Statistical Analysis On The Effects Of Industrial Training (I.T) On Hnd I Students

(A Case Study Of One Department In Each Of The Schools On Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri)

Industrial Training (I.T) plays a crucial role in the academic and professional development of HND I students. This hands-on experience not only enhances their theoretical knowledge but also provides practical insights into the intricacies of their chosen field. Through this immersive learning opportunity, students gain valuable skills and competencies that are directly applicable to their future careers. The integration of industrial training into the curriculum proves to be instrumental in bridging the gap between academic knowledge and real-world applications. It equips HND I students with a solid foundation, fostering a seamless transition from the classroom to the professional environment. Moreover, the exposure to industry practices during this training period enables students to develop a holistic understanding of their discipline, promoting a well-rounded skill set. As a result, HND I students are better prepared to meet the demands of the workforce, making them more marketable and adaptable in the dynamic job market.


This research was carried out to study the effects of Industrial Training on HND I students, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.
The study used a primary data collected by means of mail questionnaire of 15 questions.
A sample size of 206 students out of a population of 425 students determined by Yamani’s approach was used for this study which was selected by means of stratified random sampling.
It was noticed from the data analysis that students strongly support Industrial Training and that the performance of HND I students depend on the Industrial Training, showing that the positive effects of the one-year Industrial Training on HND I students are greater than those of the negative effects.
Conclusively, the research recommended some crucial matters that demand the attention of the government, the institution and the students.







Title page
Approval page
Table of Contents

1.1 Overview Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of Problem
1.3 Aims And Objective
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Scope Of The Study
1.6 Limitation Of The Study

2.1 Introductions
2.2. Review of Positive Effects of
Industrial Training
2.3 Review of the Negative Effects of
Industrial Training

3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Method of Sampling
3.3 Method of Data Analysis
3.3.1 Multiple Bar Chart and Pie Chart
3.3.2 Chi-Square Test for Independence
3.3.3 Central Tendency- The Mean.

4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis
4.2 Presentations of Data
4.2.1 Implications of Result
4.3 Central Tendencies –The Mean.
4.4 Test of Independence
4.5 Summary of Result

5.1 Summaries of Findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendations


It is an indisputable fact that education is a no do without in the development of a nation’s economy. But a perfect and complete education is achieved when ones head, heart and hands are trained. Meanwhile among all these, the most important is the training of the hands because with that of the head and heart but without the one of hands, one cannot display. Secondly, it is what the nation needs to develop its economy to a state of self-reliance, independence on foreign expertise and be industrialized which is the heart cry of every nation.
But what go on in the tertiary institutions are the training of ht head and heart. Thus the introductions of industrial training (I.T) which will help actualize the training of the hands and make the students competent enough in facing the tasks ahead.
Moreover, industrial training (I.T) participation has become a necessary pre-condition for the award of diploma in the polytechnic set up.

Not until dissatisfaction and doubt is raised and solution needed, a problem is not said to be recognized.
There has been this wrong motives and lack of interest recognized among students who are due for one-year industrial training, consequently upon the like and dislike they have for it. This is due to the positive and negative effects they have found this I.T to have on them.
Therefore the emergence of this study- the effects of Industrial Training (I.T) on HND I students (a finding on whether the positive effects are greater than the negative effects or otherwise)

In the course of this study, I intend to achieve the following:
1. Find out what the students feel about the one-year industrial training (I.T).
2. Find out whether the positive effects of one-year industrial training are greater than those of its negative.

This study will be beneficial to the students, industries, institution, government and society.
If the study shows that the positive effects are greater than the negative effects, then the students will go for I.T with right motives thereby being useful to the industries, representing the institution well (even in future), fulfilling the desire of the government and meeting the needs of the poor masses (society).
But if otherwise, then it should be looked into whether to scrap it and provide an alternative measure or not.

For the effectiveness of this study, I have wished to carryout this research in one department in each of the schools of the institution – Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri.
That is, the population consists of:
 One department in School of Industrial and Applied Sciences.
 One department is School of Engineering Technology.
 One department in School of Environmental Technology
 One department in School of Business.
The period considered in the study is 2007/2008 academic session.

Some weaknesses tried to hinder me form carrying out this study. But with more effort, I was able to do my best.
The difficulties resulted from financial constraints, material limitation (i.e. unavailability of materials) and lack of time due to the shortness of the semester and other works on the table.



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Effects Of Industrial Training (I.T) On HND I Students

Industrial Training (I.T), also known as internship or practical training, is a crucial component of many Higher National Diploma (HND) programs. It provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world experience and apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the classroom to actual workplace situations. The effects of industrial training on HND I students can be profound and beneficial in several ways:

Practical Skills Development: Industrial training allows HND I students to acquire practical skills that are directly relevant to their field of study. They can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems, which enhances their competency in their chosen profession.

Professional Exposure: Students get a chance to work in a professional environment, interact with experienced professionals, and learn about industry standards, practices, and culture. This exposure can help them understand the expectations and demands of their future careers.

Networking Opportunities: During industrial training, students can build a valuable network of contacts in their chosen industry. These connections can be beneficial for future job opportunities, references, and collaborations.

Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Working in real-world situations often presents students with challenges and problems that require innovative solutions. Industrial training hones their problem-solving abilities and encourages them to think critically.

Enhanced Communication Skills: Students interact with colleagues, superiors, and clients during their internship, which helps improve their communication skills. Effective communication is crucial in any profession, and this experience can be highly valuable.

Resume Enhancement: Having practical experience through industrial training makes a student’s resume more attractive to potential employers. It demonstrates that the student has hands-on experience and is better prepared for the job market.

Increased Confidence: Successfully completing an industrial training program can boost a student’s self-confidence. They gain a sense of accomplishment and a belief in their ability to excel in their chosen field.

Career Clarity: For some students, industrial training provides clarity about their career choices. They may discover that they are passionate about a particular aspect of their field or realize that they need to explore other options.

Soft Skills Development: In addition to technical skills, students often develop important soft skills during their industrial training, such as teamwork, time management, adaptability, and professionalism.

Better Job Prospects: Many employers prefer to hire candidates with practical experience. Students who have completed industrial training are often more competitive in the job market and may find it easier to secure employment after graduation.

Academic Integration: Industrial training can reinforce classroom learning by allowing students to see how theoretical concepts are applied in practice. This integration can deepen their understanding of their field of study.

Realistic Expectations: Students gain a realistic view of their chosen profession. They can assess whether it aligns with their interests and expectations, helping them make more informed career decisions.

Overall, industrial training has a positive impact on HND I students by bridging the gap between academia and the real world, preparing them for their future careers, and enhancing their personal and professional development.