities.
  11. Audit Trails: Detailed logs and audit trails help maintain accountability by tracking who accessed case data and what changes were made.
  12. Reporting: The system can generate various reports, including case status reports, crime statistics, and performance metrics to aid in decision-making and reporting to superiors or external agencies.
  13. Geospatial Mapping: Integration with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) can help visualize crime hotspots and analyze spatial patterns, which can be useful for resource allocation and crime prevention.
  14. Forensic Tools: Some Computer-Based Police Investigation System include forensic tools to assist in the examination of digital evidence, such as analyzing computer hard drives, mobile devices, and online activities.
  15. Training and Documentation: Computer-Based Police Investigation System may offer training modules and documentation to ensure that law enforcement personnel are proficient in using the system effectively.

Implementing a Computer-Based Police Investigation System requires significant planning, training, and consideration of data security and privacy concerns. It can significantly improve law enforcement agencies’ ability to solve cases, reduce crime, and enhance public safety through better information management and analysis. However, it’s crucial to balance the benefits of technology with the need to protect individuals’ rights and privacy.