Impact Of Effective Human Resources Development On Production Quality Of Indigenous Business

(A Case Study O’ Ben Developer Limited Anambra State)

5 Chapters
67 Pages
7,465 Words

Effective human resources development plays a crucial role in enhancing the production quality of indigenous businesses, fostering competence, efficiency, and innovation within the workforce. By implementing tailored training programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and providing opportunities for skills development, organizations can empower their employees to acquire the necessary competencies and expertise to meet the evolving demands of their roles. Additionally, investing in employee well-being and engagement initiatives not only cultivates a positive work environment but also boosts morale and productivity levels, consequently translating into higher-quality outputs and services. Moreover, aligning human resources strategies with the specific needs and goals of indigenous businesses can further optimize performance and competitiveness in the market, driving sustainable growth and success.


This research study focuses on “The impact of effective human resources development on product quality of indigenous business with reference to O’ Ben developers limited Anambra state”.
The first chapter introduces the topic understudy by highlighting the background, the research question, significance and limitation of the study using various motivational tools to maintain a desired level of study, performance which provide4s guidelines, while chapter two deals with the related literature review: Thus effective human resources on products quality. Chapter three focus mostly and explained the process involved in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data used in the study.
Chapter four is base on data presentation, analyzing and findings. In this chapter, attempts where made to analysis is based on the response from complete copy of the questionnaire. In analysis and testing of hypothesis mathematical and statistical techniques used in hypothesis, testing in chi-square.
Finally, last chapter, is make recommendation how best these regulatory activities could be carried out in the interest of the public.


Title Page
Acknowledgement Sample
Dedication Sample
Table Of Content

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Study
1.3 Objective Of The Study
1.4 Research Question
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Scope Of The Study
1.7 Limitation Of The Study
1.8 Definitions Of Terms

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Importance Of Human Factors In Productivity Process
2.3 Organizational Productivity And Output Quality
2.4 Background Of Human Resources Management
2.5 Functions Of Human Resources Management
2.5 The Impact Of Human Resou7rces Developmewnt Of Workers Productivity
2.7 Purpose Of Employee Trainning And Development Process
2.8 Identifying Training Need
2.9 The History Of O’ Ben Developers Limited
2.10 Appraisal

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design Method
3.3 Sources Of Data Presentation
3.4 Method Of Data Collection
3.5 Population Of The Study
3.6 The Sample Size
3.7 Sampling Technique/Procedures
3.8 Validation And Reliability Of The Measuring Instrument
3.9 Method Of Data/Statistical Analysis

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Presentation

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary Of Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation


Among the many characteristics that enable organization to rise above its contemporaries is its human resources. That an organization succeeds in achieving its aim and objectives largely depends on how effective its human resources is.
This study focuses on how organization productivity increase or decrease because of how effective or ineffective its human resources is. The important of effective human resources management on the product quality of indigenous business, being the little of this study tries to draw attention to how Human Resources being the mot important resources in the organization can make or make organizational goals. There are many resource in the organizational disposal e.g. money, material, machine and men, the first three are all important but they can’s manage themselves, they need the tough of men, which is Human Resources to be productive. Of the Human Resources of an organization is well motivated then the product quality of organization, will be well improved.
Human Resources are the quality of those in organizations, if this is not effective, the quality of their product will be low standard.
The case study of this research O’ Ben develops limited provides a very good ground for this study, because they are currently witnessing low ineffective Human Resources which derail organizational goals. I hope this study will go a long way in providing answers to their problem.

The effective management of human resources is the heart and soul of any business enterprises be it private or public, multinational or indigenous. In the endless effort to ensure the growth of indigenes business as the beginning of indus7trial development of Nigeria, the effort to really find out the impact of effective Human Resources management on the product quality of indigenous business become timely.
Human Resources a re the quality of those who work in organization if this is not effective, the quality of their product will be of low standard, but if well managed, it will be standard, machine and tools do nit operate themselves. It is human element that does these, as well as paper works. This means the Human Resources unavailable in any establishment.
Human Resources therefore will provide the frame work for analyzing expanding and evaluating the product quality of indigenous business in Nigeria, O’ Ben developers limited Anambra State was used as a case study in this work.

The need to improve product quality of indigenous business is aimed of speeding up the process of industrial development. This makes Human Resources management very important as it will enhance thinking, panning executing and achievement or organizational result that O’ Ben developers limited just like other indigenous business is performing below expectation is a well known tru7th. This below expectation performance is not because the staff is not qualified, people working in O’ Ben developers, the truth is that human element has not been properly managed, case of negligence in the welfare of staff, these reduces their morale therefore their efficiency.
Again, there is also the problem of inconsistency in politics and programmes and practices formulated by the management and managed in a manner that will enhance the value and contribution of the work force.
In the same way, O’ Ben developers limited does not have in place and adequate training and development programme that will lead to reduction in cost Associated with accidents.
Similarly, the low productivity of Nigeria businesses, as a result of low efficiency in Human Resources, has lead to massive importation foreign goods into the country.

1. To determine the impact of Human Resources on O’ Ben developers limited.
2. To association weather the low productivity currently being witnessed by O’ Ben developers is as a result of poor Human Resources.
3. To verify if a well manages Human Resources will go long way in increasing the product quality of not only O’ Ben developers but also other indigenous business in Nigeria.

The research questions will be structured in line with statement of the problem, such questions will be included as:
i. What are the reasons for the low productivity always recorded by indigenous business in Nigeria?
ii. Why are there no enabling policies by the management of O’ Ben developers limited t enhance the value of the work force?
iii. Is the corporate reward and compositions system of O’ Ben developers fair?
iv. Are there well trained workers in O’ Ben developers limited, who can realize the objective of the enterprise?
v. Are the workers of O’ Ben developers limited satisfied?
vi. Are the workers properly motivated?

The significance of this study can not be overstrained, it is hoped that at the end of the study it will contribute towards solving some problems if will among others:
i. Help the government to become aware of the performance appraisal of private enterprise such as O’ Ben developers limited.
ii. It will become a part to conflict resolution in business organization in Nigeria as it will inform on how to cope with yearnings and aspiration of the workforce.
iii. It will become a guide to understanding of the problems of Human Resources management.

The firm of interest covered by this research is O’ Ben developers limited since 1994, government has ben under sever pressure to take a firm decision on –indigenous companies which has continued to suffer loss instead of recording profit. The products are declining, instead of recording justifiable growth. The problem of O’ Ben developers limited range from management situation al inadequacies to infrastructural deficiencies.
The distribution of indigenous pro duct has always been a problem in the sense that inadequate facility often make it difficult to ensure that products are fairly and equitably distributed, storage facilities have been a major constraints. The above goes to explain the reason for the choice of O’ Ben developers, produce6r of the hurricane ice-cream at Km 42, Onitsha Enugu express way, Iyagu Layout, in Awka, Anambra state.

In the course of this research, the following limited my actions:
First, there was the problem of finance that is normally encountered in research works. I expected this as I am but a poor student who could not provide the heavy finance in this type of research. However, I managed with my little resources to get maximum result.
Again, there was equally the problem of time the authorities do not give enough time to really carry out an exhaustive research.
There was also the anticipated problem of the research of respondents to questionnaires. However I managed to solve the problem within the confines of the available resources.

Human resources management
Human resources management is a set of policies which has significance to the organization which are used to enhance interaction employee commitment and quantity of work life as well as means of meeting broader business goals such as charging, organizational values, structures and delivery mechanism.
Product Quality
The quality of a product is what sell it. That is while so many organizations spend such money in trying to procure the right materials so as to produce quality products that will be acceptable to the customers.
Indigenous Business
Indigenous business are those business tat are owned and financed by the citizens of this country.
The government of this country is trying it’s best to create an enabling environment so as to encourage more of it’s citizens to follow the foot steps of people like Dangote, Ibeto etc in opening their own business.
Effectiveness is all about how employee goes about in achieving the right result. It’s about achieving the desired result using the available materials.
Organization development
This is a plan process designed to improve organization effectiveness and health through modification in individual and group behavior, culture and system of organization using knowledge and technology of applied science.
Product management
Product management involves the organization of the use of equipment and other resources to create products that are often tangible or intangible.
Human capital
This means the planning, organizing, directing and procurement development, comprehension integration, maintenance and separation of the human resources to the end tat individual organization and societal are accomplished.
Human resources plan
This can be defined as the process of ensuring that Human Resources requirement on an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying that requirement.
This can be defined as a systematic process of growth and development by which manager develop the ability to manage.
This can be defined as a learning process whereby by people acquire skills, knowledge to aid the achievement of goals.



Effective human resources development can have a significant impact on the production quality of indigenous businesses. Indigenous businesses are often small to medium-sized enterprises that play a crucial role in local economies and communities. Here are several ways in which HR development can influence production quality in such businesses:

  1. Skilled Workforce: HR development programs can provide training and skill development opportunities to employees. This helps in enhancing the skills and knowledge of the workforce, making them more competent in their roles. Skilled workers are more likely to produce high-quality products and services.
  2. Quality Control Training: HR development can include training on quality control processes and techniques. Employees who are well-versed in quality control can identify and rectify defects or issues in the production process, leading to better-quality products.
  3. Motivation and Engagement: Effective human resources development programs focus not only on skills but also on employee motivation and engagement. Engaged employees are more likely to take pride in their work and pay attention to detail, which is crucial for maintaining production quality.
  4. Team Building: Indigenous businesses often operate in close-knit communities where teamwork is essential. Human resourcesdevelopment can promote team-building activities and training, ensuring that employees work together harmoniously to achieve production goals without compromising on quality.
  5. Adaptability and Innovation: Indigenous businesses need to adapt to changing market conditions and innovate to remain competitive. Human resourcesdevelopment can foster a culture of adaptability and innovation by encouraging employees to learn new skills and think creatively.
  6. Efficiency Improvement: Human resources development can include training on process optimization and efficiency improvement. When employees are well-trained in efficient production techniques, they can reduce waste, minimize errors, and enhance production quality.
  7. Safety and Compliance: Human resources development should also cover safety and compliance training. Ensuring that employees are aware of safety protocols and compliance requirements can prevent accidents and legal issues that might affect production quality.
  8. Retention and Continuity: Indigenous businesses often rely on the knowledge and skills of long-term employees. Effective human resources development can help in retaining experienced staff, ensuring that the business benefits from their expertise over the long term.
  9. Customer Satisfaction: High production quality directly impacts customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers and advocates for the business within the community. Human resources development that emphasizes customer service skills can contribute to this.
  10. Competitive Advantage: Improved production quality can give indigenous businesses a competitive advantage in the market. This can lead to increased market share and growth opportunities.

In summary, effective human resources development is crucial for indigenous businesses aiming to maintain or improve the quality of their production. It’s not just about training; it’s about creating a culture of continuous improvement, skill development, and employee engagement that ultimately enhances the quality of products and services. This, in turn, can have positive effects on the business’s reputation, customer loyalty, and overall success in the market.