Occupational Changes And The Adverse Effects On The Secretary

(A Case Study Of Some Selected Establishment In Enugu Urban)

5 Chapters
85 Pages
10,479 Words

Occupational changes can significantly impact the role and well-being of a secretary. The evolution of job responsibilities and advancements in technology often demand adaptability and continuous skill development. Secretaries, traditionally tasked with administrative duties, now find themselves navigating a dynamic landscape where proficiency in digital tools and communication platforms is paramount. This shift can lead to increased stress and job insecurity for secretaries who may struggle to keep pace with these technological demands. Furthermore, the restructuring of organizational hierarchies and the emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration further complicate the secretary’s role, requiring a broader skill set beyond traditional administrative tasks. The adverse effects on secretaries may manifest as job dissatisfaction, feelings of inadequacy, and the risk of professional obsolescence, highlighting the importance of proactive strategies such as upskilling programs and supportive workplace policies to mitigate these challenges.


The study examined the problems encountered by secretaries in some selected banks in Enugu metropolis
A total of eighty-eight questionnaires were administered to eighty-eight secretaries in these banks. After the analysis, the researcher made some findings with respect to the sample population studied.
That secretaries are not paid the same salary grade level as their counterparts in other profession
That secretaries are not allowed to make use of their initiatives in carrying out their duties.
That secretaries do not enjoy training opportunities etc.
It was also fund out that the likely effects of these problems includes: Low productivity, poor quality jobs, lack of job satisfaction and so on.
Some recommendations were made on what could be done so as to enhance the prospects of these secretaries. In the light pf the above, it was recommended that the secretary’s duties and responsibilities be matched with their qualifications and training.
It was also recommended that adequate salaries, job satisfaction, job enrichment programmes and opportunities for retaining, seminars, conferences and professional membership be provided for them so as to enhance their job satisfaction, espirit de corps, rapport and word performance.


Title page
Approval page
List of table
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Delimitation of the study
1.7 Definition of terms

2.1 Brief history of the secretarial profession.
2.2 Definition of the word “secretary”
2.3 Categories of secretary
2.4 Attributes of a secretary
2.5 Problems of secretarial personnel
2.6 Occupational changes and its effects on secretary
2.7 Summary of literature review

3.1 Areas of study
3.2 Population of the study
3.3 Sample size
3.4 Method of investigation
3.5 The research instrument used
3.6 Validity of the instrument used
3.7 Method of administration and collection of questionnaires
3.8 Method of data analysis.

4.1 Relevance of responses to the research questions
4.2 Interpretation of data
4.3 Discussion of findings

5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusions
5.4 Limitation of the study
5.5 Areas of further research
1: Transmittal letter
2: Questionnaire.


Every business organization needs efficient management and administration and therefore requires the services of a secretary. – Segun (1989). A secretary is one who besides the possession of typewriting and shorthand skills is knowledgeable in management and organizational techniques. The secretary relies on her skills in dealing with people, such skills are tact, discretion, courtesy, common sense, pleasant speaking, good command of English language, ability and having a good retentive memory, to mention but a few.
It is a well known fat that every occupational carries some elements of risks usually referred to as occupational hazard, secretaries are to be found or seen in almost all business organizations worth the same. As is well known, the secretarial profession has come of age in Nigeria. Secretarial courses are now offered in all polytechnics in the country and in some reputable universities. The number of students offering the course seem to be growing from day to day. For those working, the task home pay is relatively attractive. Everything seems to be going for the secretary, yet many secretaries express dissatisfaction with their lot in their work places and some I know have abandon the profession for greener pastures.
The study therefore is being carried out to find out the problems facing secretaries in their work places and those impediments on their way to achieving full job satisfaction. Identification of these constraints will be a first step in seeking for solution to the problems and this is the objectives of this research.

In every well organized business the services of the secretarial personnel are highly needed. It is usually asserted that the success or failure of any organization, or its good or bad image largely depend on the roles of the secretary plays in achieving the objectives of the organization.
In these modern times, the secretarial profession has become very lucrative and attractive. This has led to an unprecedented influx into the profession. Despite this enviable position, the secretarial profession appears to be bedeviled by some yet unidentified obstacles which may lead the secretary to resort to negative attitude towards their work and even leave their jobs for entirely different professions.
It is the aim of this research work to find out some if not all those impediments, obstacles and pitfalls which make may secretaries wish to leave this profession despite the attractive salaries usually offered to them. We will also seek to find possible solutions and offer recommendations that may stop these problems.

The purpose of this study include
i. To find out the occupational problems encountered by secretaries working in some selected establishments in Enugu urban.
ii. To find out the likely effects of these occupational problems on the secretary’s performance in the job
iii. To find out the causes of these problems
iv. To find out the likely solutions to these problems

1. What are the occupational problems encountered by secretaries in these selected establishment in Enugu urban
2. What are the likely effects of these problems in detracting secretaries from their official performance
3. What are the causes of these problems
4. What are the likely solution to these occupational problems.

It is envisaged that this study when completed will be of immense benefits to secretaries working in some establishments to the management and the organization as a whole.
Firstly, this study intends to identify the occupational problems encountered by secretaries which can inject negative attitude in them so that their employers will have clearer pictures of these problems and devise ways of motivating the secretaries so as to enhance productivity. This study will also be beneficial to managers in these organization so that they will reveal what could be done to enhance the prospects pf these secretaries.
On the other hand, the study will be beneficial to the secretaries themselves in that, if the recommendations advanced in this study are adhere to, they will be better placed in the organization and their states enhanced. It will also serve as an inspiration to Nigerian secretaries to embrace the profession fully having known the already existing problems and ways to avert them.
Finally, the research will provide up to date information on the secretarial professions.

This research work is delimited to secretaries in some selected establishment in Enugu urban. These establishments are
i. First Bank of Nigeria PLC Okpara Avenue Enugu
ii. Union Bank of Nigeria PLC Ogui Road Enugu
iii. Afribank of Nigeria PLC Garden Avenue Enugu
iv. United Bank for Sfrica (UBA) PLC stated road Enugu.

ESTABLISHMENT: It is either a government, business organization or a large institution
INCENTIVES: These are fringe benefits in various forms designed to motivate workers.
MOTIVATION: The is the stimulation of workers to higher levels of performance by satisfying their different needs at different points in time.
PRODUCTIVITY: It is the ability of labor and capital to produce the amount of output of goods and services compared to the input of labor and capital




Occupational Changes And The Adverse Effects On The Secretary:

Occupational changes can indeed have adverse effects on secretaries, particularly if those changes involve significant shifts in job responsibilities, workload, or workplace dynamics. Here are some potential adverse effects that secretaries may experience due to occupational changes:

  1. Increased Workload: If there are organizational changes such as downsizing or restructuring, secretaries may find themselves handling the workload of multiple positions or departments. This can lead to stress, burnout, and difficulty in managing tasks effectively.
  2. Uncertainty and Job Insecurity: Changes such as mergers, acquisitions, or reorganizations can create uncertainty about the future of the secretary’s role within the company. Fear of layoffs or job displacement can cause anxiety and affect job performance.
  3. Reduced Autonomy and Control: Changes in management or reporting structures may result in secretaries having less autonomy and control over their work. They may find themselves having to adapt to new processes or systems that they have little influence over, leading to frustration and decreased job satisfaction.
  4. Increased Job Complexity: If the nature of the secretary’s role changes, for example, due to technological advancements or shifts in organizational priorities, they may need to acquire new skills or adapt to new responsibilities. This can be challenging and stressful, especially if adequate training and support are not provided.
  5. Role Ambiguity: Occupational changes can sometimes blur the lines of the secretary’s role, leading to confusion about expectations and responsibilities. This can result in inefficiencies, misunderstandings, and interpersonal conflicts with colleagues or supervisors.
  6. Impact on Work-Life Balance: Increased workload or job insecurity can spill over into the secretary’s personal life, affecting their ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Long hours, excessive stress, and job-related worries can take a toll on physical and mental well-being.
  7. Decreased Morale and Job Satisfaction: Overall, occupational changes that negatively impact the secretary’s workload, job security, autonomy, or work-life balance can lead to decreased morale and job satisfaction. This, in turn, can affect productivity, employee retention, and the overall atmosphere in the workplace.

To mitigate these adverse effects, employers should communicate openly and transparently about any impending changes, provide adequate support and resources for adaptation, offer training opportunities to enhance skills, and prioritize employee well-being throughout the transition process. Additionally, involving secretaries in decision-making processes and valuing their contributions can help foster a positive work environment and mitigate the negative impact of occupational changes.