Impact Of Financial Sector Development On Economic Growth

5 Chapters
63 Pages
7,574 Words

Financial sector development plays a crucial role in fostering economic growth by facilitating efficient allocation of resources, mobilizing savings, and channeling funds towards productive investments. A robust financial sector, characterized by well-functioning banks, capital markets, and other financial intermediaries, enhances access to credit for businesses and individuals, thus stimulating investment and consumption. Moreover, financial innovation and technological advancements, such as mobile banking and fintech solutions, can improve financial inclusion and efficiency, contributing to overall economic development. Additionally, a sound regulatory framework and effective supervision are essential for maintaining stability and confidence in the financial system, which is integral for sustaining long-term economic growth. In essence, the interplay between financial sector development and economic growth underscores the importance of fostering a dynamic and resilient financial ecosystem conducive to sustainable prosperity.


1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.2 Aim And Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Research Question
1.5 Theoretical Foundation Of The Study
1.6 Significance Of The Study
1.7 Scopes Of Study
1.8 Limitations Of The
1.9 Overview Of The Study

2.1 Definition Of Slum
2.2 Concept Of Residential Slum
2.3.1 Physical Attribute
2.3.2 Social Attributes
2.3.3 Economic Attribute
2.3.4 Political Attributes
2.4 Types Of Slum
2.5 Causes Of Blight And Factors Leading To Slum Formation
2.5.1 Role Of Slum
2.6 Slum As A Critical Environmental Problem
2.7 Theoretical Aspects Of Slum
2.8 Concept Of Real Estate/Property Development
2.8.1 Types Of Property And Classification
2.8.2 Property Values
2.9 Concepts Of Rent
2.9.1 Definitions Of Rent
.9.2 Forms Of Rent
2.9.3 Theory Of Rent
2.9.4 Rent Determinant
2.9.5 Commercial Properties And Rents

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Restatement Of Problems
3.3 Sources Of Data
3.4 Population
3.5 Sample Size And Sampling Technique
3.6 Data Collection Instrument
3.7 Data Collection Procedure
3.8 Method Of Data Presentation And Analysis

4.1 Presentation Of Base Data
4.2 Presentation Of Data On Level Of Deterioration Within The Area
4.3 Multiple Index Table For Obiagu
4.3 Presentation Of Data On Rental Property Values
4.4 Presentation Of Data On Effects Of Slum On Property Values
4.5 Presentation Of Data On The Causes Of Slum In The Study Area

5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion



According to historical accounts (Leadership Newspaper), Asata, Coal camp, New market, Ogui urban including Obiagu areas of the city belongs to Ogui Nike people. But during the colonial era, the white men started developing parts of the land owned by the Ogui Nike people. That explains why Obiagu is presently inhabited by people from almost the five south east states namely; Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Imo and even the present day Enugu state.
Also a portion of Obiagu was then inhabited by the Hausa community, who came to the city as either cattle dealers or artisans. But following the events leading to the outbreak of the Nigeria Biafra war in 1967, a good number of Hausa men living in the area left for their different states in the north and never returned to the area, then the community was taken over by Nigerians from other ethnic groups, particularly Igbo, yet it still answer “Ama Hausa” [house of Hausa community], but has refused to shed its toga of a ghetto. When police or other security agencies are looking for suspected criminals, they usually gear their search light on obiagu, because of the belief that it is a criminal infested area (Ubani, 2012).
Most housing decay and deterioration comes in various forms and their existence is more evident in densely populated parts of the city. Some of the characteristics of slum include inadequate and deficient facilities obsolete buildings, filthy environment, etc. Much concern was been shown about the problems of the slum areas particularly on the level of decay exhibited by such areas and the plight of the low income households which dwell in them, this put lives and health of the residents in danger.
Obiagu experienced a large rapid population growth because of the influx of people from different part of the east as a result of the development from the colonial era, hence houses constructed of hands materials sprang up all over the settlement. Thus, the area is crowded with poor housing structures most disorderly located. The settlement has now grown and developed in an unplanned manner resulting in the deterioration of the values of the property and social status of the estate environment.
Therefore, the main aim of the study is to examine the effects of slum on rental property values in Obiagu.

Obiagu is characterized by slum, where the structure are blighted, high level of occupancy mostly low income group, over crowding, under supply of public amenities, bad roads, this is the basis for this research work, trying to examine the effects of slum on the values of property, located their and also to show or establish that slum development is the major set back in urban growth/development.

The aim of the study is to examine the effects of slum on rental property values in Obiagu. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were raised, they are:
a. To identify the causes and effects of slum on rental property values in the study area.
b. To establish the negative and positive effects of slum on rental property values in the study area.
c. To establish whether slum environment makes investment in real estate and property market transactions, a viable venture.
d. To then recommend the best and possible strategy towards eradicating the slum of obiagu area and hence create a suitable environment that will enhance the property value in the areas.

In spite to identify, the research problem earlier stated, some questions have been raised by the researcher; it is believed that when right answers are provided for these questions it will lead to the achievement of the objectives of the study.
The questions are as follows:
1. What are the causes and effects of slum on rental property values in Obiagu?
2. Are there any negative and positive impacts of slum on rental property values?
3. Will investment in real estate and property market transactions in Obiagu be a viable venture?

This research is based on the theory of the highest and best use of land. Highest and best use abdicates the application of land in order to gain maximum benefit not only to their owners but the society at large. Obiagu
area has not been put to its highest and best use and as such resulted to slum in the area. That is to say, putting land into best use gives room for development. This calls for significance of their research.

The study tends to identify the nature of slum in the study area, possible causes and effects on rental values of properties in the area in order to aid relevant authorities to tackle the problem and enhance benefits of real estate property market in the area.
There are many causes of slum which includes indiscriminate development of properties, improper disposal of waste etc. The government and its agencies have not paid much attention to it as a result of insufficient information available to them. This research will increase the interest of government officials on the issue and if the recommendations are adhered to, it will go a long way to eradicate slum in the study area and enhance development and real estate investment.

This study is restricted to the development of slum in obiagu. The investigation will consider the environmental, social, economic
demographic, transportation, infrastructural and housing amenities conditions relevant to enhance estate settings as well as property values.

Limitations of this study include time, financial constraint, lack of sufficient relevant data which the research would have used to give a sufficiently new approach to this form of study.

The study starts with an introductory chapter on the research problems and other related issues. Chapter two dwells on literature review, throwing more lights on slum, concept of slum, types of slum, attitudes of slum, causes of blight and factors leading to slum formation types of slum, roles of slum, history of slum etc.
Chapter three talks about the research methodology research method and design, sources of data, collection and instrument for data analysis.
Chapter four deals with data presentation and analysis while chapter five deals with the findings, recommendations and conclusion.



Impact Of Financial Sector Development On Economic Growth:

The impact of financial sector development on economic growth is a complex and widely studied topic in economics. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, researchers have identified several ways in which a well-developed financial sector can positively influence economic growth:

  1. Capital Formation: A developed financial sector facilitates the efficient allocation of savings and investment. When individuals and businesses have access to a variety of financial instruments (such as stocks, bonds, and loans), they can raise capital more easily to fund productive activities, such as building infrastructure, expanding businesses, and investing in research and development. This, in turn, can boost economic growth.
  2. Risk Diversification: Financial markets enable individuals and institutions to diversify their portfolios and manage risk more effectively. This encourages savings and investment because people are more willing to invest when they can reduce the risk associated with their investments. Reduced risk can lead to increased capital accumulation and, subsequently, economic growth.
  3. Efficient Resource Allocation: A well-functioning financial sector helps direct resources to their most productive uses. Banks and financial institutions play a crucial role in evaluating investment opportunities and channeling funds to projects with the highest potential for returns. This leads to more efficient resource allocation and can spur economic growth.
  4. Technology and Innovation: A developed financial sector often leads to the adoption of financial innovations and new technologies. For example, the growth of fintech companies and online banking services can increase access to financial services, reduce transaction costs, and improve efficiency in financial markets. These advancements can enhance economic growth by making it easier for businesses and individuals to participate in the economy.
  5. Entrepreneurship: Access to credit and venture capital can encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. A well-developed financial sector provides aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary funds to start new businesses or expand existing ones. This entrepreneurial activity can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs and fostering innovation.
  6. Financial Inclusion: A more inclusive financial sector, where a broader section of the population has access to financial services, can promote economic growth by bringing previously marginalized individuals and communities into the formal economy. This can lead to increased savings, investment, and economic activity.
  7. Stability and Crisis Management: A robust financial sector can help stabilize the economy during times of crisis. Strong financial institutions are better equipped to absorb shocks and mitigate the adverse effects of economic downturns, reducing the severity and duration of recessions.

It’s important to note that the relationship between financial sector development and economic growth is not always linear or guaranteed. An overly speculative or poorly regulated financial sector can lead to financial crises that harm economic growth. Therefore, effective financial regulation and supervision are essential to ensure that the financial sector functions in a stable and efficient manner.

Additionally, the impact of financial sector development can vary depending on the country’s stage of development, institutional quality, and other contextual factors. Policymakers need to carefully consider these factors when designing policies to promote financial sector development and support overall economic growth.