Design And Implementation Of Computerized Directory Of Business Premises

(A Case Study Of Enugu Urban)

7 Chapters
46 Pages
4,377 Words

A Computerized Directory of Business Premises refers to a sophisticated digital system designed to manage and organize information related to various commercial establishments. This innovative solution leverages advanced computing technologies to streamline the storage and retrieval of data pertaining to businesses, offering a comprehensive database accessible at users’ fingertips. The integration of computerized directories significantly enhances efficiency in locating and managing business premises, fostering a seamless and dynamic approach to information management. Through the utilization of keywords like “computerized,” “directory,” and “business premises,” this digital tool becomes an invaluable asset for navigating the vast landscape of commercial entities, facilitating quick access to essential details such as addresses, contact information, and services offered. The implementation of such a system not only optimizes the management of business-related data but also reinforces the adaptability and technological prowess of modern information systems in the business landscape.


The software package used in this protect is quick Basic which centered on soloing the problem of relational business activities arising from modern transactions
For the fact that individual, private and public organization have problem of visiting their clients or customer in different locals for a particular purpose, this then given the need of using complementary cards which may be thousands in numbers so, because of these cards in large number, it development a problem of sorting different organization in a particular location.
This project will solve the above mentioned problem by a way of listing the relational information business organization in a particular location at Enugu city to solve his directory problem with ease of getting the location of organization and other necessary information at a faster rate and minimum cost.


Cover page
Title page
Organization of figures
Table of figures
Table of content

1.1 Statement of the problem
1.2 Purpose of study
1.3 Aims and objectives
1.4 Scope of the study

2.0 Literature review

3.0 Description And Analysis Of The Existing System
3.1 Method of data collection
3.2 Organizational structure
3.3 Objective of the existing system
3.4 Information flow diagrams
3.5 Problem of existing system
3.6 Justification for the new system

4.0 Design Of The System
4.1 Input specification
4.2 Output specification
4.3 File design
4.4 System flow chart
4.5 Procedure chart
4.6 System requirement
4.7 Speed and reliability
4.8 Modes of operation
4.9 The TV monitor

5.O Implementation

6.0 Documenting

7.0 Recommendation
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Definition of terms
7.3 Bibliography.



The latest development in business activities calls for easy access to the location of companies and their clients/ customers so that effective transaction will be achieved. Also locations and other information about school and supermarkets are needed to be known in the city.
If the information about schools and supermarket within Enugu city are known, the there will be an effective transaction of business and information will flow easily among the company’s for instance if NNPC companies is dealing on a particular material with another enterprisers within the same location that transaction of business will be very effective because they will be get thing and giving information to each other especially when there is any change in business world. More so, if a customer of a particular company wants to get any information about another company without going to the company, it does so by going through there system in the office. So, with the information now it does not need to be looking the company since he has known the location

Again, a company has to have the names of their client/ customers with their addresses and phone number register in their system so that if they want to get an information pertaining to a particular person, they do not have to start searching through a large number of complementary cards or files.

The project is proposed to address the issue of solving the problem of directory transactions among the business premises, which usually causes a greater delay by using large number of complementary cards and letter within Enugu city. So in this case, the computer is used to reduce this problem.

The purpose of this study is solving these problem of using letter/ complementary cards in directory system of business premises with the use of computer system of which is efficient. By using computer it reduced the long time of searing or going through a large number of cards looking for the name, address location and tell phone number of a particular company within Enugu city.

As regards the problems arising from the modern day business activities, an accurate information about relations database, an effective, efficient and easy handing package needs to be developed. The problem in carrying large number of business cards will be eliminated to its minimum.
This design and implementation system has the ability of:
1. Containing thousands of information at fewer number of hard copies
2. The system sort the information in a sequential order so that one can get the required information at that particular time within some seconds.
3. The system also has the ability of locating any given information needed out of numerous number of data in the data base file. In other words, it means that given any company’s name and address with telephone numbers if any, as may be needed by the person in question, the system solves the problem of searching through-that large number of cards for a particular information.

In carrying out this research I decided in Enugu city. This shows that my investigations and findings would base within the directory system of the business premises. The study will cover also the transaction, problem remedies of directory for business premises.

In any research work, there are bound to be limitation which hinders one from handing his owns work easily. Mean while, in carrying out this project work, it took me much time visiting the different companies within Enugu city to collect information which a times I would not get
Secondly, to visit all these companies I spent a lot of money because I have to move from one companies to the other in order to get their names and addresses. So, financial problem constitute to part of the limitation because a times I would not see money to travel with.
Finally, I had experienced a hard time with most managers of these companies as hey refuse to give me the relevant information I needed, like their telephone number.





Computerized Directory Of Business Premises:

A computerized directory of business premises is a digital database or software system that stores and organizes information about various business locations or premises. Such a directory can serve multiple purposes and provide numerous benefits, including:

  1. Easy Access to Information: Users can quickly search for specific business premises, making it convenient for customers, suppliers, and employees to find the locations they need.
  2. Detailed Information: The directory can contain detailed information about each business premises, including its name, address, contact details, operating hours, and a brief description of the services or products offered.
  3. Geolocation and Mapping: Integration with mapping services like Google Maps can help users find directions to the business premises easily.
  4. Categorization and Sorting: Businesses can be categorized by industry, size, location, or any other relevant criteria, making it easier to find specific types of businesses.
  5. User Reviews and Ratings: Users can leave reviews and ratings for business premises, helping others make informed decisions.
  6. Updates and Notifications: Businesses can update their information, such as changing operating hours or contact details, and users can receive notifications about these changes.
  7. Marketing and Promotion: Business owners can use the directory to promote their premises and services to a wider audience.
  8. Analytics and Reporting: The system can generate reports and analytics on user engagement, popular businesses, and other relevant metrics.
  9. Integration: The directory can integrate with other business tools like CRM systems, marketing software, and appointment booking systems for seamless operations.
  10. Security and Access Control: Access to the directory can be controlled to ensure that only authorized individuals can make changes or access sensitive information.

Developing a computerized directory of business premises typically involves the following steps:

  1. Database Design: Create a structured database to store information about businesses, including tables for business details, user accounts, reviews, and more.
  2. User Interface Design: Design a user-friendly interface for users to search for and interact with business premises. This often includes a website or mobile app.
  3. Data Entry: Populate the database with information about business premises. This can be done manually or through automated data imports.
  4. Search and Navigation: Implement search functionality that allows users to find businesses by name, location, category, or other criteria.
  5. User Registration and Authentication: Implement user registration and authentication systems to allow businesses to update their information and users to leave reviews and ratings.
  6. Integration: Integrate mapping services, user review systems, and other third-party tools if needed.
  7. Testing and Quality Assurance: Thoroughly test the system to ensure it functions correctly and is free of bugs.
  8. Launch: Release the directory to the public, and promote it to attract users and businesses.
  9. Maintenance and Updates: Regularly maintain the directory, update business information, and address any issues or bugs that arise.
  10. Security: Implement robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access or data breaches.

The development and maintenance of a computerized directory of business premises can be a complex and ongoing process, but it can provide significant benefits to both businesses and consumers by facilitating easy access to information about various business locations