Construction Of 100 Watt Audio Amplifier Systems

9 Chapters
29 Pages
3,397 Words

The construction of a 100-watt audio amplifier system involves assembling various components such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, and an appropriate power supply unit to amplify audio signals with high fidelity and power output. Beginning with the selection of suitable transistors and capacitors based on voltage and current requirements, the circuit layout is designed, considering factors like impedance matching and thermal management to ensure optimal performance and reliability. The amplifier system’s power supply unit is crucial, providing stable DC voltage to the circuit while accommodating the amplifier’s power demands. Additionally, heat sinks are incorporated to dissipate heat generated during operation, preventing overheating and ensuring long-term functionality. The construction process requires meticulous attention to detail, from soldering components onto the printed circuit board to testing and fine-tuning the amplifier’s output for optimal sound quality and efficiency. With proper construction and component selection, the 100-watt audio amplifier system can deliver robust amplification suitable for various audio applications, including home stereo systems, public address systems, and musical instrument amplifiers, enhancing the auditory experience with clarity and power.


The purpose this text is to present at a primary and intermediate level a comprehensive over view of the construction principles and indeed the operation of a power amplifier with 100w as the output power.
The history and importance of electronic as a unique braches of science cannot be over emphasized electronic as its history might have it is divide into sections the first began with the invention of the vacuum tube the second occupying the later half of twentieth century is based on the invention of the transistor and semi conductors.
Since electronic is the branch of science and technology rating to the conduction and control of electricity flowing through semi-conductors materials or through vacuum are gazed. It’s applications to industry with be concerned with the design manufacture and application of transistor diode integrated circuit and other semi conductors devices and to a much lesser extent vacuum tubes.
Therefore it is a fact crystal clear that it is from the above breed and follow up form the electronic industry that such devices like the power amplifier was a able to be made.
Power transistor amplifier are therefore device or amplifier design to produce high power required to drive a current operated load the load usually is a transducer that convents electrical energy to some other form of energy the transducer may be a load speaker in an circuit.
It is commendable to note here that with help of this master price of work on construction and operation of power amplifier, students of electronic department now have a text to lay their hands.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content


Chapter One
1.1 Introduction

Chapter Two
2.1 Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.1 Data Collection And Analysis

Chapter Four
4.1 General Description

Chapter Five
5.1 Circuit Design

Chapter Six
6.1 Power Supply Unit

Chapter Seven
7.1 Construction And Testing

Chapter Eight
8.1 Design Of Casing

Chapter Nine
9.1 Conclusion



Power amplifier is an electronic device which is used to increase sound energy. In other words the final stage which must drive a given load such as mechanical inductor loudspeaker cathode by tube a transmitter aerial of a communication network it is equally used to regulate power supplies.
In power amplifier a large portion of the active device (transistor) characteristics used that is there is large alternating in put voltage or current to make efficient use of the device.
The economic importance of power amplifier is known to useful in many aspect of both social and business activities in public address system power amplifier is very essential for amplification of signals from microphone to be heard by listeners.
The system employs a pre-amp—stage that amplifier very low level output signal from a microphone too little for power amplifier. The power amplifier thus increase the signal level significantly to the level that operates the speakers.
One of the most important requirements fro an amplifier is that it is reliable for if an amplifier breaks down in the middle of on concert. It can cause all sort of repercussion so reliability is very high on the list for this reasons the power transistors are one of the best choice for the input level. Hence they do not easily suffer from thermal runway as they deliver maximum power.
One of the feature of this amplifier is that the harmonic distortions is 0.01% electronic decoupling is used inn the supplier the stages of the power-amp and these enables very how distortion to be maintained all power out put as well as improving the overall signal to noise ratio.
The circuit also incorporates tone control, which enables the listener to alter the tonal quality (that is frequency responses) of the sound being produced.



Construction Of 100 Watt Audio Amplifier Systems:

Constructing a 100-watt audio amplifier system requires some electronics knowledge and basic soldering skills. Below, I’ll provide a general outline of how you can build a simple audio amplifier using discrete components. Please note that working with electronics can be dangerous if you’re not experienced, and it’s important to follow safety precautions.

Components you’ll need:

  1. Power transistors (NPN and PNP, typically high-power types like 2N3055 and MJ2955)
  2. Heat sinks for transistors
  3. Power supply (transformer, rectifier, filter capacitors)
  4. Audio input source (e.g., a preamplifier or an audio source like a smartphone or MP3 player)
  5. Resistors, capacitors, and other passive components
  6. Printed circuit board (PCB) or breadboard
  7. Soldering iron and solder
  8. Wiring and connectors
  9. Enclosure and ventilation for heat dissipation

Steps to build the amplifier:

  1. Design the amplifier circuit: You’ll need a schematic diagram for your amplifier. You can find many online resources or use amplifier design software to create a suitable circuit. A common design for a 100-watt amplifier is a Class AB amplifier.
  2. Select the power supply: Determine the voltage and current requirements for your amplifier circuit. The power supply should provide sufficient voltage and current to drive the amplifier. A typical power supply for a 100-watt amplifier might be around ±40-45 volts DC.
  3. Assemble the power supply: Build the power supply circuit using the transformer, rectifier diodes, and filter capacitors. Ensure that the voltage output matches the requirements of your amplifier.
  4. Assemble the amplifier circuit: Place the transistors on heat sinks to dissipate heat. Carefully solder the components onto the PCB or breadboard following the schematic diagram. Be precise with your soldering to avoid short circuits.
  5. Connect the input: Connect the audio input source to the amplifier’s input terminals. If you have a preamplifier, connect it to the amplifier’s input.
  6. Connect the power supply: Connect the power supply output to the amplifier’s power input. Make sure the polarity is correct, and use appropriate fuses and safety measures.
  7. Test the amplifier: Turn on the power supply and start with a low volume on your audio source. Gradually increase the volume while checking for any distortion or unusual behavior. Use a multimeter to measure the output voltage and ensure it matches your design.
  8. Enclose the amplifier: Once you are satisfied with the performance, place the amplifier in an enclosure. Make sure it has adequate ventilation to dissipate heat generated by the transistors.
  9. Final testing: Test the amplifier thoroughly to ensure it works reliably and safely. Check for any overheating issues and make any necessary adjustments.
  10. Enjoy your audio amplifier: You can now connect your amplifier to speakers and enjoy your music or audio source at a higher power.

Building a 100-watt audio amplifier can be a challenging project, especially if you’re new to electronics. It’s crucial to follow safety precautions, double-check your work, and seek assistance from experienced individuals if needed. Additionally, consider obtaining any required permits or approvals, as amplifiers of this power level may require compliance with regulations and safety standards.