The Study Of Selected Radio Drama Programmes On Broadcasting Corporation Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The research study was aimed atradio drama as a tool for the eradication of social vices in Abia State Broadcasting Corporation. The study addressed four research questions. The study adopted the survey research design method using the questionnaire as the research instrument. The findings revealed among others that there are factors that hinder development of rural areas and its dwellers through the broadcast media (radio). The study recommended amongst others that the government should put up more and effective developmental programmes on radio ranging from educational programmes to enlightenment programmes and instructional programmes to foster development in rural areas and its dwellers. The study also suggested that further studies should be carried on radio broadcast programmes and rural development to eradicate the possible challenges emerging from rural development.
1.1 Background Of the Study
For the past years, the issue of social vices such as corruption, bribery, cheating, stealing, lying, drunkenness etc. has become matters of utmost concern to the society. There is therefore, the need to explore veritable tools of communicating to people in order to cause them to change for good by possibly educating them more on the above social issues. Drama seems to be one of those most appropriate and suitable means of disseminating vital information to a mass audience. Its reach through the radio and accessibility of radio as a medium of communication makes it a veritable tool. Almost everybody can afford a radio set in the society. Lassnell (1998).
Derlo (1996) see drama as entertainment programme, which shows how men react to situation and the environment. It uses the activities and action of characters in the plot. Through appropriate method of delivery to excite human feelings. Drama programmes entertain and enliven people, but their ultimate good is to educate. Most of the radio and television houses in Nigeria work with drama sketches with occupationally serious themes. More local drama performance with salient social vices messages could be staged and acted by the primary and secondary school people. In both rural and urban area for instance, comment: rephrase the underlined words. To which their parent and guardians will be lavished that is attracted large audience. This because people tend to engage more in non-serious and entertaining programmes than serious entertaining programmes.
The drama of individual countries can be found in the natural literature articles such as American literature, French literature and Spanish literature etc, they are also separate articles on English drama and Greek drama among others. At the very start of Western drama the Greek recognized the complex interaction between actors and audience and enquired deeply in between actors and audience and enquired deeply in communication and practice into the meaning of an institution that was the hart of their civic and religious life Wikandar (2000).
In Abia State radio, drama programme is always prominent in the programme schedule of the station and takes various forms and names. It is sponsored by society for family health, the United State Agency of International Development, Federal Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare and so on. According to a free Encyclopedia in the internet Wikipedia drama achieves wide spread popularly within a decade of its initial development in the 1920s. By the 1940s it was a leading internal popular entertainment.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Issues like social vices require serious attention. There is the need to alert, to make people be aware of issues like corruption and other social vices. This is because the public needs to be informed and educated on some of these issues. It means therefore that ignorance as a problem should be eliminated through public information.
The problem however, is how to identify the best way or approach to communicate vital societal vices to a heterogeneous and mass audience with a high rate. At the same time, choosing a method of arousing the audience towards changing their attitude regarding social vices, the question before this study is, can drama serve as a tool for eradication of social vices? This is the puzzle, which the researcher intends to tackle in the course of this work.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine drama as a tool for eradication of social vices. The specific objectives are to:
Ascertain whether drama is an effective and suitable too for eradication of social vices.
Examine the effect and impact of the message content in the audience using drama.
Find out the best and possible ways to reach the mass audience in issues of public concern.
Proffer solution or make recommendation of the problems of drama in reaching the target audience and heterogeneous populace.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions could be asked to guide the researcher:
Does drama really serve as an effective tool for the eradication of social vices?
Do people perceive drama as a tool for eradication of social vices?
Has drama programme any impact on social vices?
Has drama programme been made to achieve its intended objective?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This research significant is in various ways. It is hoped that the result of the study will be of immense of benefit and useful to the money makers and communication planners because they will be furnished with basis for curriculum development which will take cognizance of the analysis of drama as a tool for eradication of social vices.
It is hoped that both state and federal ministries of information and radio houses will make use of some of the findings in their policy formulation.
It is believed that the findings from this study will serve as a valuable and useful guide to future researchers as it can serve as a reference for further researchers in the field of mass communication and other related disciplines.
1.6 Scope of Study
The study is restricted to radio drama as a tool for the eradication of social vices in Abia State Broadcasting Corporation. The drama programmes studied include: “one Thing at a Time” “Story, Story”, and “Flavour”. The editions studied are those played in the first half of 2016.
1.7 Limitation of Study
The study in one way or the order has its set-backs. Time was a limited factor, the time allowed for the research was too short, since the researcher had in addition to writing this project other academic cause to handle at the same time as such a vices was constrained.
Moreover, due to current economic problem in the country it was difficult for the researcher to extend the research to any order radio house. Most importantly the researcher was faced with financial constrained to probe into many variables because of fare. Another limitation was the unwillingness of the respondents to attend to the research instrument.
1.8 Definition of terms
This is an entertainment programme which shows how man react to his situation on the environment it uses the activities and action of characters in the plot through appropriate language of delivery to excite human feelings.
This is a lineup of activities or shows a television or radio broadcasting as for a particular day
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Summary
Drama programmes serve as a means of getting feedback from media audiences. Feedback refers to those responses and reactions of the receiver to messages received from the sender of the mass media that shape and alter the subsequent messages of the sender. It is a reversal of the flow of information. The original sender becomes the receiver; the original receiver becomes the new sender indicating an interactive mode of communication.
A response from the receiver is an appropriate way to determine whether the intended message has been received and understood by the receiver. drama programmes serve as immediate means of getting feedback usually in cases when both sender and receiver are connected by a mobile device. In such case the sender receives the view and opinion of the audience who serve as receiver.
Feedback has a tendency of making communication a continuous process, as it has the capacity to change the course and pattern of communication encounter between persons or among individuals.
Drama programme is a very important yardstick for measuring audience acceptance and participation in programmes: in this case “Flavour”. A very important element would be missing if feedback through drama programme is omitted from the basic structure of communication which contains sender, message, channel and receiver.
5.2 Conclusions
The impact of drama programmes cannot be over emphasized. From the result of the research carried out, it is obvious that drama programmes help in enhancing audience participation in Flavour on Grace 95.5 FM station. It creates a source and avenue forcontinuous interaction between the source and the receiver.
Drama programmes help media managers in programme packaging because while at it, they will decide whether to reschedule the said programme, cancel it or go ahead and air it or change the presenter.
Finally, drama programmes help in assessing programme performance if it is interactive or not. Through drama programmes, media operators will know whether the set aim of the programme is being achieved, whether presenters are doing their work effectively and whether people like the programme or not. No doubt, drama programmes especially Flavour has contributed greatly to audience participation on Grace 95.5 FM.
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