Role Of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) In The Reference Services To Library Users In Nigeria

(A Case Study Of Imo State Library)

5 Chapters
55 Pages
6,190 Words

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has revolutionized reference services in Nigerian libraries, offering unprecedented access to information resources and transforming the user experience. Through ICT, libraries in Nigeria can provide timely and accurate information to users, facilitating research and learning. Online databases, electronic journals, and digital repositories have widened the scope of available resources, enabling librarians to offer comprehensive support across various disciplines. Additionally, ICT tools such as online catalogs, search engines, and digital reference services streamline the information retrieval process, empowering users to locate relevant materials efficiently. Moreover, ICT facilitates remote access to library resources, catering to the diverse needs of users regardless of their location. Mobile technologies further enhance accessibility, allowing users to engage with library services on-the-go. Furthermore, ICT enables librarians to engage with users through virtual reference services, chat platforms, and social media, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing and support. Overall, the integration of ICT in reference services has transformed Nigerian libraries into dynamic hubs of information exchange, empowering users with the tools and resources necessary for academic and professional success.


This research work is on the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in the provision of reference service in public library user in Nigeria. A case study of Imo state Library. The literature review is on the concept of ICTs types of ICT infrastructure applicable in public library, funding of ICTs in public libraries in Nigeria the importance of reference services in public libraries and factors affecting the role of ICT in public libraries in Nigeria. The questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection and it was distributed on a hand-to-hand basis. The method of analysis for this study was the tabulated statistical method. The research was to find out ICT infrastructure put in place in public libraries in Nigeria, if there is a proper funding of ICT libraries in the provision of reference eservice in public libraries in Nigeria, the level of training to public library staff on ICTs, the problem/factors ,militating against the role of ICT un the provision of reference services in public libraries in Nigeria, and strategies that can be adopted to overcome the problems.


Title Page
Table Of Contents


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of Problem
1.3 Research Question
1.4 Purpose Of The Study
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Scope And Limitation Of The Study
1.7 Operational Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Introduction

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population Of The Study
3.3 Sampling And Sample Techniques
3.4 Instrument For Data Collection
3.5 Method Of Data Collection
3.6 Method Of Data Collection
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Three
4.0 Introduction

4.1 Data Analysis And Presentation Of Results
4.2 Discussion Of Findings.

Chapter Five
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation



Information revolution started a number of years ago and the impact all over the world has been tremendous. Information revolution has brought about convergence of information and communication technologies (ICTS), which have remained at the nucleus of global social and economic transformation (Ajayi 2003). The information revolution and extra ordinary increase in the spread of knowledge has produced a new era-one of knowledge and information which affects directly economic, social, cultural and political activities of all regions of the world including Africa. Governments world wide have recognized the role that information and communication technologies (ICTS) could play in socio-economic development (Ogunsola 2005).
As information procurement and dissemination organizations libraries all over the world have found themselves right in the middle of the ICT driven Global village” and in other to play active roles in the village, public libraries have no other choice than to boost their effectiveness. Libraries are becoming more aware that in order to play cartelistic roles in fostering access to information as the basis for the socio-economic development of their countries, they need to exploit ICTs to improve the range and quality of service to their clientele (Ajibola and Tiamiyu, 2000).
Gilbert, (2000) defined information and communication technology as the acquisition, analysis manipulation storage and distribution of information and the design and provision of equipment and software. Oketunji (2004) stated that “Information and communication technology could be defined as an electronic means of capturing, processing, storing and communicating information”. He went on to say that ICT is defined as a convergence between computing and communication technologies. Furthermore, he said that one early exam0le of ICT convergence is the crossing of the photocopy machine and telephone, leading to creation of fax machine. But the most spectacular achievement in this area is the convergence of computer and telephone that resulted to the upsurge of the internet.
Ajibero (2004) asserted that the role of ICT in the provision of references services to public library in Nigeria did not come over night. Libraries existed for many centuries without using ICTs. But as technology emerged in the world at large, public libraries embraced these tools as a means to avoid some of the menial tasks inherent in managing large collections. Online catalogues provide additional searching possibilities. Such system help in communicating with one another about which book are held in the libraries and use the computer to borrow various materials form any other library through various inter library loan systems. Public libraries can be transformed into a new information services unit, providing electronic cataloging, electronic online public access catalogued, electronic acquisition and serials controls, and electronic circulation functions and reference services. But it must be realized that most public libraries in Nigeria are yet to adopt modern ICT.
However, because of the imperativeness of integrating ICTs in public library functions, Nigeria public libraries must seize this opportunity. Although it seems impossible presently because of the problems and inadequate facilities playing he Nation and her public libraries. This research work is therefore based on the role of ICT in the provision of reference services to public library use in Nigeria.

This is an information age, the down of a new era where information flows before use with promise of new ways of thinking, living and working through the use role of ICTs and other information technologies. Unfortunately, despite the undoubted benefit/potentials of ICTs in public libraries, Nigeria public libraries are still far from integrations and equipping he invaluable resources of ICT facilities in her reference services most public libraries in Nigeria have not embraced these evolutional technologies in their references services. They still resort to the manual services and process of storing and retrieving information which is faced with number of problem that have brought frustrations on the public libraries reference services to the users like difficulties in having access to information, time wastage in searching and information management etc.
Arising from the foregone, the study is therefore set out to access the role of ICT in the provision of references services to public libraries in Nigeria with a special focus on the Imo state library.

This research is set out to answer the following questions.
1. What are the ICT infrastructures put in place to enhance its role in the provision of reference services in public library users in Nigeria?
2. To what extent are public libraries funded in order to allow the role of ICT in reference services?
3. To what extent are public library staff trained in order to meet these role soft ICT in reference services?
4. What are the problems militating against the role of ICTs in reference services in public library users in Nigeria.
5. What strategies can be adopted to over come these militating problems?

The study aims at pointing out the importance and types of ICTs used in the provision of reference services in public libraries in Nigeria and the need to integrate them into public library functions.
The objectives are to find out:
1. the ICT infrastructures put in place in public libraries in Nigeria.
2. If there is proper fund of ICT so as o meet it role of providing adequate reference service in public library users in Nigeria.
3. The level of training given to public library staff on ICTs
4. The problems/Factors militating against the role of ICT in the provision of reference services in public library users in Nigeria.
5. Strategies that can be adopted to over come the problems.

This study is significant because it finding will contribute to an understanding of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and its role to the provision of adequate reference services in public libraries of Nigeria.
It will also help reference librarians to be aware of the problems hindering the role of ICT in their references services and work towards averting the problems. And finally help future researches who will carry out research related to this area of study.

The study focuses on the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in the provision of reference services to public library users to Nigeria. The Imo state library has been chosen to represent the numerous public libraries in Nigeria. This work is limited to computerized/automated library services.

Public library: Is a library primary funded by tax revenues, where any person, without regard to race religion, or economic condition should be able to obtain free access to the recorded history, learning and knowledge of mankind.
Information: It is a processed data or an organized data presented in context.
Communication: It’s a process of transmitting or expressing ideas, symbols or information to people.
Technology: Means the use of scientific knowledge to invent tools that assist human in their efforts to overcome environmental hazards and impediments.
Reference Services: Means provision of information in response to requests.



Role Of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) In The Reference Services To Library Users:

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a pivotal role in enhancing and modernizing reference services in libraries. Here are some of the key ways in which ICT impacts reference services to library users:

  1. Access to Digital Resources: ICT has revolutionized the way libraries provide access to information. Users can access digital resources such as e-books, e-journals, databases, and multimedia content from anywhere with an internet connection. This widens the scope of available information and makes it more accessible.
  2. Online Catalogs and Search Engines: ICT has given rise to powerful library catalog systems and search engines. Users can easily search for and find materials within the library’s collection or even beyond. Features like advanced search options and filters help users discover relevant resources more efficiently.
  3. Virtual Reference Services: Libraries can now offer virtual reference services through email, chat, or video conferencing. This allows users to seek help remotely, making reference assistance more convenient and accessible.
  4. Digital Reference Materials: Libraries can digitize reference materials, making them available online. This includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference works. Users can access these resources 24/7, eliminating the need for physical copies.
  5. Data Management and Research Tools: ICT tools and software assist researchers in data management, analysis, and visualization. Libraries can provide access to software like statistical packages and research databases, aiding users in their academic and research endeavors.
  6. Online Tutorials and Guides: Libraries can create online tutorials and guides that help users navigate the library’s resources and services. These resources are often available on the library’s website, providing self-help options.
  7. Mobile Apps: Many libraries develop mobile apps that allow users to access library services and resources on their smartphones and tablets. This improves the convenience and accessibility of library services.
  8. Remote Access and Authentication: Libraries use ICT to ensure secure remote access to subscription-based resources for authorized users. This is particularly valuable for academic and research libraries.
  9. Big Data and Analytics: Libraries can use ICT to gather data on user behavior and preferences. This data can inform collection development decisions and improve services by tailoring them to user needs.
  10. Digital Preservation: ICT helps libraries in the preservation of digital content. This includes archiving websites, maintaining digital collections, and ensuring long-term access to electronic resources.
  11. Interlibrary Loan Systems: ICT facilitates interlibrary loan services, enabling libraries to borrow materials from other institutions on behalf of users. This expands the range of available resources for library users.
  12. Collaboration and Networking: ICT enables libraries to collaborate with other institutions and share resources. This can include sharing digital collections, co-hosting webinars, and participating in interlibrary consortia.
  13. Library Management Systems: ICT plays a vital role in the day-to-day operations of libraries, including circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, and inventory management. These systems improve the efficiency of library services.

In summary, ICT has transformed reference services in libraries by expanding access to digital resources, offering virtual assistance, and improving the overall efficiency of library operations. It enhances the user experience by making information more readily available and accessible, ultimately empowering library users in their research and learning endeavors.