Design And Implementation Computerized Employee Clocking System

(A Case StudyOf Marlun Construction Company Enugu)

7 Chapters
45 Pages
4,083 Words

A Computerized Employee Clocking System refers to a sophisticated electronic tool designed to track and record the working hours of employees within an organization. This innovative system utilizes advanced technology, such as biometric recognition or RFID cards, to accurately capture the time an employee starts and ends their workday. By seamlessly integrating with payroll and human resources systems, this solution streamlines the timekeeping process and minimizes errors associated with manual tracking. The implementation of a Computerized Employee Clocking System enhances efficiency, mitigates time theft, and fosters accountability within the workforce. Employers can effortlessly monitor attendance patterns and generate precise reports, facilitating better workforce management and resource allocation. This technological advancement not only ensures accurate timekeeping but also contributes to a more streamlined and transparent organizational workflow, promoting a culture of accountability and punctuality.


This project was borne out of the necessity to address the inherent possible encountered by the employee and staff of MALUM organization. And how to implement a new design to the old existing system. Based on the modern improvement of employee clocking system.
This computerization employee clocking system will make employee boast their productivity and increase the organization record and increase the organization record and the time of employees activities.


Cover page
Title page
Organization of the work
Table of contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Scope of study
1.5 Limitations
1.6 Assumption
1.7 Definition of terms

2.0 Literature review

3.0 Description and analysis of the existing system
3.1 General description of the existing system
3.2 Method of fact finding used
3.3 Organizational structure
3.4 Objectives of the existing system
3.5 Input, process and output analysis
3.6 Information slow diagram
3.7 Problem of the existing system
3.8 Justification for the new system

4.0 Design of the new system
4.1 Output specification and design
4.2 Input specification and design
4.3 File system
4.4 Procedure chart
4.5 System flowchart
4.6 System requirements

5.0 Implementation
5.1 Program design
5.2 Pseudoes
5.3 Sources programs
5.4 Test run

6.0 Documentation
6.1 System documentation
6.2 Program documentation
6.3 User documentation

7.0 Conclusion and recommendation
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Recommendation


Employee clocking systems are time system used by organization to accurately record the number of hours worked by each employee every week
The clock have evolved with time and the companies still need some sort of system that they can use employees payroll and ensure that the employees are paid for each hour they worked.
Today, employee use swipe cards with a negative stripe through a slot that reads their name and records the time every time they clock in or out, much like the old punch clock system of long ago.
At the end of a work week, the main computer computes the total hours worked for every employee and prints it out on a spread sheet. This rids the payroll system of human error, making it much more efficient.
The MALUM organization does not used computerized employee time system. The organization make use of manual time clock system, though time saving and error-free, is not entirely perfect.
Sometimes, the magnetic strip on the back of a card may get damaged. When the employee swipes the card, the machine may not register it.
Such inadequacy are corrected in the computer time clock system. Even with the advert computer software and advanced time keeping techniques, the principle of the employee time clock remains the same.
This project expresses the hourly employees will always need a way to keep track of their time and organizations will need logical ways to monitor and records an employee’s time to ensure productivity.

The problem is centered on how to design and implement a computerized employee clocking system for MALU organization.
From the study layout the problem determine are:
1. Inadequacies of the manual time clock system
2. The problem encountered by the staff reservation section.
3. The impact of this software reservation section
4. The impact of this software design is not entirely perfect.
5. The company policy forbids employees from punching or swiping for each other and both employees stand a chance of losing their jobs if caught.

The purpose of the study is:
1. To determine the capability of computer that I amount of jobs which the computer can properly process at a given period.
2. To correct the inadequacies of the manual time cock system.
3. To advent the computer software and advanced time keeping techniques.
4. To keep track of the time and ensure logical ways to monitor and record an employee’s time.
5. To choose a system that suits the needs such as biometric time clocks, punch time chalks and computer based time clocks etc.

The main aims and objectives of this study is to study is to put to rest the cumbersome and hectic nature of employee time clocking system.
The manual time clock system, though time saving and error-free, but computer to correct the inadequacy and to make the time keeping record to be advanced.
Furthermore, on this study, the company rules and time clocking technology keep changing in order to keep employee instead in check, with the advent of new technology, like clocking in and out using noting but finger prints, such employee behavior is now a thing of the past.

This study is limited to only MALUM organization and to the staff and the non-staff.
Though, the scope above is in such away that the study can be carried out in one and only way that is computerizing the employee clocking system. This will help to modernized the inherent problems encountered by the staff of this organization

The factors that militated against this study in the course of gathering facts and figures, went a long way in limiting the intended scope of this study as a result of these setbacks, the work resources was available.
There is the unavailability of library facilities, lack of contribution by men of MALUM organization. These factors contribute immensely to the un-attainment of the desired objectives for the study.
Moreover, lack of manpower in this course of the study. Upon all this was able to was able to successfully complete the resources work and come out with acknowledge work.

The complete implementation and follow up of what is contained in this work will be to a large extent improve and enhance the activities in planning a computerized employee clocking system in MALUM organization.
The workers will be paid according to the time. It is commonly placed near the main entrance or break room. An employee who is not paid for break time must clock out for a break and must also remember to clock in before. Resuming work after the break. Sometimes, it is found that employees try to use time clock to gain an advantage.

Computer system software: A set of written instruction, which the programs use to computer system.
Visual program: This program will help you to construct and design your program in any kind of form your program required.
Computer: According to French (1992:2) “ a computer is advice like a machine that works under the control of stored programs, automatically accepting and storing, processing data to produce information that is the result of that processing”.
PROGRAM: Set of instructions which are logically related in sequence and which describes actions to be taken by the digital computer in providing a solution on to a given problem.
SOFTWARE: Is the general term used to describe all the various programs that may be used on a computer system together with their associated documentation their with their associated documentation.
HARDWARE: This is the general term used to describe all the electronic and mechanical elements of the computer together with those devices used with the computer.
OPERATION: The action carried out on an activity or process.
MODULES: This is the act of portioning software’s logically into elements that performs specific functions and sub functions.
DATA ENTRY: This is the standard input device through which the system gets more of the instructions and commands




Computerized Employee Clocking System:

A Computerized Employee Clocking System, often referred to as a Time and Attendance System, is a technology-driven solution used by organizations to track and manage employees’ work hours accurately. These systems have evolved over the years, moving away from traditional paper-based methods to digital solutions that offer greater accuracy and efficiency. Here are the key components and features of a typical computerized employee clocking system:

Clocking Devices: These can be physical devices like biometric fingerprint scanners, RFID card readers, PIN entry terminals, or even software-based solutions accessible through computers or mobile devices. Employees use these devices to clock in and out.

Biometrics: Many modern systems use biometric authentication methods like fingerprint or facial recognition to ensure that employees cannot clock in for each other, reducing buddy punching (when one employee clocks in or out for another).

Web-Based or Mobile Apps: Some systems allow employees to clock in and out using web-based portals or mobile applications. This is especially useful for remote or field workers who may not have access to physical clocking devices.

Integration: The system should integrate with the organization’s HR and payroll software to ensure accurate tracking of hours worked and seamless processing of payroll.

Real-time Monitoring: Employers can monitor employee attendance in real-time and receive notifications if an employee fails to clock in or out as scheduled.

Reporting and Analytics: These systems generate various reports, such as attendance summaries, overtime reports, and absence records. This data can be used for decision-making, compliance, and auditing purposes.

Overtime Calculation: The system should have the capability to calculate and track overtime hours accurately, based on company policies and relevant labor laws.

Leave Management: Some systems offer leave management features, allowing employees to request time off, and managers to approve or deny these requests through the system.

Compliance: Ensure the system complies with relevant labor laws, such as record-keeping requirements and regulations related to breaks and rest periods.

Security and Data Privacy: Protect sensitive employee data by implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR or HIPAA, depending on your location and industry.

Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate the needs of growing organizations, including additional clocking devices and users.

User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface is essential for both employees and administrators to easily navigate and use the system effectively.

Customization: The ability to customize the system to match your organization’s unique requirements and policies is valuable.

Cost-effectiveness: Consider the total cost of ownership, including hardware, software licensing, maintenance, and support.

Training and Support: Ensure that your provider offers adequate training and ongoing support to assist with system setup and troubleshooting.

Implementing a computerized employee clocking system can significantly improve accuracy, efficiency, and transparency in managing employee attendance. It can also help with compliance, reduce errors in payroll processing, and provide valuable insights into workforce productivity. However, it’s crucial to choose a system that aligns with your organization’s specific needs and requirements.