Effect of Computer Usage in Banking

(Case Study Of United Bank for West African PLC (UBA))

5 Chapters
55 Pages
6,742 Words

The integration of computer technology in banking has revolutionized the financial sector, fostering efficiency, security, and convenience for both customers and institutions. Computer systems enable rapid processing of transactions, reducing the time needed for tasks such as fund transfers, account management, and loan processing. Moreover, online banking platforms provide customers with round-the-clock access to their accounts, allowing for seamless transactions and account monitoring. Enhanced security measures, including encryption and biometric authentication, bolster the protection of sensitive financial information, mitigating the risks associated with fraud and data breaches. Additionally, the utilization of computer algorithms and data analytics facilitates more accurate risk assessment, enabling banks to make informed lending decisions and tailor financial products to individual customer needs. In essence, the integration of computer technology in banking has streamlined operations, heightened security, and enhanced customer experience, ushering in a new era of digital banking.


The life of computer began with the abacus calculation instrument. It is still used today by people in doing some counting’s.
Computer is also an electronic device that accepts data as an input, process the data and finally provides information as an output.
The effect of computer usage in banking sector:
i. Computer is more reliable and also saves time
ii. It also provides easy access of information about customers account number and details into the computer.
iii. It also provide easy accessing of already completes projects
iv. Computer as an information technology helps to detects and eliminate fraud for immediate action fro further occurance.
Before the use of computer, Nigeria will recall the long gone days of the tallies when customers need to rush to the bank as early as possible to submit their tellers in exchange for tallies so as to avoid the long delays. This was a result of the manual processing of Computer Networking; this is the ability of several computers in communication for sharing common data, files.
Bank: bank is an organization offering financial services, especially the safe keeping of money.
Banking industry: this refers to a place where business activities of bank are carried out as services.


Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Content vi
List of Table vii
Abstract viii

Background of Study 1
Statement of the Problem 2
Purpose of the Study 2
Significance of the Study 3
Scope of Study 4
Definition of Terms 4

Historical Evolution of Computer System 7
Brief History of Banking in Nigeria 9
Computer Network in Nigeria 11
Overview of Internet Banking 12
Application of Computer to Current Banking
Industries 13
Department of Computer Operations 14
Summary of Review 16

Area of Study 17
Sources of Data 17
Questionnaires (schedules) 18
Personal Interview 18
Observation 18
Secondary Data 18
Population of the Study 19
Sample and Sampling Techniques 19
Methods and Sources of Data Collection 19
Validation of the Data 20
Administration of the Instrument 21
Methods of Data Collection. 21


Table 4:2.1 23
Table 4:2.2 24
Table 4:2.3 24
Table 4:2.4 25
Table 4:2.5 25
Table 4:.2.6 26
Table 4:2.7 27
Table 4:2.8 28
Table 4:2.9 29
Table 4:2.10 29
Table 4:2.11 30
Table 4:2.12 31


Discussion of Findings 33
Conclusion 37
Reference 39
Questionnaire 41


Background of Study
It is globally belief that the computer as an information technology is able to provide useful information. If properly fed with a reasonable input or it will result in “Garbage in and Garbage out”.
The use of computer to carry out a very wide range of activities for work, study and leisure has become part of our everyday life. It is no longer something that you may want to use if you are interested, rather like motor car, it is an essential part of our lives. We are constantly told that anyone can use a computer and to some extent this is true. As we become more and more upon technology this will not be enough.
Computer is commercial and industrial setting have been around for several decades nothing new about that, what is new however is the availability of computing power at modest cost to manger’s and workers throughout business organization and banking industries.
However in the banking industries, computer has been used in various areas carrying out their day to day activities. Thanks for the introduction of micro-computers, the power to retrieve and process data no longer belongs exclusively to computer specialist.

Modern technology has brought about the use of computer system in all areas of our human endeavors. In Nigeria and other African countries works see this as an attempt to replace them and to result them unto mass retrenchment or loss their jobs.
They always believe where computers are installed will require less human effort to perform the desired operation. On this not, the researchers want to identify the effect of computer use in banking sector.

In this perspective, the objectives of this study are to know the effect of information technology to banking industries.
Computer takes a lesser time in dealing with laid down projects, assignment and acquisition.
i. To determine how information technology assists in saving time.
ii. To ascertain how information technology provides easy access about the customers account number into the computer.
iii. To make possible recommendation on the use of information technology to enhance growth of banking operation.

Before the use of computer in United bank for African PLC (UBA) Nigeria will recall the long-gone days of tallies when customers needed to rush to the banks as early as possible to submit their tellers in exchange for tallies of that era. Which the analyst said that the long quenes and inefficiency of that era was as a result of the manual processing of data.
By courtesy of modern developments in information and communication technology has given the way to automated, faster and more seamless processing.
These problems include:
i. Inaccuracy
ii. Inefficiency
iii. Time consuming
iv. Tiredness at the end of the day.
The benefits of system to Bankers use computer to track certain transactions and they help process other customer jobs and track all of the information once a teller or banker employee keys it into the system.
Theoretically future researchers and students will find the study a good reference material for future works on relationship between information technologies and banking services from practical perspective, this study will enable corporate organizations including banks, policy makers and government to determine to what degree full adoption of information technology affects the banking services.

The scope of this project is to concern on the impact of information technology in banking industries.

Computer: It is an electronic devices that is capable of accepting data as an input, process the data and finally provide information as an output. It is also store and analyzes information fed into it, for calculating or controlling in machinery automatically.
Software: Software is the invisible component that cannot be seeing physically by the user of the system.
Programme: Programme is the set of instruction that direct and control the operation of the computers hardware.
Computer Network: This is the ability of several computers to communications and sharing of common data files and peripherals.
Bank: Bank is a financial intermediary that performs one or more of the following functions, safeguards and transfer, lend or facilitate lending, guarantees credits worthiness and exchange money.
Computer Services: This is the work done by the use of electronic machines e.t.c.
Banking Industry: This refers to a place where business actives of banks are carried out as services.

Limitation of the Study
For a proper project research to be carried out effectively there should be some limitations along the line, these limitations includes:
Time Constraint- this is the time students spent in carries out a project research topic.
Firstly, for a student to carries out a project research successfully, there should be effective plans on how actually materials needed can be gotten. And this will actually involves moving from one library to another by so doing time is consumed.
Money- this involves that money needed to carries out the project research will become high, and the situation where by the group will be effective in finally terminates their work.
Difficult Experiences – this is the experience we encounter during the period research; since every body has his/her own personal daily activity to do things can never work out at same time. Therefore, the time schedule for a particular group to carryout their project research varies.



Effect of Computer Usage in Banking:

Computer usage has had a profound and transformative effect on the banking industry. Here are some of the key ways in which computers have influenced and continue to impact banking:

  1. Automation and Efficiency: Computers have automated many manual banking processes, leading to increased efficiency. Tasks like transaction processing, account management, and record-keeping are now largely handled by computers, reducing the need for human intervention and the possibility of errors.
  2. Online Banking: The advent of the internet and computers has given rise to online banking. Customers can now access their accounts, check balances, transfer funds, and pay bills from the comfort of their homes or on mobile devices. This has revolutionized the way customers interact with their banks, making it more convenient and accessible.
  3. ATMs (Automated Teller Machines): ATMs are computerized devices that allow customers to perform various banking transactions, including cash withdrawals, deposits, and balance inquiries, 24/7. They have greatly expanded the availability of banking services beyond traditional banking hours.
  4. Risk Management: Computers are used extensively in banking for risk assessment and management. Complex algorithms analyze data to assess credit risk, detect fraudulent activities, and monitor market trends. This helps banks make informed decisions and reduce financial risks.
  5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Banks use computer systems to manage customer information and interactions. CRM software enables banks to tailor their services to individual customer needs, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance cross-selling opportunities.
  6. Data Analytics: Big data analytics, powered by computers, enable banks to analyze vast amounts of data to gain insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. This information is used to make strategic decisions and improve services.
  7. Mobile Banking Apps: Mobile banking apps have become increasingly popular, allowing customers to carry out banking transactions on their smartphones. These apps often integrate features like biometric authentication, making banking both convenient and secure.
  8. Electronic Funds Transfer: Computers facilitate electronic funds transfer systems like ACH (Automated Clearing House) and wire transfers, enabling fast and secure money transfers between banks and individuals or businesses.
  9. Stock Trading and Investment: Computers are crucial for high-frequency trading and investment management. Algorithms execute trades in milliseconds, responding to market fluctuations in ways that would be impossible for humans to match.
  10. Security: Banks rely heavily on computer systems to protect customer data and financial assets. Advanced security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and multi-factor authentication, are employed to safeguard sensitive information.
  11. Cost Reduction: While the initial investment in computer systems can be substantial, over time, they often lead to cost reductions for banks. Fewer physical branches, reduced paperwork, and streamlined processes result in significant savings.
  12. Globalization: Computers enable banks to operate on a global scale. They can easily process international transactions, exchange currencies, and provide services to customers across borders.

However, it’s important to note that increased computer usage in banking also comes with challenges, such as the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect against cyber threats, the potential for job displacement as automation increases, and concerns about data privacy.

In conclusion, computer usage has had a transformative effect on banking, revolutionizing the way financial institutions operate and how customers access and manage their finances. This trend is likely to continue as technology continues to advance.