Assessment Of The Of Role Of Supplies Function In The Public Sector

(A Case Study Of Ministry Of Finance Imo State)

5 Chapters
58 Pages
9,306 Words

The supplies function plays a crucial role in the efficient operation of public sector entities, encompassing various activities such as procurement, inventory management, and logistics. In the public sector, where accountability, transparency, and compliance with regulations are paramount, the supplies function ensures the timely acquisition of goods and services while adhering to budgetary constraints and legal requirements. By strategically sourcing materials and services, negotiating contracts, and managing supplier relationships, the supplies function contributes to cost savings, quality assurance, and risk mitigation. Moreover, effective inventory management within the public sector ensures the availability of essential resources for delivering public services and responding to emergencies. Additionally, by optimizing logistical processes, the supplies function enhances service delivery and supports the achievement of organizational objectives. Overall, the supplies function in the public sector plays a vital role in resource allocation, operational efficiency, and fulfilling the mission of serving the public interest.


An assessment of the role of supplies function in the public sector is a topic in the field of purchasing.
In chapter one, it highlights the general over view of the study.
In chapter two, which is all about the review of related literature of the study.
Chapter three, was how the data is being collected, it highlighted the sources of data collection.
In chapter four specifically, a detailed discussion of finding was made with a view to highlights a sound basis for some possible solutions.
Chapter five, is the climax of the research study. She summarizes, concludes and gives some recommendations which if adhered to, could help in an assessment of the role of supplies function by using some one with professional qualification.


Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of Content viii

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Hypothesis
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Limitation of the Study
1.9 Definition of Terms

Literature Review
2.0 Review of Related Literature
2.1 The Role of Supplies in the Organization
2.2 Publicity of Tender
2.3 Tendering
2.4 Importance of Supplies Function
2.5 Determination of Quality
2.6 Determination of Price
2.7 Supplying of Ordered Goods

Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Questionnaire Design
3.3 Population/sample Selection
3.4 Sources of Data
3.4.1 Primary Source
3.4.2 Secondary Source
3.5 Data Collection Techniques
3.5.1 The Survey
3.5.2 Observation
3.6 Method of Data

4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis of Findings
4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Analysis of Findings
4.3 Testing of Hypothesis
4.4 Decision Rule

5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations


The assessment and the role of supplies function in the public sector like the ministry of finance, Imo State is aimed at identifying the importance of impact of the supplies function in the over all performance of the organization.
Uzor (2006:358) public sector is that part of the economy in which the state acts as an entrepreneur, where several factors have made supplies function prominent in recent years among governmental policy makers, academic and business community.
In every organization be it public or private sector and even governmental agencies, the role of supplies function is fully recognized, as of date the cost of materials, equipment and supplies for industrial and non-industrial purposes account for a large proportion of the cost of these organization. In the public sector there must be an LPO which is one the characteristic of supply.
1. It must be received by the store officer and documented according.
2. Supplies must meet up the specification of the L.PO.
3. The receipt of the purchase items must be accompanied or attached.
4. The supplies must be made in accordance within the time specification.
5. All items supplied must reflect in a received ledge. While the supplies is given the S.R.U.
Supplies is only a part of several activities dealing with the procurement of materials in the public sector. The subject of supplies holds the same basic principles and procedures in all public sector large supplies are usually made only after the media of publicity for tender; in order to encourage tenders the suppliers must state precisely what level wishes to supply and the due delivery date to avoid conflict.
In this research project all attempt is made to examine the assessment and the role supplies function in the ministry of finance Imo State with the view of increasing efficiency of supply.

This project is a case study of the assessment of the role of supplies function in the ministry of finance Imo State. The principal problem being investigated is to determine how effective procurement of materials are being carried out within the ministry. If one should ask do the ministry of finance, Imo State carry out their supplies function or activities effectively and efficiently? And one of the problems they faces are:
1. Problem of documentation
2. Weakness of system of controlling supplies and documents
3. Lack of qualified and experienced persons to handle public supply is a problem
4. Problem of organizational structure and issue of tribalism and favouritism
5. The influence of budget and budgetary control
6. Corruption.

Sequel to the problem above of the supplies function in the public sector the objectives of these study.
1. To examine the quality and quantity of personnel that handle public supply with the view of establishing the firm industry.
2. To examine the organizational structure of the ministry with a view of finding out the impact of the structure of job performance and productivity.
3. To investigate the issue of corruption in the industry.
4. To examine supplies and enable document so as to determine it weakness and strength.
5. To examine the system of procurement in the ministry.

On completion of these study the work will be of emence benefit to the researcher because it is a requirement by the board for technical education for the award of (OND) without it you will not be awarded the certificate.
The researcher has been exposed to skills and knowledge required for undertaking similar project in the future.
The research on completion will be of immense benefit to other student who may be faced with undertaking similar project as these, the work will provide them the needed data to the organization. On completion of these work it will enable them to measure or compare what they are currently doing and what they are expected to do and what they are currently doing so as to determine whether they are doing their work right or wrong.

1. Do the ministry achieve any advantage as a resole of the use of right suppliers?
2. Do the public sector source for their supplier?
3. Do the supplier play any positive role in the public sector?
4. Is it possible that using the right supplier will reduce cost and as I result increase savings the ministry?
5. What role does supplies function play in the public sector?

The null and alternative hypothesis has been seen by the researcher to verify the accuracy of the data collected during the course of research work. In carrying out this, the researcher use both Null (H0) and alternative (HI) hypothesis to find out whether the role played by supplies function in the public sector has any effect on the organization.
A hypothesis may be defined as a declaration statement of a relationship between two or more variables used for better understanding of these assumption are thus stated below.
H0: The finance department cannot be properly functioned well if the supplies function are inadequate.
HI: The finance department can adequately perform well in absence of supplies function.
H0: The performance of finance department can be assess by the level of productivity.
HI: The productivity of the finance department cannot be determined by the supplies function.

The scope of the study will be based on the following:
1. To visit and assess the store unit of the finance department.
2. To assess the monitoring and evaluation unit of finance department.
3. To visit the planning and statistics unit to know the documentation process.

In actual sense, there are some certain constraints that seem to limit one’s extent of gathering more information based on this project. There are obviously many public sector in the state that needed to be visited for more information, but for the limitation in time and resources, these some how limited the extent.
Another constraint was the uncompromising attitude of the worker. Of the ministry of finance they were always very suspicious of the researcher mission not minding the introduction made. There was also lack of relevant data in some area that could have helped the researcher in the study.
However, bearing these constraints, the researcher made effort to ensure that she left no stone unturn in the search for materials and evidence necessary full. Time of the government workers tend to be very limited and as such tight schedules was the order of the day, by the time the researcher tried to locate one officer, it would be late to meet the other in the officer. In essence it required patience and courage to make several journeys before one was able to secure information and attention to senior personnel whom the researcher felt were in better position to give more actual information.

1. Supplies: An executive function for the procurement of materials, parts, tooling and equipment in the public sector.
2. Local Purchase Order: These is a document which is issued to the supplier before supplies or delivery of material are made. It is used within a locating or country.
3. Vendor Sources: This means that a good supplier has to develop source of raw materials and components that will ensure continuity of production during period of fluctuating business conditions.
4. Warranties: This is where the supplier assures the buyer that the product delivered or supplied will be maintained through out its normal life.
5. Respondents: This refers to all governments workers store keepers and public sectors.
6. Store Keeper: Staffs that take note of all supplied materials tools and parts.
7. Inventory Control: Those that keep records of materials and parts used in the production process and non production materials such as expandable tools, office supplies and maintenance, repair and operating supplies.
8. Expediting: A pressure on a supplies to get it either to meet the original delivery promise, to deliver ahead of schedule.
9. Follow-up: Where you ensure that the supplier will be able to meet delivery promises.
10. Requisition: The cost to search for specification to describe the quality of the item that the user wants.
11. Lead Time: The possibility of lead time alternation which can affect order quantity.
12. Leasing: Method of financing which enables a company to rent industrial equipment instead of buying it outright.
13. Suppliers Packing Notes/List: When materials are supplied it is usual for the supplier to send a packaging note or list.
14. Provisioning: The process of determining in advance requirement of materials, taking into consideration existing stock, delivery time.
15. Purchase Order: It is used as a legal document an outcome of an unconditional agreement between buyer and supplier during negotiation that the specified materials would be supplied.
16. Supplier Rating: Giving details of supplier performance relating to price, qualify, delivery and so on.
17. Contract Record: Contract for the supply of materials or components over a specified period of time.
18. Order Register: This gives a record of all orders placed each day.
19. Enquiry Forms: They are used mainly to obtain information from possible suppliers relating to price, quality, delivery and terms of business for “bought out” items.
20. Quotations: A document which is issued by a supplier in response to an “enquiry”, offering goods or services for a given consideration, which is hoped to be delivered.



Assessment Of The Of Role Of Supplies Function In The Public Sector:

The role of the supplies function in the public sector is crucial for the efficient and effective functioning of government agencies and organizations. This function is often referred to as procurement or purchasing, and it encompasses a wide range of activities related to acquiring goods, services, and works needed for the delivery of public services. Here is an assessment of the role of the supplies function in the public sector:

Resource Allocation: The supplies function plays a key role in allocating resources to different government departments and agencies. It ensures that the necessary resources are available to deliver public services, and it does so in a way that is cost-effective and in compliance with budgetary constraints.

Cost Control: One of the primary responsibilities of the supplies function is to control costs. This includes negotiating favorable terms with suppliers, seeking competitive bids, and ensuring that taxpayer funds are used efficiently. Effective cost control helps maximize the value of public spending.

Quality Assurance: Public sector organizations often deal with critical goods and services, such as healthcare, infrastructure, and education. The supplies function is responsible for ensuring that the products and services procured meet the required quality standards and specifications to deliver effective public services.

Compliance and Transparency: Public procurement in the public sector is subject to strict regulations and guidelines to ensure transparency, fairness, and accountability. The supplies function must adhere to these rules, including open bidding processes, to prevent corruption and favoritism.

Risk Management: It is essential to manage risks associated with procurement, such as supply chain disruptions, contract disputes, and legal issues. The supplies function assesses and mitigates these risks to ensure the continuity of public services.

Supplier Relationship Management: Building and maintaining relationships with suppliers is crucial for the supplies function. Effective supplier relationship management can lead to better terms, improved service delivery, and a more reliable supply chain.

Innovation and Technology Adoption: The supplies function should stay updated with technological advancements and innovative procurement methods to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. The adoption of e-procurement systems and digital tools can significantly improve the procurement process.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on sustainable procurement practices in the public sector. The supplies function can play a vital role in promoting environmentally friendly and socially responsible procurement decisions.

Performance Evaluation: The supplies function should regularly evaluate its performance by analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) like cost savings, procurement cycle time, supplier performance, and compliance with regulations. This data-driven approach helps in continuous improvement.

Public Trust and Accountability: Ultimately, the role of the supplies function is tied to public trust and accountability. It is responsible for ensuring that public funds are used wisely and that citizens can have confidence in the integrity of the procurement process.

In conclusion, the supplies function in the public sector is a multifaceted and critical aspect of government operations. Its role extends beyond simply buying goods and services; it is central to achieving efficiency, transparency, and accountability in public spending, which, in turn, contributes to the effective delivery of public services and the overall well-being of citizens.