Impact Of Employees Motivation On Organizational Productivity

(A Case Study Of Power Holding Company Of Nigeria Enugu, Enugu State)

5 Chapters
93 Pages
30,006 Words

The influence of employee motivation on organizational productivity is profound and undeniable. Motivated employees exhibit heightened engagement, commitment, and enthusiasm towards their work, leading to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in achieving organizational goals. By fostering a culture of motivation through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, recognition, and opportunities for growth and development, organizations can cultivate a dynamic workforce that is empowered to perform at their best. Moreover, motivated employees are more likely to exhibit proactive behaviors, such as innovation and problem-solving, which can drive continuous improvement and competitiveness within the organization. Consequently, prioritizing employee motivation not only boosts productivity but also fosters a positive work environment conducive to sustainable success and growth.


The study is focused on the impact of employee motivation on
organizational productivity.(A Case Study of PHCN Okpara Avenue). The
population of the study was 96, the sample used is 83. The primary data
were collected through the instrument of questionnaire, interviews and
observation. The secondary data were collected from textbooks, journals,
magazines, newspapers and libraries. The researcher find out that
employee can improve their performance if they are motivated in the
workplace. Also identify how productivity can be improved through
effective and efficient motivation. The researcher recommended that there
is relationship between motivation and performance in the organization.
Money is a motivator and also influences the worker in the organization.
Management style also has effect on the employee’s performance. In
conclusion organization that intend to grow must attain and maintain a
high level of employee motivation in the organization



1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem5
1.3 Objective of the Study 6
1.4 Research Question-7
1.5 Research Hypothesis 7
1.6 Significance of Study 8
1.7 Limitation of the Study 9
References 10

2.1 Theoretical frame work of the study 11
2. 2 Historical Background 14

3.1 Research design 33
3.2 Sources of Data 33
3.3 Primary source of Data 34
3.4 Secondary source of Data 34
3.5 Population of the Study 34
3.6 Method of Data collection 35
References 38

4.1 Data presentation 39
4.2 Data analysis 39
4.3 Hypothesis Testing57

5.1 Summary of Fining 75
5.2 Conclusion 77
5.3 Recommendation 78
Bibliography 79
Appendix 81


There is probably no concept more important than motivation, in the
study of employee’s behavior in many organization. A manager may
consider motivation as an inducement (financial or otherwise) given to the
employees to ginger them to work more. By this measure, organization
goals and objectives are achieved. On the other hand, employees usually
associate motivation with some monetary values.
Motivation is a pervasive function that cuts across all aspect of
employee’s development. It is often discussed by people in any
organization. Management cannot operate in isolation of their employees
because they are human beings and not machines or tools which are utilize
recklessly or in a rough manner.
In today’s economy, employers have gone beyond being just employers
because of their interest in the management of employee’s productivity.
Most business personnel have realize more than ever before that their
organizational set goals and objectivities cannot be achieved if their
employee do not perform as much as expected. This is the reason for much
concentration of effort on the concept of motivation which is concerned
with encouraging workers or employees to attain to the best of their ability.

Human resources, both in private or public sector are the most assets
essential in any given organization, hence must be handled with care.
Motivation of the employee is the areas management should concern in
other to ensure the realization of the planned goals and objective of their

People go to work in organization not for the sake of work itself but
with the aim of achieving their individual objective. It then follows that the
key of motivation is the satisfaction of needs. A worker will be motivated if
he feels his organization is helping him to satisfy needs to a reasonable
extent. In view of the fact that needs are sophisticated in nature, there has
been a growing importance to understand these needs by some behavioral
scientists. Thus, we have a lot of motivational theories like those

propounded by Abraham Maslow, Vroom, Fredrick Herzberg to mention
but a few.

The needs of people are in a continuum; sometimes it could be
intrinsic or extrinsic. An individual’s need, at any particular times depends
on the value he places on it at that time and most times it goes hand in
hand with societal values. So, different people would want and need
different things in different situation and at different times. (Drucker

In Nigerian, a critical analysis of many enterprises would reveal that
both the intrinsic and extrinsic reward for work is neglected. This problem
rears its ugly head mostly in public institution like in Power Holding
Company of Nigerian Enugu state.

In this age and time when every nation is striving to be on top of
others technologically, politically and economically, the problem of
motivation cannot be over emphasized and should not be trampled under
the fact , as the will to do” is an essential ingredient of a labor force.

Management is best understood from a resource base perspective.
All organization use four base kinds of inputs or resources from their
environment, human, finance, materials and information resources.
Management is responsible for cobbling and coordinating resources to
achieve the organizational functions or activities, planning and decision
making, organizing, leading and controlling.

There is a range of motivational techniques that can be used to
improve productivity, reduce workforce stress and increase self confidence.
Some managers believe that they can achieve result from teams by using
coercing methods.

However these factors can indeed produce result, the effect will
probably be much more short term and will mean that staffs are forces on
achieving business objectives but rather on simply keeping their jobs.

The growth and development of any economy cannot be meaningful
and complete if the power sector is not well footed in terms of productivity,
growth and profitability.

Over the years, the poor performance of the power sector in Nigeria
has been a matter of concern and debate among academics, writers,
government officials and members of the public. The reason for this trend
as well as the apportionment of the blame has formed the basis for a
controversy. it is increasingly being realized by workers, economists and
government as well as customers that the problems plaguing the country’s
power sector lies in the negative attitude to work, lack of dedication and
indolence among employees. it has been observed that the Nigerian
employee lacks a feeling of responsibility to his job and pride in doing his
work well.

The work situation in the power sector like Power Holding Company
Of Nigeria is characterized by low productivity and lack of dedication. This
has adversely affected the power sector in the country, the results of such

negative orientations are the indiscriminate loss of vital records that could
have been stored, and poor decision made due to lack of accurate
information which goes a long way to affect negatively to the workers.

1) To examine and know the impact of motivation on employee

2) To investigate how motivation as a management skill help in
enhancing productivity

3) To ascertain the various motivational benefits available in Power
Holding Company of Nigeria Enugu and their relationship with the
productivity of the employees

4) To find out whether any of the benefits formally enjoyed by the
employees in Power Holding Company of Nigeria Enugu has been
withdrawn. If s` o, what is the effect on the dedication and loyalty
of the employees?

5) To offer useful recommendation to Power Holding Company of
Nigeria Enugu based on the researcher’s findings

This research will attempt to answer the following question

1) Why do people accept job in Power Holding Company of Nigeria

2) To what extent does motivation influence productivity of the

3) What is the impact of motivation on employee performance?

4) Are employee truly motivated in the company?

H0: There are no influence of motivation in the company

H1: There are influence of motivation in the company

H0: There are no impact on employee performance
H2: There are impact on employee performance

The researcher hopes that the finding and suggestions would enable
for effective management of employees towards achieving organizational
goals. The study will enable manager to Power Holding Company of Nigeria
Enugu to identity how productivity can be improved through effective and
efficient motivation.

It will also be of benefit for policy makers in various forms of business
organization. It will be of immense guide to future researchers who intends
to exploit and understand further concepts of motivation as a managerial
tool to enhance productivity in an organization like Power Holding
Company of Nigeria Enugu.

The research work is limited to Power Holding Company of Nigeria
Enugu. The main constraint of the research is divided into the following

a) Time constraints- due to the short time given for the study, the
researcher could not get all the required information needed for the

b) Finance- as a result of money constraint the researcher had not
enough money to carry out the study beyond the level. The
researcher could not visit places where necessary information
relevant to the study could be obtained.

c) Attitude of respondents some of the respondents were unwilling to
cooperate with the researcher because they felt, they have nothing
to benefit from the study both financially and otherwise. Besides
they were afraid of losing their jobs, if all information needed are
released to the researcher



Employee motivation plays a crucial role in determining the productivity and overall success of an organization. Motivated employees are more engaged, committed, and satisfied with their work, which leads to several positive impacts on organizational productivity:

  1. Increased Efficiency and Output: Motivated employees tend to work more efficiently and produce higher-quality work. They are more focused and less likely to waste time, leading to increased output per hour worked.
  2. Higher Job Satisfaction: Motivated employees are generally more satisfied with their jobs. When employees are satisfied, they are less likely to quit, reducing turnover rates. Lower turnover means less time and money spent on recruiting and training new employees.
  3. Improved Employee Morale: Motivated employees tend to have better morale. High morale can create a positive work environment where employees are more willing to collaborate, support each other, and contribute to the overall success of the organization.
  4. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Motivated employees are often more creative and innovative. They are more likely to think outside the box, propose new ideas, and take calculated risks that can lead to breakthroughs and improvements in processes and products.
  5. Better Problem-Solving: Motivated employees are more engaged in their work, which can lead to better problem-solving skills. They are more likely to actively seek solutions to challenges and proactively address issues as they arise.
  6. Higher Quality of Work: Motivated employees take more pride in their work, leading to a higher quality of output. They pay attention to detail, meet or exceed standards, and strive for excellence in their tasks.
  7. Reduced Absenteeism: Motivated employees are less likely to take unscheduled absences or sick leave. Their commitment to their work and organization leads to better attendance records, ensuring that important projects stay on track.
  8. Increased Employee Engagement: Motivated employees are more engaged in their work, which means they are emotionally invested in the success of the organization. This increased engagement leads to greater discretionary effort, where employees go above and beyond their basic job requirements.
  9. Positive Impact on Customer Satisfaction: When employees are motivated and engaged, they are more likely to provide excellent customer service. Satisfied and loyal customers contribute to the long-term success of the organization.
  10. Enhanced Organizational Reputation: Organizations with motivated employees tend to have a better reputation as employers. This can attract top talent and improve the organization’s brand image, further contributing to productivity by bringing in skilled and motivated individuals.

To harness the benefits of employee motivation, organizations can implement various strategies, including recognition and rewards programs, clear career development paths, effective communication, and creating a positive work culture that values and appreciates employees. Ultimately, the impact of employee motivation on organizational productivity is substantial and should not be underestimated in the pursuit of success.