Fabrication Of A Polythene Bag Sealing And Cutting Machine

6 Chapters
37 Pages
4,494 Words

The fabrication of a polythene bag sealing and cutting machine involves the construction of a specialized apparatus designed to efficiently seal and cut polyethylene bags. This equipment typically comprises various components, including a sturdy frame, heating elements, a sealing bar, a cutting blade, and a control system. The process involves assembling these components to create a functional unit capable of sealing and cutting polythene bags of different sizes and thicknesses. The heating elements are crucial for melting the edges of the polyethylene bags together to create a secure seal, while the cutting blade ensures precise and accurate cutting of the sealed bags. The control system allows operators to adjust settings such as temperature, sealing duration, and cutting speed for optimal performance. Fabricating such a machine requires expertise in mechanical engineering, electrical systems, and materials science to ensure durability, efficiency, and safety. Additionally, considerations for energy efficiency and ergonomic design may also be integrated into the fabrication process to enhance usability and reduce operational costs.


This machine is meant for sealing and cutting of nylon bag of different sizes. This machine is operated with electrical system. This machine can cut and seal nylon of different sizes.
It also comprises of materials as follows: Mechanical and Electrical section
Mechanical section include the frame structure, lever and the pedal mechanism.
Electrical section include the transformer, Regular and the micro switch.


Title Page
Letter of Transmittal
Release of Page
Approval Page
Table of Content

1.1 Introduction

2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Material for Fabrication and their Properties
2.2 Description of a Simple Polythene Sealing and Cutting Machine
2.3 Selection of the Fabrication Materials

3.0 Tools for Fabrication
3.1 Fabrication Specification
3.2 Sequence of Operation

4.0 Cost of Production/Cost Analysis
4.1 Cost of Material
4.2 Labour / Cost
4.3 Machine Cost / Tools Cost
4.4 Transportation
4.5 Total Cost

5.0 Safety Precautions
5.1 Maintenance of the Machine

6.0 Discussion
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Recommendation


The portable sealing machine is one of the most important fabrication of engineers of 20th century, the achievements led to sweet relieve for Agriculturist, industrialist, marketers etc. for this purpose, the production of Agricultural and industrials, goods which need appropriate attention for packaging and storage has been on the increase.
Previously, the packaging system has done by the use of paper, clothing material, etc. These methods are either given way to cellophane packaging system.
Different types of packaging system emerged owing to the facts of invention of which the most commonly used is the cellophane packaging and sealing.
It has the following advantages:
Low cost of production, high resistance to acid attacks, inertness, corrosion etc.
Polyethylene is used in packaging goods like ice cream, umbrellas, exercise books, pure water, beverages, weavon, packet shirts, bread, biscuits etc. the following properties polyethylene possessed are the reasons for its varieties of purpose that is to say how cost of production, inertness, resistance to acid, and corrosion water.
The use of polythene cannot be overemphasized. Most of food packaging for hygienic. The technology of cellophane permits raw materials of textile industries to be carried with sealed polyethylene the finished products are either marketed or exported with polyethylene packaging. Most utensils are packaged with polyethylene. Special polyethylene materials have been invented of recent that have shock absorber which gives protection to the breakable material. Since this packaging came up, there had been a safer conveyance of glass and ceramics materials, especially for transportation and exportation of finished goods.
Also, it is in packaging most of electronic gadgets which includes; computers, amplifiers, calculators, radio and T.V sets etc. for safety purposes. It will be needless talking about polyethylene. Without talking about the machines used in sealing generally. Some of the machines used in the industries include cellophane sealing machine used in sealing polyethylene materials, pneumatic, electrical sealing machine handled by electrical heater and needle point action and hand sealing.




Fabrication Of A Polythene Bag Sealing And Cutting Machine:

Fabricating a polythene bag sealing and cutting machine involves several steps and requires a good understanding of mechanical and electrical engineering principles. Here’s a basic guide to help you get started, but keep in mind that building such a machine requires technical expertise and access to the necessary tools and materials. Additionally, ensure you follow safety protocols during the fabrication process.

Materials and Tools:

  1. Steel frame or structure
  2. Heat sealing element (e.g., nichrome wire)
  3. Cutting blade
  4. Electric motor
  5. Pulleys and belts
  6. Bearings
  7. Control panel with switches and temperature control
  8. Power source (electricity)
  9. Wiring and connectors
  10. Safety features (emergency stop button, guards)
  11. Measuring and marking tools
  12. Welding equipment (if required)
  13. Lubricants and grease
  14. Polythene rolls for testing

Steps for Fabrication:

  1. Design and Planning:
    • Create a detailed design for your sealing and cutting machine. Decide on the machine’s dimensions, the width of the polythene rolls it can handle, the sealing and cutting mechanism, and the placement of controls.
  2. Frame Construction:
    • Build a sturdy steel frame to serve as the machine’s base. Ensure it’s level and stable.
  3. Sealing Mechanism:
    • Install the heat sealing element (e.g., nichrome wire) on the machine. This element will be responsible for sealing the polythene bags. Attach it securely and ensure it’s adjustable for different sealing temperatures.
  4. Cutting Mechanism:
    • Install the cutting blade on the machine. This blade will be responsible for cutting the polythene bags after sealing. Ensure it’s properly aligned with the sealing element.
  5. Motor and Power Transmission:
    • Attach an electric motor to the machine. This motor will drive the polythene rolls and other moving parts.
    • Use pulleys and belts to transmit power from the motor to the sealing and cutting mechanisms.
    • Ensure the motor is properly wired to a power source and controlled by a switch on the control panel.
  6. Bearings and Lubrication:
    • Use bearings to reduce friction in moving parts.
    • Lubricate moving parts regularly to ensure smooth operation.
  7. Control Panel and Safety Features:
    • Install a control panel on the machine with switches for starting and stopping, temperature control for the sealing element, and an emergency stop button.
    • Implement safety features, such as guards to protect operators from moving parts.
  8. Testing and Calibration:
    • Before production use, test the machine with polythene rolls to ensure it seals and cuts properly.
    • Calibrate the temperature control for the sealing element to achieve the desired seal strength.
  9. Documentation:
    • Create a user manual or operating instructions for the machine.
  10. Safety Measures:
    • Ensure the machine meets safety standards and regulations in your region.
    • Train operators on safe machine operation.
  11. Maintenance and Troubleshooting:
    • Establish a maintenance schedule for regular checks and repairs.
    • Develop troubleshooting procedures for common issues.

Please note that building industrial machinery like this requires a good understanding of mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as safety considerations. It’s advisable to consult with experts or professionals in the field and adhere to any local regulations and safety standards applicable to such equipment.