Trade Unionism And Its Influence On Management Policies Implementation

(A Case Study Of Life Breweries Plc Onitsha, Anambra State)

5 Chapters
66 Pages
7,006 Words

Trade unionism, a dynamic and intricate organizational construct, plays a pivotal role in shaping the implementation of management policies within the workplace. As a collective bargaining entity, trade unions wield significant influence over employment conditions, fostering collaboration between workers and management. This intricate interplay between labor and management is characterized by negotiations, with unions advocating for fair wages, improved working conditions, and equitable treatment of employees. The symbiotic relationship between trade unions and management policies is evident in the negotiation process, where both parties navigate a complex terrain of demands and concessions. Successful implementation of management policies often hinges on the ability of trade unions to effectively represent the interests of the workforce, balancing the pursuit of employee rights with the operational needs of the organization. This interactive dynamic not only shapes workplace policies but also contributes to fostering a harmonious and productive work environment, embodying the essence of cooperative labor relations.


This research is carried out in order to determine how trade unionism influences the management policies of life Breweries Plc Onitsha. The outstanding objective pf this study were to determine what actually may lead to employers grievance in work situation, to dictate and identify the possible management policies that are commonly influenced by the trade union activities and also determine the effects of trade unionism on the implementation of the policies. Reviews of some related literature that are common with trade unionism and discussed in the chapter two of this work. The research methodology used and adopted was clearly descriptive, having questionnaire as tools. A total number of 400 workers of the organization were used for the study. Data collection in frequency and percentage forms. Coupled with a sound testing of hypothesis and summary of results were carried out in the chapter four. Finally the summary, conclusion and recommendation and suggestions for further research included in the chapter five of this project work


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problems 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 4
1.4 Research questions 5
1.5 Research hypothesis 6
1.6 Significance of the study 6
1.7 Scope of the study 7
1.8 Limitation of the study 8
1.9 Definition of terms 9

2.0 Literature review 11
2.1 introduction 11
2.2 Conceptual Framework 12
2.3 Theoretical framework 18
2.3 Formulation and implementation of policies 23
2.4 Researchers’ position 25

3.0 Research design and methodology 26
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 Research design 26
3.3 Sources/Methods of data collection 27
3.4 Population and sample size 28
3.5 Sample techniques 29
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instrument 30
3.7 Method of date analysis 30

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data 32
4.1 Introduction 32
4.2 Presentation of data 32
4.3 Analysis of data 33
4.4 Test of research hypothesis 43
4.5 Interpretation of data 49

5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation 50
5.1 Introduction 50
5.2 Summary of findings 50
5.3 Conclusion 52
5.4 Recommendations 53
Bibliography 54
Appendix. 55
Questionnaire 56


According to the trade union decree No 36 section (1) of 1973, trade is defined as any combination of which is to regulate the term and conditions of workers employment.
However, a trade union is permitted to have additional purpose instead than that of regulating the terms and conditions of workers employment. It also utilizes his reasonable resources in some other variable positions or situations as contained in the rule book of the union. A trade union movement existed in Nigeria as early as 1912 with the civil service union as the first that came into existence union like the Nigeria Railways, Nature staff union 1919 and the Nigeria Union of teachers in 1913.
However, as the result of the passage of the trade union ordinance in 1983, other trade union emerged several of the union formed were motivated by their leaders since the leaders seems to be illiterate and ignorance at what actually a union suppose to be.
According to Yusuf (1952:72) the union reason for the formation of the civil service union was merely to match with union formed in Sierra lean and other countries in West Africa, in the supreme position, the main aim for the formation of the union were;
– To protect the welfare and interest of members
– To protect the employment position of the members
– To maintain dignity in labor and
– To maintain standard working hours with remunerations equal to the output.
Management policies however, are the instrument used by the management of any firm in ensuring that problems facing the organization are solved within an acceptable constraint good policies provide definite and as well allow the members of the organization charge with the responsibilities of operating the organization as a system.
Management policies at the other side of the coin are nothing unless it degenerated into actions or work. Management should thus ensure that the policies formulated are meticulously exercised to also take care of the employee. Implementation requires good and continuous communication up and down the management ladder as will as across. Therefore, for an organization to achieve its desired goal, it must formulate appeal from subordinates to avoid fiction and also identify or contain problems which were not put into cognizance in the previous set policies. That is why employees realized that the only way they can extract maximum benefits from their employer or even mount pressure on him for improvements in this regard is through collective rather than individual actions.

– Management decision and policies often times conflicts with workers interest.
– Lack of negotiation skills on the side of trade unions over conditions of employment.
– Inefficient leadership of trade unions poses an effect on the management policies.
– Lack of extensive facilities and awareness of union workers.
– Union interest above organizational objectives and goals.

– To determine how management decisions and policies often times conflicts with workers interest.
– To find out why there is lack of negotiation skills on the side of trade unions over conditions of employment.
– To evaluate the effect of inefficient leadership of trade unions in management policies.
– To ascertain the reasons for lack of extensive training facilities and awareness of their workers.
– To find out why union’s interest are above organizational objectives.

– How management decisions and policies do often times conflict with workers interest?
– Why is there lack of negotiation skills on the side of trade unions over conditions of employment?
– Does ineffective leadership of trade unions have any effect on the management policies?
– What are the reasons for lack of extensive training facilities and awareness of union workers?
– Why are most union’s interest above the organizational objectives and goals.

Hi: There is lack of negotiation skills on the side of the trade unions over conditions of employment.
Ho: There is no lack of negotiation skills on the side of the trade unions over conditions of employment.
Hi: Ineffective leadership of trade unions has an effect on the management policies.
Ho: Ineffective leadership of trade unions has no effect on the management policies.

The result of this study will greatly contribute to the resolution of industrial dispute resulting from the non-rationalization of management policies with the objectives of the employees which they seek expressly or implied through their labor unions.
The findings of this study will greatly help the management of life breweries Plc. Onitsha to adopt and implement their policies in conjunction with the views of the employees of the organization. this will go a long way in going the support and loyalty of the works for the organization towards productivity because it is the same workers who are directly or indirectly involved in such policy formulation that are also those responsible for the implementation of those formulated policies.
Furthermore, this study will also be a great importance and value to student studying business administration and management and as well as those studying personnel management and industrial relations as distinct course, hence it will enable them to be acquainted to courses like sociology, policies etc. in a work situation.

The scope of this study will be very if its to be carried out in all the manufacturing organization in the country, this reason, the study therefore, covers only life breweries Plc Onitsha because of time constraints, finance, human and material cost.
In life breweries too, attention is paid to production, administration, finance and marketing department. This does not mean that other sections like engineering, transport etc were not included during the study.

Dues to the present economic stagnation in the country, the researcher were constrained in the course of carrying out the study. These factors are;
Insufficient fund: Finance are the major factors that limit the scope of the study more especially fund to transport to the breweries and also to design enough questionnaire for respondents.
Time factor: The researcher was failed with time shortage including much loaded activities in short semester like assignments, sports etc.
Non-challant attitude of management staff: The researcher was made to go to different offices in search of information that could have been provided by one office. Due to the above process, information was delayed.

ADMINISTRATION: This is the coordination of activities towards achieving the organizational goals or set objectives.
CONFLICT: A disagreement in understanding each other.
BREWERIES: To the context of this study means manipulating of consumable liquid content in bottles or can. This could be alcohol or non-alcohol in nature.
DECREE: As used in this study refers to laws guiding the trade union in Nigeria as defined by the government.
EMPLOYEE: Refers to workers in life breweries Plc. Onitsha. The people responsible for carrying out day to day activities of the company towards achieving the target goals.
EMPLOYER: For the purpose of this study means the management board of life breweries Plc. Simply referred to as one who managed human material resources for the production of goods and services.
DISPUTE: Simply referred to mean the same as conflict in the study.






Trade Unionism And Its Influence On Management Policies Implementation:

Trade unionism refers to the organization of workers into labor unions or trade unions to collectively bargain for better working conditions, wages, and other employment-related matters. These unions can have a significant influence on management policies and their implementation in various ways:

Collective Bargaining: Trade unions negotiate with employers on behalf of their members to reach collective bargaining agreements. These agreements often cover issues such as wages, working hours, benefits, and workplace safety. Management policies related to these matters are influenced by the outcomes of these negotiations.

Labor Disputes: If management policies are perceived as unfair or detrimental to workers, trade unions may engage in labor disputes such as strikes or work stoppages. These actions can disrupt business operations and force management to reconsider or modify their policies.

Grievance Handling: Trade unions often assist workers in resolving workplace disputes or grievances. When employees believe that management policies are being unfairly or inconsistently applied, unions can intervene and advocate for fair treatment and adherence to company policies.

Workplace Committees: In some cases, management may establish joint labor-management committees to address issues related to policy implementation, such as health and safety or employee training. These committees provide a platform for unions to influence policy decisions.

Legislative Advocacy: Trade unions may engage in lobbying efforts and political activism to influence labor laws and regulations. Changes in these laws can directly impact how management policies are crafted and enforced.

Employee Representation: Trade unions often provide a formalized channel for employees to voice their concerns and suggestions to management. This input can shape policy decisions and their implementation.

Training and Skill Development: Unions may negotiate for training and skill development programs as part of collective bargaining agreements. This can influence the skillset and performance of employees, impacting how management policies are implemented.

Whistleblower Protection: Unions may advocate for policies that protect employees who report unethical or illegal activities within the organization. Such policies can influence the culture of compliance and ethics within the workplace.

Job Security: Trade unions often prioritize job security for their members. This can influence management policies related to layoffs, downsizing, and workforce planning.

Employee Benefits: Trade unions may negotiate for various benefits packages, including healthcare, retirement plans, and paid time off. These benefits are an integral part of management policies and can affect employee morale and productivity.

Workplace Democracy: In some cases, unions promote workplace democracy, where employees have a say in decision-making processes, including the formulation and implementation of management policies.

It’s important to note that the influence of trade unions on management policies varies depending on factors such as the strength of the union, industry norms, labor laws, and the specific interests and priorities of the union and its members. Effective communication and cooperation between labor unions and management can lead to more collaborative policy implementation, while conflict and adversarial relationships can result in disruptions and challenges for both parties.