Study Of The Influence Of Principal/Teachers Relationship On Teachers’ Effectiveness In Secondary School

(A Case Study Of Igbo Etiti Local Government Area, Enugu State)

78 Chapters
78 Pages
13,064 Words

The relationship between principals and teachers plays a crucial role in determining teachers’ effectiveness in secondary schools. A supportive and collaborative relationship fosters a positive work environment, enhances communication, and promotes professional growth among teachers. Principals who provide constructive feedback, mentorship, and resources empower teachers to excel in their roles, resulting in improved instructional practices and student outcomes. Additionally, trust and mutual respect between principals and teachers encourage innovation and creativity in teaching methods, allowing educators to adapt to diverse student needs and changing educational landscapes. Conversely, a strained or contentious relationship can hinder teacher morale, diminish job satisfaction, and impede professional development opportunities. Therefore, cultivating a positive principal-teacher dynamic is essential for maximizing teacher effectiveness and ultimately enhancing the quality of education in secondary schools.


This research attempts to study the influence of principal/teachers relationship on teachers’ effectiveness in secondary schools in Igbo Etiti Local Government Area. Chapter one consists of the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study and research questions. Chapter two deals on literature review, that is, an overview of the impart of principal/teachers relationship on teachers effectiveness, teaching effectiveness in secondary schools, the importance of effective teaching. Chapter three talks on research methodology which include research design, population of study, ample ad sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument, method of data analysis, method of data collection. Chapter four discusses on data presentation, interpretation and analysis, major findings: and discussions on findings. Chapter five talks on summary of the influence of principal/teachers relationship on teachers’ effectiveness, conclusion and recommendations and also suggestions for further studies.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents

Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Research Questions

Review of Related Literature
The Relationship between Principal and Teachers
The Impact of Principal/Teacher Relationship on
Teacher Effectiveness
Teaching Effectiveness in Secondary Schools
The Importance of Effective Teaching
Principal, Teacher Effectiveness and Climate in Education.
The Role of the Principal as a Leader
Teacher Effectiveness
How Should Secondary School Teachers’
Effectiveness Be Measured?
Students Learning Gains: The Essential Measure
of Teachers’ Effectiveness
Other Ways to Measure Student Learning

Research Methodology
Research Design
Population, Ample and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection
Validation of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Method for Data Collection
Method for Data Analysis

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation of Data
and Discussions

Suggestions for Further Studies


Background of the Study:
The issue of poor academic performance of students in Nigeria, has been of much concern to all and sundry
The problem is so much that it has led to the widely acclaimed fallen standard in Igbo Etiti Local Government Area of Enugu State and Nigeria at large.
The quality of education depends on the teacher as reflected in the performance of their duties. Over time pupils’ academic performance in both internal and eternal examinations had been used to determine excellence in teachers and teaching (Ajao 2001).
In the secondary school system in Nigeria, teaching learning process requires a lot of human resource input both on the part of the government and the students.
Basically, human and material resources are needed, in good number and quality for successful school work.
The teaching experience, dedication and qualification of principals and teachers are of much importance since they can significantly influence the academic achievements of students in the schools.
School with its bureaucratic is an educational establishment where students are exposed to experience well programmed f for the benefit of the learners and the communities in which they find themselves.
Okere et al (1985) states that “the central purpose of administration in general is the coordination of human and material resources towards the attainment of some pre-determined objectives”. In school administration therefore, the primary aim is to improve teaching and learning. All the activities of the principal must be directed towards this end, and in order to achieve this aim, he must work with the various groups of people, the school, the community, the government, the ministry, the school board and closet of these are the teachers. In addition to administrative duties the principal must see to the progress of students, discipline of students, and assignment of teachers to appropriate classes, placement of students in their classes and motivation of the staff under him.
As a leader, the principal initiates structures within the school for orchestrating the contribution of teacher, guidance, counselors and other student personnel to allow each student to increase his feelings of satisfactions, belongingness, identification and achievement in present and protected situations. By looking at the tone and educational climate of a school, one is in act viewing the essence of a leader’s values and beliefs about how people learn. The actions of the principal are noticed and interpreted as what is important
Goldman (1998) states “Good kindergarten practice is good leadership practice. It’s about acknowledging that each person has different gifts, strengths, and concerns and then finding a way to utilize them. It’s about giving teachers a sense of understanding, empathy, partnership and belonging “. Furthermore, he concludes that sensitivity to the role of leader means both examining practice and examining the values that determine practice.
For a school principal to be successful, he needs to really examine himself and be aware of the odious task before him. No matter the administrative and management skill of the principals, effective school administration depends entirely on their cooperation with teachers.
Teachers have been shown to have an important influence on students’ academic achievement (It’s effectiveness) and they also play a crucial role in educational attainment because the teacher is ultimately responsible for translating policy into action and principal based on practice during interaction with the student, (Afe, 2001). Both teaching and learning depend on teachers; no wonder an effective teachers has been conceptualized as one who produces desired results in the course of his/her duty as a teacher (Uchefuna 2001)
In the same way, teachers depend on the principals. The principal has a specialized and particular responsibility distinct from any other member of his staff for the success of the institutions. Therefore to carry out this responsibility successfully it is essential that he be the final authority in the school. He should however display, utilize or assert his status authority on few occasions and with as little ostentation as possible. He should realize the need, to resort to status – authority is a reflection on his leadership ability. He should exert influence through his human relation as represented by his friendliness and zeal by his sincere acceptance of the members of his staff as full partners in the enterprise, by the fairness of his decisions by the depth of his general knowledge and the expertness of his professional skills.
For the tone of any school to be standard, there should be cordial relationship between the teachers, the principals, the students and the entire members of the communities. Before, the emphasis was on respects, discipline and cooperation among teachers, students and the entire members of the communities. Nowadays, the principals and teachers deal with unfamiliar problems of tension. The social revolution which has over taken our communities to varying degrees has affected the school curriculum, school organization, discipline, students’ behaviors, community relation and the very nature of the teaching-learning process itself.
Okon and Anderson (1982) states the “The behavior of our secondary school students has in recent years, become an issue of national concern and it constitutes a cause for alarm from many quarters. The federal Military Government described it in the terminology of indiscipline, laxity, materialism, and lack of compassion. Morality and decency are values which most people agree should be upheld in schools, but today they are lacking. Researchers have come out with the view that schools will be more effective only if their purposes are clearly defined and are understood by all concerned as this will prevent member from working with different objectives.
For effective productivity the principal should share responsibility reasonably among his teachers according to their specializations and abilities. The principals must try to coordinate the various part of the school so that proper relationship will exist and the total effort of all will help accomplish the aim of the school.
If the principal decides to do all alone because of lack of confidence or he feels threatened by his teachers, he ends up unsuccessful, hated and over worked. Ukeje (1982) in supporting this, states that the principal should “develop an internal staff organization with clear lines of authority and responsibilities”.
The school is a social system and a formal organization and like every formal organization, elements of administration must be used in running the organization. Some of these elements are clear statements of aims and objectives, hierarchy of authority, unity of command, delegation of authority, division of labor, and effective communication and coordination of various tasks such as staff development and student’s achievement.
In the school system, these responsibilities of coordinating the activities, normally falls on the principal at the secondary school. The principal is saddled with responsibility of managing human resources in the school and he is appointed as a result of qualification and seniority to oversee the proper running of the school in terms of staff and students welfare and discipline; hence, the growth and development of secondary schools in Nigeria depend largely on the principalship (Peretomede 1992).
Edem (1987) in summarizing the need for good communication states that:
“A school is an open social system, one of the attributes of which is its capacity to exchange information with others, plus the ability of its units, down to the level of individual staff and pupils, to exchange input and output”.
Communication is the vital organ of passing necessary information and receiving feed back. The principal communicates with his teachers on a daily basis on various school activities. Official circulars and messages from the ministry of Education or the school Board, reach the teachers through the principals. A good administrator must pass on needed information in good time to enable all concerned to digest the information properly before making up their mind on the response. It helps to avoid the rush, stampede, confusion and possible frustration and embarrassment.
In decision making principals should see that they don’t practice one man decision system. They should exert influence though their human relation as represented by their friendliness and zeal, by their sincere acceptance of the members of their staff as full partners in the school, by their fairness of their decision by the depth of their general knowledge and the expertness of their professional skills.
According to Ukeje (1992); “from time to time the school administrator should remind himself of certain basic principles underlying all policies and practices in personnel management, of certain implications for the conduct of human affairs. Three considerations stand out readily in the minds of the writers: A high regard for the individual, there should be faith attached to group judgment and decision … The school administrator should work with staff and lay man and let mandates grow out of group decisions in which he shares…”
Some times there may appear to be conflict between what seems best for the teachers and the principal. When this happens, a solution that hurts neither of them should be served, for the survival of many. Influence of principal/teachers relationship did not attend any training on educational administration, which in turn affects student’s achievement.
The researcher also suggests that, to control the excesses influence of principal and teacher effectiveness on students achievement both the teacher and principals should maintain order and harmony and to ensure unity of purpose in the secondary schools. Both principals and teachers should also be exposed to the study of legal aspect of educational administration.
This will enhance mutual understanding and awareness of their rights and obligation. It will help to avoid most professional hazards: like quarrelling, scandalizing and fighting that are existing in our secondary schools which affect students’ achievement.

Statement of the Problem:
It is on record that misunderstanding, suspicion, rivalry and conflict exit in our secondary schools.
This is attributable to many factors. It is in the light of this that this research work is designed to investigate and identify some of the problems that influence cordial relationship between the principals and teachers effectiveness in Igbo Etiti Local Government Area.
The researchers will investigate the leadership styles of the principals, special knowledge and skills acquired as administrators and the teachers’ knowledge of their rights and obligations in the teaching profession.
Purpose of the Study:
The purpose of this is to investigate and identify the actors that influence the relationship between the principals and teachers in secondary schools in Igbo Etiti Local Government Area and to make suitable recommendations arising from the study on ways it influences teachers’ effectiveness.
It is also to discover the strength of relationship between principals and teachers in secondary schools.

Significance of the Study:
This study is of importance to principals and teachers who often complain of indiscipline and moral decadence among students and members of the communities where they teach. The standard and tone of any school depends much on the cordial relationship between the principal and the teachers.
This study will serve as a means of finding out the influence of principal/teacher relationship on teachers’ effectiveness in secondary schools in Igbo-Etiti Local Government Area. It will alert principals and teachers that ugly situations such as quarrels, suspicion, rivalry and conflict in schools are not good to be observed by the students as this may affect teachers’ effectiveness in classroom and the students imitate these habits, and learning and teaching will be adversely affected.

Research Questions:
For the purpose of this investigation, the following research questions are used:
(1) Does principal/teachers relationship have significant influence in teachers’ classroom effectiveness?
(2) To what extent can division of labor (principal sharing responsibilities with his teachers) in our secondary schools improve teachers’ effectiveness and also have significant impact in students’ performance both in and outside classroom?
(3) To what extent does principal/teachers relationship influence the students’ achievement in secondary school in Igbo Etiti Local Government Area?
(4) How does lack of interest in the welfare of teachers by some principals affect the relationship between principal and teachers?

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Studying the influence of the principal-teacher relationship on teachers’ effectiveness in secondary schools is a critical area of research in educational psychology and management. This relationship can significantly impact the overall functioning of a school and, consequently, the quality of education provided. Here’s a breakdown of how you can approach this study:

1. Define the Variables:

  • Principal-Teacher Relationship: Clearly define what constitutes a positive or negative principal-teacher relationship. This can include factors like communication, trust, support, and collaboration.
  • Teacher Effectiveness: Establish a set of criteria for measuring teacher effectiveness. This can involve student performance, classroom observations, student feedback, etc.

2. Literature Review:

  • Conduct a thorough review of existing literature. Identify studies that have explored the impact of the principal-teacher relationship on teacher effectiveness in secondary schools.
  • Analyze theories and models that explain how this relationship can influence teacher performance.

3. Research Methodology:

  • Research Design: Decide on the research design (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods) that aligns with your research question.
  • Data Collection: Choose appropriate data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis.
  • Participants: Select a representative sample of teachers and principals from various secondary schools.
  • Variables: Develop instruments to measure the principal-teacher relationship and teacher effectiveness.

4. Data Collection:

  • Administer surveys or conduct interviews with teachers to gauge their perceptions of the principal-teacher relationship and their own effectiveness.
  • Collect data on teacher performance through observations, student assessments, and other relevant sources.
  • Ensure ethical considerations, such as informed consent and data confidentiality.

5. Data Analysis:

  • Analyze the data using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques. Quantitative analysis may involve regression analysis to determine correlations, while qualitative analysis may involve thematic coding of interview responses.
  • Look for patterns and trends in the data to draw meaningful conclusions.

6. Interpretation and Discussion:

  • Interpret the findings in the context of existing literature.
  • Discuss how the principal-teacher relationship influences teacher effectiveness, highlighting key factors and their significance.
  • Consider the implications of your findings for school management and policy.

7. Recommendations:

  • Provide recommendations for improving the principal-teacher relationship in secondary schools, which can enhance teacher effectiveness.
  • Offer suggestions for future research in this area.

8. Conclusion:

  • Summarize the key findings and their implications.
  • Emphasize the importance of a positive principal-teacher relationship in improving secondary school education.

9. Report Writing:

  • Compile your research into a well-structured report or thesis, adhering to academic writing standards.

10. Dissemination:

  • Share your findings with relevant stakeholders, including educators, school administrators, and policymakers, to promote positive changes in the education system.

Remember that this study requires careful planning, data collection, and analysis to draw meaningful conclusions about the influence of the principal-teacher relationship on teacher effectiveness in secondary schools. Additionally, consider potential limitations and biases in your research and discuss them transparently in your findings.