Problems And Prospect Of Consumers Cooperatives

(A Case Study Of Idemili North Local Government Area Of Anambra State)

5 Chapters
48 Pages
5,604 Words

Consumer cooperatives face various challenges and opportunities in their operations and growth trajectory. One key challenge is ensuring effective governance and management to maintain member satisfaction and financial sustainability. Balancing the diverse needs and preferences of members while adhering to cooperative principles can be intricate. Moreover, consumer cooperatives often encounter competition from conventional businesses, necessitating innovative strategies to differentiate and attract customers. Issues like limited access to capital, market fluctuations, and regulatory constraints further compound these challenges. However, consumer cooperatives also present promising prospects. They serve as vehicles for community empowerment, fostering local economic development and social cohesion. By prioritizing member needs and promoting democratic decision-making, cooperatives can enhance consumer trust and loyalty. Embracing digitalization and leveraging collective bargaining power are additional avenues for consumer cooperatives to enhance efficiency and competitiveness in the marketplace. Despite the hurdles, with strategic planning and collaboration, consumer cooperatives can navigate these complexities and emerge as resilient pillars of sustainable consumption and economic democratization.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents



1.1 General overview of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
1.8 Definition of terms


2.1 Importance of consumer cooperative
2.2 Development of consumer cooperative operation in Idemili North LGA
2.3 Consumer cooperative as a self-help organization in Idemili North
2.4 Consumer cooperative: Impact/Activities in Idemili North
2.5 Problems and prospects of consumer cooperative in Idemili North
2.6 Prospects of Consumer Cooperatives


3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.4 Sampling Design
3.5 Methods of data collection
3.6 Procedure for processing data (using % method)


4.1 Data presentation
4.2 Data Analysis
4.3 Decision or interpretation


5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation


The consumer cooperative society toady is going through some difficulties in the local government of Idemili North Consumer cooperative has been concerned with a systematic, preservation and the dissemination of knowledge in the system. This consumer cooperative has not been very successful in Idemili North due to problems surrounding them. This society would be a better and more effective society if they have formed themselves into cooperative registered society according to the law.

The consumer cooperative society has been intimately concerned with acquisition, systematic, preservation and dissemination of her cooperative knowledge. As they proceed, there is need to make these Observations being recorded in journals, and books. Other non materials more accessible to users for convenient and immediate consultation to the members become more imperative.
The infrastructure for affective communication network needs to be established in their various zone of operations provision of reliable roads and associated facilities to alleviate the general rigors/dangers the members encounter when carrying out transaction to distant market places.
Consumer and marketing cooperative have not been very successful in Idemili North due to problems surrounding them. There would be a better and more effective society if they had formed themselves into cooperatives registered according to law.
These are because of the predominance of illiteracy. They lack the education and enlightenment programme which have helped to enhance the level of performance and understanding of what consumer cooperative is all about. Historical knowledge has always been considered a necessary step for discussing contemporary issue as regards to the present. It gives insight into the nature of problems and directs attention to what is going on around the consumer cooperative in Idemili North of Anambra State.
Consumer cooperative in Idemili North coordinated better methods of farming and encouraged the farmers creativity. They protected the farmers interest as well as selling quality goods at affordable rates.

This project covers the problems faced by the consumer cooperative in Idemili North Local council. Idemili North as a geographical reference for this project has some factors which affects the consumer cooperative society. They as follow:
1. Lack of trust among it’s members ie there is no trust among the consumer cooperative members in Idemili north of Anambra State.
2. Incompetence in the executive of consumer cooperative of Idemili North.
3. Lack of capital to carry out large scale retail trading and transactions in Idemili North.
4. There is stiff competition from low lost traders in Idemili North. There are equally other sources which sell consumer goods at cheaper rates. Consumer cooperative were unable to withstand this competition.
5. Management problems – Inefficiency which led to the wrong people being chosen as the right one. The rudiment nature of bookkeeping might turn to stealing/diversion of funds by manipulation of fraud.
6. Members are mostly illiterates
7. Storage of distributions of goods
8. Sales of adulterated goods by there members.

The study is being written to make it clear the aim and objectives of consumer cooperatives. Providing questions and providing solutions (prospects) to the following problems.
1. Moreover, this is to identify the minor and major problems of consumer cooperative in Idemili North L.G.A perhaps to assess the prospects of consumer cooperative and how their operations can be modernized to the recent standards.
2. To know this, consumer cooperative has to specify their system of operative and activities so as to achieve maximum effectiveness.
3. It would help to know the number of consumer cooperative in Anambra State particularly Idemili North.
4. To make recommendation on how consumer cooperative would re-enhance its programmes.
Again, to improve on consumer cooperative education scheme which will provide member with expounded knowledge of the cooperative. Nevertheless, introducing its procedure and techniques, how cooperative share their dividend surplus to the members.

1. This will enable the member to see and know the importance of this association in which they are
2. It will equally decode to them the importance of being learned and education cooperative members.
3. Stronger and weaker members, the alternative to improve in their performance.
4. The techniques of their operations to professional standard.
5. Eradication of incompetence and inefficiency were clarified.
This study was carried out in Idemili North L.G.A, Anambra State – Directors and members of consumer cooperative were constituted as the population.
The contents of the consumer cooperative as it effects the organization activities in the L.G.A

How can we bring the problems and prospect of consumer cooperative society understudy?
What role dose consumer cooperative play in order to set up their targets and objectives, usefulness, economic reliability, shortcomings and relevance in this modern time.
Is cooperative relevant in Nigeria and what are the benefits of cooperative society in Nigeria.
How can we correct the weakness that occur in consumer cooperative society.

The importance of the study cannot be over emphasized because of the some categories of people in consumer and market cooperative society. The exercise has helped the consumer cooperative to see the need for consistent evaluation of learning/operative for the improvement of the state in general.
The consumer cooperative will have a significant benefit as a result of improving the marketing techniques for large distribution.
However, this will help to uplift consumer cooperative and its knowledge, to the standard of emulation by the Idemili North consumer cooperative. More so, it will help the student on the project write up (ND).
While planning the curriculum of consumer cooperative, the findings of the study will enable then to create interest on consumer cooperative activities.
Finally, hope that by discovering the problems of the study, it will encourage the consumer cooperative to work greatly towards specification for higher achievements and their progress.

The study was limited by certain factors; the continuous strike condition to the members. Nonchalant attitude of some members as well as directors made the research study a little difficult collect the questionnaire on the agreed dates. This caused the research untold hardship of going to their various districts repeatedly and in some/ most case without success.
As a result of these factors, health and financial constraint and the large occupational members involved in the process. The researcher was only able to gather but fewer questionnaire are from the member distributed.
The frequency and its techniques of operations were not adoptive and again because of time limits, it was not possible for the researcher to investigate into all the factors that are effecting the effective operative of consumer cooperative in Idemili North L.G.A Anambra State being the area studied.

Consumer cooperative society: This is a society which engaged in sale of manufactured/consumer products to the members at a reasonable price. They are also similar to other cooperative but for the fact that they are mainly found in the rural area while the members are mostly farmers. They may be called service centre for the benefit of their members.
Bulking buying: This is buying large quantity of goods at controlled price and selling to members and others at affordable control prices.
Patronage Rebate: This is share they usually have at the end of the year based on the degree of participation, they are also paid dividend on shares.



Problems And Prospect Of Consumers Cooperatives:

Consumer cooperatives, also known as retail cooperatives or consumer-owned businesses, are organizations owned and operated by their members to meet their common needs and interests, typically in purchasing goods and services. Like any type of cooperative or business model, consumer cooperatives have their own set of problems and prospects. Let’s explore some of the key issues and potential opportunities for consumer cooperatives:


  1. Capitalization and Funding: Consumer cooperatives often face challenges in raising sufficient capital to start or expand their operations. Unlike traditional businesses, they may struggle to attract outside investors, which can limit their growth potential.
  2. Member Participation: Maintaining active member participation is crucial for the success of a consumer cooperative. Some members may be passive and not actively engage in the cooperative’s activities or governance, which can hinder decision-making and the overall effectiveness of the cooperative.
  3. Competitive Challenges: Consumer cooperatives often have to compete with larger, profit-driven corporations that can offer lower prices due to economies of scale. This can make it difficult for cooperatives to attract and retain members.
  4. Management and Governance: Managing a cooperative can be complex, especially as it grows. Effective governance and leadership are critical to ensure that the cooperative’s resources are used efficiently and that members’ interests are represented.
  5. Market Volatility: Consumer cooperatives, like any businesses, can be affected by economic downturns, market fluctuations, and changing consumer preferences. Adapting to these changes while maintaining cooperative values can be challenging.


  1. Community Engagement: Consumer cooperatives often have strong ties to their local communities. They can provide a sense of belonging and community engagement for their members, fostering a strong customer base.
  2. Ethical and Sustainable Practices: Many consumer cooperatives prioritize ethical and sustainable practices, such as sourcing products locally, promoting fair trade, and reducing environmental impact. These values can resonate with consumers who prioritize such considerations.
  3. Member Benefits: Cooperatives typically distribute profits to their members in proportion to their patronage, which can result in cost savings for consumers. This can be a significant selling point for consumer cooperatives.
  4. Democratic Control: Consumer cooperatives operate on a democratic principle, where members have a say in decision-making. This can lead to more responsive and accountable management, which can enhance trust and loyalty among members.
  5. Niche Markets: Consumer cooperatives can specialize in serving specific niche markets, offering unique products or services that may not be readily available from larger corporations. This can create a loyal customer base.
  6. Collaboration: Cooperatives can collaborate with other cooperatives, forming networks or associations to pool resources, share best practices, and enhance their collective competitiveness.

In conclusion, consumer cooperatives face challenges related to funding, member participation, competition, and governance, but they also have the potential to foster community engagement, promote ethical and sustainable practices, and provide financial benefits to their members. Success often depends on effective management, a committed membership base, and a clear focus on cooperative principles and values.