The Design And Implementation Of Electronic Attendance Recording System.


The Design and Implementation of electronic Attendance recording system is an academic work which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain the attendance of Staff in a company. Attendance in an organization is important to ensure the continuous operation. Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional pen and paper attendance system, an Integrated Student Attendance System (ISAS) is proposed. ISAS is a system used to record the present of student to work. It provides a customization option of using an input device: fingerprint technology.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is used as it gives much faster development process which will guarantee the punctuality of the system delivery. This system allows the student to take attendance, view their user profile and also attendance, while the admin of the proposed system can view student attendance, managing workers’ information and generating attendance report.

It is a computerized robust attendance system. It also has the facility of showing all reports of student attendance. Overall this project of ours is being developed to help schools to maintain the attendance in the best way possible and also reduce the human efforts. The Programming language used in developing this application software is Visual 2012. It runs in Windows 98 to Latest windows 10. It also requires Microsoft access 2010 re-distribution to avoid errors. It also needs Crystal report to be installed to view the rep

Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

The operation of any company is based on the contribution of staff either from executive level or operational level. For example, in a factory, the shop floor operation required full attendance of engineer, technical staff, and operation level staff before they start the operation. Therefore, the attendance system provides the information of the student existing to the a particular lecture. Their information will help them to plan the operation and do any changes for any absent.

Attendance can be defined as the action of being present at one place or event

For example present to somebody party or present to work in office. Attendance is one of the important factors in many institutions and organization that need to be followed by people

Student attendance tracking is a common practice in almost all organizations or institution. It is highly important for one organization in order to maintain their performance standards.

In the previous implementation, there are various types of attendance systems that have been developed. For example: attendance systems by using pen and paper, using database, and also biometrics. These implementations still can cause lots of problems such as providing incorrect information to the users.


The purpose of this integrated attendance system is to computerized the traditional way of record attendance. Besides that it is used to create a combination of various types of attendance where users can either choose to use smart card or fingerprint technologies. For example, by using combination of both smart card and fingerprint technologies to record workers attendance, the attendance system can be strongly protected and the inappropriate manner of behaviors can be eliminated. If one of the devices is malfunction, the others can acts as backup.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

For university that use pen and paper to record their attendance, with the large amount of student in the institution, this will be a problem to the lecturer to keep track on student attendance because by using pen and paper, one student can help other student to sign his/her attendance even though they do not go to work or either the student are late to work.

With the existing approach, there is only a single input device use to record the student attendance either using smart card or fingerprint. If one university would like to have 2 different input of attendance system to provide interchangeable function, they will need to purchase both systems which will be costly. In addition, if one day the single input device suddenly breakdown, the attendance cannot be recorded.

Therefore, there is a need to develop an integrated attendance system with various type of input to fulfill student needs and requirements because it is flexible and it can bring convenient to the lecturer to summarize and manipulate student information. Lack of effectiveness in their methods of record keeping, further compounds the problem.

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objectives of this project are:

To develop an Integrated student Attendance System (ISAS) by using fingerprint technologies.

To provide the potential users with the customize option of using both input device.

To develop an algorithm for the student processing towards attendance system


1.4 Significance of the Study

The use of student attendance system is very important because of human being proneness to error, leaving the student to write down their names might not be accurate as student can even write attendance for their fellow student and their handwriting legibility can be a case when compiling the attendance record at the end of the semester.

The official in charge of attendance collation is highly favored by this system because use of pen and paper as a means of collating student attendance will leave the official in charge with numerous sheet of paper, which will be hectic as he/she has to start comparing several sheets to record the average attendance for just a student. The official is going to waste a lot of time compiling the attendance percentage at the end of the semester, mistake can creep in due to the large volumes of papers.

Successful implementation of this project mean the student attendance credibility can be queried or put to test anytime, and result are produce fast and accuracy, without stress.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is to design and implement electronic attendance recording system for student using finger print reader a case study of school of computer science mathematics and information technology.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

Unavailability of academic materials

Transport problem

Lack of financial support

Lack of Time

Unavailability of programming software such as vb.Net, and Crystal report


1.7 Definition of Terms


It is the co-ordination of all the resources of an organization through the process of planning organization, directing and controlling.


Physical component of a computer that is used to perform certain task. Data: Numbers, Text or image which is in the form suitable for Storage in or processing by a computer, or incomplete Information. Information: A meaning full material derived from computer data by organizing it and interpreting it in a specified way.


Data entered into a computer for storage or processing. Output: Information produced from a computer after processing.

Information System:

A set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization.


Computer is an electronic device that accepts data as Input, processes data and gives out information as output to the user


Software is set of related programs that are designed by the manufacturer to control the hardware and to enable the computer perform a given task.


Hardware is a physical part of a computer that can be touched, seen, feel which are been control by the software to perform a given task.


Database is the collection of related data in an organized form.


Programming is a set of coded instruction which the computers understands and obey.


Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use technical and their interrelation with life, society and the environment, drawing upon such as industrial art, engineering, applied science and pure science.


A set of logic rules determined during the design phase of a data matching application. The ‘blueprint’ used to turn logic rules into computer instructions that detail what step to perform in what order.


The final combination of software and hardware which performs the data matching.

Data Matching Database:

A structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system.

Data Cleansing:

The proactive identification and correction of data quality issues which affect an agency’s ability to effectively use its data

Data Integrity:

The quality of correctness, completeness and complain with the intention of the creators of the data i.e. ‘fit for purpose’.


The process of an individual to enroll in an agency. Involves the initial collection of identifying details

1.8 projects Organization

This project consists of five (5) chapters.

Chapter 1 discusses on the introduction of the system. The purpose of this chapter is to briefly explain about the overview system that is developed. This chapter also supply with the problem statements, objectives and the scope of the study.

Chapter 2 is literature review. As the name given the purpose of this chapter is to reviews the previous research works which was conducted by other researches. All the relevant journal, thesis and books taken from those researches will be discussed in detail.

Chapter 3 is research methodology; this chapter reveals the techniques, algorithms and related software that will be used for the project development. Besides that, it will also discuss about the process flow in detail of this research.

Chapter 4 is implementation and testing. This chapter documenting all the process that involved in developing this system and the testing made to the system.

Lastly, chapter 5, the conclusion concludes and come out with a summary about the developed project.

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary

This project is focused on the protection of student manual attendance system using fingerprint biometric. The fingerprint Biometrics is one of the most successful applications of biometric technology was used in this Fingerprint Based student attendance monitoring System which serves as an alternate for traditional manual signing processes involved in class attendance and examination attendance. Reviewing and assessing the authentication system for student class attendance follows a hierarchical flow from policies down through the specific actions taken to enforce them.

Attendance is usually noted using paper sheets and the old file system, this approach has been in use for a long time. It becomes difficult for the management to regularly update the record and manually calculate the percentage of classes attended. For any growing institution, tracking and monitoring student time of attendance could be tedious, time consuming and more prone to errors. There are many concepts to understand and the technological solutions can be complex. Dynamic institution driven solutions continue to tout a silver bullet but none ever really exists. Keeping up with security threats and countermeasures requires a continuous education and understanding.

This project covers the basic concepts so one’s knowledge can be outfitted and applied to the situations that you will face as a certified IS auditor, however diverse they may be. Again for this project, the focus is not only on the technical details of how this fingerprint biometric works under the hood. Rather, it assumes that you have some base knowledge of these issues and is geared more towards identifying the risk and control points of the authentication system. The system’s inner workings and the exact technology used to secure them will change over time, probably in the time it takes you another researcher to work on it.


In chapter four, the programming languages that was chosen were Microsoft Visual 2010 and Microsoft Access those languages was discussed briefly. The implementation of all the components were tested and integrated for proper performance and evaluation of the system. This verifies that the system elements have been properly integrated.

5.2 Recommendations

Through analysis of the data and research conducted for this study, the school district maintain or develop strict guidelines for student attendance and monitor factors that could hinder a student from attending school on a regular basis. The use of encryption for files in the database transit is an area of protection that should be visited. I strongly believe in protection. Window based authentication system is an important management tool which reduces the lecturers/teachers work load of colleges and university. Therefore, is highly recommended that all schools should adopt it.

The system was designed to ease the lecturer work and also allow lecturer and students to use the system without taking special training for it. Should any modification or upgrading arises it should be done with the idea of making it a user friendly so as to make it easily accessible to users, efficient and readily available to specified user.

5.3 Conclusion

It can be concluded from the above discussion that a reliable, secure, fast and an efficient system has been developed replacing a manual and unreliable system. Results have shown that this system can be implemented in academic institutes for better results regarding the management of attendance. This system will save time, reduce the amount of work the administration has to do and will replace the stationery material with electronic apparatus. Hence a system with expected results has been developed but there is still some room for improvement. Having presented a biometric identity based fingerprint scheme. I have utilized, extended and implemented ideas in the areas of error corrected string construction from biometric data, key generation, and pairing based fingerprint schemes to form the components of the system. The research presented the application of such a scheme to repudiation situations. Discussion on advantage of using the biometric data in the public key and described the utility of using biometric evidence in disputes that may arise. This work has been an insight into the hidden problems; the manual attendance system tends within daily activities. The problems are fair and need computerized authentication system to replace the manual student attendance system.

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