Role Of Anambra Broadcasting Service In The Fight Against Cultism

(A Case Study of Nnamdi Azikiwe University)

5 Chapters
48 Pages
5,463 Words

The Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS) plays a crucial role in combating cultism within the region by employing a multifaceted approach through its various media platforms. ABS serves as a vital conduit for disseminating information and promoting awareness about the detrimental effects of cultism. Through engaging programs, ABS addresses the root causes of cult activities, emphasizing the importance of education, community involvement, and alternative avenues for youth empowerment. Furthermore, ABS collaborates with law enforcement agencies to highlight successful interventions and legal consequences for those involved in cult-related activities. By consistently featuring discussions, documentaries, and interviews, ABS creates a comprehensive narrative that underscores the societal harm caused by cultism while simultaneously showcasing positive stories of individuals who have chosen paths of productivity and community development. Through its strategic media initiatives, ABS actively contributes to the ongoing fight against cultism in the region.


The study finds out the role of Anambra broadcasting service Awka in the fight against cultism in Nnamdi Azikiwe University. It looks at the degree, causes and ways of curbing cultism as well as its implication on academic and other parts of life on the inhabitants in the campus. Survey method was used to gather some information that helped in putting this project in order which questionnaire was used as the instrument to collect data. Simple random sampling was used to select each element involved in the study giving a total of 100 respondents involved in the study. The findings got from the questionnaire show that Anambra Broadcasting Service are doing a great work in curbing cultism in Nnamdi Azikiwe University. It is recommended that parents, government of the state, law enforcement bodies and staff of Anambra Broadcasting Service should take a giant step forward in helping eradicate cultism in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.


i Abstract
ii Table of contents

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Scope of Study
1.6 Significance of Study
1.7 Operational Definition of Terms.

2.1 Sources of Literature
2.2 Review of Related Studies
2.2.1 History of Nnamdi Azikiwe University
2.2.2 Location of the University
2.2.3 Brief Origin of Cultism in the institution
2.2.4 Factors responsible for the Proliferation of Cult group in Nnamdi Azikiwe
2.2.6 Historical development of Radio in Nigeria
2.2.7 History of Anambra Broadcasting Services
2.2.8 Chronological development of Abs Awka
2.2.9 Organisational Structure
2.2.10 Functional distribution of Abs Awka
2.3 Theoretical Framework

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area of Study
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Research Sample and Sampling Techniques
3.5 Method of Data Collection
3.6 Method of Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis.
4.2 Discussion of Finding

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary OF Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations


1.1 Background of the Study

It is always a tale of sorrows, tears and blood whenever cult members are on strike. Inorderwords, they have no regard for laws and respect, any Authority or order. In some higher institutions’ today, they have almost taken over control of activities even those who tried to cross their bridge were wasted in a terrible manner.
Hanks (2003) in a paper titled “focus on the menace of student cult” raised an alarm on senseless killings on the campus and mass acquiring of dangerous weapons by students for they are gradually running the university into a theatre of war. In a further emphasis, the writer attributed this act to inadequate parental care that gives rise to such violent groups of people. Instead they are mostly concerned with their businesses leaving their children to attend late night parties, watch pornographic video films, leading to negative values.
Cult members engage in many dangerous acts such as armed robbery, ritual killing, arson, rape, prostitution, drugs, open conflicts, witch-hunting, assassination and host of other deviant behaviors. In recent times, most of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University lecturers and students have been battered upon and utimediated by cult members. Many lives have lost and properties worth millions of naira destroyed. According to Mr. Gabriel Okpalaeze ( head of news department) in Anambra Broadcasting Service Awka presently their managing director asserted, it is estimated that twenty thousand student have been killed since cultism started at the institution in the 1990s. It has equally been projected that absence of any radical action, another four thousand would die in next twenty years.
There is no doubt that many serious minded students and lecturers on campus are under constant fear of being attacked deliberately or mistakenly by members of secret cults.
The frequency of cult activities in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka has become a source of anxiety to educators, religious ministers, students, government, the professionally trained guidance counselors and the general public hence the clarion call from all and sundry to find a lasting solution to cultism among the youths in the university is necessary.
The number of secret cult members in the campus has not only increased but have also become more instruments in recent times. In other words they no longer hide their identities; their activities disrupt academic programs and anger, violence and social disorder as well as threaten the security of lives and property in the school as they operate in broad daylight.
However, the fact still remains that the school was established with the basic aim of producing students who are expected to take over the month of leadership in the nearest future.
To have a balanced education however, can only be given and received in the school with conducive atmosphere that is the school that is not polluted by the activities of secret cult members.
Nigeria television authority Awka which performs function like informing, educating, entertaining, educating, entertaining, agenda setting etc need to be employed adequately in the fight against cultism in the school.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Over the years, activities of the cult in Nnamdi Azikiwe University have created a poor atmosphere that has prevented serious academic activities to be carried out. As a result many serious minded students and lecturers who reside within the school premise are always on fear.
The constant fear of cult members in the school has hampered to a large extent the academic pursuit of serious minded students.
However in order to resolve this kind of situation, there is need to employ the functional role of television, such is informing, educating and entertaining the populace which will serve as the relevance in this context.
Therefore the aim of the study is to examine how Anambra broadcasting service Awka can help to checkmate the activities of cultism in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.

1.3 Objectives of the Study
1. To determine the existence of cultism in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.
2. To find out the role of Anambra broadcasting service in the fight of cultism in the institution
3. To determine the various methods Anambra broadcasting service uses to fight cultism at UNIZIK.
4. To determine the impacts of Anambra broadcasting service roles in fighting cultism at UNIZIK.
5. To find out if there is any identifiable problem confronting Anambra broadcasting service Awka in her effort to fight against cultism at UNIZIK Awka.

1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were formulated for the study.
1. To what extent does cultism exist in Nnamdi Azikiwe University?
2. What are the factors responsible for the existence of secret cults in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka?
3. In what ways could the activities of secret cults affect academic activities and social life in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka?
4. What roles does Anambra Broadcasting service Awka play?
5. What should be the problem confronting Anambra broadcasting service Awka in curbing cultism in Unizik?

1.5 Scope of Study
The issue of cultism is very vast and diverse. An attempt to conduct study into all aspects of cultism, May entails a lifetime investment of thousands of men hours and perhaps the research may not be completed.
However, the researcher delimited his study to the role of Anambra broadcasting service Awka in the fight against cultism which focused on the study of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.

1.6 Significance of Study
The significant of this study lies in its potential to benefit the students, lecturers and workers in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka in the fight against cultism. This study will help the board of trustees in the school to know how best to employ Anambra broadcasting services Awka in combating the vice
In the area of scholarship, the study is relevant in that its becomes another contribution to the wealth of research already done on the subject and other related subject. Further research would also benefit from it as it is potentially a stepping stone to them.
To the researcher as an individual, the study served in giving him a deeper insight into brooding his horizon generally in the field of communication.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms.
According to CICERO as cited by Okoro (1998; 29) “any systematic treatment of a subject should begin with a definition, so that everyone may understand the subject of enquiry. Based on the above, the major terms in this works defined below;
CONFRONTATION: A situation in which there is angry disagreement between people or group of people who have different opinion. In the context of my research, there are times when cult members disagree with themselves and that causes problem among themselves.
CULTURAL HERITAGE; The values and norms, we inherit from our ancestors.
DELIBERATELY; Process of carefully considering or discussing something.
PROLIFERATION; Increase or growth in number of certain reality, for instance in this research work it’s used as multiplication of number of cult group in Nnamdi Azikiwe university.
TERRORISM; The use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or t force a government to act. In the context, the cult members use it to achieve some aims in the university like rubbing and getting power.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY; Doing what the society view best for the welfare of the people in general or for a specific community of people. In this context, it is the responsibility of the board of trustees’ disciplinary committee to carry out the duties required of them and students as well.
UNIVERSITY; An institution at the highest or territory level of education where you can study for a degree. For instance Nnamdi Azikiwe is an institution of highest level in education as well as known as university.



Role Of Anambra Broadcasting Service In The Fight Against Cultism:

Broadcasting services can play a crucial role in the fight against cultism by raising awareness, promoting education, and fostering a sense of community responsibility. Here are some of the key ways in which broadcasting services can contribute to this important effort:

  1. Education and Awareness: Broadcasting services can air programs, documentaries, and news segments that educate the public about the dangers and consequences of cultism. These programs can provide information on the recruitment tactics used by cults, the signs of cult involvement, and the legal penalties associated with cult activities. By increasing public awareness, broadcasting services can help individuals make informed choices and avoid involvement in cults.
  2. Community Engagement: Broadcasting services can facilitate community discussions and forums on the issue of cultism. These platforms can bring together experts, survivors, law enforcement officials, and community leaders to share their insights and experiences. Such discussions can help communities better understand the problem and collaborate on solutions.
  3. Promotion of Values: Broadcasting services can promote positive values such as tolerance, respect for diversity, and non-violence. By emphasizing these values through various media formats, they can counteract the appeal of cults, which often rely on coercion, intimidation, and violence to maintain control.
  4. Reporting and Whistleblower Support: Broadcasting services can establish mechanisms for reporting cult-related activities anonymously. This can encourage individuals who have information about cults to come forward without fear of reprisals. Additionally, broadcasting services can provide resources and support for whistleblowers who want to exit or expose cults.
  5. Legal Information: Broadcasting services can provide information about the legal consequences of cult involvement. This includes explaining the laws related to cult activities, as well as the penalties for participating in criminal acts on behalf of a cult. Such information can act as a deterrent for potential recruits.
  6. Support for Victims and Families: Broadcasting services can connect victims of cults and their families with support networks and resources. This can include information on counseling services, legal assistance, and advocacy groups that specialize in helping cult survivors.
  7. Documenting Success Stories: Broadcasting services can share stories of individuals who have successfully left cults and rebuilt their lives. These stories can serve as inspiration and proof that there is life beyond cult involvement, offering hope to those currently trapped in such situations.
  8. Collaboration with Law Enforcement: Broadcasting services can collaborate with law enforcement agencies to report on cult-related arrests, prosecutions, and convictions. This can highlight the government’s commitment to combating cultism and the consequences for those involved.
  9. Public Service Campaigns: Broadcasting services can run public service campaigns aimed at discouraging cult involvement. These campaigns can use various media formats, including radio, television, and social media, to reach a broad audience with anti-cult messages.

In summary, broadcasting services can play a multifaceted role in the fight against cultism by raising awareness, promoting education, providing support, and fostering a sense of community responsibility. By leveraging their reach and influence, they can contribute significantly to efforts aimed at preventing and addressing the issue of cultism in society.