Media Staff Welfare And Effective Journalism

(A Case Study Of N.U.J Press Centre Enugu State)

5 Chapters
43 Pages
4,885 Words

Media staff welfare is crucial for fostering effective journalism, as it directly impacts the quality of reporting, employee morale, and organizational stability within media institutions. Ensuring the well-being of media personnel involves providing adequate compensation, promoting a healthy work environment, offering opportunities for professional growth, and addressing concerns related to job security and mental health support. When media organizations prioritize staff welfare, journalists are better equipped to perform their duties with integrity, diligence, and dedication. Moreover, a supportive workplace culture fosters trust and collaboration among team members, facilitating the production of accurate and insightful news content. By investing in the welfare of its staff, media outlets can uphold the principles of responsible journalism, uphold ethical standards, and effectively serve the public interest.


Media staff welfare and effective journalism in Nigeria look into the problems the Nigerian Journalists face as the carry out their duties.
The results of the methodology shows that the media staff are not taken good care of. The journalism in Nigeria based on what is obtainable and that the proper welfare of Nigerian journalists will ensure effectiveness in the discharge of their duties.
Journalist also should be objective and honest so as to bring journalism in Nigeria back to her former honour.
The government also to allow journalists to function freely without disturbance of any kind. These will cause Nigerian journalism to be what it ought to be.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One:
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background To The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 The Significance Of The Study
1.5 Scope Of The Study
1.6 Research Questionnaire
1.7 Research Hypothesis
1.8 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Thee Importance Of Staff Welfare
2.2 The Need For Press Freedom
2.3 The Need For Effective Journalism
2.4 How Journalist Can Be Brought Back To Honour
2.5 Summary Of Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample And Sampling Procedure
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Validity Of Instrument
3.7 Reliability
3.8 Method For Data Collection Of Administration Of Instruction
3.9 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Analysis And Presentation Of Results

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings, Conclusions And Recommendation

5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Discussion Of Results
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Implications Of Research Findings
5.6 Suggestion For Further Studies
5.7 Limitations Of The Study



For any organization to function very effectively is it big or small, the welfare of the staff of that organization must first be taken into consideration. This is because a staff who is not taken good care of, for instance, whose salary is withheld for some months, cannot function with empty stomach.
In any economy, which uses money as the principal means of exchange, people must be paid for their work, Agu/Eluka (1996). They went further to say that “all organizations, whether profit seeking or not, exist for some purpose. They exist in modern industrial society to produce and distribute goods and services that are needed by the society’s members, to produce and distribute these goods and services, it is necessary to put human, mental and physical energies to productive use” This also applies to the media staff and the discharge of their duties.
Most organization offers many services to their employees such as subsidized housing medical services etc.
If the welfare of a journalist working for any medium, either electronic or print is not favorably considered, he may discharge his duties haphazardly. The bible says that any one who cannot Carter for his family is worse than an infidel.
Again in a situation where a staff is not allowed to bring out his ability by one way or the other, the effectiveness of such a person will be hindered. It is in recognition of the fact that the welfare of the media staff and giving him free hands can make for effective journalism in Nigeria that have rise to this research.

Non provision of working facilities
No welfare package
No better pay package
Inability to train and retrain
No job security
No good working environment
Non effective watch dog performance
Non access to information /freedom of operation.
The fact shall remains that Nigerian journalists are not taken care of. The African newsman underpaid and lacking of social status, Hatchen (1968).
It is not that the society ever respected the journalist for his flashy limousine or for his staggering band account or for his sprawl of real estate. No that had never been necessary; The Sunday magazine (1991). Also there is suppression of mediamen in the practice of their profession.
The battle for the freedom of the press which was fought out during the century was a battle for the right to report the affairs of parliament, and to mitigate the battery of legal constraints, inhibitions to which the press was shackled Arnold (1991).
As a developing nation, Nigeria needs effectiveness in the practice of Nigerian journalist.
There is malpractice in the profession. “once upon a time”, said Ely Obasi, A Sunday magazine writer, Journalist at that time was revered because he held a pen in his fingers and always that the pen leaned on the side of truth and honesty. Something has gone wrong with journalism. The time picture of what is happening and has been happening is simply confounding. Journalism has descended from the heights of honour to indescribable depths. A fiction and plain lie has taken over Sunday magazine (1991).

The purpose of this study is to find out
(1) How press centre Journalist will be given adequate care or welfare.
(2) How to obtain press freedom in Nigeria.
(3) How press centre journalist will achieve effectiveness in the profession of journalism.
(4) How to bring journalists to their former position of honour.

Is primarily to enable the government know the important of staff welfare, and freedom of the press. It will also enable the journalist know that he has to take it upon himself to boost the ego of his profession by dealing objectively and honestly in the discharge of his duties.
It will also set out the solution to the problems of the press not meeting up to thee expectation.

This study is on thee welfare of the media staff. It touches press freedom as pertains the government and society at large. It also covers achieving effective Journalism in Nigeria. And finally bring the journalist back to his usual ego.

1. Can good staff welfare encourage journalists to do their duties?
2. Do the N.U.J press centres have good staff welfare?
3. Do the N.U.J presses centre journalist practice effective journalism?

H0: Media staff welfare can encourage a motivating practice by the mass media practitioners.
H1: Media staff welfare cannot encourage a motivating practice by the mass media practitioners
H2: Press centre journalists have good staff welfare.
H3: Press centre journalists practice effective journalism because of the good welfare condition.
H0: Press centre journalists do not practice effective journalism because of the good welfare condition.

Journalist-one who keeps a diary, a literary worker on a newspaper of periodical.
Journalism is the art of collecting, recording and disseminating news and information and literary materials and their presentation to the familiar world through the process of mass communication.
Effective – Producing its proper effect or a striking impression for service, real actual.
Welfare -Property, health, well being, success.
Staff- A body working under a manager.
N.U.J- Nigeria union of journalist.



Media Staff Welfare And Effective Journalism:

Media staff welfare plays a crucial role in ensuring effective journalism. Journalists are responsible for providing accurate, unbiased, and timely information to the public, and their well-being directly impacts the quality of their work. Here are some key points to consider regarding the relationship between media staff welfare and effective journalism:

  1. Mental and Physical Health: Journalists often work in high-stress environments, facing tight deadlines, covering sensitive topics, and dealing with the demands of a 24/7 news cycle. Providing support for their mental and physical health is essential. News organizations should offer resources like counseling services, stress management programs, and ergonomic workspaces to help staff maintain their well-being.
  2. Training and Development: Continuous training and professional development opportunities are essential for journalists to stay updated with evolving industry trends and technologies. By investing in the skill development of their staff, media organizations can enhance the quality of reporting and analysis.
  3. Fair Compensation: Fair and competitive salaries are vital to attract and retain talented journalists. Inadequate compensation can lead to burnout, low morale, and a higher likelihood of unethical practices such as sensationalism or accepting bribes.
  4. Ethical Guidelines: Media organizations should establish and enforce clear ethical guidelines and codes of conduct for their staff. This helps maintain journalistic integrity and ensures that reporters prioritize accuracy, objectivity, and fairness in their work.
  5. Work-Life Balance: The media industry often demands irregular working hours, including weekends and holidays. Encouraging a healthy work-life balance through flexible scheduling and time-off policies can prevent journalist burnout and improve the quality of reporting.
  6. Safety and Security: Journalists often face physical and digital threats while reporting on sensitive or dangerous topics. News organizations must prioritize the safety and security of their staff by providing training, resources, and protective measures.
  7. Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces: A diverse and inclusive newsroom encourages different perspectives and voices, which can lead to more comprehensive and accurate reporting. Media organizations should actively promote diversity and inclusivity among their staff.
  8. Editorial Independence: Protecting editorial independence is crucial for effective journalism. Journalists must have the freedom to report without undue influence from owners, advertisers, or political interests. Media organizations should establish clear policies to safeguard this independence.
  9. Whistleblower Protection: Newsrooms should have mechanisms in place to protect whistleblowers who expose unethical or illegal practices within their organizations. This promotes transparency and accountability in journalism.
  10. Audience Trust: Media staff welfare contributes to building and maintaining audience trust. When journalists are well-supported and adhere to ethical standards, the public is more likely to trust the information they provide.

In conclusion, media staff welfare is closely tied to the quality and effectiveness of journalism. By prioritizing the well-being of their staff and upholding ethical standards, media organizations can enhance the credibility of their reporting and better serve the public’s need for reliable and informative news.