Assessment Of The Awareness Effects Of Ionizing Radiation Among Pregnant Women

(A Case Study Of Pregnant Women In Specialist Hospital Jalingo Taraba State)

5 Chapters
41 Pages
7,235 Words

The awareness of the effects of ionizing radiation among pregnant women is of paramount importance for maternal and fetal well-being. Ionizing radiation, originating from various sources such as medical imaging procedures and environmental factors, possesses the potential to impact the developing fetus. Understanding the potential risks associated with exposure is crucial for expectant mothers to make informed decisions regarding medical interventions and lifestyle choices during pregnancy. Knowledge about the teratogenic effects and increased risk of developmental abnormalities can empower pregnant women to actively engage in discussions with healthcare providers, fostering a collaborative approach to minimizing unnecessary exposure. Ensuring widespread education on this topic contributes to the cultivation of a safer prenatal environment, promoting the health and safety of both mothers and their unborn children.


Title: An assessment of the awareness of effects of ionizing radiation among pregnant women in Taraba State Specialist Hospital
Introduction : The effects of ionizing radiation during pregnancy depend on gestational age of fetus the fetus is most susceptible to radiation during organogenesis (2to 7 weeks of pregnancy) which if absorbed at high dose (greater than 0.5 Gy or so Rad may result to growth reduction , miscarriage, mental retardation (Slensinger, 2002) .
Objectives: to assess the awareness of the effects of ionizing radiation among pregnant women in Taraba State Specialist Hospital.
Method: this s a prospective cross-sectional research design aims at assess the awareness of the effects of ionizing radiation of pregnant women of simple random sampling technique was use collect data using a question design in line with the objective of the study. Data were categorizes into sections and analyzed using SPSS version 20
Result: A total of 140 question were distributed and 130 were returned 69.2% (n-9) of the respondents are not aware that ionizing radiation at high dose are some time the causes of miscarriage while 26.9% (n=35) are fully aware and 3.8% (n=5) don’t know about this.
Conclusion: in conclusion there is low awareness on the effect of ionizing radiation on pregnant women in taraba state specialist hospital .
Key word: Ionizing , radiation, pregnancy , effects , women



Approval page
Certification page
Examiner’s page

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 General objective
Alternative objective
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 scope of the study
Definition of terms

Literature review
2.1 Conceptual framework
2.2 Theoretical frame work
2.3 Radiation effect during pregnancy
2.4 Effects of radiation on a mother and unborn baby
2.5 Radiation exposure to a fetus
2.6 radiation risks
2.7 Estimating the radiation dose to the embryo or fetus
Literature review

3.0 Research method
3.1 Study design
3.2 Source of data collection
3.3 Study population
3.5 Sample size-
3.6 Instrument for data collection
3.8 Data Analysis
3.9 Inclusion criteria
3.10 Exclusion criteria
Ethical Consideration


5.1 Discussion.
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 Area of further study




x-ray had been discovered by Wilhelm coral Rontgen in December 1895 since that radiation is an accepted and fundamental part of medical practice many disorders in daily practice have been evaluated by radiological examination. The benefits of ionizing radiation are clearly visible in medical therapy and diagnosis (Grupen 2010).
Ionizing radiation posses a beneficial as well as the destructive potential of the living organism. The benefits of exposing the patient to radiation should outweigh the risk involved. In simple term ionizing radiation is when the beam of radiation passess through mater causing ionizing by the removal of orbital electron from the atom this molecular change can cause cellular damage which may cause abnormal cell function that varies depending on the dose and duration of exposure (sherer et al., 2017).
The said radiation exposure can cause death in some living cells and modify others. Usually , cells try to repair the damage, if the repaired is not perfect that eventually can result in adverse biological effects that occur later.
Radiation effects could be classified into stochastic effects (mainly canceo and genetic effect) occurs by chance and their probabilities increase with dose.
Non-stochastic effects severity to this effects varies with dose e.g erythema cataract of the eye lens and infertility (sherer et al., 2017).
The effect of radiation on the fetus has been derived from animal studies human exposures to diagnostic bumb radiation at Hitroshima ad Nagasaki in 1945 and to the fall out of Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion in April 1986 , it is important to appreciate that much of the information is falcen from the exposure of large population of hitroshima and Nagasaki (beir, 1990).
Radiation risk throughout pregnancy are related to the stage of pregnancy and the absorbed dose potential radiation effects vary depending on the fetal stage of development and the magnititude of the dose these risks are more significant during oranigenesis and in the carly fetal period , some what less in the second trimester. Mal formation have a threshold of 100 to 200 MGY or higher and are typically associated with central nervous system problems for examples , fetal dose of 100 MGY are not reached even with 3 pelvic computed tomography (CT) scans or 20 conventional diagnosis x-ray examination however theses levels can be reaches with fluoroscopically guided interventional procedures of the pelvic and with radio theraphy (ose, et al., 1999).

Ionizing radiation plays a important role in healthcare system, (diagnostic and therapeutic purpose) hence it have it’s negative effects of radiation injury, pregnant women especially those at the 1st trismester are at the high risks of the radiation effecst. But most of them appear not to know the effects of radiation, effect on their unborn fetus therefore this study aim to asses the awareness of the effects of ionizing radiation among pregnancy women in taraba state specialist hospital, Jalingo.

Main objective
 To assess the awareness of the effects of ionizing radiation among pregnant women in Specialist Hospital Jalingo.
 To assesss the knowledge of pregnant women on modality that uses ionizing radation.
Alternative objective
 To assess the level of awareness of the effects of ionizing radiation among pregnant women.
 To asses the knowledge of the effects of radiation a development of unborn child.

 What are the effects of radiation on development of the unborn child .
 How knowledgeable are pregnant women on the modality that uses ionizing radiation.

This study will help the health care worker especially those in the antenatal care (ANC), pregnant women and to give acquaintance on the method of special protection to the pregnant women when ionizing radiation use on pregnant women of great important .

This study “ assessment of then awareness of the effects of ionizing radiation among pregnant women” was carried out in Taraba state specialist hospital jalingo for the period of July to September of 2021

Assessment: The term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educator use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness , learning progress , skills acquisition , or education needs of students (Preston, 2015).
Ionizing radiation: Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy so that during an interaction with an atom, it can remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit of an atom, causing the atom to become charged or ionized (Dictionary of radiation terms, 2007).
Radiation: Is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization (Scally 2017).



Effects Of Ionizing Radiation Among Pregnant Women:

Exposure to ionizing radiation during pregnancy can potentially have harmful effects on both the developing fetus and the mother. Ionizing radiation is radiation with enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, which can damage living tissue. The effects of ionizing radiation on pregnant women can vary depending on the dose, timing of exposure, and the specific type of radiation. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Teratogenic Effects: High doses of ionizing radiation during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects (teratogenic effects) in the developing fetus. The risk is highest during the first trimester when the major organs and structures are forming. Common birth defects associated with radiation exposure may include structural abnormalities of the central nervous system, limbs, and eyes.
  2. Increased Risk of Childhood Cancer: Exposure to ionizing radiation during pregnancy may increase the risk of childhood cancer in the offspring. This risk appears to be higher with higher radiation doses and is most concerning during the first trimester.
  3. Intellectual and Cognitive Impairment: Radiation exposure during pregnancy, especially during the early stages of brain development, may lead to intellectual and cognitive impairments in the child. This can result in learning disabilities and developmental delays.
  4. Risk to the Mother: Ionizing radiation can also pose health risks to the pregnant woman herself. High doses of radiation can increase the risk of radiation sickness, cancer, and other health problems in the mother.
  5. Radiation Sources: Ionizing radiation can come from various sources, including medical imaging procedures (such as X-rays and CT scans), occupational exposure (e.g., radiologic workers), radiation therapy for cancer treatment, and environmental sources (e.g., nuclear accidents). It’s important to note that the levels of exposure and potential risks can vary widely depending on the specific circumstances.
  6. Medical Decision-Making: When a pregnant woman requires a medical procedure involving ionizing radiation, healthcare providers will carefully weigh the potential risks to both the mother and the fetus against the benefits of the procedure. In many cases, the benefits of necessary medical imaging or treatment may outweigh the potential risks, especially if the radiation dose is kept as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
  7. Radiation Shielding: In medical settings, lead shielding may be used to minimize radiation exposure to the developing fetus during procedures. Pregnant women should inform their healthcare providers about their pregnancy to ensure appropriate precautions are taken.

In summary, exposure to ionizing radiation during pregnancy can have harmful effects on both the mother and the developing fetus. The risks depend on the dose, timing, and type of radiation. Pregnant women should always communicate their pregnancy status to healthcare providers when considering medical procedures involving ionizing radiation to make informed decisions that balance potential risks and benefits.