The Impact Of Manpower Development On Organizational Performance Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study examines the impact of training on workers development in FCDA. The study utilized both field and documentary research method. Data were sourced both primary and secondary. The instruments for data collection were questionnaire and interview. The sample techniques adopted for the study was simple random technique. Hypothesis was stated and tested. Tables, charts and percentages were used as method of for data presentation and analysis. Chi- square was used to test the formulated hypothesis. It was found out that one of the roles of the management of the organization is providing adequate room for manpower development. It was also found out that manpower acknowledge and supported the techniques adopted by the management of the organization in training manpower and they also recognized the role of training in improving development in FCDA. In the course of the study, it was also found out that most manpowers in the organization acknowledges the relationship between development and motivation (Job Satisfaction) and that manpower development influences level of effective development in the organization. Manpower needs for training should be forecasted a head of time so as to reduce the problem of sudden and rush planning which have adverse effect on organizational developments.
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