Survey Of Factors That Influence The Performance Of Secretaries In Private Organization

(A Case Study Of Nsukka Local Government Area Of Enugu State)

5 Chapters
53 Pages
5,805 Words

The performance of secretaries in private organizations is influenced by a myriad of interconnected elements. A secretary’s proficiency is intricately tied to their adeptness in administrative tasks, communication skills, and organizational abilities. The effectiveness of secretarial functions is also contingent on the individual’s adaptability to dynamic work environments, technological competence, and their ability to manage time efficiently. Moreover, the establishment of clear communication channels within the organizational structure, along with a conducive workplace culture, plays a pivotal role in shaping the secretary’s performance. Additionally, the provision of ongoing professional development opportunities contributes significantly to enhancing a secretary’s skill set, enabling them to navigate the evolving demands of the contemporary business landscape. In essence, the performance of secretaries in private organizations is a nuanced interplay of administrative acumen, communication proficiencies, adaptability, and continuous professional growth.


The aim of this study was to determined the factors that influencing the performance of a secretaries in private organization in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu state.
This study looked into the course of low performance of secretaries in the above mentioned local government and sought for possible means of redressing them in order to promote the efficiency of the secretaries.
Data was collected through questionnaires, findings that facilitated the study were as follows that absence of office equipment result to inefficiency of secretarial work.
There is lack of cordial relationship between the secretary and the executive which contributes to job inefficiency.
That low pay level and absence of promotion and recognition brings about poor performance of secretaries.
The study also discovered that the following measures will help in improving secretaries in service training promotion opportunities good working environment and incentives etc.
The researcher used simple percentage to analyze the data. A sample size was drawn out of a total population. Various literature were consulted to make formation for the research work.


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Introduction/Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 Purpose pf the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Assumption of the study
1.6 Research questions
1.7 Delimitation of the study
1.8 Definition of terms.

2.1 Literature review
2.2 Factors that lead to job satisfaction among secretaries
2.3 Factors that cause poor human relations between the boss and the secretary
2.4 Measures that could help improve job performance of secretaries
2.5 Summary of literature review.

3.1 Research methodology
3.2 Design of the study
3.3 Area of the study
3.4 Population of the study
3.5 Sample size of the study
3.6 Description of the instrument
3.7 Validation of the instrument
3.8 Distribution and retrieval of questionnaire
3.9 Method of data analysis
3.10 Decision rule

4.1 Data presentation
4.2 Data analysis

5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestion for further research


The word secretary is derived from the Latin Word “Secretus” which liberally means secret. According to John Harrison a secretary is an executive assistance or anyone who acts as a personal assistant to a senior executive.
Oxford Dictionary defines as secretary as an employee in an office who deals with correspondence. Keeps records make arrangements and opportunities for a particular member of the staff.
Azuka E.B defines it as a person employed by another person, society or corporation for the purpose of conducting correspondence. Keeping business records and transacting business.
He National Secretaries Association defines a secretary as an assistance to an executive possessing mastery of office skills with ability to assume responsibilities without direct supervisions who displays initiative, exercises sense of judgment and who takes decisions within the scope of assigned authority
Another school thought says that a secretary is a person who maintains high standard of confidentiality, a repository of information.
On the other hand, private organization can be defined as the management of an organization by individuals, such as are profit orientated and are taken of by the individuals.
1. Treating of mails
2. Answering of phone, she receives and answers the telephone
3. making travel arrangements
4. Receives visitors in the office
5. She arranges for meeting
6. Supervision of junior staff
7. Keeping a desk diary both for herself and her boss.
8. Miscellaneous functions is operation of office machines. The secretary is the alter ego of the executive. She is also seen as the life wire of the organization. All these notwithstanding, evidence on the ground has pointed out some factors that results to ineffectiveness ion work of secretaries. The ineffectiveness of secretaries canb diminish the efficiency of the organization concerned. These inefficiencies was traced back to lack of good human relation insufficient office equipment lack of job satisfaction and low pay levels.

The contributions and effectiveness of a secretary can either enhance or diminish the efficiency of a private organization. It has been observed that secretaries in private organizations performs below expectation of the bosses and their poor performance could be attributed to certain conditions or factors. Generally evidence of inefficiency is seen in their attitude towards their work
It was suggested by Oklo Angele N. that certain number of factors were responsible for this. They include poor salary, lack of human relations, lack of interest in their work, poor working condition, inadequate equipment unattractive fringe benefits, lack of job satisfactions. Therefore, the responsibilities emulated cannot be fully actualized
In addition to these, Onwuka L.I suggested that some secretaries in private organization are quitting their jobs, which now resulted into lack of competent secretaries. Other are not fully committed due to much engagement like part time work in order to make both ends meet.
In view of the deteriorations state of private organization in Nsukka local government area, this study is therefore designed to identify the factors that influence the performance of secretaries in private organization.

The aim of the study was generally to determine the factors that influence the performance of secretaries in Nsukka local Government Area of Enugu state specifically in the study has to
1. Identify the factors that course poor human relations between the boss and the secretary.
2. Identify the factors that could distort job satisfaction of secretaries
3. discover the measures that could be used to improve the job performance of secretaries.

The importance of the investigation into factors that influence the performance of secretaries in private organizations will help to find out the factors that result to ineffectiveness and inefficiency of secretaries.
The research will enable the organization or the employers of labor to know how to relate with their secretaries.
The findings of the study will help the secretaries to be interested and proud of their jobs seeing alternative fringe benefits around which brings about job satisfactions
In addition to these, this research will also assist future researchers in the factors that influences the performance of secretaries in private organization.

The under listed assumption were inherent in the study
1. The private organization lacks some equipment needed by the secretaries.
2. There is poor human relations between the organization and the secretaries
3. All the respondents will read and answer the questionnaire truthfully

This studies would seek answers to the following research questions.
1. What are the factors that cause poor human relations between the boss and the secretaries
2. What are the factors that distort job performance of secretaries
3. What are the measures that can be used to improve the job performance of secretaries

This study was delimited to the secretaries in some selected private organizations in Nsukka local Government Area in Enugu state. It excluded secretaries in civil service etc.

The terms used in this study which have unique meaning that could be subjected to different interpretations by different readers of this project report are defined as follows
RESEARCHER: The person who carried out the investigation.
BOSS: This is the executive or the employer who gives order the secretary
SECRETARY: Secretary is an assistance to the executive possessing the mastery of office skill and ability to assume responsibilities without direct supervision.
PRIVATE Means that a particular thing that is owned by one or group of persons, not people ion general
ALTER AGO This means ones other self or an assistance



Factors That Influence The Performance Of Secretaries In Private Organization:

The performance of secretaries in private organizations can be influenced by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Skills and Qualifications: The level of education, training, and relevant skills possessed by a secretary can significantly impact their performance. Secretaries with strong organizational, communication, and computer skills are often more effective in their roles.
  2. Experience: Experience in a similar role or industry can enhance a secretary’s ability to perform well. Experienced secretaries are typically more efficient at handling tasks and solving problems.
  3. Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for secretaries who often act as intermediaries between various stakeholders. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.
  4. Time Management: The ability to manage time efficiently is vital for secretaries who often have to juggle multiple tasks and priorities. Effective time management can improve productivity.
  5. Adaptability: The business environment can change rapidly. Secretaries who can adapt to new technologies, procedures, and requirements are more likely to perform well.
  6. Professionalism: Secretaries must maintain a high level of professionalism in their interactions with colleagues, clients, and superiors. Professionalism contributes to a positive work environment and enhances the organization’s reputation.
  7. Technology Proficiency: Proficiency in office software, email systems, and other relevant technologies can improve a secretary’s efficiency in tasks like document management, scheduling, and communication.
  8. Organizational Skills: Strong organizational skills are essential for managing appointments, files, and documents. Disorganized secretaries may struggle to keep up with their responsibilities.
  9. Interpersonal Skills: Building positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and superiors is crucial. Secretaries who are approachable, helpful, and collaborative tend to perform better in their roles.
  10. Workload: The volume and complexity of tasks assigned to a secretary can affect their performance. Overloading a secretary with too many responsibilities can lead to burnout and decreased effectiveness.
  11. Supervision and Management: The quality of supervision and management can impact a secretary’s performance. Clear expectations, feedback, and support from supervisors can help a secretary excel in their role.
  12. Work Environment: The work environment, including factors like office culture, morale, and workplace policies, can influence a secretary’s motivation and job satisfaction, which in turn affects their performance.
  13. Training and Development: Ongoing training and opportunities for professional development can enhance a secretary’s skills and keep them updated on best practices in their field.
  14. Work-Life Balance: A healthy work-life balance is essential for job satisfaction and overall well-being. Secretaries who can maintain this balance tend to perform better in the long run.
  15. Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing and rewarding a secretary’s contributions can boost motivation and job performance. This can include promotions, bonuses, or other forms of recognition.
  16. Ethical Considerations: Adherence to ethical standards and principles is important for maintaining trust and integrity in the workplace. Ethical lapses can harm a secretary’s reputation and performance.

It’s important to note that the specific factors influencing a secretary’s performance may vary from one organization to another, and the effectiveness of a secretary can also depend on the unique demands and culture of the organization they work for. Therefore, organizations should consider these factors when assessing and supporting the performance of their secretarial staff.