Effect Of Unemployment Among Youths Undergraduate

(A Case Study Of Escet Nigeria)

5 Chapters
66 Pages
8,923 Words

Unemployment among undergraduate youths exerts a profound impact on both individuals and society, encompassing economic, social, and psychological dimensions. Economically, it stifles personal financial growth and limits contributions to national productivity, exacerbating poverty and inequality. Socially, it fosters feelings of disenchantment and disconnection from societal norms, potentially leading to increased crime rates and social unrest. Psychologically, it engenders feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem, hindering personal development and exacerbating mental health issues. Moreover, the long-term consequences extend beyond the individual, as persistent youth unemployment can erode social cohesion and diminish future prospects for economic stability. Addressing this issue requires holistic strategies that encompass education reform, targeted job creation initiatives, and robust support systems to empower youth with the skills and opportunities needed to thrive in the workforce.


The progress of every nation is determined by the level of its labour forces, in light this research a very crucial issue like unemployment requires a great attention. This research was conducted in Enugu State College of Education Technical the hub of Nigeria coal industry and one of the major cities in Nigeria. This research work will focus on youths of Enugu State in particular. The effect of unemployment among the youths concerns the effect causes, damage and possible outcome which unemployment has impacted on our society today. In trying to alleviate this problems in this areas, under review will be examined. Information for this research work will be obtained through distribution of questionnaires, oral interviews and use of research questions. Other information’s will be collected from newspapers, journals, textbooks and internet.
At the end of this research there will be a discussion of findings, summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations.



Approval page
Table of content
List of Table

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study area 1
1.2 Statement of problem 3
1.3 Purpose of the study 4
1.4 Significance of the study 4
1.5 Scope of the study 5
1.6 Research questions 5

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review 7
2.1 Unemployment is a hazard of an industrialized
Economic system 7
2.2 Definition and meaning of unemployment 10
2.3 Nigerian labour and explanation of
Unemployment labour market 13
2.4 Unemployment concepts and issues 15
2.5 The Nigeria experience of unemployment 16
2.6 Impact and cost of unemployment 18
2.7 Evaluation of past policy measure for solving
Unemployment problems 23
2.8 Factors influencing unemployment in Nigeria
2.9 Strategies for solving unemployment in our society 25

Chapter Three
3.1 Research method of designs 38
3.2 Source of data 38
3.3 Location of study 39
3.4 Method of date collection 40
3.5 Population of the study 40
3.6 Sample size and sample technique 40
3.7 Instrument of data collection 41
3.8 Validity of instrument 41
3.9 Reliability of the instrument 42

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation and analysis of data references 42

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion of findings 49
5.1 Summary of finding conclusion 49
5.2 Conclusion 49
5.3 Recommendation 50
Reference 54




Background of the Study
Unemployment can be defined as a situation in which person’s capable and willing to work are unable to find suitable paid employment. It’s also a situation where the unemployed persons are willing and able to work but the job is out of reach or he cannot get the job source?
Unemployment is a universal phenomenon which has transverse every length and breath of the world. Nigerian experience is not an exception, her own situation now assumed an alarming proportion. To a responsive and focused government, the deteriorating unemployment situation in Nigeria should be a source of worry, with the attendant social dislocation exemplified by high crime rate and restiveness assailing the country. Nigeria against the prediction of its economic team has had more than a fair share of the meltdown burden. In Nigeria today, more and more factories have found better options in West African coast, thus leaving Nigeria to establish business in Ghana, Togo and other relatively smaller countries.
It is against this background that both the Nigerian government and the international labour organization (ILO) jointly organized the first National Employment Summit under the theme, “Meeting the Employment Challenges of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis in Nigeria Date of Summit. During the summit the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) president, Abdulwahed Omar, described the free market economy as monumental failure especially in the face of the on-going global economic recession.
The minister of labour and productivity Adetokunbo Kayodo (SAN) pointed a worrying picture of the global crunch to the already worsening unemployment situations in Nigeria. He said that the credit crunch has lead to many Nigerians abroad returning home to make matters worst as they are now returning to compound the congested unemployment population.
Unemployment in Nigeria is concentrated among the youths especially graduates and young school leavers between the age of 18 – 35 years.

Englama (2001) stated that unemployment causes misery social unrest and hopelessness, problem of armed robbery and other social vices. Also a study by the World Health Organization (WHO) (year) on youths unrest shown that the major cause of indulging in indiscriminate and unprescribe use of drugs is unemployment. Unemployment can lead to all kinds of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria to mention but a few which the youths of Enugu State are suffering today.

1.2. Statement of Problem
Looking back at the past decades or so one factor that has been identified by the government and private sector as a hindrance to economic growth is unemployment. The rate at which unemployment is growing among the youths of Enugu State needs to be addressed. Consequently the policy maker’s originated National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to create mass employment but in spite of all this effort unemployment have continued to affect the people of Enugu State.
This study is therefore geared towards identifying these factors that affects unemployment and suggest ways of solving this problems.

1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of unemployment on our youths today in Enugu State. Specifically it is
1) Apply strategies or to set strategies to help manage unemployment rate among the youth in the Enugu State College of Education.
2) To suggest other measures to manage and curb unemployment, as well as recommend ways to educate graduates to be self employed.
3) To advice policy makers and field administrators on the best way of curbing unemployment.
4) Advising the youths to be self employed.

1.4 Significance of the Study
The findings of this research will contribute significantly to: –
Advising our youths to adopt strategies to reduce unemployment in the metropolis.
Providing suggestions to reduce unemployment among youths
Providing basic information on how to curb unemployment in Enugu State.
It will be useful to government for it’s planning and consultants involved in Entrepreneurs development Budget planning.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study
The scope of this research is concentrate on the effect of unemployment among the youths in Enugu State College of Education Technical. The task of conducting this research is a difficult one.
This study was carried out under a number of limitations such as time and finance.

1.6. Research Questions
To guide this project work, the following questions were administered to unfold a number of contending issues that bothers on the subject matter: – Effects of unemployment among the youths in Enugu State College of Education Technical.
1) What factors are responsible for high rate of unemployment in Enugu State College of education technical
2) To what extent does unemployment affect the youths in Enugu State College of Education
3) Is the high increase in crime in Enugu State as a result of unemployment?
4) What measures can be adopted to evaluate unemployment.




Effect Of Unemployment Among Youths Undergraduate:

Unemployment among undergraduate youths can have a wide range of negative effects on both individuals and society as a whole. These effects can be economic, psychological, and social in nature. Here are some of the key consequences of youth unemployment among undergraduates:

Financial Stress: When young people are unable to secure jobs after completing their undergraduate studies, they often face financial stress. They may struggle to cover basic living expenses, repay student loans, and save for the future. This can lead to increased debt and financial instability.

Delayed Career Development: Prolonged unemployment can delay the development of a graduate’s career. They may miss out on valuable work experience and the opportunity to build a strong professional network. This can impact their long-term career prospects.

Lower Earnings Potential: Graduates who experience unemployment early in their careers may earn less over their lifetime compared to those who enter the job market immediately after graduation. This is often referred to as the “scarring effect” of youth unemployment.

Psychological Stress: Unemployment can take a toll on an individual’s mental health. Feelings of frustration, anxiety, and depression are common among unemployed youths. The sense of purpose and self-esteem that comes from having a job is often lost during periods of unemployment.

Underemployment: Some graduates may take on jobs that do not fully utilize their skills and education, leading to underemployment. This not only affects their job satisfaction but also hinders their potential for career growth.

Social Isolation: Unemployment can lead to social isolation as individuals may withdraw from social activities due to financial constraints or feelings of inadequacy. This isolation can further exacerbate mental health issues.

Reduced Consumption: Unemployed youths may reduce their consumption of goods and services, which can have a negative impact on the economy. They are less likely to make significant purchases, such as homes or cars, which can slow down economic growth.

Increased Dependency: Unemployed graduates may become financially dependent on their families, which can strain family relationships and impose a burden on parents or guardians.

Skills Erosion: Prolonged unemployment can lead to a loss of skills and knowledge acquired during their undergraduate studies. This can make it more difficult to re-enter the job market when opportunities become available.

Potential for Social Unrest: In some cases, high levels of youth unemployment can lead to social unrest and protests, especially in areas with a history of youth activism.

To mitigate the negative effects of youth unemployment among undergraduates, governments, educational institutions, and employers can implement policies and programs aimed at providing job opportunities, career counseling, and skills development for young graduates. Supporting entrepreneurship and small business creation can also be effective strategies for addressing youth unemployment. Additionally, mental health support and counseling services should be readily available to help individuals cope with the psychological stress associated with unemployment.