Problems Of Filling And Correspondence In Institutions

(A Case Study Of I.M.T Enugu)

5 Chapters
124 Pages
6,970 Words

Institutions encounter numerous challenges regarding filling positions and maintaining effective correspondence, impacting their functionality and productivity. Recruitment hurdles such as talent scarcity, mismatches between job requirements and applicant skills, and prolonged hiring processes impede timely staffing. Additionally, inadequate communication channels and protocols within institutions lead to information silos, misunderstandings, and delays in decision-making, hindering operational efficiency. Addressing these issues necessitates strategic approaches, including enhancing talent pipelines, refining job descriptions, implementing streamlined recruitment procedures, fostering transparent communication platforms, and nurturing a collaborative organizational culture to facilitate seamless information exchange and decision-making.


The aim of this project/research work is to find out the problems facing filling/correspondence in Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu and to give useful suggestions.
To obtain the necessary information for the research, the researcher used the questionnaire.
From the findings, it was discovered that the institution stand to loose valuable man hours, experience great delays in the execution of official duties if it takes a lot of time to find and retrieve files in offices.
It was also discovered in the study that the absence of a reliable filing/correspondence systems in the institution affect the efficiency of office operations.
Recommendations are made based on the findings of the study, because filing/correspondence form the core of activities in any institution, there is every need for these two tasks to be accorded due recognition and seen as a system that should be properly administered. Every institution should therefore ensure that due attention is paid to the maintenance and administration of filling/correspondence systems.


Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of content vii

1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Purpose of the study 5
1.4 Scope of the study 5
1.5 Research hypothesis 5
1.6 Significance of the study 6
1.7 Delimitation of the study 7
1.8 Definition of terms 7

2.1 The concepts: filing/correspondence systems 9
2.2 Efficient filing/correspondence system 14
2.3 Problem of filing/correspondence systems 17
2.4 Summary of literature review 20

3.1 Population 23
3.2 Sample 23
3.3 Source of information 23
3.4 Instrument used 23
3.5 Distribution and collection of questionnaire 24
3.6 Method of data analysis 24

Presentation and Analysis of Data 25
4.1 Analysis of data 26

Recommendations and conclusions 37
5.1 Discussion of findings 37
5.2 Conclusion 40
5.3 Recommendation 41
5.4 Suggestion for further studies 42
5.5 Limitations 43
Bibliography 45
Appendix: sample of questionnaire 47


The preservation of records is one of the main functions of a good secretary in any organization.
Preservation of records in an organization takes various forms depending on the size of the organization. It involves the use of different equipment and systems. Normally, records are preserved through filing, indexing and micro filing. Filing is the commonest method for safeguarding important information and records.
The efficient running of an office therefore depends largely on the existence of a good and effective filing and correspondence systems.
Filing can be described as the care of records management. The key stone of office organization is the maintenance of comprehensive, simple and efficient filing system. Filing therefore is the process by which records are classified, arranged, stored, so that they may be quickly located when needed. It entails storing records in a secure place and in a manner that permits rapid retrieval. As Onibonoje (1976:115) puts it, “filing is the orderly collection, arrangement and safe keeping of information and prompt retrieval of such information as and when required for any decision. Viewed differently, bathlomew (1974:214) sees filing as involving;
“… collecting letters, carbon
copies, accounts, forms and
documents, sorting them by
placing them in folders,
binders, drawers etc, for
future reference”.
Whatever the meaning attached to it may be, the fact remains according to Denyer and Mugridge (1978:145), that “filing is the basis of record keeping …”Consequently, it should be seen as an independable and to any business organization. The brain of every business as far as retrieval of information is concerned.
Correspondence is equally a very vital aspect of basic office routine of any organized body, be it private, government or club. In each of these organized bodies, letter writing, typing, duplicating and in fact communication represent the core office routine. Correspondence can be said to be communication in writing on subjects of mutual interest to both. The internal and external publics of an organization. The concise Oxford Advanced Dictionary (1974:192) defines correspondence as “communication by letters”. This takes care of in-coming and out-going mails.
Denyer (1980; 274) however sees correspondence as covering:
”… many types of documents
Including letters, which is
Probably the most common
Method of communication
Between a business and its
Customers of the public and
Public organizations”.
Carrying out a study of the problems of filing and correspondence systems in offices today is most essential especially as many contracts are lost due to poor filing and correspondence system. Job offers and calls for interviews are lost and staff are denied promotion simply because their files cannot be located.
The choice of institute of management and Technology Enugu is informed by the fact that the school has a sizeable number of staff and does a lot of filing of its activities with both the staff students and external publics.

Academic institutions, today experience cases of delays and/or loss of correspondence in their daily operations. Where records are not loss, a lot of time is wasted in digging up people’s files and vital information often get to the final recipient highly distorted and filtered. All these bring about a chaotic decline in academic activities in schools.
The major problem in the study therefore is to identify likely problems facing filing and correspondence handling offices. This will be done by studding the handling of these basic office routine in institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu.

The study on the identification of the problems of filing and correspondence is concentrated on the institute of management and technology (I.M.T) Enugu. The researcher principally aims at investigating the details of filing/correspondence in Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu for the purpose of revealing only weaknesses and /or strengths and suggesting improvements if necessary.

The study on the identification of the problems of filing an correspondence is concentrated on the Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu. This study will not attempt to discuss deeply the benefits of filing and correspondence systems or the qualification of staff handling such basic routine.

This research work will try to provide answers to the following questions:
1. Does the retrieval of documents take a long time after filing in the Institute of management and Technology Enugu?
2. Is the filing system in institute of Management and Technology Enugu properly organized?
3. What is the cause of undue delays and loss of documents in Institute of Management and Technology Enugu?
4. How can the system adopted by Institute of Management and Technology Enugu be reliable?
5. Does improper filing and correspondence system in Institute of Management and Technology Enugu affect the growth and job satisfaction of the workers?

This study is essentially significant in the following ways:-
(a) It will highlight some of the problems of filing ad correspondence system adopted by correspondence and personnel in offices. This will help management to appreciate the seriousness of the problems and thus take action to improve the situation.
(b) The revelations of this study will also be of special assistance to some future researchers who might be interested in finding out other problems of filing and correspondence system that are not related in this work.

The study of the problems of filing and correspondence in Nigeria Institutions will be carried out in Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu and does not pretend to give an overview of what applies in other institutions.

This can be defined as folding clipping, holding papers for reference. It is the process by which records are classified, arranged and stored so that they may be quickly located when needed.
This can be defined as communication in writing on subjects of mutual interest either within the organization or with outsiders.



Problems Of Filling And Correspondence In Institutions:

Filling and correspondence in institutions can pose several challenges that affect their efficiency and effectiveness. These problems can vary depending on the type of institution (e.g., government agencies, educational institutions, businesses) and their specific processes. Here are some common problems associated with filling positions and managing correspondence in institutions:

  1. Recruitment and Hiring Challenges:
    • Talent Shortages: Difficulty in finding qualified candidates for specialized positions, leading to extended vacancy periods.
    • Bias and Discrimination: Unconscious biases in the hiring process can result in unfair selection and discrimination.
  2. Paperwork and Administrative Burden:
    • Excessive Documentation: Cumbersome paperwork and documentation requirements can slow down the hiring process and create inefficiencies.
    • Redundant Processes: Multiple layers of approvals and documentation can lead to redundancy and delays.
  3. Communication and Coordination Issues:
    • Lack of Communication: Poor communication between hiring managers, HR departments, and candidates can result in confusion and frustration.
    • Inadequate Feedback: Failure to provide timely feedback to applicants can harm the institution’s reputation and discourage potential talent.
  4. Compliance and Legal Concerns:
    • Legal Requirements: Ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations can be challenging, leading to potential legal issues.
    • Diversity and Inclusion: Meeting diversity and inclusion goals can be difficult without proactive measures in the hiring process.
  5. Technology and Infrastructure Problems:
    • Outdated Systems: Using outdated or inefficient recruitment and correspondence software can hinder productivity.
    • Security Concerns: Handling sensitive candidate information requires robust data security measures to prevent breaches.
  6. Budget Constraints:
    • Limited Resources: Tight budgets may restrict an institution’s ability to attract top talent and invest in modern recruitment tools and practices.
  7. Candidate Experience:
    • Poor Candidate Experience: Lengthy and confusing application processes can deter qualified candidates and negatively impact the institution’s image.
  8. Correspondence Management:
    • Email Overload: Managing a high volume of emails and correspondence can lead to important messages being overlooked or delayed.
    • Inefficient Documentation: Failing to organize and store correspondence properly can result in difficulty retrieving information when needed.
  9. Training and Skill Gaps:
    • Lack of Training: Inadequate training for personnel involved in recruitment and correspondence can result in errors and inefficiencies.
  10. Cultural and Organizational Challenges:
    • Resistance to Change: Institutional cultures that resist change can impede the adoption of modern recruitment and correspondence practices.
    • Silos: Lack of collaboration and communication between departments can hinder the flow of information.

To address these problems, institutions often need to implement strategic changes in their recruitment and correspondence processes. This may involve investing in modern technology, providing training for staff, promoting diversity and inclusion, streamlining administrative procedures, and fostering a culture of communication and collaboration. Additionally, a focus on continuous improvement and adaptability is essential in addressing evolving challenges in filling positions and managing correspondence