Effect Of Computer Literacy Possessed By Secondary School Students On Their Academic Achievement

(a case study of ss iii students in enugu east l.g.a. Of enugu state)

5 Chapters
44 Pages
6,812 Words

Computer literacy among secondary school students significantly influences their academic achievement. In today’s technologically driven era, possessing proficient computer skills is imperative for students to navigate an increasingly digital educational landscape. The ability to adeptly utilize computers enhances students’ access to a wealth of information, fosters efficient learning, and cultivates essential skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving. Moreover, incorporating computer literacy into the educational framework empowers students to engage with diverse learning resources, promotes self-directed learning, and prepares them for future academic and professional endeavors. As educational institutions continue to integrate technology into curricula, students who are well-versed in computer literacy are better positioned to excel academically, demonstrating the interconnected nature of technological proficiency and academic success in the modern educational paradigm.


Due to the necessity of everybody to become computer literate in our society, have made us to carry out this project work title the effects of computer literacy possessed by Secondary School Students on their academic achievement in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Five research questions guided the study. The study has simple survey research design and area of the study is the SS III Students in Enugu East Zone.
Simple random sampling was used the sample of the study is made up of 10 schools randomly selected from 15 schools. In each schools, 20 students are sampled making a total number of 200 students randomly selected from 1500, and 5 teachers in each schools making up of 50 teachers randomly selected from 200 teachers.
The main instrument for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was structured according to strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagreed.
In our study, we find out that secondary school students are still lacking behind in the area of computer.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Research question
1.7 Definitions of terms

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Computer literacy
2.2 Importance of literacy
2.3 The computer age
2.4 Information and communication technology
2.5 The importance of computer in education
2.6 Data processing
2.7 Application software
2.8 Summary of reviewed literature

3.0 Introduction
3.1 Design of the study
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sample techniques
3.5 Instrument for data collection
3.6 Validation of instrument
3.7 Reliability of instrument
3.8 Method of data collection
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.0 Data presentation
4.1 Research Question 1
4.2 Research Question 2
4.3 Research Question 3
4.4 Research Question 4
4.5 Research Question 5

5.1 Discussion
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation for action
5.4 Findings
5.5 Summary
5.6 Suggestion for further research
5.7 Reference
5.8 Appendix


1.1 Background of the Study
There has been a trend towards the effects of computer literacy possessed by Secondary School Student on their achievement. The idea is to enable the present generation of school children at the Secondary School level to develop the use of computer technology. Computer is an electronic machine or device that accepts data as inputs and processes them electronically to produce the desired output or information with the aid of a set of instructions.
Essian (2008) stated that the traditional definition of literacy is the ability to read and write, listen and speak and enumerate. However to use and communicate in a diverse range of technologies. literacy has also been expanded to include skills in computer, basic numeric sound, still and moving images and graphical elements in digital based communication.
Oyedeji (1985) said that people use their acquired knowledge to promotes activities for academic performance or gains.
Many writers have therefore written in favour of the effect of computer literacy possessed by Secondary School Students on their academic achievement of computer science in secondary schools.
Robert (2005) defined computer literacy as an essential program in schools from elementary to high school which teaches students how to use computer and navigate some computer programs.
Emphasis has been laid on the following reasons:
1) To enable the present generation of school children at all level, appreciate the potentials of the computer.
2) To enable student to be able to use the computer in various work of life and later occupation.
3) To enable students to develop the use of computer as teaching tool in all subject areas and to familiarize students with the use of computer technology.
4) To expose the students to the latest scientific knowledge and skills.
5) To bring about a computer literacy in Enugu East of Enugu State.
Computer science, which is an aspect required of computer students. Computer can be used in our secondary schools to teach physics, chemistry is expected that with the appropriate use of computer in teaching and learning of computer science students should be able to computer and enhance their interest in studying computer science.
It becomes necessary therefore, for the researcher to investigate for the effect of computer literacy possessed by secondary school students on their academic achievement.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
The need to improve on computer literacy in Senior Secondary School Students on their academic achievement in Enugu East Local Government Area should not be over emphasized. The primary purpose of computer science study is to equip the students with the current method of skill acquisition and inculcating in them attitudes towards computer science.
Olaitan (1984) stated that the following would be the objectives of computer science study at the secondary school levels:
1) To provide students with adequate skills to make a living and progressively advance on their academic performance.
2) To enable students on how to acquire basic knowledge in computer science.
3) To enable students develop interest in computer science.
4) To prepare students for further studies in computer science.
Teachers have to adopt strategies and means that would help them achieve the desired objectives. It is against this background that necessitated the researchers to carry out this study on the effect of computer literacy possessed by secondary school students on their academic achievement with a view to finding out the true picture of how things are in our secondary schools.

1.3 Purpose of the Study
This project aims at finding the effect of computer literacy possessed by secondary school students on their academic achievement in Enugu East Zone.
Specifically, the purposes of the project work are to find out:
1. How many students know the general over view of computer.
2. How many students know how to make use of Microsoft office package very well?
3. How many students know how to use computer to communicate?
4. How many schools are computerized?
5. What are the student’s attitudes towards the use of computer system in teaching of computer science?

1.4 Significance of the Study
When you carry out a research on how the effects of computer literacy possessed by secondary school students on their academic achievement in Enugu East Zone, you are balancing several sets of requirements.
Generally, you want to contribute great ideas that will be used to carry everybody along in terms of becoming computer literate. You also want to talk to some of the importance of computer in data processing, teaching and learning in the classroom and also for communication. Talking about this issue will motivate both the teachers and students that were not willing to learn computer to embrace it.
Therefore, in this research work we meant to strategies the way forward to all the teachers and students and also schools to buy the idea of not been contended with the little knowledge they have, there by becoming more hungry for more knowledge especially computer knowledge to enable them cope with the world of information technology, also this will help in the improvement of computer science in our society.

1.5 Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is to find the effect of computer literacy possessed by secondary schools students in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State.

1.6 Research Questions
The following research questions guided this study:
1) How many students know the general overview and meaning of computer system?
2) How many students know how to use Microsoft office program?
3) How many students know how to use internet?
4) How many students are computerized?
5) What are the student’s attitudes towards the use of computer system in teaching of computer science?

1.7 Definition of Terms
a) Computer: A computer is an electronic machine or device that accepts data as inputs and processes them electronically to produce the desired output or information with the aid of a set of instructions.
b) Literacy : Involves the ability to use and communicate in a diverse range of technologies. While the traditional definition of technologies is the ability to read and communicate.
c) Computer Literacy: Is the knowledge and skills required to use a computer as a problem-solving tool.
d) Data Processing: This is the manipulation of a computer does in data in other transform it into information.
e) Information Technology: The study or use of electronic equipment, especially computers for storing, analyzing and sending out information.

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Computer literacy among secondary school students can have a significant impact on their academic achievement. Here are some of the effects:

  1. Improved Information Access: Computer literacy enables students to access a vast amount of information and resources available on the internet. They can use search engines, online databases, and educational websites to enhance their research skills and gather relevant information for their studies. This can lead to better-informed assignments and projects.
  2. Enhanced Learning Opportunities: Computers can provide students with various learning opportunities, such as interactive educational software and online courses. These resources can help students better understand complex concepts and reinforce what they have learned in the classroom, potentially leading to improved academic performance.
  3. Digital Skills Development: Computer literacy involves the development of digital skills, such as word processing, spreadsheet use, and presentation software. Proficiency in these tools can make students more efficient in completing assignments, creating presentations, and organizing their academic work.
  4. Increased Engagement: Incorporating technology into the learning process can make education more engaging and interactive. Students may be more motivated to participate in class activities that involve computers, which can positively impact their academic performance.
  5. Preparation for Future Careers: In today’s digital age, computer literacy is a crucial skill for almost any career path. Secondary school students who are computer literate are better prepared for future job opportunities and are more likely to excel in fields that require technological competence.
  6. Collaborative Learning: Computers and the internet facilitate collaborative learning. Students can work on group projects, share documents, and communicate with peers and teachers through online platforms. This collaborative aspect can improve their understanding of subjects and boost their academic performance.
  7. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Using computers often involves problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Students may need to troubleshoot issues, analyze data, or evaluate information online. These skills are transferable to various academic subjects and can improve overall cognitive abilities.
  8. Time Management and Organization: Computer literacy can help students develop better time management and organizational skills. They can use digital tools like calendars, task lists, and reminders to keep track of assignments, deadlines, and study schedules, leading to more efficient and effective study habits.
  9. Access to Online Assessment and Feedback: Many schools and teachers use online platforms for assessments and feedback. Computer-literate students can easily submit assignments, take online quizzes, and receive timely feedback, which can help them identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments in their studies.
  10. Global Perspective: Computer literacy can expose students to a global perspective. They can connect with students from other parts of the world, access international resources, and gain a broader understanding of global issues. This broader perspective can enrich their academic discussions and research.

However, it’s essential to note that the impact of computer literacy on academic achievement depends on various factors, including the quality of computer education, access to technology, and how effectively it is integrated into the curriculum. Moreover, while computer literacy can be beneficial, it should be balanced with other essential skills and should not replace fundamental academic skills like reading, writing, and critical thinking.