The Impact Of Reward System On Organizational Staff Performance

The influence of reward systems on organizational staff performance is profound, shaping employee behavior, motivation, and productivity. Effective reward mechanisms, including monetary incentives, recognition programs, and career advancement opportunities, stimulate employee engagement and commitment, thereby fostering a culture of excellence and achievement within the organization. By aligning rewards with performance objectives and individual contributions, organizations can cultivate a supportive work environment that incentivizes employees to consistently deliver high-quality work and exceed expectations. Moreover, tailored reward systems not only attract top talent but also promote employee retention and job satisfaction, enhancing organizational resilience and competitiveness in today’s dynamic business landscape.


The main basis for wore Productivity and better performance is the satisfaction of this needs and ambition infact, what a worker expects from doing good job are job secretary recognition, praise and fair treatment, five supervisor and compensation and justice. The achievement of variables company, employee’s satisfaction also serves as an incentive to efficient and effective performance and probably higher Productivity.

The study therefore will attempt to charity the various reward system in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) with a view to establishing their effect on the Productivity of staff. It also intended to find out whether there is any relationship between reward and performance of staff in the corporation.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Scope of limitations of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
1.8 Definition of terms

2.1 Historical overview
2.2 Reward scheme
2.3 Motivation and motivational factors
2.4 Motivation of the Nigeria workers
2.5 Organizational reward and staff productivity
2.6 Motivation and how they relate to the Nigeria work environment
2.7 Criticism of the above three motivation theories

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Population and sample size
3.3 Sources of data
3.4 Method of data collection
3.5 Validity and reliability of instrument
3.6 Method of data analysis

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Method of data analysis

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations


It is a common knowledge that organization be it business concerns, mutual benefit associates, required their employees workers to perform well and behave in certain ways if the organization wants to survive and achieved its aims the various forms of behavior and attitudinal disposition which organization require of their employees in order organization require of their employee in order to realize\e set o goal depend on the kind of reward and incentive existing in the organization.

Organization reward system refers to the ways and modalities by which workers in an organization can be motivate or individual to put more efforts that will lead to attainment of the organization goals. Kit is also seen as those motivational tools which an organization adopts Productivity. These rewards or incentive vary from one organization to another and they include the following: advancement opportunities in the company, job security, good salary wages, adequate medical facilities, canteen, services housing, transport, vacation and holiday practice, company attitude towards employee, physical working condition such as office commodation etc.

Management involves motivating people and any human Productivity inevitable leads to the question of incentives and rewards. To most people an incentive implies money any reward but this is not necessary so incentives and  reward maybe financial and non-financial. It has to be mentioned here that incentives reward are used for few main purposes.

  1. To persuade people to come work.
  2. To encourage people to work hard while they are at work.
  3. To help people and identify themselves with the objectives of the organization.
  4. To show management appreciation of the employee’s, contribution to the survival of the organization.

It is however a common problem that the refusal of employees has always causes  discontent. According to Davis (1971:57) the surest signs of deteriorating condition in an organization is  job dissatisfaction, the result of  which are grievances how productivity disciplinary problems and other organization difficulties in essence, various  studies have shown that there is relationship between reward and Productivity in an organization. A well package incentive system  couple with appreciation  reward has a tendency of influencing  employees in the organization. In fact, with increased Productivity, through incentive and reward system, workers will be more satisfied with the job and hence, put in their almost best into achieving organizational goals and effectiveness. However,  several writers have come to associate personal Productivity with the type of reward and incentive available in the employees. The most need of the employees are not within the organization through appropriate reward and incentives, the more the like hold   that the would be motivated to work and thus satisfy the needs of the organization.

Consequently, the problem of how to make employees work harder for the interest of he organization and for heir own interest becomes a fundamental one. In fact, the issue of how Productivity and mobilization of employees is one of the major problem that occupied  the  attention of the management and administrator in industrial organization. Management always concerned with finding effective ways of ensuring that employees produce their best of the cheapest rate in a short time, while employees according to Scott (1966:75) the most concerned with income and security before other things.

In this study, the researcher is really going to love at organizational reward system and its impact on the Productivity of staff. This is look at generally and specifically referring to Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). This research will also focus on ways organization reward incentives can be administered so as to reduce job dissatisfaction and improve Productivity of staff unless adequately compensated by way of appropriate reward/incentives to retain them and get the best out of them. Early idea of employees remuneration were based on principle of penalty and reward, the underlying assumption  being that people at work minimize their own interest and act according. It should be noted that people are unpredictable hence there is no right way to deal with employees Productivity

The research in this study attempts to investigate the correlation between reward and Productivity in the organization based on the above, the researcher wants to investigate.

  1. Why employees have tended to avoid their best unless adequately rewarded.
  2. Why are some employees not motivated by some rewards on incentives for increase in Productivity.
  3. How to make employees work work hard for the interest of the organization

This study is significant in much respect, first, the finding of this study will help organizations to know how best to reward their hardworking employees.

Secondly, it will assist organization, to relate  reward system on the Productivity of staff, employers would be assisted to adopt the most appropriate reward scheme that would engender better performance of staff in this effort every individual performance will be rewarded accordingly to his environment. In other words, reward should be glanced towards achieving Productivity. If the objective of the organization to be achieved.

A situation whereby employees are given reward irrespective of the performance breed frustration and lack of commitment on the part of employees. This study shall endeavour to establish full reward shall be based on individual performance and achievement rather than  any other factors.

Organizational reward and its impact on the Productivity of the staff is an extensive  research. Therefore, the researcher has decided to restrict the study of the impact of organizational reward on Productivity of staff  with emphasis on four location of NNPC in Lagos.

Despite the limited scope of this research, it was affected with certain constraints which are as follows:

  1. Time: In research of this type, a lot of time is required but given the short time allowed for this study, it was not possible to do all that was required and necessary.
  2. Finance: Due to the harsh economic condition of economic crunch, enough finance was reality available to do all was required and necessary.
  3. Distance: The long distance between Owerri and Lagos was one of the major constraints, moreover, there was a petroleum of shuttling from one location of the corporation to the other.
  4. Information constraint: Getting the needed information was not easy. This is probably because of the stingy manner managers handle information especially those bordering the life of the organization.

Commercialization: This means the selling of the service of the government owned corporation of a competitive on c commercial prices.

Corporation: A group of people authority to operate a single unit with a separate existence example for business purposes.

Employee: A person who works for somebody or a company in return for wages or salary.

Financial incentives:An incentives given to somebody to encourage him or her but in the form of cash/money.

Non-financial incentives: Form of incentive that is not in cash/money but other materials items and or moral kind.

Organizational hierarchy: The authority flow in an organization. It is the level of authority that exist in an organization.

Output: This is the amount of something  that a person or employee a machine or an organization produces usually products.

Productivity: The efficiency especially in industry measured comparing, the amount of goods or service produced within the time or the  resources used to produce (input).

Reward:Thing that is given or received in  turn for doing something good and acceptable hardworking.



A well-designed reward system can have a significant impact on organizational staff performance. It can serve as a powerful tool for motivating employees and aligning their efforts with the goals and objectives of the organization. Here are some ways in which a reward system can influence staff performance:

  1. Motivation: Rewards, whether they are financial incentives, recognition, or other perks, can serve as strong motivators for employees. When employees know that their efforts will be rewarded, they are more likely to be motivated to perform at their best.
  2. Increased Productivity: Employees who are motivated by rewards are often more productive. They are likely to put in extra effort and work more efficiently to achieve their goals and earn those rewards.
  3. Retention: A well-structured reward system can help with employee retention. When employees feel valued and rewarded for their contributions, they are less likely to leave the organization in search of better opportunities.
  4. Improved Job Satisfaction: Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements can lead to higher job satisfaction. Satisfied employees are generally more engaged and committed to their jobs.
  5. Attraction of Talent: A reputation for offering competitive rewards can help an organization attract top talent. Skilled and motivated individuals are more likely to join a company that offers a compelling rewards package.
  6. Alignment with Organizational Goals: By tying rewards to specific performance objectives and organizational goals, a reward system can help ensure that employees’ efforts are aligned with what the organization is trying to achieve.
  7. Healthy Competition: Reward systems that incorporate elements of competition can encourage employees to push themselves and each other to excel. This can lead to higher levels of performance.
  8. Innovation and Creativity: Rewards can also be used to encourage innovation and creativity. By recognizing and rewarding innovative ideas and solutions, organizations can foster a culture of creativity.
  9. Feedback Mechanism: Rewards and recognition provide a clear feedback mechanism for employees. They can see the direct relationship between their performance and the rewards they receive, which can be motivating and help employees understand what is expected of them.
  10. Team Collaboration: Some reward systems are designed to promote teamwork and collaboration. When rewards are tied to team performance, employees are more likely to cooperate and work together to achieve common goals.

However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of a reward system depends on its design and implementation. If not properly structured, a reward system can have unintended consequences, such as fostering unhealthy competition or encouraging short-term thinking at the expense of long-term goals. Additionally, what motivates one employee may not necessarily motivate another, so it’s important to have a degree of flexibility in your reward system to accommodate different preferences and needs.

In conclusion, a well-crafted reward system can have a positive impact on staff performance by motivating employees, aligning their efforts with organizational goals, and promoting a positive work environment. However, it should be thoughtfully designed, regularly evaluated, and adapted to meet the changing needs of both the organization and its employees.