Impact Of Pornography Films On Youths

(A case study of University of Nigeria Nsukka)

5 Chapters
44 Pages
4,567 Words

The influence of pornography films on young individuals is significant and complex, encompassing various dimensions of psychological, social, and sexual development. Exposure to explicit sexual content at a young age can shape attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to sexuality, often leading to distorted perceptions of intimacy, unrealistic expectations, and potentially harmful sexual practices. Research indicates that prolonged exposure to pornography may contribute to desensitization, normalization of aggressive or deviant sexual behaviors, and an increased risk of developing negative attitudes towards women. Moreover, it can impact mental health, contributing to feelings of inadequacy, shame, and low self-esteem, while also potentially fostering addiction-like behaviors. Efforts to mitigate these effects involve comprehensive sex education, promoting media literacy skills, and fostering open dialogue about healthy sexuality and relationships within families and communities.


1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Scope of the Study
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Operational definition of terms

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Review of Concept
2.2.1 The Concept of Pornography Pornography
2.2.2 The Concept of Films
2.2.3 The Concept of Youth
2.3 Review of Related Studies
2.3.1 Negative Effects of Pornographic Films on Youths
2.4 Theoretical Framework
2.5 Summary

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sampling Techniques/Sample Size
3.5 Description of Research Instrument
3.6 Validity of Data
3.7 Method of Data
3.8 Method of Data Analysis

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis
4.3 Discussion of findings

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies


1.1 Background of the Study
This study “Impact of Pornographic Materials on Youths” aims at identifying the influence of pornographic materials on the youth, with particular emphasis on the youths in University of Nigeria Nsukka. The study will help to ascertain whether pornographic materials have adverse effect on the moral behaviour of youths. However, this study will be narrowed down to pornographic films only.
In view of the foregoing, films began in the minds of people who came long before the film pioneers themselves. The attempt to capture and recreate motion can be traced to when civilization began. The cave drawing which showed a horse with eight legs, the fleeting arrow from a hunter‟s bow and even carefully detailed drawing of kings with one foot outstretched suggest motion.
Bittner (1989) said that history is somewhat not clear as to who deserved the glory of inventing still motion pictures, but that William Dickson and Thomas Edison were associated with the efforts to create motion pictures.
The earliest forms of pornographic films were seen in France during the 1920s. The development in France brought about fun and all sorts of condemnation from the public. For instance, Dellu cinema owner and also French man said that the exhibition of such pornographic films contributed to melancholy, fatal condition, social and other negative attitudes among the people.
Down here in Nigeria, pornographic films started pervading our country in the late 1960s and became more rampant in the 1970s. Today, pornographic films have become so prevalent that access to them is easy.
“Film, according to Black African greatest film producer Ousmene Senibene is tool or communicator of social change and culture.” He went further to stress that “a film is but a driving belt, a vehicle that conveys an idea and by this we will see that communication and ideas help people make their own decisions about the environment they live in.
Film as a genre of mass communication is therefore, associated with the enormous influence of the mass media. To buttress this, Walter Lippman (1922, p. 588), also said that the media do not only tell the people what to think, but what to think about. That is to say the media shape the picture in our heads. There is no consensus of opinion on the power of the media to propagate sexual abuse, crime, violence etc, among youths by way of projecting such message to them.
The stand which one takes on this issue depends on individual perception towards the controversial topic. But the aim of this research is to investigate this issue scientifically keeping emotion aloof, that is, to find out if there is any relationship between youth exposure to media portrayals of pornographic and sexual perversion among the youth.

1.2 Statement of the problem
Undoubtedly, social scientists who are interested in the study of mass media particularly film effects have been involved in the efforts to find out the relationship
between media and anti-social behaviour like crime, violence, sexual behaviour perversion, abuse and rape. There has been series of research works which show that audio-visual media can be described as an all powerful, all pervasive and all manipulative medium capable of producing the most effective emotional reaction through the portrayal of pornography, violence and other immoral acts.
This project is geared towards ascertaining if sexual crimes, perversion and abuse among the youths could be attributed to their exposure to pornographic films. Therefore, in which way can the viewing of pornographic materials be stopped?

1.3 Objectives of the study
This study is aimed at the following:
a. To find out the reasons why youths watch pornographic films.
b. To assess the extent youths practice behaviors acquired from viewing pornographic film.
c. To make suggestions and recommendations on what can be done to stem the viewing of pornographic materials.

1.4 Research questions
1. What are the reasons why youths watch pornographic films?
2. To what extent do youths practise behaviours acquired from viewing pornographic films?
3. Should the Nigerian government ban pornographic films because of its negative influence on the youths?

1.5 Scope of the Study
This study is limited to youths in University of Nigeria Nsukka. But since the characteristics of youths are generally similar in many ways, the findings of the study would therefore be generalized to include all youths in Enugu.

1.6 Significance of the study
This study will be of great benefit to Nigerian students in the tertiary level. This study will be of significance to the students because it will help them to know the effects of pornographic films.
Furthermore, it will be of benefit to both governments because it will help the government to understand ways in which they can control and eradicate this social vice.

1.7 Operational definition of terms
The variables for this study, “Impact of Pornographic Materials on Youths” are operationally defined as follows:
The Impact Operationally Defined
The operational definition of impact as the powerful effect that something has on somebody.
Pornographic Materials Operational Defined
The operational definition of pornographic materials are films that are made solely for sexual arousal and featuring nudity and explicit sexual acts.
Youths Operational Defined
The operational definition of youths is the time of life when a person is young having the characteristics of the young.




Impact Of Pornography Films On Youths:

The impact of pornography films on youths is a complex and controversial topic, and opinions on this issue vary widely. Research on this subject is also limited and often inconclusive due to ethical and methodological challenges. However, there are several potential ways in which exposure to pornography can affect young people:

  1. Distorted Sexual Expectations: Pornography often portrays unrealistic and idealized sexual scenarios, which can create unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships. This can lead to dissatisfaction and disappointment when real-life experiences do not match the portrayals in pornography.
  2. Influence on Attitudes: Exposure to pornography may influence attitudes towards sex, relationships, and gender roles. Some studies suggest that frequent consumption of pornography can lead to more permissive attitudes toward casual sex, objectification of others, and reduced empathy in sexual contexts.
  3. Addiction: Some individuals, including young people, may develop compulsive or addictive behaviors related to pornography consumption. This can lead to negative consequences in various areas of their lives, including academic performance, relationships, and mental health.
  4. Relationship Issues: Pornography use can lead to conflicts in relationships, especially when one partner feels uncomfortable or insecure about their partner’s consumption of pornography. It can also contribute to relationship dissatisfaction.
  5. Body Image and Self-esteem: Pornography often features performers with unrealistic body types, which can contribute to body image issues and low self-esteem, particularly among young people who compare themselves to these idealized images.
  6. Sexual Education: Some argue that pornography can serve as a form of sexual education for young people, although this perspective is highly debated. It is important to note that pornography typically does not provide accurate information about sexual health, consent, or the emotional aspects of sexual relationships.
  7. Desensitization: Overexposure to explicit sexual content in pornography may desensitize individuals to the emotional and intimate aspects of sex, potentially making it difficult for them to connect on a deeper level with partners.
  8. Legal and Ethical Concerns: In many jurisdictions, access to pornography is restricted for individuals under a certain age due to concerns about its potential negative impact on minors. There are legal and ethical debates about whether or not such restrictions are effective or appropriate.

It’s important to emphasize that not all young people who are exposed to pornography will experience these negative effects, and the impact can vary greatly depending on individual factors such as age, maturity, family context, and the nature of the pornography consumed. Additionally, some researchers argue that the potential harms associated with pornography may be overstated, while others believe that they are significant and concerning.

Parents, educators, and policymakers often grapple with how to address the issue of pornography and its potential impact on youth. Comprehensive sex education, open communication between parents and children, and promoting critical thinking skills can be important steps in helping young people navigate the complexities of sexual content in the digital age.