Effects Of Information And Communication Technologies (ICT) On The Performance Of The Office Staff /Secretaries

(A Case Study Of First Bank Of Nig Plc Enugu (Emene) Branch)

5 Chapters
61 Pages
7,673 Words

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have significantly reshaped the landscape of office operations, exerting a profound influence on the performance of office staff and secretaries. The integration of advanced technological tools such as computer systems, communication software, and digital devices has revolutionized the way tasks are executed and information is managed within office environments. These technologies have streamlined communication channels, enabling swift and efficient exchange of information among staff members. Moreover, the implementation of office management software has enhanced organizational processes, optimizing workflow and increasing productivity. The digitalization of documentation has eliminated the traditional paper-based systems, allowing secretaries to manage and retrieve information effortlessly. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges posed by this technological shift, including the need for continuous training to keep staff updated with the latest tools and security concerns associated with digital data. Despite these challenges, the transformative impact of ICT on office staff and secretaries is undeniable, fostering a dynamic and tech-savvy work environment.


This study was carried out in order to find the effect of Information and Communication Technologies on the performance of the office staff. Particular secretaries at first Bank of Nig. Plc. Enugu (Emene) Branch.
The secretary who is an indispensable member of the office has been affected on one way or the other by the introduction of these Information Technology.
Find-out whether modern equipment has come to displace the role of the secretary or to improve the secretary efficiency.
How will information technology reduce the work-load of a secretary.
The research used the whole population of the staff as sample size. The population comprised of 40 staff of the bank.
Instrument used for data collection were the questionnaire and direct observation. The data was collected presented and analyzed by the use of table and percentage technology cash not replace secretaries rather it improve the secretary efficiency.
The researcher thereby recommend that every secretary should endeavour to upgrade their skills and knowledge on modern technologies so as to equip themselves and face challenges of information technology.


Title Page
Table Of Contents

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problems
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Scope Of The Study

2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 The Concept Of Communication Technology
2.2 What Is Information Technology
2.3 Types Of Information Technology Used In An Office
2.4 The Effects Of Modern Communication Equipment On The Office Staff
2.5 Historical Development Of Information Technology

3.0 Research Procedure / Methodology

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample Size
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Validity Of The Research Instrument
3.7 Reliability Of The Instrument
3.8 Method Of Administration Of The Research Instrument
3.9 Method Of Data Analysis

4.1 Presentation And Analysis Of Data
4.2 Percentage Analysis Of Data Collected

5.0 Discussion, Implication Recommendations

5.1.0 Discussion
5.1 Discussion Of Results
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implications Of The Results
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Suggestion For Further Research
5.6 Limitation Of The Study
Questionnaire Appendix Ii


In recent years, there has been great advancement in science and technology. This advancement is growing rapidly and its impact is felt in all part of the world and all works of life.
Everyday being about the birth of new organization. The incessant growth of business organization has created massive development in office technology. This development in office technology brought about the introduction of various types of machines and systems to enhance office efficiency. This includes the introduction of computer, fax machine dictating machines, word processor, teleprinter electronic typewriter and accounting machines etc.
Communication is a process in which people share information, ideas and feelings.
Today there are many ways we can receive information and also communicate back or give complete. Such as computer, electronics mail telephone.
Information the oxford advanced learners dictionary of currents English described information as fact heard or discovered about somebody or something. Information techniques the same dictionary. Sees information technology as the study or use of electronics equipment, especially computer for strong analyzing and distributing words numbers and pictures. Information technology (IT) digest defines information technology as a technology phenomenon in the revolutionary sense of the word, which inter connects all fabrious of society and human activity and it mission is to change the way we live, educate people, work and engage all other life activities.
Although information technology (IMT) made its input after the second world war, its remarkable impact could be said to have begin in the 1970’s with the rapid increase in computing power that resulted from advances made in microchips and semiconductors, by such companies like motorole an Intel. The process was accelerate by other factors as advances in computer operating system software, communication (fibre optics and satellite) as well as the internet, extract and internet.
Information is power while communication moves the wheels of progress, but it is technology that rules the world. In the distant past, people hardly knew anything beyond their immediate neighbourhood. When they communicated, it was among themselves and their immediate neighbour but time changes everything wit the advent of the printing press which revolutionized information and communication technologies, giving birth as it were, to modern sophisticate technologies like the computer and the internet.
David Harry (1986) argued vehemently that the advancement of new technologies will generate redundancy among the staff as less hand will be needed to man the machine. It could also make some secretaries resign compulsorily their job as the machines will certainly replace the operations of many of them.
It is not very easy for technologies to replace secretaries in the office because the place of a secretaries is very significant.
The problems of the study is that many secretaries have been replaced in office while many others have been hindered from securing a good job by the introduction of technology in the society especially in the case of secretarial profession.
All these facts are what the researcher intends to find out in this study using one of the subsidiary company of (first bank) in Enugu Emene (Branch) as its main focus. It is done to enable the researcher established the effect of information and communication technologies on the performance of the office staff.

In some organization the management prefer to employ computer operators, programme managers and equipment at the expense of providing adequate training and education for their secretaries to handle such machines and equipment.
Sanders (1979) states that information technology wage has often made it possible for people to eliminate routine procedures and to use their operative abilities in more challenging and rewarding wags. It is therefore feared that the introduction of this viable equipment may throw some secretaries out of job. It is a result of the complexity of office services automated devices. Computers have become indispensable in modern organization, the secretary who is an indispensable member of the office has been affected on one way or the other by the introduction of these information technology. Therefore this research work is designed to fine how true these are and also highlight instead the challenge and prospects there are for the modern secretaries in this era of advanced information technology.

This research work will try to investigate the effect of information and communication technologies on the performance of the office staff, by doing the following.
1. Finding out how information technology can reduce the work load of the secretary
2. Find out if an office can function well without the use of a computer.
3. Find out whether computer device has come to displace the role of the secretary or to improve the secretary efficiency.
4. To identify the modern office machine that are of vital important in the office and to the secretary in particular.
5. To find out the problems caused by effective information and communication technology on the performance of the secretaries.

Information technology has brought repaid improvements through information technology the world has been globalized to a village. Access to information has become easier. Information technology has brought great improvement in our organization.
This new equipment is capable of storing materials to the extent of its memory capacity which might be several thousand of words. The operators can correct, insert delete and edit materials easily it enable the secretarial staff to produce more work with less effort. It removes the need for repetitive typing and allows the secretary more time for other routine jobs.
This project will help to enlighten organization on the need of training their secretaries on the use of computer devices for efficiency and productivity. Secretaries themselves will also see the need for them to get more versed in their profession by acquiring computer training.
It is hoped that at the end of this study, organization will see the need to introduce information technology (IT) in their organizations for the benefit of the society and the secretary in particular.

This research work will provide answers to the following questions.
1. How will information technology reduce the work-load of a secretary.
2. Can an office function effectively without the aid of computer
3. Will computer take over completely the work of a secretary.
4. Information technology is it changing the work of the secretaries or eliminating it.
5. Has information technology enhance interpersonal relationship and co-operation among the staff of the establishment.

The scope of this study is very wide if it was to be carried out in all organization. The study is delimited, based on the fact that there is limited time. Lack of finance and material resources to study the whole organizations. Therefore this research study will be confined to secretaries and staff of the First Bank of Nig. Plc. Enugu Emen Branch.



Effects Of Information And Communication Technologies (ICT) On The Performance Of The Office Staff /Secretaries:

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have had a profound impact on the performance of office staff and secretaries. Here are several effects:

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity:
    • Automation: ICT tools automate routine tasks such as data entry, scheduling, and document creation, allowing office staff to focus on more complex and strategic responsibilities.
    • Communication Tools: Email, instant messaging, and video conferencing streamline communication, reducing delays and improving collaboration among office staff.
  2. Enhanced Communication:
    • Email and Messaging: ICT facilitates quick and efficient communication, enabling secretaries to convey messages, share information, and coordinate tasks in real-time.
    • Video Conferencing: Virtual meetings and conferences become more accessible, reducing the need for physical presence and enabling remote collaboration.
  3. Improved Information Management:
    • Database Systems: ICT tools help secretaries organize and manage vast amounts of information through databases, making it easier to retrieve and update data.
    • Document Management Systems: Electronic filing systems and document sharing platforms simplify document storage, retrieval, and collaboration.
  4. Global Connectivity:
    • Internet Access: Secretaries can access information from around the world, stay updated on industry trends, and connect with professionals globally, fostering a more informed and connected work environment.
  5. Time Management:
    • Calendar and Scheduling Apps: Secretaries can efficiently manage appointments, deadlines, and meetings using digital calendars and scheduling tools, reducing the likelihood of scheduling conflicts.
    • Task Management Software: ICT assists in prioritizing tasks, setting deadlines, and tracking progress, leading to improved time management.
  6. Skill Enhancement:
    • Training Programs: Online training courses and webinars enable office staff and secretaries to continuously develop their skills, staying current with technological advancements and industry best practices.
  7. Flexibility and Remote Work:
    • Telecommuting: ICT allows for remote work, offering flexibility in work arrangements. Secretaries can perform tasks from different locations, enhancing work-life balance and potentially increasing job satisfaction.
  8. Cost Reduction:
    • Paperless Environment: ICT contributes to a reduction in paper usage, leading to cost savings on printing, storage, and document distribution.
    • Energy Efficiency: Implementing ICT can lead to energy savings as digital communication and document storage often require less physical space and resources.
  9. Security Challenges:
    • Data Security Concerns: The increased reliance on digital platforms may expose sensitive information to cybersecurity threats. Secretaries need to be trained on security measures to protect confidential data.
  10. Adaptability and Learning Curve:
    • Initial Challenges: Implementing new ICT tools may require staff to adapt to changes, and there may be a learning curve associated with mastering new technologies.

In summary, the integration of ICT in the workplace has significantly transformed the roles of office staff and secretaries, fostering increased efficiency, global connectivity, and adaptability. While the benefits are substantial, it is crucial to address challenges such as cybersecurity concerns and the need for ongoing training to maximize the positive impact of ICT on performance